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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Review | Gamereactor

GR writes: "It's a near-perfect package that offers something for all ages to enjoy, with lashings of content to keep players coming back again and again."

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Community2618d ago
freshslicepizza2618d ago

nintendo are one of the few who are able to redo a game and then get it to sell very well while still charging full price for

Neonridr2618d ago

still totally worth it though. And a fair bit of enhancements to make it justifiable.

Can't wait.

BigTrain2617d ago

Its only worth it for those who have not experienced it yet, otherwise it should half the price of a brand new game at best.

Neonridr2617d ago

@BigTrain - pretty sure Sony did the same with TLOU and charged full price again. Was that ok though?

MVGeneral2617d ago

Sony also released 3 games for the price of one. The Nathan drake collection.
And tlou released with the dlc's

NapalmSanctuary2617d ago

"tlou released with the dlc's"
So does MK8 Deluxe.

Sono4212617d ago

the only reason i'm getting this is to have a reason to pick up my switch again.. already own it on my Wii U. Although I am very concerned about how well this will run in docked mode.. Zelda still has terrible frame rate issues while docked so how will this fast paced racer hold up?

Neonridr2617d ago

@Sono421 - Zelda patch improved many of the areas where there was slow down.

Digital Foundry did a work up on MK8 on the Switch. It runs at 1080p/60fps locked, so not sure what you are worried about performance wise.

Sono4212617d ago

@ Neonridr

Tired of hearing this, the frame rate issues and full on freezes are NOT fixed for Breath of the Wild while docked. My system software is up to date and so is Breath of the WIld. Still experience many frame rate drops and full on freezes. Did their patch make them less frequent? Maybe but I can't tell. Anyone saying this is fixed with the patch doesn't even play the game, or is just flat out lying because they feel the need to defend Nintendo.

Neonridr2617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

@Sono421 - don't know what to tell you my friend, but I do not experience crashes or freezes. Wish I could help you out with that, but that sounds like a problem more severe than just a game stuttering.

I come across an area here or there in the game where it may stutter or slow down for a second. But I definitely don't experience whatever it is you are having troubles with. And it certainly doesn't make the game any less fun or playable for me.

Then again my Switch didn't have the joy con issues, dock issues, cracking issues, bending issues, or whatever other problems people seem to be coming up with. So who knows.

BigTrain2615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

You are correct Sony did do the same thing with the TLOU and I say the same thing to them too. "Its only worth it for those who have not experienced it yet, otherwise it should be half the price of a brand new game at best."

Utalkin2me2615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )


Again TLOU also doubled the framerate and increased resolution and not in just one particular instance. Also used some AA, and wasnt full price.

The switch version is still 60 fps and still is 720p in portable mode and didn't add an AA.

So while they are both not worth it unless you have never played them before. But its obvious more work went into TLOU.

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-Foxtrot2618d ago

When Battle Mode should have been a free update to the previous game since you can tell it was obviously unfinished and slapped-dashed together. Sorry but it's true and if you want to defend that then it's clear denial

Most of this could have been another DLC pack or free updates.

Nintendo-or-Nothing2618d ago


With you being a middle aged man you would think you would appreciate the greatest Mario Kart ever.

Mario Kart 8 is one of those games that was so good, that it was a shame that more didnt get to play it. Now we have a true system link console in 2017 and now we get one of the best multiplayer games ever.
I'm curious, why do you flock to Nintendo articles when you have no interest besides to bash it?

EddieNX 2618d ago

The 1080p , battle mode and being able to play splitscreen and 8 player LAN make this a must own for anyone who is even remotely interested in Mario Kart.

Its the best Mario kart game ever and fully portable as well!

-Foxtrot2618d ago

"With you being a middle aged man you..."

Started with a ass-like comment...not even going to bother

indyman77772618d ago

Moldybread everyone makes remakes full price. Most of the time. To look at it correctly, Nintendo is one of the few companies that can remake a game and make it way better instead of screwing it up. That is what I take from it. They are not perfect (star fox). But they are good and making things better. So Way to make a positive into a negative.

