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Star Citizen Passes $150,000,000 in Crowdfunding; Reveals AEGIS Eclipse Stealth Bomber

Star Citizen unleashes the new AEGIS Eclipse stealth bomber, while the crowd funding total passes $150 million.

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Abriael2680d ago
lelo2play2680d ago

Don't people have better things to do with their money?
The amount of money poured into this game is absurd.

Tech52680d ago (Edited 2680d ago )

no. the crowd funding for mighty no. 9 was absurd, this game i can see why.

freshslicepizza2680d ago

I don't understant the pricing model for consumers then. If they have that much money why do they continue to to sell so many DLC?

naruga2680d ago (Edited 2680d ago )

@lelo totally agree ...and still to release the complete product they just absorb money ....someone should have sued them by now me looks like the biggest fraud ever ...not ever i ve supported any kind of stealing crowfunding

felics2680d ago

moldybread: Think how much games like GTAV, TESO, Destiny, etc. required. They are all tiny and very simple games compared to Star Citizen. It is also worth to keep in mind that CIG (four studios) was built from scratch and they are working on two games at the same time; Star Citizen and Squadron 42.

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago


Funded a game that the creator didn't even see fit to properly make or even release on time.

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Erik73572680d ago (Edited 2680d ago )

The graphics and content are insane tho

ShadowWolf7122680d ago

The content you still have to pay more for? lol


Well, since the basterd race isnt gatting any single AAA exclusive, they may as well pay for it themselves! If only to be able to keep using it as a flagship for pc exclusives one year...then the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one

Aloren2680d ago

Like starcraft? or total war Warhammer ? or Dawn of War 3 ? civilization ? Heroes of the storm, Lol, dota 2 ? Wow, The Old Republic ? just cause you're not interested in PC AAA exclusives doesn't mean they don't exist.

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago

I don't think you fully get how much it cost to roll out a MMO.

Mind you, the people who give to this also get gear and other items and even if they feel like funding this game, that is their choice.

Seriously, stop attacking gamers who want this game.

How people spend their money is their business bud.

medman2679d ago

All dat money and still no finished product?

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crazychris41242680d ago

Im not getting the game until at least the 4.0 update which isnt coming until next year

2cents2680d ago

Hook, line and sinker.

What a joke. No sci fi epic is worth that sort of money. How much for the ship!!! Insane.

TekoIie2680d ago (Edited 2680d ago )

Is GTA V worth that sort of money? Because this game is currently showing far more promise and doesn't have a $250 million budget.

Lionsguard2680d ago

Well considering GTA5 was released back in 2013, was made by a well-known, trusted company and has made all of it's money back and a ton of profits to too boot, yes, GTA5 was in fact worth it. This game? When is a release date in sight? This, whatever it is, is just smoke and mirrors until proven otherwise. This game could have been helmed by Bernie Madoff and suckers would still buy into the snake oil and defend it to the death. Show us a product or gtfo.

2cents2680d ago

Star citizen has been showing 'promise with many promises' for a very long time now.

Asking for so much real cash for an in game item by claiming the purchases supports the game development is disgusting. Not a practice I will EVER support.

GTA balloon their budgets based off of prior success attained by delivering complete games. They do not come begging the community to pay $300 for a DLC car claiming it will allow them to make the game better.

Many hardcore star citizen fans have lost touch with reality. I know a few and it has taken over their lives in a VERY BAD WAY, and that have 'donated' stupid amounts of money.

Each to their own, but this ain't for me.

TekoIie2680d ago (Edited 2680d ago )


You're going to have to define "smoke and mirrors". The game has been playable for a few years now and has a dogfighting module and FPS module that is coming along nicely. You can't really mislead with something that the community is playing and loves thus far.

Also, show you the product or gtfo??? DONE:

The core mechanics are in place and constantly being refined and balanced while more ships move into being playable. What we're really waiting on right now is the galaxy they've mapped out here: https://robertsspaceindustr...

Btw have a click around on that map and see how they've planned some of the narratives that the full game could have. It's got some nice details.

Star Citizen has not been without its development problems. Like redesigning a few ships and including some which are clearly going to require their own mechanics like this: But acting like there isn't a product there is just being deliberately ignorant.

thisismyaccount2680d ago

GTA 5 was made by 1,000 people, they sold up to 80mill. copies ... the game was and is with Vice City prolly the best GTA in a very long time. 1,000 people and those that oursourced/helped with got paid and are getting paid ...

