
Top 5 games inspired by Twin Peaks

It’s been quite the wait, but this week Twin Peaks has returned after a twenty six year break between its second and third season. In that time, Mark Frost and David Lynch’s cult classic has been hugely influential, and its ambitious storytelling, eerie atmosphere and memorable characters have had a notable influence on many videogames. Today Dracula's Cave picks out the top five games that embody everything amazing about Twin Peaks.

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PS Vita Fans Want Soul Sacrifice to Return on PS5, PS4 Next

There was a period when the PS Vita was new where Sony was desperate to secure a Monster Hunter-style hit on the system. You may recall that Capcom’s series had been extremely kind to the PSP, effectively securing it a second wind in its native Japan. But it’s widely rumoured that Nintendo swooped in and bought Nintendo 3DS exclusivity for future entries, leaving its rival scrambling for a replacement.

The company published several high-profile projects in the genre, including Freedom Wars, which will be remastered early next year. But that’s left some fans pondering whether Soul Sacrifice could also make a comeback, the first of its Monster Hunter-inspired projects.

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A Night on the Farm review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Spending a night on a farm doesn’t sound all that bad. The animals will be locked in their barns, there’s likely little in the way of noise pollution, and doubtlessly the fridge will be filled with fresh produce. Just think of the breakfast options! Then again, farms are known for housing potentially dangerous equipment and chemicals, and if something were to go awry, there’s probably nobody for miles to hear your cries for help. If someone wanted to conduct shady business, a farm would be an ideal place to cover up tracks without fear of anyone snooping around."

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Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster PS5 Review - Impulse Gamer

Impulse Gamer: Capcom has set the bar high for its zombie-based remakes in recent years, and now it’s finally time for its other zombie series to receive the same treatment.

The music remains completely unchanged, including all licensed music. Now a new generation of players can develop PTSD of hearing Lifeseeker playing in Leisure Park. Deluxe Remaster features a “streamer mode” option to disable these, but they are untouched otherwise.

A faithful hybrid between remaster and remake, Deluxe Remaster is the way to enjoy the first Dead Rising going forward.

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