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Biomutant Dev Says Their Game Is Similar In Structure To The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild

Experiment 101's Biomutant has been creating quite a buzz as the game is perhaps one of the most unique takes on an open world RPG.

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Community2533d ago
bluefox7552534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

I hope not. From the footage I watched, I got more of a Horizon Zero Dawn meets Devil May Cry vibe. Definitely a good looking game though to be sure.

EddieNX 2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

Why would you hope not? BOTW has undeniably one of the best structures in any open world game ever. It encourages exploration in any direction you want with hundreds of things to do scattered all across a huge map with 0 handholding or linearity.

In other words, the perfect structure for an open world game which is why it sits at 97 on Metacritic.

I swear there's loads of people on this site who never played BOTW and then comment saying it's their least favorite Zelda game.... you can criticise BOTW for it feeling like a traditional Zelda game, but that's what they intended to do. Create a true open world Zelda game which is more focused on exploration that Story.

Christopher2533d ago

Not everyone desires a game with unfettered structure and instead want a storyline that leads you across the world with side adventure potential throughout.

Personally, I prefer games like The Witcher and Zero Dawn. But I enjoy the unfettered types, just rarely as much as the aforementioned.

Essentially, YMMV.

EddieNX 2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

At the end of the day BOTW is one of the greatest open world games ever made. Period.

So for another developer to compare their games open world structure to BOTW's is a very, very good thing.

The fact people try and downplay shows that most of these people haven't played it and are just Nintendo haters. Sad but true.

-Foxtrot2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

Oh shush...anyone who calls it less then perfect to you are automatically people who "haven't played it"...we have, we just aren't sucked into the hype and think other Zelda games were better.

It's pointless exploring a shit load if most of the world is dead and there's not a lot of variety...especially enemy wise. Walk 15 minutes straight in Skyrim and you'll come across either bandits, giants, necromancers, skeletons, mammoths, thugs, forsworn, warlocks, Ice wraith, trolls, wolves, witches, spiders and f***** dragons, this is a 2011 game by the way. Walk 15 in Zelda and it's "Oh a enemy camp...with the same enemies that were just in the last few camps". It's like Skyrim if they only had Bandits, Vampires and Draugr but in 12 skins. If BotW was released in 2011 fair enough but it wasn't...decent game, high quality but nothing special.

"At the end of the day BOTW is one of the greatest open world games ever made. Period"


EddieNX 2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

The worst Nintendo haters on this site have all played BOTW and hate it. I just find that kind of fishy, especially when all the game critics seem to absolutely love it and have said "one of the greatest open world games ever"

Don't take my word for it, take the critics word for it. I know I trust them more than Haters who haven't even played it.

When it wins GOTY awards (and it will) you will all still be sat there saying 'it doesn't deserve it herp derp'
Even though it does ....

And yh OPINIONS. Doubled edged sword except mine matches what almost every video game journalist also believes and yours doesn't. Probably because you're so amazingly cool.

AspiringProGenji2533d ago

No one is saying BoTW is a bad game but God forbid if someone doesn't say it is perfect. What is your problem?

I love BoTW and still playing it on Switch but I agree with chris. I prefer How W3 and Horizon do storytelling over BoTW. It was fun to explore and uncover the map on BotW but other than that there's little to care about and/or progression in that world.

If Biomutant is looking to do this as well then it will limit the potential of telling a great story

Deep-throat2533d ago

Because it ain't PS4 exclusive + not cinematic enough.

I don't think BOTW deserves 97 on Metacritic, but I think it destroys Ubisoft's modern open world games (hint hint).

Aenea2533d ago

"At the end of the day BOTW is one of the greatest open world games ever made. Period."

In your opinion tho...

I like it, but it's not the best by a wide margin, in my opinion...

Christopher2533d ago

***The fact people try and downplay shows that most of these people haven't played it and are just Nintendo haters. Sad but true.***

Show me where I downplayed it. Saying what it is and preferring something else isn't downplaying it.

ShadowWolf7122533d ago

Oh it's very deniable, Eddie.

CorndogBurglar2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

Just stop already.

I haven't played BOTW but its not crazy to think some people might prefer other open world games.

Through all of your comments you seem to think that just because a game gets great reviews across ghe boarx that means no one is allowed to dislike it, or else they are just haters trying to be cool.

For instance, I don't like The Last of Us. One of the greatest games of all time. I recognize that, yet it isn't for me. Am I trying to be cool because my opinion goes against the vast majority of reviewers and gamers? No. I just simply didn't enjoy playing it. Its that simple.

Horizon Zero Dawn. Its a great game. But it didn't do anything that other open world games haven't done already. In fact a lot of its features can be found in much older Far Cry games. It was just a very well made game with interesting enemies. Am I a hater for having that opinion? No. Its just how I feel about the game.