Star Citizen has shown nothing remotely worth the $150mill. investment imho.

Few Ships?
One or two cutscenes with Mark "The Star Wars Hater" .. and some flyby/throught empty landscapes with a station randomly placed in the world ... No Man´s Sky did that a year ago ... and after the 3rd planet 99% of the gamers were bored already seeing the same shaite over and over again (same buildings, same "ancient artefacts", same pattern, same LZ, same, same, same...)
and some boring cheap CoD PvP that many actually disliked ...

have fun waiting on the finished game ... my theory is the following :

- They´re going to wait so long til the consoles have the power to display/render the game at 60fps. Until they catch up, SC wont see a release in the next 2 years. Once the console have the power, they will annoucne a console version ;)

2679d ago
_-EDMIX-_2679d ago

@2Cent- " by claiming the purchases supports the game development"

You have proof its not supporting its actual development?

How much do you think it really cost to roll out such a MMO?

I mean..give a ball park figure

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago


Why are you comparing a MMO to a open world crime game?

More money is going to go into something like an MMO based on all the networking issues and features involved. GTA has NOTHING compared to what is being attempted here.

"Star Citizen has shown nothing remotely worth the $150mill"

Except you don't know what that looks like bud. They have shown lots of the game and its fully playable in many areas.

"have fun waiting on the finished game .."

Based on that logic, you are still waiting for World Of Warcraft to be done or even GTAV....

You don't really understand MMO development to really be commenting bud. You legit are asking for something "finished" on a concept where that might have no real ending based on the nature of the game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2679d ago

Well, since the basterd race isnt gatting any single AAA exclusive, they may as well pay for it themselves! If only to be able to keep using it as a flagship for pc exclusives one year...then the next one...and the next one...and the next one...and the next one..

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago

....except your talking about an MMO. You are not just talking about some small game here.

We've had games that have gone way over that budget that are NOT MMO's.

A COD once had a 200 million MARKETING BUDGET!

DarXyde2680d ago

People are free to spend their money however they like, but crowdfunding is a bit of a scary practice for projects like this. It scares me to think people are willing to throw this much out there without firsthand experiencing what has materialized so far.

Pandamobile2680d ago

If you buy into the crowd funding you get to play the game that day. They are developing the game in modules all over the world with teams in the US, UK and Germany, so it's playable in chunks but it's not a cohesive game yet. If you follow the developer YouTube channels they do monthly updates on how the various systems of the game are coming together. Star Citizen is already one of the most ambitious games ever produced.

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago


"Star Citizen is already one of the most ambitious games ever produced"

Agreed. It is worth it for folks to buy those ships, they get something back and they get to help fund a project no major publisher would ever back.

cencik2680d ago

i had displeasure to play this game free weekend. this game has no content, boring all cuz mad people like to pay for $hit. maybe in 3 years they will shape it somehow. situacion is pay more get less. like all braindead peps du. FTP Dreadnought is much more enjoyable. i play games for 20 years now and this is just mad..

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New Star Citizen Update Includes Argo ATLS Mech Suit

Following the reveal of the Argo ATLS on the Star Citizen testing servers, an update introducing it to the live servers has been released.

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Abriael5d ago

Star Citizen Showcases New RSI Zeus MK II Ship and MFDs Coming in Alpha 3.24.2

Today Cloud Imperium Games released another video showing relevant content and features coming to its space simulator Star Citizen.

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Abriael7d ago
Promachos6d ago

You belong in jail CON ARTISTS

Markdn6d ago

Yes they are but the people who keep. Paying need locked up for stupidity.


Star Citizen Suddenly Reveals First Mech Suit, and It’s Already Playable

Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games suddenly dropped a new build in the testing servers of the game, including an unexpected vehicle.

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Psychonaut8512d ago

I don’t think the word “already” should be used for anything involving Star Citizen. Lol

thorstein12d ago

What is the number of space games released since 2011 (Star Citizen began production) that have playable mechs?

This game hasn't released yet.

RhinoGamer8812d ago

Shame about the lack of a game to play with it in... #ponzi