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RE Revelations and the Path to Resident Evil 7

Gary Bailey: "What Resident Evil Revelations did back on release in 2012, was pave the way for the series’ eventual return to its roots. It spawned a sequel in 2015 that once again brought back familiar faces in Claire Redfield and Barry Burton, and moved even further back towards horror and provided one of the finest (and most underappreciated) games in the series. This path would eventually lead to one of this year’s standout titles, the game that finally returned the series to true survival horror: Resident Evil 7."

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Community2553d ago
PhoenixUp2553d ago

The Resident Evil: Revelations subseries is a great party of the series, blending the classic horror with modern controls.

I hope they make a third one

_-EDMIX-_2553d ago

Absolutely agreed. I'm perfectly fine with Resident Evil Revelations being the action with survival horror elements and leaving Resident Evil 7, 8 etc to be the rooted series.

The series should have always been split, they should have never did what they did with Resident Evil 4 5 or 6.

Call it Resident Evil Revelation 1 2 and 3 and I would have had no issues especially since Resident Evil had side games before. They should have always left the numberd games to have the same elements as the previous numberd games.

Trust me I love the action Resident Evil games like 4 (not 5 or 6) but they should have called it a side game and left the numbered games alone.

gantarat2551d ago

Some how capcom should take note co-op system from Dead Space 3.

have solo mode and co-op mode

solo mode - you are lonely , your partner go different path or not stick with you everytime (like REV 1)

MrSwankSinatra2553d ago

LOL people really need to stop this BS with calling RE7 a return to true survival horror. First off that's not Resident Evil and secondly it's not a return. Just because you add the management system back, put it in house and slap Resident Evil on the front of the box that doesn't make it Resident Evil. Crapcom's inability to actually go back to the true roots of Resident Evil is what's killing this franchise bit by bit, that's why this game sold worse than RE6. And I know i'm gonna get a bunch triggered gamer responses just because I called this game for what it was, as per usual.

_-EDMIX-_2553d ago


Resident Evil 4 5 and 6 may have sold better but they also cost the company much more money and we're much more risky Investments and removed more features than any of the other Resident Evil games.

Resident Evil 7 may have sold less but it probably made Capcom more positive profit because they probably spent less money developing it because it wasn't trying to be sold as a Call of Duty or Gears of War clone.

It is not just the return of the management system it is the return of limiting all the items in the game and no longer offering items to be purchased that is the survival concept of Resident Evil.

So adding back all of the previous games features make it much more Resident Evil just as much as removing all of those features made Resident Evil 4 5 & 6 NOT Resident Evil.

Resident Evil is very much
limited ammo
limited health
limited weapons
item boxes

Resident Evil 1 2 3
code Veronica
2002 remake

All have the majority of these elements.

MrSwankSinatra2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

I've been made the claims that 4, 5 and 6 are not Resident Evil. I don't know how long you've actually been on this site, but I used to get serious hate for just claiming 4 was not Resident Evil. BTW just because RE7 was able to make back it's development cost, doesn't mean it was a true "success." Crapcom obviously wanted that game to be a HUGE hit, but the simple fact of the matter was that it wasn't even with the VR option. it barely made profit for the company and in this day and age where the blockbuster type of game is what these companies are continually chasing, you can bet money they're going back to the drawing board after this game. Better yet the RE2 Remake has the potential to do what RE7 couldn't do.

andrewsquall2553d ago (Edited 2553d ago )

No, this game sold worse than 6 because 6 was garbage lol and add Revelations 1 and 2 to that steaming pile too. WHY would I buy RE7 with the state the series is in? I don't care how much people hyped up 7, I had ZERO faith in the series by that point. The same thing happened to sales with AC Syndicate all because of the dumpster fire that was AC Unity.

Now that I have heard nothing but great things about RE7 (apart from you obviously) I may actually check out this new complete edition of 7 that will be releasing soon.

Still no idea why people think Revelations is good though. Instantly as soon as I try firing at enemies I need to turn off the game. The hit detection is just atrocious. I don't care if Jill Valentine is in it, they killed the character a long time ago on me in RE5.

MrSwankSinatra2553d ago

I have no clue I couldn't finish Resident Evil: Revelations or 2 at all anyways, so picture me puzzled as to why people think that game is good. In any case, hopefully you do like RE7 cause I sure as hell did not.

