
Bioshock PS3 vs X360 comparisons by Hatena

The Japanese analyst Hatena has done the comparison between the 2 versions of Bioshock. See the screenshots to see how the 2 versions fare against each other.

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Final_Rpg5774d ago

hmm... was that other site lying?

KobeT245774d ago

oh wow. its obvious the 360 version looks better, I mean just look at the textures in the second pictures with the water. on the ps3 version the ground is blurry while the 360 version is clear.

you must be an extreamly dedicated ps3 fanboy to not admit the truth.

xhi45774d ago

i've played through the 360 version twice now, trust me it looks a ton better.

but seriously......who cares?

its a fantasticly terrific game, now you can get it on any platform you want, so get it on whatever platform you want. Its all goood. Smile and be happy =D

Panthers5774d ago

lol only fanboy geeks would even notice the difference. i dont really see much difference there.

PoSTedUP5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

yea these minor differences aint gunna take nothing from the game or the experience, just play the damn game and be happy, whos gunna buy both games for both systems and have two HIdeff tv's side by side the whole time wile they play? yall gunna do that? and criticize every little difference??? cmon : /

GUNS N SWORDS5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

different rendering methods.

the game was developed on 360, from what i see in THESE pics is that the ps3 version is lacking a little in sharpness, that's about it.



i like to see both versions in motion at 720p, before i can say anything more.

gambare5774d ago

and they are hot right now, just check the full posts


Proxy5774d ago

Everyone seems to be forgeting that the ground textures are what made this GOTY.

FrankenLife5774d ago

Ground textures did not make this GOTY. The great story and gameplay did.

It isn't that the textures are bad on the PS3. It is that they used a filter to make up for aliasing issues in porting. They didn't build the game from the ground up again on the PS3, It is a rushed port. The game still looks great, just less shiny.

It really is too good of a game to get caught up in graphic comparisons of a PORT.

5774d ago
pumpkinpunker5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

whatever you say, bud.

The fact that the 2007 game of the year took a year longer to end up on the PS3 and still looks considerably better on the X360 doesn't matter. Heck, 2K should have just pooped on a piece of tissue paper, called it Bioshock, put a PS3 label on it, and all would be good and wholesome in Sony nation.

Sony defense force stay strong!!! TEH CELL HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Mister_Dawg5773d ago

@ 1.8

How is this a rushed port?
It was in development on the ps3 alongside the 360 from the start, but got shelved while the 360 version was being finished (some cash from MS probably helped there ;-) ).
And remember the 360 version has been out for a long time now, so they've had lots of time to sort any issues out. I agree the different architectures don't lend to quick and easy porting of code, but come on, they've had loads of time and again the PS3 is showing how its not dev friendly. Its only kind to devs who use the PS3 as their lead platform or are exclusive to the PS3.
Nuff said.

Mister_Dawg5773d ago

@ 1.9
Are you like f**king 5 year old?

Eat your sweets and get a life.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5773d ago
Silogon5774d ago

I see washed out Ps2 quality textures and a comparable color pallet. That's what I see. Sony's system just isn't made to game on, guys. Face it. All the games you want should be played on more capable hardware. All there is to it. Ps3 is good at things like folding, blu-ray watching and listening to music while not in game. Basically other household items you have rolled into 1.

light5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

You are dead wrong there.
what about exclusive games ?? or cod 4 or oblivion.
You are judging from multiplat game(s).

Why MSG4 is still the best or Uncharted graphic ?? PS3 is for gaming or not but it has best games graphically. Gameplay wise, its opinion of players.
Those Screenshots are miles better on 360 though.

edit : Not sure those screenshots are real th. 'coz both compared shots are same angle with right on spot, not even 1 mm difference. More like photoshop work.

Aclay5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

Silogon, you are a joke "Sony's system just isn't made to game on". If the PS3 wasn't meant to game on then it wouldn't be getting other FPS games like Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 now would it? The PS3 wouldn't be getting Final Fantasy XIII, White Knight Chronicles, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Infamous, or Uncharted 2 if the PS3 wasn't meant to game on now would it? The PS3 wouldn't be getting nearly the EXACT same multiplaform games that are on the 360 if it wasn't meant to game on now would it? Shut up Silogon.

A 360 port to the PS3 that doesn't end up looking good has nothing to do with the PS3's hardware or the PS3's incapabilities. If anyone should be blamed, it's the developers themselves not the PS3's hardware.

poopsack5774d ago

my library begs to differ, but then stops begging because your not worth it.

gambare5774d ago

no silogon, it's like trying to ride an elephant when you only learned how to ride a pony. Of course you will look worse on the elephant.

GameDev5774d ago


will you STFU you ignoramus. Its not the Ps3, its the devs and their understanding of the hardware.

Sergeant Osiris5773d ago

pays attention to this kids posts, he flops back and forth more than a comb over on a windy day.

