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Community2647d ago
CocoaBrother2647d ago

Hopefully this time around they make more for people to get.
And Star Fox 2? That'll be interesting to see in action

2pacalypsenow2647d ago

"Hopefully this time around they make more for people to get."


Newmanator2647d ago

What's funny about that comment? Unless you mean Love Our Life.

bouzebbal2647d ago

I see no integrated getting this.
I would have got the megadrive if it is.

Retroman2647d ago

The Question is : instead of making mini SNES . Why didn't Nintendo modernize those classic games for the Switch ? i personally would loved to see All these games in HD .

mcstorm2647d ago

GT67 I'm hoping Nintendo make a new and SNES pack for the switch would be amazing ide buy it for £30 to £40

2pacalypsenow2647d ago


The fact that he hopes Nintendo wont make it limited.

bouzebbal2647d ago

Typo error in above post due to the crap corrector.

i meant no REASON

freshslicepizza2647d ago

Nintendo can't even supply Switch properly, they will not have a great launch with this either because what's going to happen now is more people will buy everything they see hoping to resell it after the terrible NES launch.

darthv722647d ago

I wonder if this unit will also simulate the slowdown of those classic games. Or will they play at full speed all the time???

2647d ago
sonarus2646d ago

Will TRY to buy this day 1

paulust20022646d ago

sold out in about 2 minutes in uk

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Ukgamer2647d ago

NES mini - make small amount = hard as hell to get
SNES mini - make loads = People go nuts thinking there will be a small amount and buy them by the bucket load $$$$ for Nintendo

ccgr2647d ago

they will still be in short supply

Mr Pumblechook2647d ago

@UKgamer. That's a spot-on observation.

RosweeSon2646d ago

Except their won't be loads. A few million more than last time sure but still won't be enough for demand this console sold 50 million back in the day you'll be lucky to see 5 million made let alone 10 what with scalpers bound to be a few disappointed people.

RosweeSon2646d ago

Great theory tho but it's Nintendo they won't suddenly build shit loads more production plants and make 50 million SNES minis just not gonna happen as much as they love their retro stuff they are all about the new as well be more likely to see Switch get major restocks

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RommyReigns2647d ago ShowReplies(3)
XanderZane2647d ago

Oh, I've gotta pre-order this. Sell it on EBay for $500. lol!!
Can you even play your older SNES games with this console?

RosweeSon2646d ago

Of course they'll make more but they still won't make enough scalpers will still scalp it'll all be Nintendos fault of course. At the end of the day like nes mini it'll be a limited run otherwise they might as well stop selling the games on VC but there are bound to be shortages Nintendo are smashing it with Switch, 3ds/2ds' in all various designs, amiibos, games etc they can only produce so much. Bound to be shortages, Sony had them still are in some places with VR.
Sega will come along and make billions of their new mega drive/Genesis mini. How do I know this because they've seen Nintendos mini nes/SNES and they want in more to the point what else do Sega make these days except a few games here and there they don't have hardware they are producing and various other avenues they make a few games once every now and again.
Looks great tho 85 actual games not 40 Sega games 40 random rubbish games but the fact you can pop carts in as well is a winner but ill grab em all love these mini retro consoles of my childhood.

Mr Marvel2646d ago

I really hope that Nintendo makes an abundance of these so we can laugh at the scalpers getting stuck with multiple systems.

Miss_Weeboo2646d ago

This time I think they will. They didn't knew how big the demand was, but now they know better.

XanderZane2646d ago

They sold out in the U.K., but haven't been released for pre-order in the US yet. I'm going to try and get one as well.

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Tetsujin2647d ago (Edited 2647d ago )

After the whole fiasco with the NES Mini, I'm not going to waste my time until there's a surplus of consoles available. Everyone knows the scalpers will be the first to buy it, and resell it starting at $100+ and higher depending on demand. Honestly the Sega one is far more appealing because I can at least play cartridges on it, while this one doesn't look like it can read them at all.

