
GameHuddle: Castle Crashers Review

It's pretty tough to find faults with a simple arcade game. But as arcade games go, this one's pretty good. GameHuddle can't really justify giving a short, simple arcade game a higher score. But if it were a full-length game with just as much personailty and playability, they would probably be giving it closer to a 10.

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outlawlife5734d ago

trying to figure out why it just being an arcade game makes it not worthy of a higher score?

a game is a game no matter the media
the score is a fair one but it doesn't work with the logic the reviewer used


4 Classic Side-Scrolling Brawlers Overdue for a Revival

Andrew M writes: "To celebrate the mini renascence of brawlers we've had recently, we came up with a list of 4 more classics we hope to see get a revival soon."

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B68W1188d ago

How much you want to bet a Simpsons game remake wouldn't have Marge wielding that vacuum?

Positivelypositive 1188d ago

Cobra Kai says HIYAH!!! Its pretty good and definitely a fun brawler.


Brawlers: Retrospective and Rebirth: Part 3 - Resurgence

Brawlers saw a sharp decline in popularity in the mid-1990s for several reasons. Then in the mid-2000s, the genre saw a resurgence which is still going strong today. So, don your armour and unsheathe your swords as we investigate what led to Brawler's initial downfall and the games which brought the genre back from the brink.

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The 6 Best Couch Co-op Games For You And Your Best Friend

The Best Couch Co-op Games make you laught, rage and can be a lot of fun. Here are the ones that you should check out if you have not done so already.

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