
Bioshock PS3 A Huge Flop?

GamersPlatform Reports: "We're almost three weeks away before the much anticipated release of Bioshock for the Playstation 3 but even before the game comes out, many fans that have played the demo has been disappointed rather than get excited..."

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cow moolester5832d ago

and cue Nasim and/or veryangry xbot.

Make sure to :
Mention Unreal Engine 3
Call me an Xbot at least 3 times
Randomly capitalise some words
Mention KZ2 or any other game you haven't played yet.
Mention sales figures even though they don't pertain to the story
Tell everyone your expectations for next week on how the Ps3 will outsell the 360 37:1 and how it's dead in all territories

Veryangry_bot5832d ago

Its getting old how you constantly call everyone "Nasim".

Get a fking clue, stupid idiot.

Second of all, I dont give a fk about Bioshock. Especially not a demo.

So how bout you suck on that Balmer schlong some more. He aint hiring some f4g right now because of the hiring freeze but dont let that stop you from doing what you do best.

karlostomy5832d ago

Still, can't blame him.. after bioflop ps3...


DavidMacDougall5832d ago

I played your level on LBP it was boring

zimbo0075832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

BIOSHOCK has come to PS3

thats what matters

It was the only game on X360 worth getting and it is now on PS3

Hatena compared pictures where there are no major differences

We mention KZ2 cuz any x360 game look like a wii game vs KZ2

We mention sales cuz PS3 beats x360 in WW sales

We mention UT3 cuz it runs bad on PS3

We mention PORT cuz Bioshock was ported from x360 to PS3

Montrealien5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

In my opinion It was the only game on X360 worth getting and it is now on PS3.

In my opinion Hatena compared pictures where there are no major differences

We mention KZ2 cuz in my opinion any x360 game looks like a wii game vs KZ2.

We mention sales cuz we are brand whore losers that actually give a f*ck if PS3 beats x360 in WW sales, only brand whores would.

We mention UT3 cuz it runs bad on PS3

We mention PORT cuz Bioshock was ported from x360 to PS3.

/fixed :D

even with the crappy textures the game plays well, just be happy some people that only have a PS3 can enjoy this great game. that's all that really matters.

play_b3yond5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

I said it once and I'm saying it again.
When it comes to killzone 2 all the xbox fanboys say games are all about gameplay and story not graphics and now they are all whining because some websites say the game looks slightly better on 360. You people just make me laugh.

Anton Chigurh5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

@ nasim

YOu fail !!!

kimi_maro305832d ago

the demo is good the only bad in that demo is the big daddy"s corpse with a pixelated armor and other texture and graphics is the same with 360 so why all of u 360 fanboys mark it as a flop and remember it is a demo not the full game

Quickstrike5832d ago

Holy sh** hell ya so true :)
I've been saying that Demo =/= final game and the bots lol so hard their 360 gets RRoD

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5832d ago
xunderx5832d ago

This is not worth $60, please think twice before purchase.
This crappy for cash porting game business is got to stop!
Either make an exact copy, make it better or dont charge full price.

Tidus115832d ago

Yea after the demo and all the good games coming out this month, I think I'll just rent it.... I hate rewarding lazy devolpers with my hard earned cash.

dro5832d ago

i have been saying this since and i will say it again, bioshock will not sell well. look at lost planet for example;when it was relased on the 360 it sold a decent amount but after they ported it to the ps3 later on (i think like a year later;correct me if im wrong) it sold crap. most ps3 owners e.g me will not be bying this game, i have games like R2,lbp,motorstorm2,the AMAZING good looking wipeout hd ..e.t.c to play so y would i go and pay £45 for a game that came out last year... (-_-) (just download it for free on your pc,dont blame me blame the people that do piracy!!!) we all use pc to to log into n4g so no one can say that they dont have a pc :/

Real Gambler5832d ago

Why would you pay twice the price when it's selling for $29.99 regular price, and will likely be on sale pretty soon????

DavidMacDougall5832d ago

Yeah i was going to get it but if they aint going to put the work in i might not bother

solar5832d ago

you can pick the game up for $19.99 on Steam. i laugh in the face of anyone who pays $59.99.

