
Scans of new Metal Gear Online Expansion pack "MEME"

Thanks to a member over at the Gfaqs.com forums, we now have a first look at the new MGO expansion maps and characters.

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SpecialSauce5832d ago

but i'm still going back for the sp mode.

Homicide5832d ago

Only if they remove the Konami ID and Game ID. That's the biggest reason I rarely play Metal Gear Online, and that I haven't bought any stuff from the Konami Store.

Tidus115832d ago

If they released trophy's combined with an expansion pack that was decent and getting rid of the Konami/Game Id, I might have to start playing MGO more often.

sumfood4u5831d ago

Ever since I brought Eye of Judgment eye toy pack I paid $34.00 at Target on Clearance an I never looked back after this game! I have more fun looking a cs an fighting online than playing MGS4 an getting booted online, while listening to people cry!

dericb115832d ago

My question is why do they make these crappy photos lol. I mean you have the mag why not scan it or at least take a pic of each page by itself. Just a rant so please dont blast me.

Riiiiiiiiiidge Racer5832d ago

Boring. I'd rather sh!t a 5 foot brick than play such a dull and washed out game like Metal Gear.


FAQS5832d ago

Q: Are you serious?
A: AHAHAHAHAHAH! It's up to you asshole!If you prefer to sh"t bricks, it's all on you, who cares dumbass!

bumnut5832d ago

i took one look at the hideous form that needed to be completed and decided not to bother.

mgs4 was over rated imo, saving, loading, installing, loading saving, 20 min cutscene, installing, loading, loading some more, 5 mins play, loading, installing, 20 min cut scene, loading, installing, please wait.


You obviously never actually PLAYED the game!

I'm sure you just read an article that said "MGS4 has long cutscenes" and decided to blow it out of proportion!

The first time through MGS4 is about 20-25 hours NOT including the 9 hours and 45 minutes of cutscenes. Most people think the cut scenes are included in your official gameplay time but they're not. It's much quicker the second time through because you know where to go and don't need to explore the different paths.

I like a game with a great story even if it has long cutscenes! Have you never seen a movie before? They are longer than any MGS4 cutscene and most of them don't even have as good of a story.

Sorry not all games have an incredibly generic story with 45 second cutscenes like Halo 3

Conan9975831d ago

Cutscenes have always been part of your timer. They have been since megal gear solid for the ps1. Just skip through the cutscenes and you saved yourself 9 hours

Madgunner5832d ago (Edited 5832d ago )

I may be a DIE HARD FAN of MGS especially MGS4 ... but people are making such a BIG A** deal over Konami id's when really ITS NOT That bad... all u have to do is type in your info once.. hit rememeber me and thats IT!!!... i dont understand what the big deal for konami id really is.. to be honest i think it has its good and bad points.. KONAMI ID lets u use the Rewards Cart alot easier than to ( lets say if it was PSN-linked.. having to go to the PSN store and do some type of trade off for the gear)... yes Konami ID may have not been the best option but so what ... what problems is it causing... ? LAG? not much lag when u have a good host. me and my buddies log into MGS4 everynight hassle free, only small hasle is sometimes i cant find a ALWAYS DEDICATED TSNE but thats Rarely the case... anyways felt like i needed to say that

Thank you Mr. Kojima-San for delivering me the best experience and emotion i will EVER feel in a video game ever... may you make MGS5 just as good... the whole gaming community thanks you, and i personally cant thank you far enough

PS: please make Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Remakes from MSX days!!! i want to fight gray fox on a mindfield ON NEXT GEN!!!!!! especially if its as epic as the LAST BOSS BATTLE in MGS4!!!!!!!

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Online services for MGSV:TPP (Xbox 360, PS3) and GZ (Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4) to be terminated

Konami has shared an announcement on the official Metal Gear portal site stating that the online services for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be terminated on May 31st of 2022. This only affects the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. Both MGSV itself and its multiplayer component Metal Gear Online will be shut down on that date. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will also lose its network service on the same date, but this time it also affects the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game.

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Nyxus1115d ago

MGS4 servers were closed after only 4 years, by the way https://www.metalgearinform...

Welshy1115d ago

Don't remind me, my favourite online game of all time :(

Giblet_Head1115d ago

It's been brought back with RPCS3, if you're curious to get back into it.

SegaSaturn6691115d ago

I played this game recently. This is a problem because infiltrating online bases is by FAR the best way to get money.

During the actual game i made a few mill doing story missions, and procuring equipment, but with the online wallet, I had 100m+ in a few hours.

Not to mention you'd need to create online FOBs to max your gear.

Was hoping there would be a next gen patch to make the idroid a little less laggy. Really, a masterpiece of a game.

SDuck1115d ago

And that's why online elements in single player games will never be welcomed by me

MasterChief36241115d ago

Remember that the services for Phantom Pain on Xbox One, PS4 and PC are still going to be online. But it is only a matter of time, I suppose.

GhostofHorizon1115d ago

Are there any trophies or achievements tied to online?

GhostofHorizon1115d ago

Well... that's unfortunate.

Dark_Overlord1115d ago

Actually 3, Intruder, Deterrence and Disarmament. You have to connect to the online to finish building the Nuke and get the trophy, meaning you can't disarm it either without online.

MetroidFREAK211115d ago

I still need to play these games. I have the PS3 versions

franwex1115d ago

The online component is really helpful with online connectivity. You get minerals and stuff while you sleep to build up your base.

MetroidFREAK211115d ago

I don't think I'll get to it before the online service is shut down

1115d ago Replies(2)
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Metal Gear Online is back, thanks to custom servers

We’ve seen custom servers bring loads of online PC games back from the dead, and emulation has provided a way for plenty of old console games to live on modern hardware. You probably see where this is going. Yes, a group of enterprising fans have put together custom servers to bring back the PlayStation 3’s take on Metal Gear Online, commonly known as Metal Gear Online 2.

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Dabigsiebowski1167d ago

I play MGO 1 still on my Original PS2 still... Online of course

franwex1167d ago

I had no idea we could still play this!

aaronaton1167d ago (Edited 1167d ago )

I play this and I would just say the skill gap is as large as ever. Headshots are key, and most players seems to be able to quickscope anyone from anywhere. This was always a thing on PS3 but it's even more pronounced due to higher frames rates on the rpcs3.

It's the toughest online shooter I've played in a long long time.


Metal Gear Survive will be the 1st Place Prize During a MGO3 Tournament and no Gamer Wants it

Metal Gear Survive will be the 1st Place prize at a Metal Gear Online 3 tournament and fans are furious.

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2550d ago Replies(2)
PhoenixUp2550d ago (Edited 2550d ago )

What more can Kojima do with this franchise when the saga is pretty much over?

The plot is pretty much wrapped up and Kojima has expressed many times he'd like to put the IP to rest. Anymore titles in the Snake saga would just turn Metal Gear into a zombie franchise..........oh wait!

-Foxtrot2551d ago (Edited 2551d ago )

It's a pre order code aswell

I mean it's bad enough it's Survive but not even a Collectors Edition of it or something

Salt in wound. They're right aswell the other prizes are better


DivineAssault 2551d ago (Edited 2551d ago )

LOL that sucks! Only Konami... and capcom ;(

GamesMaster19822551d ago

Shame i would have it but the online in mgo3 is boring as fuck.

BlaqMagiq12550d ago

Wow Konami is punishing whoever wins first place? #FucKonami