
First gaming benchmarks for Intel's new Intel Core i9-7900X CPU surface

Intel’s new CPUs will be released in a few days and the first gaming benchmarks for its new Intel Core i9-7900X CPU have surfaced.

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tyasia02596d ago

So a $1000 Intel chip with 10 cores barely outperforms 8 core Ryzen at $450. Not to mention ThreadRipper will be out with 16 Cores and has a rumored price of $849 to again regain the performance crown.

ninsigma2596d ago

It's way too expensive. You would not need that at all for a gaming rig. An i5 would suffice!

KwietStorm_BLM2596d ago

*An i5 would suffice for [some] games.

attilayavuzer2596d ago


Oh stop, a used $50 OC 2500k will still run almost anything without issue.

tyasia02596d ago

Well... I wouldn't recommend an i5 to a friend. Almost all modern games can use 6 to 8 threads. Currently I would recommend an AMD 1600 or a 1700. I personally consider them to be the best value, the 1600 is cheaper than the top end i5 and it has 6 cores and 12 threads and the same cache as the 8 core R7, it's the best value at the moment.

IanTH2596d ago (Edited 2596d ago )

An i5 is mostly fine in...I'd say most games, if looking at all past games and even some current. But more new games are using more cores and can really take advantage of all the CPU grunt you can throw at it (The Division or Watch Dogs 2, for example).

My old rig I just replaced had an OCed 2500k in it and it was holding performance back - if only slightly - in several games even on that system's GTX 970 (would have severely hobbled my new 1080 in some cases). Any CPU bound game will bottleneck your GPU output, so if you can afford to spend a little more on a 4 core/8 thread or better, it can certainly be worth it.

Though if you put together a value build with a mid tier GPU, then an i5 is certainly the best choice for both price:performance & that it mostly won't hold those level GPUs back in any meaningful way.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2595d ago
ProjectVulcan2596d ago (Edited 2596d ago )

It's not really a gaming chip.

You could easily turn that around and say so a $450 Ryzen 1800X doesn't outperform a $300 i7 7700k!

Which it doesn't BTW, in games it mostly loses to said cheaper Intel chip.

But in productivity Ryzen wins because of all the cores.

Same goes for 7900X here but even more so. It DESTROYS a Ryzen 1800X in productivity which is why it costs $1000....

What's more unlike AMD's Ryzen architecture which has severely limited overclocking ability (around 4Ghz), the 7900X samples tested have been able to do an astounding 4.7Ghz.

10 Intel cores at 4.7Ghz will be a match for 12 Ryzen ones at 4Ghz. At that rate by the time Intel launch 12 cores AMD will need 16 just to edge it out.

sadsatan2596d ago

better waiting for the 10-core threadripper imo

darksky2596d ago

Would anyone buy a $1000 cpu for games? This is far too expensive compared to the very competitive Ryzens for business usage too.

maybelovehate2596d ago

Exactly. But I would buy it for producing music.

maybelovehate2596d ago

Would rather see the VST and Render benchmarks. Games are not really a good example for CPU benchmarks.

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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot57m ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing47m ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro3m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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