I do want to at least give this one a chance since it does have about 90% of what I wanted from the SNES era (with the exception of a few games which I'm surprised didn't make the cut), but unless I can get it from a store (not a scalper) I'll wait it out. Both on the Nintendo site, and the article, it doesn't say it's a limited run; so if it's a permanent thing it's about time Nintendo listened to their fans. If it is limited, I'll pass. Not because it's a "limited release," because I'm not buying into the hype of "omg I need one" to re-release down the road.

Venoxn4g2647d ago

As far as I know..might be wrong..Sega one is not official

Zjet2647d ago

Sega has had ton of these type of consoles most using composite output though there is a new one with HDMI out now.

There are also portable ones. All official. Heaps in NZ.

Same as Atari Flashbacks lots of em here all official

luckytrouble2647d ago

There are dozens, if not hundreds of these specific system emulator boxes out there that go a step further to recreate or salvage original hardware to make a digital/physical hybrid box. Most of them are of questionable build quality and origins, almost guaranteed to be loaded with pirated games as an unofficial product. I tend to say to skip those because ethically you aren't doing companies anymore of a favor than if you simply pirated the games on your PC. Otherwise they are just cheap, crappy products cashing in on nostalgia with the absolute minimum effort in the most off brand way.

RosweeSon2646d ago

Oh I thought it was its nice to see 85 proper games for a change tho weird how there's no sonic 3 or streets of rage 1-3 at all.

rainslacker2646d ago (Edited 2646d ago )

The one's for Sega were official, but they were licensed products that had the approval to use the logo and games that were loaded on them. AFAIK, they were always made by another company, but I suppose Sega did have one or two they made themselves over the years. There were a lot of versions since the Genesis days.

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Uken122647d ago

I get you. But I personally want one because of the controllers. The NES Classic controller is the same exact thing as the OG NES. And the ROMS are way better than they are on Wii or Wii U. And the game list is stellar. Needs Chrono Trigger to be perfect.

Mr Marvel2646d ago

My opinion exactly. The list of games is near perfection (Chrono Trigger would have made it perfect).

I wouldn't have minded Super Tennis, Rock'N'Roll Racing or the Super Star Wars Trilogy, but these are less of an oversight and the SSW Trilogy look like they'll all make it to PS4 eventually anyway.

Zjet2647d ago

I find gaming retail and pre orders in USA so weird. Here in NZ. Our retailers put stuff up as soon as its announced. Pre ordered mine already (yes ill play it)

Benchm4rk2646d ago

Same. Pre ordered mine this morning. I just don't understand why people in the US get screwed and they either don't put pre orders up or put them up late.

Mr Marvel2646d ago (Edited 2646d ago )

Same here in Australia.

I remember walking into an EB store before the proper Switch unveil earlier this year and pre-ordering my Switch.
I came online and said I pre-ordered mine and people called me a liar because it wasn't pre-orderable yet. Even when I said it was EB Australia (they didn't have it pre-orderable on their website though), they checked the website and still thought I was lying. lol

RosweeSon2646d ago

Fiasco they made them they sold them, Nintendo are happy. I appreciate a lot of fans might be but that's Nintendos fault for not making 30/50 million mini nes' they shut VC down in the process as their 20/30 top games for SNES/Nes wouldnt sell anymore as you could get them all on an new retro mini console.
Scalpers are the biggest problem are retailers are more than happy to oblige them most of the time by placing order of 5-20 units and then getting them on eBay.

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CrimsonWing692647d ago

oh geez, I hope I can actually get one this time... just as I got over the stress and frustration of missing out on the NES classic...

Lovable2647d ago

No worries, Nintendo will continue that stress then.

OptimusC2647d ago (Edited 2647d ago )

Nintendo announced that this will only be released through 2017. They have no plans set for 2018. Meaning you only have 3 months to purchase. Good luck amigo.

Nodoze2647d ago

If that is the case FU once again Nintendo. The management team at Nintendo is populated with Jackasses.

Companies spend MILLIONS to generate demand for products
Nintendo could apparently care less.
Customers have MONEY IN HAND .....Nintendo makes a handful and then discontinues items or faces YET ANOTHER shortage of product.

