
Could Project Scorpio Be A $700 Console?

Project Scorpio will likely be the most expensive console on the market, but how expensive can it possibly be?

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threefootwang2630d ago

Highly doubt it. $450-$550 realistically. Anything more and even the most hardcore Xbox fans wouldn't buy it.

darthv722630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

A high price is sometimes indicative of high quality and sometimes not. Look at the Neo Geo. It was truly the only arcade at home console and has a pretty insane following still to this day. Then look at something like the 3DO. It was high priced because the 3DO company had a lock on the software which made the hardware company (Panasonic) have to sell high to recoup their investment. Typically a platform will sell the hardware at a loss with the intention to make up for it via software. That was not in the contract between Panasonic and 3DO.

Scorpio could be on either side of the spectrum but one thing is for certain. If MS wants to make this a success then they will be looking at all aspects of how to sell units. Including selling it at a considerable loss if necessary.

mikeslemonade2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

$400 and possibly $300. The equivalent gpu right now can be had for $300 and less. And it only stayed at $300 because NVDIA doesn't drop price after they retire the gpu. So right now $250 to my estimation for the gpu. Microsoft will be willing to sell Scorpio at a loss.

Won't be $700 cause I can build PC stronger than Scorpio for $700 right now and we still have almost a year before this fail of a console releases.

Eonjay2630d ago

Right but the thing is you want to find a price-point that doesn't block out a part of the larger market. It will not be $700.

ninsigma2630d ago

Gotta add in the possibly brand new 2017 CPU. Was it 12GB of ram?? plus everything else. That won't come cheap. I can see this for $500 but also wouldn't be surprised by 600. I would be shocked if it was 400 or less or more than 600.

BlackTar1872630d ago


CVTURBO2630d ago

@Mike It one thing to build an equal or better PC for the same price, but its another to build it in the compact size for fast manufacturing. And unlike you, they have to pay for utilities, wages, ect ect. to assemble them.

Bigpappy2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

@darthv72: Your reasoning is sound, but I believe that if they include the Rezen CPU, $700 wouldn't be out of the question. Phil keeps saying this is a PREMIUM console that is NOT aimed at the general gaming community. You guys apparently either think he is joking or a liar.

This will not sell at PSpro price. I am expecting $600 to $700, depending on the processor and whatever other hardware features are added. If it is $500, I would be very happy and pleasantly surprised. Truth is, I am not really concerned about the price. I want them to build a truly premium console. I believe if it is truly a performance monster there will be more gamers who will happily pay a bit more for it.

freshslicepizza2630d ago

i think it was said that it wont be higher than something we are familiar with like the ps3. so i would think $399-$599.

i wouldn't want them to cheap out or do a semi upgrade. why not just give a premium product like they did with the elite controller? if people think its too much they can build their own pc (which we all know will be significantly higher) or buy a xbox one s.

bouzebbal2630d ago

If it's more than 399 then they shouldn't even bother and stay committed to the X1.

andrewsquall2630d ago

@darthv72 Why go that far for your examples when you have PS4 and Xbone? Xbone itself is the perfect example of a ripoff console at a ripoff price for what you were getting. Even WITHOUT the Kinect 0.75 at launch, 400 would have been a ripoff for a 2004 ddr3 "next gen" console, especially compared to what the PS4 was.
On top of that PS4 had PS Plus games, MMO support, game streaming on Twitch and Ustream all at launch too.

FITgamer2630d ago

If the "rumored" Ryzen CPU is in the box, I'd say it's going to be $599. $499 at bare minimum.

DarkZane2630d ago

The people thinking it's gonna be $300 or $400 are out of their mind. The thing is gonna be minimum $500.

Hell it will probably be more because Phil Spencer keep saying it's a high end premium product, so don't expect it to be cheap.

Captain_Tom2630d ago

A 6 TFLOP console for $700?!

I can build a 9 TFLOP PC for that price. No the OP clearly knows NOTHING about computer hardware. Yet another uninformed mouthpiece spouting ignorance.

OC_MurphysLaw2630d ago

@darthv72 the main reason it won't be $700...just look at what happened to all those consoles you sighted. That model would be the sure way to kill xbox in the current landscape.

If MS wants to regain the success of the 360 they will model after what they did there. Advanced tech that was beyond the current tech so it was relevant for years and the sold it at a loss to be price competitive.

Trekster_Gamer2630d ago

It is not 1993... The same rules do not apply. MS knows if the price is too high current XB1 owners will not purchase. I think 499 to 599 will be the price point. They can afford to take a hit on hardware.

UltraNova2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

I would like to beleive that MS learned something the past 3+ years...with that in mind they will not price the Scorpio above 499 (it goes without saying that they must sell at a loss). Dont forget that Sony might drop the Pro's price to 350 just to mess with them.

