
5 Series That Died On the PSP

Jerry from BagoGames says, "Sony hasn't had the best of luck with their handheld devices and some of their biggest franchises died on the PSP, here are those five."

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FallenAngel19842677d ago

Jak & Daxter went out on a whimper with TLF

2676d ago
Last_Boss2676d ago

It's coming back on ps4, in a remaster.

KOIMOJO2676d ago

Interesting little thought piece. I feel like Parasite Eve and Syphon Filter could still have legs.

jokerman272676d ago

I hope Parasite Eve does, it is one of my favorite franchises EVER!

gangsta_red2676d ago

That Ghost n Goblins game for the PSP was the ultimate lesson in pain.

Capcom should make a collection and bring that game back.

Protagonist2676d ago

Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins was hard as hell, did beat it though... yet I did not, because when finishing the game, it encourage you to play through a second time in order to face off against the real final boss. Never did that... too much pain...

gangsta_red2676d ago

You're a braver soldier than me. There was a part that I just couldnt get past and I gave up im defeat.

jokerman272676d ago

They may, we are getting a Disney Afternoon Collection of all their old Disney games, maybe Arthur is next!

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A Look Back at The Best PSP Racing Games

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darthv72224d ago

I had to buy the import as it was not released in NA. Much better than the first, which was great as well.

Terry_B224d ago

Aye. Still playing it from time to time via the emulator. Would buy a PS5 port on day one.

Freecs224d ago

A little bit off topic, but i just got Ridge Racer 7, and it's kicking my butt XD very challenging game but still ahead of its time

darthv72224d ago

I still love to play outrun, sega rally and burnout while just kicking back in bed.

piroh224d ago

So many great memories, so many great games

purple101223d ago


How they got that running on a psp il never know

psplova223d ago

There were so many great racing games on the PSP. I always remember The Race Driver game being one that surprised me..

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