Nintendo-or-Nothing2618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

@ foxtrot

Lol, Im only kidding. My first system was an Magnavox Odyssey if that gives you a clue how old I am. But us old timers will always be young at heart. But seriously, what system were you gaming on in the 80's? Nintendo to me is the last resemblance of the golden age of Gaming. I personally want Nintendo to thrive and keep family-oriented gaming alive.

freshslicepizza2617d ago

IndyMan, wasn't the Last of us remaster only$50? That was a nice upgrade too.

Dan_scruggs2617d ago

All DLC could be free. But I live in the real world and so do you.

xPhearR3dx2617d ago

Oh look, Foxtrot in yet ANOTHER Switch game article whining like you usually do. Honest to god question, do you actually ever play anything?

On topic. It's pretty simple. You either buy it and enjoy it, or don't. That's it. Life goes on. Support what you like, don't support what you don't like. Remember The Last of Us Remastered? Which could have easily been a digital only title and cost $20-30. Hell, they didn't even add anything. Just a resolution bump, option for 60 FPS with DLC and called it a day. Boom $60 bucks. Where was you complaining then? Oh you weren't, because I forgot Sony did it so it's amazing. You know, like you claim for Nintendo. They seem to get a free pass because everyone in the press is bias and thinks they're amazing right? You only apply logic when it works in your favor.

But you know what? I bought The Last of Us Remastered and I bought Mario Kart 8, both for full retail price. Because they're good games and the developers (In my opinion) deserve the extra cash from me and everyone else buying it twice.

2617d ago
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Istolla2618d ago

Many people haven't played this game so it will be new to them.

ninsigma2618d ago

Many people didn't play Skyrim. Should they have paid full price for the remaster??

blawren42618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

ninsigma. Yes, it would be justifiable to pay full price for skyrim remaster, if it included dlc, update graphics, and new multiplayer mode, as does Mario Kart 8.

itBourne2618d ago

Nintendo are also one of the few who gets significantly more praise simply for nostalgia sake..

Mario Kart is the epitome of give every kid a trophy... It is a shame Modnation Racers died, it was and is a much better cart racer.

Istolla2618d ago

If it was much better, why did it die?

Highlife2618d ago

Mod nation racers could have been good but loading times, lag terrible frame rate killed it. I like Mario kart but this should not be full price I have the wiiu version and this doesn't seem worth it. Also does any other game reuse it's maps more than Mario kart?

Erik73572618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

Well there's nostalgia because Nintendo games were actually good I guess

Loadedklip2618d ago

How much was Last of Us remastered when it launched? Honest question.

ShottyatLaw2618d ago

It was going to be $60.00, but they lowered it to $50.00 before launch.

Erik73572618d ago

50 with no new added content

2pacalypsenow2618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

Some stores gave you discounts if you had the original game, I got mine for 19.99 with a PS3 version trade in

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starrman19852618d ago

Naive I know, but is Mario Kart actually good fun solo? I have a Switch and I am tempted but I just don't know how much depth it has from a singleplayer point of view?

Gemmol2618d ago

a lot and you can play online

The 10th Rider2618d ago

Yeah, it's pretty good fun. With the added DLC there's a ton of tracks and it's a blast. There's also the time trials and 200cc to master as well. If you're up for playing online it's definitely worth it. If you're not big on online and aren't going to play couch co-op, I'd wait for a price drop unless you really like racers or are looking for something to scratch that itch.

deafdani2617d ago

Yes, it's fun solo if you try to get all gold stars on all cups on all racing speeds (50, 100, 150, 200 and mirror). That will take you a good while.

Then you have online multiplayer, which is a blast. Not as good as local multiplayer, obviously, but still a lot of fun.

starrman19852617d ago

In terms of unlocks (I am a bit of a collector in games and this would encourage me) what sort of unlocks are there? cosmetically, well and performance based?