Bnet3435832d ago

Xbox 360 version is not as cheap as the PC version. It's $36.99, but that's cheaper then the PS3 version.


Man, I don't understand why people jump the gun. "OMG!111 BioShock PS3 will look the best out of all!!1111" Then you get shot down. It's not worth it guys. Don't set yourselves up.

PS3PWNSALL5832d ago

@dro - "so y would i go and pay £45 for a game that came out last year"

Because you don't have it yet! It's a great game! Why not buy it!?

PS3Freak5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

I work at rogers and we have the 360 version on sale for 29.99.. i dunno where u buy games but you should look into going somewhere else.
EDIT: i see you go to amazon..... apparently they have bad prices.

theEnemy5832d ago

As what we have seen in the demo, this is not worth $60.

With only a few weeks away from release date(Oct 17 and 21) they should work 24/7 in order to fix those crappy textures and remove the blur effect or whatever they call it.

If they don't, Bioshock(PS3) will be obliterated by other PS3 exclusives and AAA multiplat games in Sales.

I hope they will somehow pull this off, I want to play Bioshock on my preferred console.

Oh btw, customizable controls or some control settings to choose from is welcome.

GL 2K.

Montrealien5832d ago

pfff, any person whole claims to be, or wanst to be a gaming journalist and uses the word Flop in his title, fails at it incredibly. This is nothing but an amateur looking for some traffic.

lowcarb5832d ago

You guys are all retarded seriously if you think Bioshock is not worth a purchase simply because the PS3 and it's limitations. LBP doesn't appeal to everyone and will get boring quick, RFOM2 is nothing more then a generic want to be Halo console shooter, Socom has it's faithful and won't push consoles, but Bioshock is the real deal and is going to be the hottest game on PS3 this holiday. You do have to remember that when the demo launched on 360 the game looked totally different after it was released. My 1st impression was the enemies looked like plastic but when the actual game released they had bumped it up quite a bit. You Sony fanboys go ahead and keep writing your tomb because eventually every game is going to start it's life on 360 and 720 and make ps3 and ps4 nothing more then a port monster..

sak5005832d ago

@dro " i have games like R2,lbp,motorstorm2,the AMAZING good looking wipeout hd ..e.t.c to play"

Care to let us have your reviews of the above games. Do you have a gaming website where you can get all the unreleased games long before they even go golden?

ON TOPIC: For God's sake be thankful you get at least port of Bioshock. Check the reviewers, gamers, critcs view of the game from last year. Had 2K not done the ps3 iteration than you guys would again be calling them lazy and stuff. Can't u get it in your minds that ps3 is hard to develop even if the devs like Ubi, Valve and 2k are trying to bring the franchise, its looking more of challenge than its worth it.

You guys just want to complain about everything, go complain to sony for once for blindsiding you with a bluray player dressed up as a gaming console.

And if you're so worried about spending your $60 on this than save up another 130$ and pick up a 360 console and pick up used copy of bishock.

callahan095832d ago

Aaah the demo was plenty good. I liked it and I already beat the game on the 360. I'd play through the game again on the PS3 just because it's a fun one with trophies and I don't have many of them.

r2kcipher5832d ago

i didn't notice any of these visual issues.. not saying they don't exist.. but personally i thought the controls were horrid, the gameplay doesn't appeal to me as much as i thought, and i felt like i was watching someones acid trip..

the game is not worth $60! imo

whoelse5832d ago

Chances are they will soon reduce the price to a more respectable price.

eagle215832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

It's pretty obvious that Too Human is "garbage" on 360. And Mass Effect can't run properly on 360. Who is to blame? :)

IaMs125832d ago

This is a game worth 60 bucks when it first comes out, since it is already been out (Xbox and PC) for a year now it should start at 40. But with all the other games coming out like LBP, and Gears 2, this will be low priority considering it is an older game.

outlawlife5832d ago

you do realize too human doesn't run on unreal right?

jwatt5832d ago

I think there are alot of people who only own a ps3 who may pick this game up. I played the demo and it played well and I think the only people who will think it's a flop are fanboys and people interested in the console war. Everyone else will actually enjoy the game but if your a dual console owner you should have already played this game.

