
Why Nintendo Switch Owners Should Be Excited For ARMS

ARMS is Nintendo's latest IP and is hitting stores on June 12th 2017.

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corroios2619d ago

Its not another game from the wii u

RosweeSon2618d ago

Sorry what games have been from the Wii U so far?.. ah yes Mario Kart isn't even out yet despite it being a truly fantastic game and splatoon 2 is a month or 2 away but still a pretty great game not a Mario Kart 8 sure but of course the best of the best Wii U games will get a Switch version, not like Xbox re did gears 1 or halo collection or are now relying on new games getting added to BC list to pad out their "new?" Releases, not like Xbox and Sony even have had their fair shares of remasters and rereleases, bioshock collection Lego Harry 1-7, heavy rain/beyond 2 souls. Great games get a second chance 😱 No ones asks you to buy again, splatoon doubt I'll bother but Mario Kart 8 hell yeah Switch version is day 1 for me. Amazing game.

RosweeSon2618d ago

Haha oh yeah I suppose Zelda is as well, did actually forget that but then not got round to starting it off yet wanna nail some Mario Kart first get to grips with console then get into something a bit more meaty... Zelda ;) but yeah 1 game that was due for Wii U the rest aren't except Mario Kart next week, splatoon a month or 2 later but yeah great games deserve another chance.

ElementX2619d ago

I've heard rather mediocre things about this game. I really don't think it's worth getting excited over

Erik73572619d ago (Edited 2619d ago )

Where? From the latest gameplay it actually looked pretty good.

I liked the 2 v 2 thing, a lot of weapons you could switch, bunch of new maps and new characters shown.

RosweeSon2618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

Changes aside its Mario Kart 8 from Wii U it's not gonna be overly different which is a pretty good thing as it was great to begin with, if it's not broke don't fix it, happy we get all the DLC the extra characters are cool if a little uninspiring and the battle mode and extras should make it more than worth the purchase to be fair I'd have taken Mario Kart 8 again as it was. Great fun and now portable 🙌🏻

xPhearR3dx2618d ago

I agree. Prior to the previous Nintendo Direct, I thought it looked rather meh, but the gameplay trailer they showed actually had me interested. It's a shame it wasn't a launch title. Still unsure if I will get it day 1, but I certainly want to play it eventually since that last trailer. Could be a ton of a fun.

RosweeSon2618d ago

Never heard of them and I wonder why 🤔 Ah that's it they clearly talking dribble. Don't believe everything you read sure not gonna be everyone's cup of tea but if you like great fun games 👍🏻

GameBoyColor2618d ago

All i've heard was mostly positive with excitement for it being possibly a pretty food fighter for competition.

Testfire2618d ago

Well a lot of people said the same of Splatoon, and look how that turned out.

Erik73572618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

Got high ratings and the people who got it loved it was how it turned out so thats pretty good indication for arms then I guess?

RosweeSon2618d ago

Well having actually played it being as it's already out on Wii U have you not seen the reviews it's one of the best Mario karts in years if not ever, sure this is a rerelease and changes have been made but Famitsu have given it a 35/40 for a remaster? Yeah must be awful.

Erik73572618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

But I didn't have a wiiu so the whole flaw of it being on wiiu doesn't even apply to me and probably to all the people who love to mention that in the comment section of n4g. Its a brand new mario kart for overwhelming majority of people.

Have many friends that want it once this mario kart they never got to play comes out on it.

Holds up well too because of its fantastic art style

RosweeSon2618d ago

Erik your in for a treat it plays like a dream. Enjoy.

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2618d ago
Perjoss2618d ago

I heard you don't have to play it with motion controls, which is great as I'm not a huge fan of those. I was going to wait for a price drop but if you can play it on the pro controller I'm in. Looking forward to it.

GameBoyColor2618d ago

Local splitscreen sold it to me as well as the button controls.

EddieNX 2618d ago

Exactly! Considering you can use buttons, it just looks like a really deep fighting game with tons of customization, count me in! I can't see it scoring lower than 8-9 across the board

jaymacx2618d ago

Remember punchout Wii? That had several was to play. I only wish star fox zero had those options.. looking forward to ARMS

wonderfulmonkeyman2618d ago

It's new and unique, and it looks like it's got some decent strategy elements mixed into it by letting us choose which weapon we use per hand.
I can see this getting a nice competitive scene going.

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Nintendo Select: 5 Switch Games That Deserve A Second Chance

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "The Nintendo Switch has been one Nintendo’s most successful systems ever, both measured by the number of units sold and the quality of its titles, but if there’s one thing this generation has been missing it would have to be the Nintendo Selects line, bringing existing titles that had paid their dues back at bargain prices. With the Switch now entering its twilight years, and there being few new titles in store for the foreseeable future, what better time could there be to bring back this tried-and-true tradition? While the actual realization of it may be doubtful given how rigid both hardware and software prices have become in recent years, that only gives us all the more reason to dream up a hypothetical lineup of our own.

For this article the specific focus will not be on those massive multi-million evergreens that the lineup would no doubt contain a few of to cement its value, but instead on games that for one reason or another fell short of their full potential the first time around and deserve a second chance to reach more players at an affordable price. Let’s get started."

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FinalFantasyFanatic103d ago

I really want Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Switch, can't believe that hasen't been ported. I'm playing Skyward Sword at the moment and I'm almost finished, but it's so long and the controls are so bad, even without motion. Astral Chain is fantastic though, they should make a sequel.


ARMS update out now (version 5.4.1), patch notes

Nintendo has prepared a new version 5.4.1 update for ARMS, and the official patch notes are now available.

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A bunch of Nintendo Switch games just got the same patch, but no one’s quite sure why

ARMS has received its first update in five years, but we'd prefer if it got a sequel

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SwiderMan582d ago (Edited 582d ago )

I got the same for Splatoon 2. Nintendo's release notes should be more detailed. Interesting.