
Starpoint Gemini Warlords Review | Interstellar Invigoration - OnlySP

"Compared to the vastness of the universe, humanity’s history, activities, and reach are microscopic. Many space-focused media products sidestep the issues of human scale with hypersleep, faster-than-light travel, or other science-fiction tropes, and while Starpoint Gemini Warlords leans on such ideas, the game never takes them to heart. Instead, this spin-off to Little Green Men Games’s real-time strategy RPG series is an often plodding affair, interspersed with moments of explosive, exhilarating action. The game is a tale of two halves, as political and diplomatic micromanagement collides with fast-paced dogfights in one of 2017’s most invigorating releases so far."


Humble Explore and Expand Bundle is now live

The Humble Explore and Expand Bundle just launched today. It features games like Starpoint Gemini Warlords, Galactic Civilizations III, Stellaris Galaxy Edition, and more.

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Iceberg Interactive is ending its huge publisher weekend campaign via Steam in less than 24-hours

Iceberg Interactive's huge Publisher Weekend via Steam is going to end in less than 24-hours from now. So if you want to make some really good deals on some great games, then you better be quick about it (some of Iceberg Interactive's games are up to 85% off in price).


Iceberg Interactive celebrates its 10th anniversary with their biggest Steam sale ever

Indie publisher Iceberg Interactive is celebrating its 10 year anniversary with their biggest-ever sale on Steam.