
Does Zelda Make The Nintendo Switch A Must Buy?

It's here! Yes, Nintendo's console/po rtable hybrid was released last week and it looks like the launch has been quite the success if early sales figures are anything to go by.

Sleek, shiny and tactile, listen in to episode 82 of your ever faithful podcast to hear James and Antony give their hands-on verdict on this latest innovation that lies waiting to transform your gaming experience.

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PhoenixUp2755d ago

Not if you already have a Wii U

raWfodog2754d ago

Simple answer, if you're a Zelda fanatic and you don't have a WiiU, I don't see why someone wouldn't buy the Switch just to play the game. I've just never been drawn to the lore of the series so that's why I've never played a Zelda game. My kids love Zelda though.

jagermaster6192754d ago

I agree, damn man so many haters on this site!

2754d ago
CDbiggen2754d ago

I have Zelda on switch and there are pretty bad frame drops all over the place. The worst times being walking through and horse riding through anywhere woodland. Usually I can brush these off, but it's actually become distracting to the point where I don't want to visit forests anymore.

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Nintendo Switch has been officially released in China

Nintendo Switch after huge success is finally coming to China. This will be a Chinese version of the Nintendo Switch, which is being featured by Chinese Mega Giant Company Tencent and Nintendo. Additionally, it’ll have a price point of 2,099 Yuan ($297), including a free copy of New Super Mario Bros Deluxe. This is the …

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rlow11755d ago

Hey a portable great firewall for the Chinese gamer........those pesky communist....enjoy your switch comrads.

DafunkyRebel1754d ago

A rip off version will come out called Chin Tien Dou

Ninte1754d ago

I'm curious about the eshop because of China strict Internet policy.

TargusX1754d ago

When is Earth Defence Force 5 coming to Switch and Xbox?

AuraAbjure1754d ago

Great I hope they enjoy Super Mario Bros!


Fire Emblem: The Three Houses Review - Analog Stick Gaming

"When Three Houses was announced for the Nintendo Switch, I was more hyped for this than almost any game currently available on the platform. While its story doesn’t quite live up to the previous entries I’ve enjoyed, mostly due to some poorly handled reveals and its failure to offer us up a compelling villain, Three Houses succeeds greatly due to its vast replayability with new game plus, and yet another memorable cast to add to the franchise. " Jeff Young - Analog Stick Gaming

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Save Some Serious Scratch With These Insane PS4, Xbox and Switch Game Deals

The game deals keep on coming in 2019 with awesome savings on PS4, Xbox One and the Switch.

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SheenuTheLegend2052d ago

instead of save, i see spend during the sales.
but great deals overall. bought Spiderman.