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Bruh2618d ago

Ehh so is Sony and Microsoft or are we going to conveniently forget about the plethora of Remasters that came out in the first few years

Erik73572618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

And also apparantly able to get it to review better as well

2617d ago
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Mr Marvel2618d ago

This was the only game I played regularly on my Wii U before I traded my system in, therefore MK8 Deluxe is a must buy for me.

I haven't played any game other than Zelda on my Switch, so it should be a nice to try something else.

Neonridr2618d ago

Might I suggest Shovel Knight (if you didn't play that on your Wii U) or Fast RMX.

I also just picked up that new Wonder Boy game which looks awesome.

CocoaBrother2618d ago

Graceful Explosion Machine is a lot of fun, especially if you're a fan of games like Resogun.

Neonridr2618d ago

@Cocoa - I will have a look at that myself, thanks for the suggestion.

Istolla2618d ago

I second Graceful Explosion Machine. The game is so good. After I beat it I'll pick up Resogun on PS4 (unless it's on PC as well).

EddieNX 2618d ago

I got shovel Knight few days ago. I've basically played £22 for an aneurism!!! Its great but it gets me so mad!!!!!

Loadedklip2618d ago

@Mr Marvel and Neponridr, Shovel Knight is amazing. Specter of Torment DLC is basically a new game in the series.

If you didn't play the origina Mr Marvel ... then I suggest getting the entire package that brings the original, the first DLC and the second DLC which is truly a new game.

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2618d ago Replies(5)
2618d ago Replies(4)
corroios2618d ago

Really only nintendo gets away with stuff like this. I bet every wii u nintendo will go the same path. Easy and fast money with almost no work, compared to do a new game.

Neonridr2618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

lol, yeah it's not like they have new modes, new racers, all the DLC, enhanced resolution and framerates added into this version.

I mean it's just the same game in a different box right?


Utalkin2me2618d ago

Its basically the same game. The graphics are almost identical. They just added the DLC and improved battlemode and have dual items now. Thats pretty much it.


Neonridr2618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

@Utalkin2me - graphics are 1080p/60fps for 1-2 players (on the TV) and 1080p/30fps for 3-4 (on the TV)

On the Wii U it was 720p/60fps for 1-2 players and 720p/30fps for 3-4.

That's quite the significant increase in pixel count. I wouldn't call it almost identical at all.

Especially when there were so many articles around here that claimed there was a huge difference between PS4 games @ 1080p vs XB1 games @ 900p.

corroios2618d ago

Up, with dlc repacked and on sale. Still waiting for new game from nintendo . Another deluxed version

Utalkin2me2618d ago


Again, almost identical. The extra pixel count will not add more detail it will just have a sharper image. I dont care about all those articles your claiming about. As i stated before its basically the exact same game with very little added benefits. MarioKart 8 on the WiiU was a great game.

Utalkin2me2617d ago


Didnt think you would reply after i proved facts and you still are spouting opinions. Funny how now you're trying to use TV mode argument, but for the last 3 months have been saying nothing but portable this and portable that, which runs at 720p on the switch. So in portable mode its the exact same resolution as the with WiiU.

First quote i look at.....SMFH

"natively it's going from 720p to 1080p. However most consoles will still upscale the game afterwards so the difference isn't super pronounced. Everything will be a little sharper as a result especially at further away distances. But it's not going to set the world on fire or anything just look more polished in the end. "

It's funny cause you are arguing the complete opposite to me. Some of you people on here a pieces of work let me tell you.

Neonridr2617d ago

@Utalkin2me - I am flattered that you are basically stalking me on N4G.

I never once said that the graphics are going to be leaps and bounds different. I just said that the Switch version is pumping out a hell of a lot more pixels. Of course the end result is going to be similar, it's still the same assets and textures for the most part (Switch uses a bit better texture filtering). But everything at much farther distances will be sharper as a result from the 1080p native resolution vs 720p.

It's the entire package that sells this though, you get a lot for what you are paying for.

