
Mortal Kombat: Kollection Hits Retail Stores Exclusively for Playstation 2 System

Midway Games Inc., a leading interactive entertainment industry publisher and developer, has shipped Mortal Kombat: Kollection to retail stores. MKK is a special collector's edition box set combining three recent Mortal Kombat titles from Midway's award winning video game fighting franchise into one explosive package.

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Gish5737d ago

Umm, i would have seen this as being pefect for PSN and Live. Guess someone is smarter than me.

Yuprules5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

Gish. A little large for three games on PSN and Live, but yeah they could have to make it easier to make it a download instead of a box set.

Gish5737d ago

Ahhh you are right. I didn't know they were the newest ones. For some reason I was thinking of the older ones. To big.


All Mortal Kombat Games List, History and Reviews

The Mortal Kombat series is one of the cornerstones of fighting games and its legacy has endured for over two decades. From its very inception Mortal Kombat has been known for its explicit violence and easy to master controls. The game was originally developed for arcade machines and released in 1992, after three years of development. It has since been made available for practically every gaming system.

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KrisButtar3811d ago

I remember I bought a Genesis because I didn't want the no blood version. Mortal Kombat Armageddon is my favorite because it gives me so many Kombatants to choose from.

Yui_Suzumiya3810d ago

You mean Super Nintendo. Genesis had blood and gore with the ABACAB code. Takes me back. :3

CorndogBurglar3810d ago (Edited 3810d ago )

He said he bought a Genesis because he DIDN'T want the NO BLOOD version. Meaning, he wasnted blood, so he got the Genesis.

I did the same thing.

KrisButtar3810d ago (Edited 3810d ago )

The SNES version was the watered down version and I didn't want that. I never heard of that code till now. Did it change the Fatalities back to the original versions as well? Some of the SNES ones were different than the arcade. I used the SNES for pretty much every other game and was my primary console though I did go into pc gaming afterwards.

Edit: spellcheck

CorndogBurglar3810d ago

With Genesis you had to put that ABACABB code in for there to be blood and gore.

KrisButtar3810d ago

I remember having the blood and gore but I don't remember the code or using the code at all. Too old perhaps. Did it change the fatalities as well?

CorndogBurglar3810d ago (Edited 3810d ago )

It slightly changed the fatalities.

Like with Kano's heart rip fatality, it looked like he just punched the enemy in the chest, he didn't actually pull out their heart.

Or Sub-Zero didn't actually rip their head off, he just upper-cutted them real high in the air.

So yeah, it changed them.

abzdine3810d ago

my favorite MK is the first one i spent so nice moments playing it stopping by a cafe on my way home from karate class LONG time ago!LOL

Gazondaily3810d ago

My first ever game purchase was Mortal Kombat 1 on Sega Megadrive. Oh the memories! Well it was a 3 in 1 cartridge that included MK1, Aliens and Sunset Riders.

Oh how excited I would get if I saw a fatality or managed to pull one off.

Jmantis3810d ago

The same as mine. I still have Sega and 4 MK games somewhere in the garage. Good, old times... :)

abzdine3810d ago

i think it hit arcade before MD.. i dont remember but i'm pretty sure it did.
MK1 was so impressive looking

Yui_Suzumiya3810d ago

I used to live at the arcade for MK II. Anyone remember the Nudeality rumors? Lol


Mortal Kombat Komplete Kollection Review | GamingShogun

GamingShogun writes, "Mortal Kombat Komplete Kollection just drips with style and gore. The art direction for this game really hit home and made the game feel like a combination of the Mortal Kombats of the past, while bringing about a new look for a new generation. Many of the characters costumes have been simplified and hearken back to original designs, like Sub-Zero’s ninja style costume. Other characters, such as Smoke, have a much newer look to their costumes."

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Mortal Kombat II warriors: Where are they now?

Shao Khan was defeated, Earth Realm was saved, and Bill Clinton was getting “special service” in the Oval Office. It was 1993, and the colorful cast of Mortal Kombat II was unemployed. What happened? Did they go on food stamps? Beg for loose change? Or, god forbid, get a real job?

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Lifeequals424416d ago (Edited 4416d ago )

Little-known fact: Shao Khan provided the voice of John Smith in Pocahontas.

NagaSotuva4416d ago

Mel Gibson and diarrhea together at last!

acronkyoung4416d ago

I always suspected Johnny Cage had trouble in the bedroom.

GammaSix4416d ago

lmao i wish kano was there

Lifeequals424415d ago

He liked being chained up so much that he opened his own S&M club with Sonya.

crazytown994416d ago

Those fries are going to get cold.

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