
Death Stranding will not be at E3, Hideo Kojima confirms

Hideo Kojima on Twitter: “Apologies to our fans, Death Stranding will not be @ E3 as we are fully focused on development. Pls see me with @geoffkeighley on 6/14!”

freshslicepizza2663d ago ShowReplies(16)
Nyxus2663d ago

Sony is financing its development, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

freshslicepizza2663d ago (Edited 2663d ago )

Didn't Sony also help publish No Mans Sky and help finance Street Fighter 5?

Rimeskeem2663d ago


I believe Sony helped with marketing for NMS and published SF5 on the PS.

Kojima is literally using a Sony owned engine for his game and collaborating with GG so I think that means it's a exclusive.

zivtheawesome2663d ago (Edited 2663d ago )

GG said the engine is made around 30fps and not unlocked framerate therefor there is 0 way it would be released to the PC unless some serious reworking of the engine would be done.

Liqu1d2663d ago

Sony payed for marketing and physical distribution for NMS, Hello Games self published.

_-EDMIX-_2663d ago

@moldy-?? Sony to my understanding never published no man's sky.

AcidDvl2663d ago

Love how you're being downvoted for stating a fact.

2663d ago
UCForce2663d ago

@Gekins it's completely changed that afterward. Death Stranding is now using Decima Engine. That Engine is made by GG.

Tech52663d ago (Edited 2663d ago )

"Death Stranding is now using Decima Engine. That Engine is made by GG."

Both Ready at Dawn and Remedy said the same thing about their engines before listing pc. Just about All game engines support PC by default, PC is the basis for C++ programming. technically only a contract would suspend a developer from releasing a pc version. In RAD's case they had implemented pc support but they were under strict contract at the time not to release anything.

UltraNova2662d ago (Edited 2662d ago )

Who care's if it will be released on PC down the line.. I know I don't.

There's plenty of time for Death Stranding to showcase at PS experience. I want to see brand new IPs this Monday.

That said Kojima is a known​ troll so I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up on stage with a ps4 controller and starts playing an early build of the game...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2662d ago
UCForce2663d ago

Kojima using Decima Engine aka Killzone ShadowFall Engine, so no.

Rimeskeem2663d ago

I think Decima was created to develop Horizon for the open world which is why Kojima wanted to use it.

Either way it's a PS engine \(^^)/

frostypants2663d ago

@Rimeskeem, Horizon is just the current best example of what the engine can do. It was indeed used for Shadowfall and a some other rather obscure titles before, though.

UCForce2662d ago

@Tech5 True, but GG is Sony first party studio. The original E3 trailer of Death Stranding was used different engine ( could be Unreal Engine 4), but completely replaced by Decima Engine in VGA trailer. I think Kojima choose GG engine because I believe GG did impressed Kojima. Remedy and Ready at Dawn are both second and third party developers. Again, I could be wrong. But seeing Kojima and GG have been working together, you can see Kojima has huge respect to GG.

UCForce2663d ago

I know you are going respond something. So spit it out already.

Shadowsteal2663d ago

Death Stranding is being made on the Decima Engine, so I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

BlakHavoc2663d ago (Edited 2663d ago )

Eh I doubt it. Being published by Sony, decima engine, and it's a Sony IP. Highly unlikely it comes to any other platform.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2662d ago
Thatguy-3102663d ago

I'm at least hoping for a new trailer lol

AcidDvl2663d ago

I think the whole point of the tweet was to confirm that there will be no Death Stranding on E3.

Ceaser98573612662d ago

Ya, I am expecting a gameplay next around PSX.... So its fine by me if they wanna take E3 off...

ninsigma2663d ago

That was what came into subhead as well. Hell of a lot of time between now and then to have some really good stuff to show.

crazychris41242663d ago

But why? They just picked their engine at the end of last year so they are full steam ahead towards a finished product. Waste of resources to make another trailer when the game isnt coming out for another couple years. Just gotta be patient.

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Juancho51226d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.