
A Year After Release Overwatch Still Has Me Hooked

It's been about a year since release and Overwatch has yet to hit it's
peak. With copies on PC, PS4, and Xbox One still continue to fly off the
shelves. But, what is it that has gamers, continuously coming back to the
game? Poli Games host, Joseph, tells what makes Overwatch so special to

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Elda2682d ago

Played the betas at first & they were fun but I still didn't want to fork over 60 dollars for a multiplayer only game.I waited till black Friday & bought it for 30 dollars but didn't start playing into this January,the game is fun...I'm at level 40.

Poli_Games2682d ago

I'm happy you're enjoying it! I have it on the PS4 and PC. Originally played it on console and then my friends moved to PC so I followed, haven't looked back!

dilbig52682d ago

Kinda fell out of after a couple months. A non-story based online shooter can only do so much.

AspiringProGenji2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

Never had this much fun with a MP game since forever, and I don't like any of the mainstream ones. This one is enough for me

Here's to more years to come 🍻

InTheZoneAC2682d ago (Edited 2682d ago )

I've had a couple months I went without playing. Excluding the players that play, I haven't hated any mechanic or feature in the game like every other shooter out there:

-BF, hate WW settings
-CoD, hate the P2P lagfests, no game is every lag free and it's just not fun to have every auto aim/bs mechanic going against you every time you spawn
-Destiny, hated the selective weapon metas, P2P lag like CoD and super slow updates/DLCs

Besides Socom and BF2-4 this is the only shooter I can see myself playing for years and not get tired of it.

kindkinesis2682d ago

had me hooked for a couple of months but then the lustre faded especially since loot boxes are so terrible.

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I Miss the Original Overwatch

Blizzard's blending of the FPS and MOBA was a masterpiece of design that met its end too soon.

Tedakin481d ago

I miss 6v6, lootboxes and an actual player level. I used to look forward to Junkenstein's Revenge at Halloween and the Christmas event cause of all the cool cosmetics you could earn. I'd play it every day. Now you play it for an hour, earn some stupid charm, and you're done. No reason to play anymore.

ActualWhiteMan481d ago

RIP OW2 is trash. My friends stopped playing it like we used to the first one every Friday night.

smoothdude481d ago

this. loved overwatch 1. 2 is no fun. there is lots to play… find something you like.

Gardenia480d ago

I'd never thought I would say this but the loot boxes in Overwatch wasn't so bad compared to what it is now.

GoodGuy09481d ago

I remember those epic dreamworks-like CGIs. I wasn't a fan at all but man, I knew it was a rediculously huge game. OW2 I've seen...nothing, died maybe after a week.

moomoo319480d ago

OW2 is a disaster. All these years to make the game 5v5….? And they scrapped PvE? The game just sucks man zero fun.

211d ago