LONEWOLF2315832d ago


I pity you especially if you actually believe the cr@p you say.

nanometric5832d ago

Eemm, is it just me or Bioshock costs only 30 quid?


izaiazofnazareth5832d ago

im getting this game because i always wanted to have it and its gonna be home compatible and have trophies. i love it. any1 who says otherwise is just cheap.

Ateanboy5832d ago


This game got so hyped and got so many good remarks when it came out on the Xbox 360 that I was actually a little excited about it coming out on the PS3 too.

I played the demo last night, and the game is "meh" at best.

The demo starts from the beginning of the story, and I didn't feel angaged at all. I wasn't feeling it. I stopped playing before the demo finished.

It isn't even the fact that it's a port or has worse textures... It's just the fact that it's a SUCKY game!

I understand that it would get praised while on the Xbox 360, but that's because the Xbox 360 doesn't have many good games! That's gotta be why it was considered so good!!!

Cause in reality, this game is mediocre at best...

Jake11115832d ago

I own both the 360 and PS3. I finished bioshock on the 360 and thought it was a good game for that system. Does it compare to Sonys exlusives?? Not even close....

Would I buy it for PS3??? Not a chance. Even if the graphics were solid at 1080p I wouldnt waste any cash on it?


The game cant compete with the exclusives the PS3 is releases these next 8 months.


Why waste your cash on a crappy port of a mediocure game when you have AAA games that are developed to take advantage of the PS3??

In my opinion, Sony is coming out with enough exlusives to not even consider the crappy ports of mediocure Xbox360 games.

I am actually selling my 360. It has been a coffee holder since Warhawk, Drakes, R&C and MGSIV came out on PS3.


Cheeseknight285832d ago

"I understand that it would get praised while on the Xbox 360, but that's because the Xbox 360 doesn't have many good games! That's gotta be why it was considered so good!!!"

God you're a moron. Did you not realize that this game got equally high remarks on the PC? Do you not realize that the PS3 has just as many garbage games as the 360? Are you that deluded? Go to gamerankings, look at the top 10 PS3 and 360 games - 360 is 92% and up, while PS3 is 87% and up. That's where your precious console sits.

I enjoy the PS3 and 360 equally - and Bioshock was easily my favorite game last year, the only games that came close were Super Mario Galaxy and Orange Box. I'm just glad I don't have to put up with such single minded fanboy trash such as yourself on a daily basis - I would probably go berserk.

Oh, and I love how this site thinks Bioshock is gonna be a huge flop when it's not even out yet. Not even Lair or Too Human got doomsday articles this early, most people were fairly optimistic about them. Perhaps people just want to complain about something?

UnasFortuna5832d ago

This is truly disappointing that they could not have put out a better version or even an equal one. The textures I saw in the demo are not as bad as those I have seen on the web pictures; but they are not close to the 360 version. It really is a shame for this was a very good game for the 360 and would have made a great addition to the PS3 library. Will probably just rent it for the trophies and not buy it as planned previously. All in all though... I would recommend any ps3 users who have not played it on the 360 to at least rent it to give it a go for it is a great game despite some minor texture issues.

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red_ring_of_death5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )



Montrealien5832d ago

your so cute, being right all the time must feel amazing!

tordavis5832d ago

Yeah, he's so right that he's got a ton of bubbles too.

CyberSentinel5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )


Blind Lemmings, Stop Being A "Sony Jump Off" And "JUMP IN".

theKiller5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

everyone no one buy it, thats what 2k should get when they treat ps3 owners that badly!!

bioshock ps3 = FLOP

no point in buying it, they deserve it for making a crap port to the ps3 without using the advantages ps3 game them!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5832d ago
La Chance5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

PS3 gamers get it one full year after everyone moreover it doesnt look and run as well as on the 360 or PC...

T2 should have kept it exclusive and start working on Bioshock 2 rather than waisting a year and money getting a crappy port to PS3.

I wonder if Bioshock 2 will be coming to PS3 if Bioshock flops.They had enough trouble getting it to run on PS3 and 360 version alone one is enough of a succes.

