
Hideo Kojima visited Guerrilla Games to work on Decima Engine

A few days ago Kojima flew to the Netherlands to visit Guerrilla Games in Amsterdam. As we know Kojima Productions and Guerrilla are collaborating on the Decima Engine, with Kojima even setting up a satellite studio within Guerrilla Games (they are currently looking for programmers to work there).

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2663d ago Replies(4)
chrisx2663d ago

Guerrilla Games are the big boys now. Death Stranding will be on another whole level

Nyxus2662d ago

Can't wait to see how they'll take this engine even further!

UltraNova2662d ago

Photorealism achived in 2018, curtesy of Kojima and Guerrilla?

_-EDMIX-_2661d ago

@ultra- with what he was able to achieve with the fox engine I believe he's going to get the results he wants

ApocalypseShadow2663d ago

Just the name alone is cool sounding.


Hope to see more Sony in house engines used for future new IPs other than sequels so that they benefit too.

Rimeskeem2662d ago

I never knew that Until Dawn used this engine, WOW. I really think that Decima will become the go to engine for Sony open world games.

ApocalypseShadow2662d ago

I think so too. Maybe even the uncharted engine.

UltraNova2662d ago (Edited 2662d ago )

Yeah imagine what would happen if they handed a complete super capable- open world ready engine to ND allowing them to focus on the story and gameplay alone! 😥

zivtheawesome2662d ago

the uncharted engine is made for linear games so probably not. but think if Naughty dog and SSM would do a collaborative effort on creating an engine made for linear games, now that would be beastly.

_-EDMIX-_2661d ago

Yes, it was one of the first games to use it

I've been meaning to replay that game that was an amazing game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2661d ago
Goldby2662d ago

look up the history of the word Decima and its even cooler

Chaos_Order2662d ago

But but but there's no advantage to making an exclusive game! It's nothing but money across the table from evil console manufacturers! Making a game multiplat is always the best option!


In all seriousness, I can't wait to see what Kojima and his team can do with this tech. I may not have liked MGSV, but Kojima is still one of my favourite game creators ever.

sdcard4gb2662d ago

As long as he doesn't make us ride in a car with our protagonist blankly staring in the eyes of the main baddie for two minutes in utter silence while a song plays....
...MGSV was really... really, really bad...

Chaos_Order2662d ago

MGSV is the most disappointing game I've played in my 25 years of playing games. I wouldn't say it was bad, but borderline mediocre? Oh yeah.

_-EDMIX-_2661d ago

Metal Gear Solid V was as amazing as Konami allowed him to make it.

That is easily the greatest stealth game ever created.

kevnb2662d ago

What does Kojima actually do though? I thought he was a director, does he actually code as well?

Nyxus2662d ago

He does multiple things when he works on a project. This is about MGSV but you get the idea: http://www.metalgearinforme...

obidanshinobi2662d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Spectrum Studio Boss in Hot Water as "Naked Sauna" as Part of Employees' Requirements Surface

Spectrum Studios is in hot water, as part of their job requirements involve "attending sauna sessions" that are "non-negotiable."

rippermcrip1d 2h ago

Hopefully their next game isn't about a murderer and they require employees to kill to someone to have a real understanding.

excaliburps1d ago


But you can't develop a game with sauna elements UNLESS you've been in a sauna with a game dev...preferably naked.

peppeaccardo7h ago

I think they got commissioned the next Leisure Suite Larry .... :P

H91d 1h ago

He is right you need to experience something to be able to write about it just like Tolkien threw himself in mount doom to understand Sauron and like Agatha Christie organized a death game on a remote island

Inverno1d ago

Ah yes I read that news outlets were picking up on this string of facebook posts. Easy to write about some random conversation on FB without much context. Let's see how long it takes for them to talk to the devs directly for clarification. I'm sure these sites will drag this out as long as they can painting this guy as a creep. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

excaliburps1d ago

Have you read his replies?? He is even explaining how his rationale is correct...

Inverno23h ago

Yes I've read the replies. But if sites are gonna write about this they should do their jobs as journalist and get in contact with one of the woman who works in the studio.

swedishMeatwad21h ago

Why would it only be a big deal for women? I wouldn't want to be required to sauna naked, wouldn't work at a place like that. Really strange that owner is defending this. Since the owner is involved in those communications, that's enough to write an article about. That's not to say they shouldn't reach out to them and any employees willing to talk but this is freakin' weird.

OtterX4h ago

@swedishMeatwad Right? Because if they really felt uncomfortable, they should have at the very least been allowed to wear a bikini or underwear under their towel. If the Owner demands that they get the real experience to better know the Sauna world, they should at least be offered the protection from creepers trying to look up their towel. It's same exact experience if they were slightly covered underneath. Demanding that they be nude is too much, especially if he's insinuating that they should be comfortable with removing their towel.

Inverno5h ago

It's not only a big deal for women, but do you think this would've been picked up if it were only men being pushed to go to a naked sauna? Do you think the FB post would've even been made of it were only men?

Aussiesummer9h ago

i read that as "Rectum Studio Boss in Hot Water as "Naked Sauna" as Part of Employees' Requirements Surface"

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