
Fatality Pushes Captain Falcon Forward with Second Place Finish at Civil War - The Game Haus

Civil War was a thrill ride from start-to-finish and no player personified that more than Fly society'a own Griffin "Fatality" Miller.

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PurpHerbison2637d ago

How is this guy going to try and use Jonathan Wendels handle?

MyDietEqualsGames2636d ago

Kid's got a lot of balls taking that name and has very big shoes to fill.


Matt Booty talks shipping Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5, Xbox exclusives, and more.

Xbox's Matt Booty discusses reactions to the Xbox showcase, shipping Sea of Thieves on PlayStation, closing studios like Tango Gameworks, and more.

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purple1016h ago

Matt Booty:

How It Started:

"Go spend Sony out of business."

How It Is Going:

"We just have great working relationships with the teams at Sony." (Sony is a great partner)

Jingsing4h ago

Microsoft thought players views and habits didn't matter but there are more people engaged with the gaming industry politics than there ever has been. Microsoft is like a toxic party and people know it and won't support the no matter how much money they throw at it. That is important.

RauLeCreuset2h ago

Watch for the sleight of hand.

Hint: Exclusives and launch exclusives are not the same thing.

"When asked about what this means for future Xbox exclusives, Booty reiterates that the teams are evaluating games hitting other consoles on a 'case-by-case basis,' adding that Xbox players can absolutely continue to expect many games to launch as exclusives, and that the 'Xbox promise' that all Xbox first-party games come to Xbox Game Pass will continue to be true."


Top Games You Should Get During During Spike Chunsoft’s Mid-Year Deal

Angelus Victor said: Publisher Spike Chunsoft, Inc. has just announced that from June 19 to July 3, 2024, they will be holding a Mid-Year Deals Sale on the PlayStation Store. Some of their hit games can be obtained with huge discounts, so we’ve lined up five games you should definitely get in this limited-time sale.

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The Epic Games Store Has Two More Freebies Waiting for You

The Epic Games Store continues to throw free games at us, and this week there are two more.

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