_-EDMIX-_2553d ago

Well I'm glad that you're actually giving it a chance trust me it very much is one of the best Resident Evil games.

I would also say at least give Revelations a chance it's not as good as the older Resident Evil games but I would say it's better than 4 5 & 6.

Revelations 2 has way better controls, it's still worth a try.

wonderfulmonkeyman2553d ago

Honestly, I don't feel that 7 was a return to the series' roots.
4 was a closer bet for that, and not only was that one not scary, it used parasites and mind control instead of zombies.XD

I AM looking forward to Revelations 1 and 2 on Switch, though. The multiplayer should be great fun and I'm curious to see if they add anything new to it.
I'd pay good money to see some sort of new Lazer weapon like the PRL from back in RE4.XD
Maybe I'll get a gift voucher next year on my birthday so I can continue playing the Switch online without having to put my own money into their paid service.
Honestly I wish they didn't force us to pay for online multiplayer at all. It sucks that PC will become the only source for free online multiplayer...

2553d ago Replies(2)
_-EDMIX-_2553d ago

Resident Evil 7 is definitely a return to the roots because almost all the major survival horror elements are actually inside of Resident Evil 7 compared to the last five Resident Evil games.

I mean you have several elements in regards to limited ammo limited weapons Limited health the addition of puzzles etc

Resident Evil 7 is easily the closest to any of the older Resident Evils since Resident Evil 4 began removing features.

Resident Evil 4 is always going to be amongst the one of the best action games ever made but it is the beginning of Resident Evil removing a list of features and no longer having it "survival" horror, The Evil Within is more Resident Evil than Resident Evil 4 5 or 6.

The multiplayer in Resident Evil Revelations 2 was actually really good, I only played a little bit of it but I watched a lot of footage of it of my friend playing through lots of the mercenaries content. Even Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 have slightly more survival elements than Resident Evil 4 5 and 6.

Seriously don't sleep on Resident Evil 7 it basically is the closest we've ever had to a Resident Evil game in terms of all its actual real elements since CV. Code Veronica's basically the last Resident Evil game in regards to the time line to even have those features.

It's just hard to say something it's a true Resident Evil game while listing a huge list of removed gameplay elements. Resident Evil 7 brings back so many features compared to what has recently released.


Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.

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Community52d ago

Capcom Should Give Resident Evil Revelations The Comeback It Deserves

Resident Evil Remake titles were a massive success for Capcom. Despite the success, the company should revisit the Revelations games for a breath of fresh air.

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Community73d ago
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Gamescordia73d ago
CrimsonWing6973d ago

They were ok, but I prefer the main-line entries than the Berger episodic spin-offs.

Now, if they want to do an episodic RE game give us a legit Outbreak File 3 or just remaster the last 2.

KyRo72d ago

Ive not heard one person ask for Revelation remakes. They were never really that great but good enough for a spin off. I wouldn't mind a remake but it would have to be a complete overhaul. Outbreak on the other hand people have been asking to be remade forever at this point. Maybe one day 🙏

CrimsonWing6972d ago

Dude I loved Outbreak and I think it’s the perfect MP game for the RE series. It’s co-op where everyone can either help each other through a chapter or everyone breaks off to solve the puzzles and meet up to finish faster and take on a boss.

None of this REsistance or whatever the last MP game was. I don’t understand why it’s a game that hasn’t been remastered or just straight ported to current-gen.

VersusDMC73d ago

They were meh. Their current output with remakes and new games is pretty good. 5 good RE games since RE7 in 2017.

No need to dillure the brand with more RE. Especially with more Revelations which is just watered down mainline RE.

Something like outbreak would be better. Kinda wish they did a scaled-down version of outbreak with RE3, RE8 instead of REVerse and Resistance.

KyRo72d ago

It's wild how this got more disagrees and agrees 🤣 This place really does have the worst takes at times

jznrpg73d ago

I didn’t really like the revelations games. They weren’t horrible just not good enough to interest me

Charal73d ago

Nah. Make it Code Veronica.

TiredGamer73d ago

I'll pass. Tried playing Revelations on two separate occasions and on two separate platforms... got bored about two hours in.

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Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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Community82d ago
TiredGamer82d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook781d ago (Edited 81d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.