
Dark Rose Valkyrie Western Release Date Revealed

Idea Factory International has revealed that Dark Rose Valkyrie, originally released in Japan under the name Black Rose Valkyrie, will be released in North America on June 6 and in Europe on June 9 for the PlayStation 4 in both digital and physical formats.

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Rangerman12082620d ago

Hopefully, the game will be better than Omega Quintet.

Darkwatchman2620d ago

Omega Quintet wasn't very good overall, but I LOVED the combat and combos and all the intricate systems and mechanics. If only the rest of the game surrounding that combat was better

_-EDMIX-_2620d ago

Another day another PlayStation 4 RPG announced.

I didn't get a chance to play Omega but I did watch some gameplay videos and it looked somewhat interesting.

2620d ago

Under $20 sale on PS4 games include Dark Rose Valkyrie, Warriors All-Stars and more

Amazon has discounted a few notable games for the PlayStation 4 to below $20, including Dark Rose Valkyrie, Dragon's Crown Pro, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, Mass Effect Andromeda, Vikings Wolves of Midgard, Warriors All-Stars, Yooka-Laylee and more.

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Review: Dark Rose Valkyrie | Link-Cable

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "If something’s not broken then it’s best left alone and Dark Rose Valkyrie is a perfect example of that idiom when it comes to RPGs. It’s a game that doesn’t try to reinvent anything or do anything particularly different but strives to deliver a long, deep and meaty RPG experience. But while that is a respectable way to approach the genre it can lead to a game being drowned out and ignored when it doesn’t do anything particularly unique or different so that’s definitely a line that Dark Rose Valkyrie needs to straddle in order to make its presence known. So does it succeed and deliver a solid RPG or does it wilt instantly?"

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Dark Rose Valkyrie Review (PC) | Hey Poor Player

HPP: Although sporting an ambitious premise and a likable cast of characters, Dark Rose Valkyrie ultimately ends up stumbling in the end due to its predictable, cyclical gameplay, and overly complicated combat system.

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