That said a 150 bucks price difference will be hard to sell when the competion will have a ton more games out and even more announced at E3.

MS must start their E3 conference with the console's reveal (full specs & price) then announce game after game untill the end of it, like non stop. Theirs no room for multimedia/VR/Xbox live/W10 talk(thats better left for another show down the line). Just show the scorpio and its games.

Imho its the only way for MS to give the Scorpio a fighting chance.

mikeslemonade2630d ago (Edited 2629d ago )

lol you guys think $300 is farfetched. $400 is probable since PS pro is equivalent to a 970 and Sony sold the PS Pro for $400. 970 at the time was $250. 980ti the closest thing to Scoprio is $250 right now and the reason it's not $250 when you google it is Nvidia doesn't drop their price when they retire their card, but the 980ti is worth $250-$300 right now. So it's it's probable that it will be $400. However wait 6 more months and the gpu is even cheaper.

Someone mentioned CPU and other components but it appears the Microsoft is beefing up the gpu and any cpu can do run on a console. A $100 cpu probably wouldn't be the bottleneck on a console. Then the other components are just cheap.

And finally this is Microsoft they are as good as Sony as getting their components for cheap and selling it at a loss. It's not like Nintendo where they cheap out put a 2 year old Tegra inside the Switch and then sell it for profit on launch day.

And finally it doesn't matter because Scorpio will fail. I just wanna tell you fairminded people here that it's probably $400 and possibly $300. $300 to undercut Sony, because Microsoft is directly competiting against Sony. The components inside can be worth $500 and then sell at $300. How is that not out of the possiblity to some of you numskulls on here.

Maybe some of you guys were toddlers when the PS3 and 360 came out but those systems sold at a loss. 360 was $400 msrp but the cost to manufacture was like $650 $700. And PS3 was $600 but the manufacture was $850.

mikeslemonade2629d ago (Edited 2629d ago )

Also what I said before should deter you from buying this system all together. When Scorpio outs finally for $400 it will be behind on PC anyway. They will force it to play 4k but you won't be able to play PC exclusives. Spend a little more on a PC build to get an even better PC.

As a previous 980ti owner which is the scorpio equivalent, that gpu wasn't that good on 4k games. It was good for 2k gaming. So don't spend $400 on another underpowered system with no exclusives.

Scatpants2629d ago

Either one of those systems is utterly niche. That is something Microsoft doesn't want. I'm guessing $400 and if it's over 500 I'll be amazed.

TheUndertaker852629d ago

@andrewsquall: Don't forget Xbox One offers .5GB more ram to devs. Plus PS4 Pros extra 1GB is DDR3, not GDDR5.

Xbox One also has Games with Gold offering both Xbox One and Xbox 360 games, all playable on Xbox One. Xbox One also supports MMOs and free to play games just like PlayStation. They even offer some content not available on PlayStation. Who'd have thought? Further Xbox One does support Twitch streaming and will be gaining Beam support in a near firmware update. Beam now being exclusive to Microsoft.

Haven't you been to the present lately? Kinect 2.0 is no longer coupled with Xbox One allowing individuals to pick up the new One S model sporting 4K & HDR support for typically less than a PS4. They also managed to pack in a 4K UHD drive in every one without increasing the cost to consumers.

2629d ago
indysurfn2629d ago

I will say that if it turns out to be more than 6 teraflops (I.E. If Microsoft is sandbagging just like Sony did with the PS4 way launch).

My point is if it turns out to be 8+ teraflops even I would jump on it. Horizon Zero dawn has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that GRAPHICS MATTER!

dumahim2629d ago

"Someone mentioned CPU and other components but it appears the Microsoft is beefing up the gpu and any cpu can do run on a console. A $100 cpu probably wouldn't be the bottleneck on a console. Then the other components are just cheap. "
You're forgetting they're not using desktop processors for home consoles. They've been low power (low heat) mobile processors. Could they use a cheap desktop processor? Sure, but then they need to build a box and cooling to support it. They're not going to do that.

Angeljuice2629d ago

The 3DO was a better console than the Neo Geo. Neo Geo had King of Fighters and other exclusive arcade games, that's why it was popular.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
_-EDMIX-_2630d ago

Agreed that is just so unrealistic.

Nu2630d ago

I'm thinking $500 at most.

TheCommentator2630d ago

Yep, at the most. $400 on the low side.

S2Killinit2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Yes. It will be between 399-450. Its not that much more powerful than the Pro, and it wouldnt make business sense for it to be that much more expensive.

Gazondaily2630d ago


"Its not that much more powerful than the Pro"

Isnt it like 40% more powerful??