Mister_Dawg5773d ago

I can't agree with your post about the PS3 not being made for gaming.
I don't own a PS3, mainly because I got a 360 from launch and the games are fecking great plus the cost of a PS3 is still ridiculous. I'm sure I'll get a PS3 sometime down the line when prices come down (maybe they will) and then enjoy the large back catalogue of games for that system. I wouldn't get multiplatform simply because the 360 versions always seem to be better looking, and sometimes by a noticeable margin.
One of my good friends has a PS3 and I've had a number of gaming sessions on the system and have been fairly impressed with what I've seen and played (but not with that strange feeling controller). However the posts after this have likened games such as MGS4 to be the best examples of graphics on PS3 and 360, well I don't think so my friend. Its very easy to say comments like this when wearing rose tinted glasses. My mate agreed with me that the game was way over-hyped in terms of graphical glory, gameplay great, but the visuals were good but certainly not stunning. And this was running on his fecking brand new state of the art Sammy tv! Uncharted was a very good showcase for the PS3 but come on, its not head and shoulders above 360 games.
And as for PS3 owners blaming lazy devs, shut up! If Sony wanted their machine to be well recieved amongst the development community they shouldn't have made it so bloody difficult to work with. Saying devs are lazy is a damned insult to those hard working people. Its like a car company designing a car with square wheels and forcing people to find the best way to drive it and then calling them lazy when the public say f**k you and they go and buy a car with 'easy' round wheels.
Finally for the PS3 owners who continually say the games that are coming out soon will show the true power of our system, you really need to question why you bothered to buy the PS3 in the first place.
Did you get it out of pure blind loyalty to Sony? Most likely. Or did you buy it to enjoy games? Maybe. You can have a go at MS about buying up loads of games for the 360 and hence being ported to the PS3 all you like. Personally I'm glad they have done this because it's forcing Sony to get off their arse and step up to the plate again, like they did with PS1. The games coming out next year and the year after that will NOT continue to be massive leaps in graphical glory. The simple fact is that both the PS3 and 360 are memory limited. 512MB of RAM is nowhere near enough to produce games on par with PC's output. I'm a PC gamer at heart and I know you need lots of RAM to hold bigger and more detailed textures and then to preload many of them to keep a decent frame rate. In the memory stakes the PS3 is worse off than the 360 because of the splitting of the 512MB of RAM.

But hey when it all comes down it, and I've completely went off my original point, the PS3 can game and it can game very well. Ports of 360 games will never show the PS3 in its true light. PS3 will only show its strengths with exclusive or lead platform titles but even then they are not head and shoulders above the 360. 360 games are really good looking, especially the Unreal 3 powered games (Gears etc) and PS3 owners having digs at EPIC saying their engine is sh*t because of its relatively poor showing on their system, really need to understand that devs will create middleware that requires minimal development time and cost to produce the best possible results on the majority of systems. What PS3 owners should be doing is questionning Sony as to why devs are finding it difficult to produce consistently good games on their system, even after 2 years or so!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5773d ago
fufotrufo5774d ago

PS3 Bioshock textures are non existent :O

also it look kinda blurry .. that's about it

zimbo0075774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

PS3 version looks better here:-



PS3 version sports better colour depth here but has some aliasing issues below :-




why disagree?

the screenshots are right up there for u with FULL RGB setting

fufotrufo5774d ago


zimbo0075774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )



sucks to be a BOT

please note that BIOSHOCK has been ported to PS3 from x360

It runs on Unreal engine 3 which doesnt run well on PS3 too


thats the name . everything is washed ou

also another take


"Don’t get me wrong here, in my opinion the game looks better than the Xbox 360 version no doubt, and on par with the higher end PC visuals, but for some reason it detracts from it."

fufotrufo5774d ago


really?? looks better?

oh yeah ..must be the missing ps3 windows

your pic is just darker..against everyyy other pic witch looks better ..have better textures and its not washed out!


looks better on 360 and you KNOW IT!! HAHA

morganfell5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

Now let's compare the features...and use a site which someone on planet earth has actually heard of before.

JOLLY15774d ago

nasim is such a loser! I bet he think what he writes is true. Get a grip on reality child. Eventhough the ps3 has worse textures, it will will be a great game on the ps3.

JOLLY15774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

I love when nasim sends me pointless pms

(10 / 5 10:00 Addendum

http://forum.beyond3d.com/s... http://forum.beyond3d.com/s...

B3D???????????????PS3???????? ??????????????????????????? BIGGUDADI B3D of the mosaic-like texture to the PS3 version alone has not been confirmed because of what I tried.

http://yoda.dip.jp/Game/Bio... http://yoda.dip.jp/Game/Bio...

http://yoda.dip.jp/Game/Bio... http://yoda.dip.jp/Game/Bio...

???????????????????? The mosaic is certainly BIGGUDADI. ?????????????????????? Paste the delay, rather than waiting, even if KAWARIMASEN.

sucks to be an XBOT

Guess what nasim the devs already admitted it, get a grip kid

lowcarb5774d ago

So why then does KZ2 look washed out and it's not made on the unreal engine? There are a bunch of games that look washed out on PS3 so whats your excuse now? Exactly you don't have one because no matter what you can't spin this.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5774d ago

Nasim's going postal again, get ready for the PM BOMBS.

Veryangry_bot5773d ago

Remember that other Bioshock comparison thread where it was claimed that PS3 sucked compared to 3rd60?

Hahaha that thread is NOW PROVEN to be made by an xbot who is lying his ass off just to lie to the world that PS3 sucks.

Hahaha these fking delusional xbots.

TheMART5773d ago


And whatever accounts you had/have more...

You're one pathetic creep, when proven the PS3 had another bad port, you still try to lure PS360 owners to buy the PS3 version? If you own both consoles, get the 360 version. If you only have a PS3 still get Bioshock, it has great gameplay. Nontheless, the 360 version is graphical on a higher level.

Just take it as a loss and go on dude.

morganfell5773d ago

Hey giant enemy crab/lobster/pog/jason360 aren't you late for your Steve Ballmer mindless acolyte worship party?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5773d ago
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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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porkChop23h ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake23h ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne23h ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

Knightofelemia23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie


BioShock Team Ramps Up Recruitment with 30 Job Offers

2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up recruitment with 30 job offers on its BioShock team. There's still no word on when the game will launch, though.

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Relientk7722d ago

Cool, maybe we will get BioShock 4 after all, eventually...

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Damn it's been a long time since the last game.

TheColbertinator21d ago

Bioshock needs a big time comeback

DefenderOfDoom221d ago

Actually looking forward to playing "Judas" from.Ken Levines development team .

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Bioshock: A Rapturous Revelation

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