So stop with this nonsense. BlueFox didn't give you enough in his comment to make the assumption that he's just a hater. So I'm not sure where all of this is coming from. But believe it or not, people can and will form their own opinions about games, and most of them won't think twice about making sure its okay with you before they do.

StormLegend2533d ago

BOTW is so overrated and it sickens me when fanboys get mad when people says it isn't perfect. I'm a big Zelda fan but that doesn't mean I gotta love BOTW like it's the greatest thing ever made. It's not even my top 3 favorite Zelda games

_-EDMIX-_2532d ago

@Travis-I absolutely agree I could never put breath of the wild up with my top three favorite Zelda games this game removed enough features that it just can't really hold that title for me.

It wasn't a bad game but I can't even say it was my favorite game I played this entire year. There's a lot of things I come to expect from a Zelda game and I was actually quite shocked that this game got rid of traditional Dungeons and had those stupid walking temples those easily might be the most boring dungeons to ever exist in side of a Zelda game there's no role in its even missing a whole list of items.

The stupid anti-gravity thing is irrelevant this is not half life 2, this is not dead space it was just out of place gimmick that they desperately tried to shoehorn into the game.

So as of right now my top three Zelda games in 3D anyway are going to remain Ocarina of Time Twilight Princess Wind Waker.

I actually like purposeful exploration not just this meaningless endless open world of just Baron nothingness it's easily one of the most boring open worlds I've ever explored in a game.

Midway through I literally just stopped exploring use the guide to get to the rest of the parts of the game and just stopped playing once I beat the last boss.

I don't have time playing an open-world for items and experiences that don't actually exist.

So once I got all the major items and went to all the different bosses in temples and finish the last boss there was nothing else for me to play I have no reason to explore a part of the game knowing that there will not actually be a real quest dungeon or even boss to face.

But by all means if you guys want meaningless exploration you guys might as well be throwing no man's Sky into that game of the year category since you guys love to explore a bunch of junk so much.

I mean I thought they all love this idea of this large volume of stuff to explore? Lol

I would argue even no man's sky has more purpose behind its exploration in regards to the main Narrative of the game then breath of the wild which is quite sad because I never expected that to be the case for a Zelda game.

I want traditional dungeons back I want more weapons I want the rollback and I want more interesting bosses this game is just nothing like the previous Zelda games in the most negative way I could think.

As of removing those features made the game better or something lol

It just sounds like lazy game development where Nintendo saw the opportunity to cash in on open World Games by just making a very lazy open world game that felt largely unfinished in terms of the limited amount of actual Variety in the boss's dungeons and weaponry and items.

-Foxtrot2532d ago



Nintendo made a lazy open world game selling the exploration in an empty world as the fun bit. If you had a guide for the main part of Skyrim for example you'd still have a shit load to do after. There's meaning to explore as it leads to new gear WHICH WONT BREAK and new side missions. Even the setting I think of BotW was done to divert criticism "oh it's a bit dead in the world"..."yeah but it's like post apocalyptic"

The majority of things in BotW were a step back that's the real truth

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Big_Game_Hunters2532d ago (Edited 2532d ago )

Hes not talking about aethstetic .

-Foxtrot2534d ago

I'm loving the gameplay we've seen but I did not get a BotW feel at all

I just think they are saying that since BotW has been a huge thing this year and linking to it is good PR

coolbeans2533d ago

I'm replying here to say I agree as well. :)

Big_Game_Hunters2532d ago

He said structure not gameplay. However i do agree with you that devs want to link similarities to BOTW because its the best open world this year.

Miss_Weeboo2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

HA! I told you that the trailer reminded me of Zelda, and you all say that I was crazy... It's a talent, I have it, you don't

phntom2533d ago

pretty much this, not even close to Zelda

Outlawzz2533d ago

Everybody wants to mention Zelda in their interviews this year lol if that game ain't game of the year I would be surprised

20live2533d ago

Hands Down GOTY. I bought a Switch for this one game alone and I have not owned a single Nintendo Console apart from the Game Boy handhelds.

2532d ago
Tru80zGamer2532d ago

Enjoyed the game as well, but as far as the Switch is concerned, Mario may be the title looking to take that crown..

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Biomutant Review - Thumb Culture

Biomutant has finally arrived on Switch! Dive into a world of cute mutants and monster-bashing combat. Find out what we thought about it!

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Crazyglues93d ago

This game could have been huge, but sadly it fails big time at just being a lot o fun to play... Which is what it should be because that's how it looks when you first hear about the game.

-But at every turn they fail at fun to play.. What do I mean? Glad you asked -(remember Mario from Nintendo, any Mario, the first time you played it, there was one thing really clear right off the back) -It's super fun to play... Period, no matter what your doing it's fun.

Bungie once said the secret to good game design is take something that is really fun about the game, and extending it to all over the game.