Trekster_Gamer2630d ago

It will be much Much more powerful then the pro. This isn't a minor upgrade as with the Pro. This is next gen performance .

Phoenix762629d ago (Edited 2629d ago )

@trekster gamer

This isn't a minor upgrade as with the Pro.

The pro is hardly a 'minor' upgrade when you compare the stats next to og ps4
1.84-2.10 GHz CPU 30% increase
800-911mhz GPU approx 15% increase
Gddr5 1.84-4.20 teraflops over 200% increase
Additional 1gb ddr3 (og ps4 didn't have this)

Angeljuice2629d ago

It will cost more than $500, or Microsoft wouldn't be softening the blow with their "premium console, premium price" mantra.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
XanderZane2630d ago

It definitely won't be $700. I'm still thinking $500 will be the price and I can live with that. If M$ really wants it to fly off retail shelves include Crackdown 3, Forza 7 or a new IP exclusive to XBox/Scorpio and sell it for $450. It will sell then. I think anything over $600 is going to drive consumers away.

ShadowKnight2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

I believe it's going to be $550 to $600. No way its going to be $450 especially if it's going to have 6 teraflops GPU, SSD, 12GB of ram memory, Ultra HD Player, and a Ryzen CPU and a Elite Controller. Anything over $500 is DOA IMHO

BumpFrankie2629d ago

Can you please provide your source confirming this new console comes with an SSD and an Elite Controller? Thanks.

ShadowKnight2629d ago

Phil said it's a premium product just like the Elite contoller

TheUndertaker852629d ago

"Phil said it's a premium product just like the Elite contoller"

Uh... What part of that says it'll pack in a SSD or Elite controller? That tells me that it'll be premium compared to Xbox One & One S then the price will reflect the same.

LackTrue4K2630d ago

Keep in mind, Microsoft sells 150.00 elite controllers.

DJustinUNCHAIND2630d ago

And they are the best controllers available.

PaulKersey2629d ago

There's a sucker.. um fanboy born every minute.

goatking2629d ago

Those elite controller feels like they are 150 bucks to be fair, plus they have sold fairly well.

TheUndertaker852629d ago

Also keep in mind Sony licenses higher priced knockoffs that advertise similar features

Then don't get me started on the $150+ Wii U GamePad or what it must cost to replace a Switch tablet.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2629d ago
Fist4achin2630d ago

Thats a tough price to put on your fans. I hope they have some software to command a price like that.

tinynuggins2629d ago

It's not actually because it's just a high end option. phil spencer already said that the xbox one s will sell more over scorpio after scorpio launches.

TheVetOfGaming2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

I'm guessing $500. I seriously doubt it will sell for any less. The real question is: will it sell well enough?

Scatpants2629d ago

It'll sell like garbage at $500. Xbox is already the less popular brand. They're not really in the position to charge a lot more than their competition and expect lots of sales.

Ceaser98573612629d ago

Should be 499$ or lil more.. 300 to 399 Not even a chance.. Its a premium console. Anything close to 599$ + would be dangerous for Scorpio.

0Day2629d ago

The standard iPad is priced at $599 when they come out each year and people buy them like hot cakes. Microsoft knows that people who want a Native 4K gaming experience will be willing to pay $599 minimum. Especially when they announce all their existing X1 games will get a visual upgrade from the hardware. Halo 5 in 4K. I know it will sell.

ChiefofLoliPolice2629d ago

Quit being unrealistic it's not gonna be anywhere between there and you know it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
Relientk772630d ago

It wouldn't sell at that price, I'm expecting $400-500

darthv722630d ago

Oh it would sell. You always have those with $$ to burn that has to get the latest and greatest.

The masses don't usually come into the picture until the price is significantly lower. Like when the PS2 finally hit the $199 sweet spot is when it seriously exploded in sales but it's not a knock against those who paid the premium price to have it (and the bragging rights) sooner.

WickedLester2629d ago

The masses will be buying PS4 Pros when Sony announces its new 299.99 price tag.

TheUndertaker852629d ago

@WickedLester: Why would the masses do that when if Pro drops that much the base model would need to drop as well?

So if the masses are going to buy something it'd be the base PS4 over Pro, no? As most people don't have 4K, care about specs, bandwidth for 4K streaming, or other factors that existed for PlayStation fans to this point?

dumahim2629d ago

Yep. I had planned on buying one from day 1 up until about two months ago when the prospect of their exclusive games seemed to have dried up. If I was going to drop that much money to play MS games, I might as well put it towards PC upgrades and just play Forza there instead.

