
New PS3 exclusive game 'Quantum Theory' by Tecmo

Scans from Famitsu showing a new PS3 exclusive Third Person Shooter from Tecmo called 'Quantum theory'. Set to release in 2009.

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PoSTedUP5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

damn we just dont stop getting games, its crazy. ; )

ThatCanadianGuy5770d ago

Yeah the days of "PS3 sucks it has no games" are long gone.
Its just smooth sailing in a sea of games from here on out.

kittoo5770d ago

And not so smooth for pockets......

PoSTedUP5770d ago

yup, its amazing how things changed so quickly. gotta love sony.

yea my wallet will be deteriorated after this, month!

my games collection is looking pretty nice right now also : P

kimi_maro305770d ago

someone is copying you and he remove the 420 and replace it with a (is a gay ) and he looks like a 360 fanboy

Lanoire5770d ago

PS3 is truly the PS2.

Does anyone else find it surprising that its from TECMO?

Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive soon to follow?

GiantEnemyLobster5769d ago

The developers of this game wanted to make it for XBOX®360, but it just wasn't good enough for XBOX®360 standards, so Microsoft turned them down. So that left them no choice but to develop it for the ps3... so sad...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5769d ago
kittoo5770d ago

Sony arent having any conference. There is just something called Sony co*ktail.
What could that be? Sony's way of calling a conference?

sunnygrg5770d ago

Looks badass. Also the chick on the right looks hot.

xhi45770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

LOL bubbles for the pic man Patridge is hot aye haha

back on topic, madd was this one of the 11 exclusive reveals for the PS3? I don't remember a reveal from Tecmo, because that would mean......12. YAY =D

Neway I'd like to see some video, but for the reveal, screens look great!

The gaming GOD5770d ago

Yes I know they released Rygar on ps2 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma on ps3. But with Itagaki around, Tecmo's main efforts were geared to the 360. With him gone, things will open up more

Critical_Hit5770d ago

And it also looks like Itagaki took his F-Cup character designs with him as well. That girl's chest actually looks proportional to the rest of her body.

micro_invader5770d ago

Agreed, she seems more believable.

ape0075770d ago

3rd person

quantum of theory


ps3 exclusive

sounds very interesting

masterofpwnage5770d ago

imean it says Third Person Shooter, but wen u look at the screens it doesnt look anything like a Third Person Shooter. maybe a mix of rpg in there

sonarus5770d ago

Wouldn't get my hopes up, Japanese shooters aren't that great. But i would love to see someone like kojima mess around with an fps game

CBaoth5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

The Japanese don't have a clue about shooters. They only invented the cover system (winback) and the stealth genre (mgs), which every modern FPS/TPS employs...
/end sarcasm

meepmoopmeep5770d ago

actually they (mgs) invented 3rd person stealth genre... hehe.

(i got burned once thinking mgs started stealth, but it didn't, it invented AWESOMENESS!!!)


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5770d ago
masterofpwnage5770d ago (Edited 5770d ago )

OMFG im more exited for tgs.

its not even sonys conference and there already announcing games for the ps3 and we also just found out about more info about wks.

imean i wonder wat they have for us ps3 owners in tgs.

truly epic

cmrbe5770d ago

team ICO's game is suppose to be announced with more info on WKS as well as the mysterious (BBC) PS3 game. So yes. Its should get so much better. Oh almost forgot. Konami's game as well which i hope it's ZOE3.

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senorfartcushion355d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88355d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


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Goro3919d ago

I don't care what this guy think after he called Way of The Samurai 3 an awful game.

Bigpappy3919d ago

with Quantum Theory, I played the demo and was not impressed. I felt like they were trying to mix Gear of War with Lost Planet, and didn't do either very well. May be someone who never played either would have a blast with it though.

fOrlOnhOpe573918d ago

Yeah, I played the demo too but couldn't finish it....the thought of therapy was too much lol

SyphonELITE3918d ago

damn, i never even heard of this game til now

Yui_Suzumiya3918d ago

I followed this game forever until I finally came out. I got it and loved every bit of it. Originally supposed to be a PS3 exclusive. It got horrible reviews and I didn't understand any of them. They must've been playing a different game then me!

Spore_7773918d ago

Never played it, never will -_-