Biomutant could have hit that bar with very little effort. The game has so much going for it. In my opinion the only thing they needed to nail was how it plays / and that's where it fails the most. This is a game that could have sold 23 million copies and instead did 1 million...

anast93d ago

I was really hyped for this game.

Glemt93d ago

I'm still wondering "what do you mean". I've not played the game and am genuinely interested in what your argument is. But your argument boils down to:
Biomutant devs failed at every turn, because Nintendo made their games fun? Because Biomutant fails at "how it plays". Are we talking control scheme? Combat? Exploration? What exactly?

Again, genuinely interested to hear more of your thoughts on this because it seems you know exactly why this game didn't work.

Crazyglues90d ago

@ Glemt

Ok, I'll explain... I guess if you have not played the game then you are lost on what I was saying. So ok I get that. -but I think for anyone that played the game you know what I mean because it stands out like a soar thumb, what's bad in the game.

I'll try to keep this short / I'll try / the game has bad combat, bad exploration, bad overall game mechanics, in the way it feels... Now mind you, that's just one persons opinion but it's also just a gaming thing. (meaning as a gamer you know what you like and what you don't) So for example:

Iin Grand tursimo 7 gas, or making the car go forward on the track is the R2 button on the PS5 controller / as a game designer you can change this to something else, but it is a bad idea because it's a universal idea.. Something people have just come to expect and something they know without reading instructions.
People start to play a racing game or just start driving and they expect R2 to be gas or to go forward...

So expectation is important in game design. (I remember the Watchdogs developer was doing an interview and he said all the playtest they did / people hated the driving, it didn't feel right. And it was bringing their view of the game way down. Because they were expecting it to drive like Grand theft Auto. And he said, "But our game is not about driving, that's a small part of the game." --> But that is Gamers Expectation.. or you can call it we are Spoiled because of Whatever game did driving really well / that becomes your standard or expectation.

Biomutant does not play like what you expect. It's very dry, very un-rewarding, and overall boring. Not fun.

Some will push pass this but most gamers won't. They won't forgive the game for that and will stop playing very quickly. Why?
It's like just how gamers are, some get really into your game mechanics and push past what's hard and find the sweet spot, but most gamers just want fun, so if it's not fun right off the back they stop playing or move on.

It's why a ton of gamers look at game reviews, they want to know if the game is any good, worth my time. Will it be fun to play in the end. People want their game time to be interesting and fun.

I can get into how you would do this step by step in making the game, but I don't think you want to hear all of that.
So let's just say this, Steve Jobs, never made or invented anything at apple, he was the person who decided what needed to be made or designed. (they put five of apples best iPods or Mp3 players as they were called back then on a table and Steve played with each one, and then he picked the one Apple would go with) that became the iPod we know today with the scroll wheel / he knew the feel of that would be a game changer it made it work in a way that was really interesting and fun to scroll thru your music. Keep in mind No one else of the people at the top of the company knew which one would be good or why.

Game design seems to be the same way, they need a Steve Jobs leading the team, or just someone who's really into gaming / someone that really get's Gamers, a gamer like me. To explain why this is fun and why this is not. (I think I really need to start a company to help game companies) I would have showed them how to make that game sell 23 million copies instead of 1 million...

Right now I'm sure Biomutant could have made the character walk 22 different ways, but only one of those ways is going to be really good, and fun to play, who is deciding which one is the one to go with? You need that person to make decisions on all aspects of the game.


THQ Nordic says Biomutant on Switch has sold more copies than they expected

Biomutant received a surprise release by THQ Nordic on the Nintendo Switch and while it has various compromises to run on Nintendo’s now aging Switch hardware, it is still good fun.

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Community107d ago
Philaroni106d ago

Good for them, I miss games like this is, was rough at some points but by now I feel it must have got better. Maybe I'm just a sucker for fuzzy things like Ratchet and Clank, and the old Conker and Jak/Dax games. Don't know, just reminds me of those times.


Biomutant – Three Years Later

After launching three years ago in a relatively disappointing state, how does Experiment 101's open-world action title hold up?

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Community112d ago
sweatyrich112d ago

I played it on the PS5 in 40fps mode and it was pretty decent. Looked great, gameplay was a little but clunky at time, and fairly repetitive, but there's a large map to explore, LOADS of things to do, and you're a gun-toting, kung-fu'ing racoon !!
Accept the game for what it is, and you'll have a good time like I did.

Can't speak for how it was at launch, but the game I played was a 7.5/10

anast111d ago

I would like to see this game get a sequel with all the lessons learnt from the rocky launch and with newer tech.

Demetrius111d ago

I finished this not too long ago, definitely one of my most favorites I was really in tune with it, I didn't silence the narrator cause it always felt like I was being told a story, lol just like real life I enjoy old people telling me stories every since I was a kid I've always enjoyed that, biomutant 2 would be so mf nice to happen, definitely going for a 2nd playthrough on ps5 this time around