The 10th Rider2630d ago

Yeah, I don't think it will be that price, but there's people out there who will buy more expensive things because they believe the price is indicative of quality.

kneon2630d ago

Maybe as high as $599 if someone in marketing decides that they need to differentiate from the PS4 by promoting it as a premium console. But that wouldn't last as it would flop hard at that price.

Angeljuice2629d ago

Release it at a high price to establish its high value then reduce it shortly afterwards to imply a bargain?

Kaneki-Ken2630d ago

A new generation Console and charge you another $400 or more for more power but no Exclusive, amazing 10/10.

Angeljuice2629d ago

That's not fair, they've cancelled and butchered plenty of titles in preparation for the Scorpio's release. That takes serious effort.
Offering nothing at all isn't as easy as you think.

iceman062630d ago

This is the difficulty. MS wants to define it as a "premium" console. Well, that means that there has to be enough of a price gap to satisfy that meaning. (perception of quality based on price marketing...Apple does this WELL!) While I agree that $400-$500 would be ideal, it could drift upwards of $600. If it's meant to be the console that extends the generations (the specs look solid enough to last several years), then $600 doesn't look that bad and gives the perception that you've paid for something signifcanlty better than the standard. (more marketing psych. stuff) In the end, high end "premium" products aren't meant for mass consumption. The actual idea of premium IS that some will be priced out. Not only does it make the standard seem more affordable. It creates a "need" when there wasn't one. People have the standard, and can't afford the Premium. But, there's now an urge to upgrade. Just because there's something better. (smartphone and tablet market KILL with this psych. strat.) This leads to justification (real or not) of the money gap.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
skydragoonityx2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

A $700 console wit so little games would be the final nail

Aenea2630d ago

Give it a rest, it still has all the multiplat support the PS4 also has....

mikeslemonade2630d ago

You and 12 others in your city will buy it..

Gaming_Cousin2630d ago

Wow it has multiplatform games! Can you tell me what it can do that PC does not? Oh thats right... charge $50 for online play

King_Lothric2630d ago

When the Xbox team criticized PS4 for having "no games", I don't remember multiple support was part of that count.

Jamesx82x2630d ago

Actually no it doesnt, just look at Nioh and Nier.

RosweeSon2629d ago

Yeah multiplatform sure so I can play all that elsewhere what does thisconsole have that can't get elsewhere for cheaper? Games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2629d ago
darthv722630d ago

there are over 1000 games for xb1 which will work on scorpio... you call that "little"?

mikeslemonade2630d ago

You and the 17 other people in your city will buy one.

curtis922630d ago

Yet >1% will actually take advantage of scorpio's power so... just keep your XBO and save $700.

Gaming_Cousin2630d ago

darth quit your bsing. Many of those games have not even released or have a release date.

TheCommentator2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Curtis thinks Scorpio will launch with fewer than 10 games supporting it... and gets agrees...


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2630d ago
Critic4l_Strik32629d ago

$700 will be more like starting to fill the grave with dirt

hahaha2630d ago

Better not as there aren't any games to play.

CrimzonRazor2630d ago ShowReplies(2)
2630d ago Replies(2)
CrimzonRazor2630d ago

500 max anything more and people will pass and go pc

yeahokwhatever2630d ago

north of 500 because it IS a PC. just wait.

MonsterChef2630d ago

I fail to understand how blind summer fans can be. This thing is not going to be$400 it'll be $500+ if it's less, I'll eat crow. And the thing is, that if it is$500 why bother with it at all, you can build a good rig with that cash and do more in game with a gaming PC than Scorpio.

jmac532629d ago (Edited 2629d ago )

Well if that's the case I will use that $500 to buy a scorching GPU that blows it out of the water. That's not selling consoles to us. All the xbox games will be there on PC as well.

tinynuggins2629d ago

No they wont. You could give me the highest end gaming rig and I'll either sell it or put it in the garage. But one thing i will never do is game on pc. It just kills the fun for me. That's why consoles were created so that gamers dont have to deal with all the pc hassle.

yeahokwhatever2629d ago

and hacks. FPS are basically unplayable on PC.

holdmyown832629d ago

Ahhhhh yes!!! You the real MVP for that comment. I can't see myself doing it either. Maybe if I had started at a younger age.

yeahokwhatever2623d ago

I used to game almost exclusively on PC, and would only buy multiplat fps on PC, until I just got tired of all the cheats, getting kicked because people thought I was cheating, etc. Just gets annoying.

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CrimsonWing698h ago

I’m probably the only one on the planet to say this, but I’m stoked for this.

Michiel19898h ago

I've been waiting for this as well ever since it was announced. I think it was supposed to come out way earlier, but at long last!

DivineHand1257h ago

If it doesn't have Microtransactions then I am interested.