The funny thing is on N4G ps3 gamers always brag about how they play all 360 exclusives on PC...guess they were lying.

dro5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

bioshock 2 will be coming to the ps3 even tho part 1 might floped, sales of a game that is relased at lunch with other consoles will sell more of a port that came out a year later... :/ use ur brain(not in a rude way ;D)!!!

La Chance5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

talking about sales of Bioshock 2 on PS3 I was talking about all the hassle , time and money they would need to get it on par with the 360 version.They had one full year to get Bioshock 1 on par and they couldnt.They might just want skip the PS3 alltogether like EA did for that RTS game(cant remeber the name , dont care about it.).Or it might be a timed exclusive again like what Atari did for Alone in the Dark.

Dark General5832d ago

I think there's a difference here though La Chance. BioShock is a year old and i'm pretty sure you lower sells expectations a bit on games that comes out a year later on any platform. Specially big caliber games. It's always been that way pretty much. But at least with them releasing a Ps3 title they have some experience working with the Ps3 which should make a easier transition to making more titles on the Ps3 in the future.

I think it's just getting over the initial development hurdles at first for new hardware. If BioShock 2 comes to Ps3 it should be a much easier job since they have experience now working on the Ps3.

sak5005832d ago

Nice points Lachance bubbles.

I suggest they do not let the BS2 suffer cuz of ps3. We are already seeing a worse sequel of Saint's Row now because of it becoming a multiplatform.

DiabloRising5832d ago

Weird Sak, when I say the same thing about FFXIII being held back on the PS3 because of a 360 edition, I get jumped on. Fact is, there is only x amount of dev time, things WILL be cut now that its going multiplatform. Pity, BS2 and FFXIII could be amazing if they focus on a single system.

power of Green 5832d ago

Saint's Row 2 looks like sh*t because of the devs catering to PS3's capabilites, looks like an Xbox game.

I can't see BS2 being inferior to the first one either.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5832d ago
PirateThom5832d ago

There's obviously not enough stories about the PS3 demo being made of absolute fail.

morganfell5832d ago

The Xbox crowd are now down to throwing the kitchen sink at the fact they lost an exclusive. As I said, if it was missing levels, or the areas were trimmed, or it ran at 15 frames a second then I could see these comments. Instead all of this just reeks of the most desperate bunch of losers I have ever seen.

karlostomy5832d ago

between now and the actual release they fix up the game on ps3.

Otherwise I fear for the mental health of the SDF.....

La Chance5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

sorry man but the losers are the ones who boycott a company , put up petitions, quit gaming alltogether and commit suicide when there electronic gaming machine that has no emotions loses an exclusive (that happened for almost every ps3 exclusive lost).

juuken5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

It's beyond pathetic, that's what it is.

Oh wow, let's repeatedly bash a port that has a few graphical flaws!

It's not the PS3 itself. It stems from lazy developers who want the cash but don't want to work hard enough for it.

And nice going LaChance. Jump on the PS3 hate campaign wagon why dontcha.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5832d ago
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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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just_looken58d ago

Remember there past attempts at game based show's i do heck i still remember that teenage resident evil trash fire.

anast57d ago

ha. I almost forgot about that.

Jin_Sakai59d ago

Might as well just cancel it.

just_looken58d ago

Unless its batwoman were they right it off

porkChop59d ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake59d ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne59d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo58d ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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BioShock Team Ramps Up Recruitment with 30 Job Offers

2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up recruitment with 30 job offers on its BioShock team. There's still no word on when the game will launch, though.

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Relientk7781d ago

Cool, maybe we will get BioShock 4 after all, eventually...

TheNamelessOne80d ago

Damn it's been a long time since the last game.

TheColbertinator80d ago

Bioshock needs a big time comeback

DefenderOfDoom280d ago

Actually looking forward to playing "Judas" from.Ken Levines development team .

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Bioshock: A Rapturous Revelation

Hey Poor Player's James Davie Takes Us On A Bio-Shocking Deep Dive Into Irrational Games' Nautical Nightmare.

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