I would expect shareholders to say enough is enough at some point.

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15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

Who doesn't love a good challenge? If everything was easy, there would be no joy in getting it done. In the realm of video games, the late 1980s and 1990s were the perfect era of "get good" gaming with multiple big-named titles that put a player's skills to the test. The Super Nintendo, one of

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Community5d ago
Gamingsince19814d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game


Italy's Crackdown on Counterfeit Retro Consoles Highlights Industry Failures in Game Preservation

In a major crackdown, Italy's financial police have dismantled a ring trafficking counterfeit vintage video game consoles, highlighting a severe issue within the gaming industry. The operation underscores the industry's failure to preserve classic games, driving gamers toward illegal alternatives as legitimate options remain scarce and prohibitively expensive.

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Knightofelemia7d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno7d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno6d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.


30 Years Later, One of the Most Important Racing Games is Still Awesome and Prophetic

It's been three decades since 'Need for Speed' dropped. Here's why the 1994 version of the game is still awesome and why it changed everything.

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Community23d ago
thorstein23d ago

"nobody ever really learned how to drive from a racing game."

Jann Mardenborough exists, my guy.

MajorLazer23d ago

GT Academy winners reading that quote: 🫥

ApocalypseShadow23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Yeah. Besides that ridiculous statement in the article, I really didn't like the first game at all. Cars controlled like bricks. It was only until N4S 2 was when it started to feel better. N4S 3 was when I really got into the series. Hot Pursuit was the shit for home console racing. I mean, it's on my phone like right now with Duck Station and ePSXe depending on which emulator I want to use. The disc is in a drawer and the PS1 in the closet but I had to reminisce every now and then on how fun it still is.

But then it turned into the Fast and the Furious nonsense of EA copying whatever was popular at the time including the music. Also by then, I was boycotting this shitty company for their industry practices of destroying developers and buying up licenses. I mean look, Criterion was purchased to kill competition, acquire the Renderware Engine and gain the Burnout series, then tasked what's left of Criterion into making N4S. Pure bullshit move.

But I did enjoy the series and EA before they turned evil and greedy.

C-H-E-F23d ago

I was literally about to say this. And GT taught me how to drive literally when Gran Turismo came out, being able to drive my GTR to the movie premier was a whole life 360 moment. Damn near cried, shit was unreal.

Abnor_Mal23d ago

If I remember right I started with NFS: Pink Slip, but my favorite was NFS: Hot Pursuit2 on PS2. My friend and I would race for hours, the sound track was banging with Uncle Cracker song Fever For The Flavor.

CrimsonIdol23d ago

NFS: HP2 was great. Although I had an Xbox and remember feeling distinctly disappointed once I realised the PS2 store demo of it was a totally different game to the game I had purchased for Xbox.

Abnor_Mal23d ago

Yea my co worker had an Xbox and a copy of the game, but racing him was different as the courses looked way better on the Xbox than PS2. Seemed like about three races were different since the Xbox was more powerful so sectioned off parts of some tracks were fully raceable breaking through stone walls to access short cuts.

glennhkboy22d ago

For me, it was the very 1st "Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed that got me hooked into semi-realistic racing game! Before that, most of the racing games were all very, well, game-ly, like F-Zero, Outrun, Daytona Racing, etc. The R&T Need for speed was one of the 1st game that tried to use real car spec for a more realistic (relatively speaking) driving experience. I also raced with a friend online, using 56K modem!!!

sagapo22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Yeah, my favorite game as well. Especially the coastal track was so awesome. Played it on Sega Saturn at the time.

Jingsing22d ago

Unfortunately the series drifted away from being a car enthusiast experience to a chav boy racer experience.

TheColbertinator22d ago

I did not like the early Need for Speed games at all. The series got me at Underground and I have been a fan since. Unfortunately EA sucks major eggs when it comes to consistent quality.

Carbon, Underground 1 and 2, Most Wanted and Heat are among my top racing games ever.
The Run, Payback, Undercover, Unbound and 2015 were all hot garbage to me.

Jingsing22d ago

Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed

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