
Call of Duty and World War II: A Brief History

This year Sledgehammer Games joins the WWII ranks of Call of Duty with Call of Duty: WWII, which will bring the series back to World War II after nearly ten years. We can’t wait to tell you more about Call of Duty: WWII, so be sure not to miss the reveal livestream at 10:00am Pacific on April 26. We’ll see you there, soldier.

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Relientk772653d ago

Back to WW2 and boots on the ground


threefootwang2653d ago

Agreed. Now please keep all of the ridiculous perks, weapons mods, and kill streak packages down to a minimum and just give us a good old fashioned shooter!

Palitera2652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

The problem was never perks. The game was still great with kinds like Martyrdom, Juggernaut and Danger Close.

The real problem is the speed and the corridor maze map design (which means run and gun is today the only viable option), dominant after Black Ops.

But whatever. It is just the Groundhog Day again. People hope AND believe COD will be great again after every single reveal.

And then later complain COD still exists at such scale.

Today's fanbase are the ones that love what we hate about COD. Guess who Activision chooses...

The 10th Rider2653d ago

Here's hoping the story/campaign/single-player is less like a Michael Bay action film and more like Saving Private Ryan or Hacksaw Ridge.

THAT would have me interested in a heartbeat.

Either way, a WW2 setting is enough to pique my interest again. I was just doing work at a nursing home and one of the resident there had his discharge papers on the wall . . . He fought at Normandy on D-Day. Unfortunately his hearing was so bad and I didn't have a whole lot of time, so I wasn't able to talk to him about it too much, but it was still really cool. There hasn't been a conflict since then that's come even remotely close to the same scope, scale, or stakes as World War 2 was.

UCForce2653d ago

I think Sledgehammer Game want this game to be like Band of Brother.

Tru_Blu2653d ago

Wish it was IW, world at war sp was a blast.

2652d ago
IceKoldKilla2652d ago

@Tru_Blu You mean Treyarch. IW didn't make World at War.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2652d ago
lociefer2653d ago

secret nazi jetpacks and grappling hooks !111!
joking, probably will be the first cod i buy in a long time, hopefully it's anything like world at war.

mark3214uk2653d ago (Edited 2653d ago )

how can you tell it will be boots on the ground from the pic? knowing COD you will go back in time with a jetpack and laser guns

i wont believe it untill i se some gameplay or a trailer

2653d ago
endi1232653d ago

Finally people will stop whining about cod, boots on the ground boots on the ground boots on the ground....

2652d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2652d ago
Next_gen_20152653d ago

For a World at war copy and paste job

CernaML2653d ago

I absolutely would NOT mind that.

annoyedgamer2653d ago

You say that like its a bad thing..

2653d ago
2652d ago
UCForce2653d ago

So it is true. Here the thing, this game got leaked way earlier than previous COD games.

ApexWolf222653d ago (Edited 2653d ago )

I find it difficult to digest that it was accidental. Infinite Warfare turned so many stomachs, that I'm sure it was intentionally done to build hype towards taking COD back to its roots. They have way to many measures to prevent "leaks"

ocelot072653d ago

Good no more of this space crap. Might actually but COD this year.

CyrusLemont2653d ago

You're a space marine sent from the future to help change the tide of word war 2 using advanced tech and skills like exoskeletons and walrunning abilities.


That would be the best troll though haha

ocelot072653d ago

I swear if that happens........

MasterCornholio2653d ago (Edited 2653d ago )

Sounds about as retarded as the storyline in Ninja Gaiden games.

What next future neo Nazis go to the past to turn Hitler into a giant robot?


CyrusLemont2653d ago

Wow can't believe how many horrible typos I left in that comment, sorry everyone!

2653d ago
Father__Merrin2653d ago

good no more double jumps, no more ground skidding, no more wallriding

hate it when stupid users on IW get kills by jumping about lol day one purchase for me i predict 10 million + on ps4 alone

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538d ago

Playing Call of Duty WW2 in 2021 ahead of Vanguard's release

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Father__Merrin1052d ago

Only managed around 5h playtime online. Maps were rubbish


PlayStation Summer Sale Gets Even Bigger

The PlayStation Summer sale expands with a load of new discounts.

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Aloymetal1087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

Including indies I’ve bought like more than 20 games, good deals all around.

P_Bomb1087d ago

I’ve overindulged too! Gonna pump the brakes on this next round. Unless there’s a PS+ discount. Need a cheap sub for my kid so I’m not always changing primaries.

solideagle1087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

could you please suggest good indie games (which are on sale)? I love JRPGs or action RPGs but I can play almost any genre e.g. Transistor is £3.74 which I think is a steal :)

shinoff21831087d ago

Check out earthlock. Its pretty good

Old school jrpg try cosmic star heroine I really like that one

Aloymetal1087d ago

Disco elysium, man eater, inside, limbo
Dead cells, observer, to name a few

LoveSpuds1086d ago

Don't sleep on Darkest Dungeon, Child of Morta or Spiritfarer.

Although it won't be on sale, the best indie I have ever played is release in a week or so, it may be 20 quid but you have to play Hades.

GhostofHorizon1087d ago

Told my partner to stop me from browsing. We'll see how that goes, the first part of the sale already got me.

ElvisHuxley1087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

Anthem 85% off? Thought they went free to play. Has the game gotten any better?
Edit-Nvm, it's Europe anyway.

Hellcat20201087d ago

The second phase of sales is for all regions
It's just not yet showing up in the ps store

Servbot411087d ago

They abandoned Anthem. Typical EA.

CobraKai1087d ago

I can’t believe they’re still trying to sell it

BioShockGX1086d ago

Got Anthem for $5 last year. Not a bad game for that price lol

ElvisHuxley1085d ago

Appreciate the downvotes folks. I guess merely asking a question bothers the incredibly mature users here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1085d ago
anast1087d ago

I might finally go for Black Desert. I've been playing ESO (without MTing my characters) for some throw away entertainment, but the combat is so "#$&&%.

Servbot411087d ago

BDO sucks. Only good for the character creator.

anast1087d ago

Is the combat worth it?

Phoenixryu1087d ago

I tried BDO a few months ago. It's a decent game but I got bored of it pretty quickly. Combat is very action-based, it's fun but very repetitive. There are a lot of menus and most of the in-game systems are a bit more complicated than they needed to be. Some game modes won't let you buy and sell certain items until you convert to a different mode etc. Basically, the game is kind of convoluted.

phoenixwing1087d ago

The mobs barely react in bdo. You can kill half of a mob of enemies before they'll even attack. You'll basically be grinding mobs until you can fight a boss that will even react well. Don't recommend it

anast1086d ago

Thanks. Is there an alternative to ESO?

phoenixwing1086d ago

@anast I'd recommend playing the single player version of es if you haven't exhausted your playthroughs

EvertonFC1087d ago

Highly recommend the "metro saga bundle" £25 all 3 games and all DLC plus free upgrade for ps5 exodus 😊

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