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Erik73572618d ago

When you respect your developers and almost every exclusive you have is rated like a Uncharted game. You have the luxury to do that and get away with it.

-Foxtrot2617d ago

Or maybe it's because they know fans like you will blindly defend them...maybe that's their luxury.

Erik73572617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

Well lets say theres a reason they have fans, you dont make them with killzone shadow fall, knack, or a crappy mario kart rip off or crappy super smash bros rip off :)

kfk2617d ago

They must not have many fans, since the Wii U failed so badly Nintendo had to discontinue it halfway through the generation. Can't wait for Switch to fail too! Pile on, Nintendo fanboys, make yourselves feel better about your recycled children's games, with outdated graphics, poor to nonexistent stories, and poor to nonexistent voiceacting.

kangolkyle2618d ago

I mean...The Last of Us Remastered though...

corroios2618d ago

How many times are nintendo gamers use the excuse tlou , zelda fast rmx street fighter, mario kart splatoo2 must i go on. All wii u games and many more are coming

C_Ali882617d ago


As many lame fanboys use the same lame excuses when their console of choice did the EXACT same thing.

Just off the top of my head..

Dark Souls:Remastered
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection (remasters)
AC4:Black Flag (port)
AC: Ezio Edition(port)
Darksiders I&II (ports)
God Of War III: Remastered

Do you need more? Cause there are!

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Famitsu: Stellar Blade Debuts #1, Switch Sells Over 100k Units

It's a 2-for-1 on this week's chart, as the Golden Week holiday period takes Stellar Blade to the top spot, as well as some impressive Switch sales figures

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Community41d ago
ZeekQuattro41d ago

Hardware Sales (followed by lifetime sales)

Switch OLED Model – 72,592 (7,195,696)
PlayStation 5 – 43,033 (4,808,908)
Switch Lite – 16,247 (5,833,845)
Switch – 11,199 (19,786,390)
PlayStation 5 Digital Edition – 6,501 (767,403)
Xbox Series X – 2,982 (271,121)
Xbox Series S – 2,353 (310,852)
PlayStation 4 – 202 (7,925,781)

Hugodastrevas41d ago

Stellar Blade selling well it's great, hopefully we get a sequel or s franchise out of it!

ravens5241d ago

Just ordered my copy yesterday, gets here today. I still haven't beat FF7 Rebirth, but I want to play Stellar Blade lol. So I'll just play both 🤷🏽 and Helldivers 2 🇺🇸

Hugodastrevas41d ago

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Just finished fishing all the fish in the game to unlock an outfit lol.


5 Awesome Video Game Soundtracks You Need To Check Out

Video Game soundtracks are an essential part of the game, setting the tone, warning you of impending danger, or for some of us, useful background music whilst studying or working on projects.

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Community46d ago

Looking Ahead: The Lingering Questions About the Next Mario Kart

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "10 years. It’s been almost 10 years since the last mainline release in the Mario Kart series. Mario Kart 8 came out for the Wii U in 2014 and became the best-selling game for the system by a sizeable margin, and later pulled the same magic trick on the Nintendo Switch under the stage name Deluxe. All in all, it's sold nearly 70 million copies over the last decade and is still selling like hot cakes to this day, so it’s no wonder Nintendo has been in no rush to replace it. However, with rumors of a new system being just around the corner, and reports a few years back that a new Mario Kart is indeed under way, it seems the era of 8 might very well be drawing to a close. It’s an exciting prospect to be sure, but after two Nintendo systems with Mario Kart 8 at their heart, a lot of questions remain about how Nintendo will choose to follow it up."

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Community68d ago
Yi-Long69d ago

I hope they just keep building on Mario Kart 8; Add a track-creation tool, and probably open it up to more Nintendo IPs with new tracks and characters, so Metroid, Punch Out, Starfox, Animal Crossing, etc etc.

gold_drake69d ago

there wont be a new one until the switch 2 comes out.

nintendo needs their bangers early on