
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review | Gamekult

Breath of the Wild is so bold and sensitive in its execution that its universe and memories will never leave you.

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WickedLester2659d ago

Finally a down to earth review.

EddieNX 2658d ago

This game is simply perfect, its further ahead of being an 8 than you can possibly get...
98 metacritic is spot on.

EddieNX 2658d ago

Christopher I'm 7 hours in on switch, inbox me if youd like to add me on Switch. The game is putting everything ive ever played to shame except for GTAV.

Christopher2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

***Christopher I'm 7 hours in on switch, inbox me if youd like to add me on Switch. The game is putting everything ive ever played to shame except for GTAV.***

I've played more than 7 hours of it. I just have to flat out disagree with this. Especially comparing it to GTAV, which isn't even the best GTA. It's a good game, a great Zelda game for me, but the accolades it is getting are through nostalgia-tinted glasses for many, IMHO. And, note, that is my opinion, not fact.

Sono4212657d ago

I literally experienced frame rate drops a few minutes into the game... and this is your perfect game? Good to know Eddie.. and if you don't believe I have a switch I will add you on there.

nX2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

"I'm 7 hours in on switch... The game is putting everything ive ever played to shame except for GTAV."

Explains your comments about Horizon... you must have not played many games then.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2657d ago
Blade15872658d ago

Yes cause I'm sure you have played the game for long enough to have a say on it's quality and aren't simply hating because of inferior graphics or just cause it's a Nintendo game

Christopher2658d ago

As opposed to anyone saying it's perfect? Why is there only one side to the hyperbole game? Just look at the person who replied before you did. Is that honestly true considering neither person has likely played the game, let alone finished it?

The 10th Rider2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )


Plenty of people have bought it and played it. There's people that buy consoles at midnight and will play a game for 12 hours straight. Also, there's 64 glowing reviews on Metacritic from people who played plenty of it. In contrast very few of the people who have negative feelings towards the game come from people who seem to have played any substantial portion of it.

Christopher2657d ago

***In contrast very few of the people who have negative feelings towards the game come from people who seem to have played any substantial portion of it.***

Disagree on two levels. First, that most people saying positive at this time have even touched the game. Second, that saying it's an 8/10 game is negative.

_-EDMIX-_2658d ago


Thus far this is the lowest review I've seen for this game and I'm not even sure I believe it lol

The 10th Rider2658d ago

It's for the Wii U version, apparently. I don't read or speak French, so I don't know exactly what's up, but apparently they gave the Switch version a 9 and the Wii U version an 8? The default review is an 8, but the breakdown of the Switch version says 9 at the end. Seems like a fair review.

Though @ below: an article on a Zelda review that calls the review "clickbait" is marked as inappropriate when that's what half the site here says when a PS4 game gets a low review, LOL.

_-EDMIX-_2658d ago

@10th- I don't really believe that the Wii U version is one score lower as all the reviews that I'm reading regarding breath of the wild or more so about the features in the actual concept of the game.

From what I've read they're almost identical.

I'm going to still buy the Wii U version ultimately.

The 10th Rider2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Well, I caved and got the Switch because I was getting one eventually anyways and I'd rather have the better version of the game. I also didn't want to buy the Wii U version now and Switch later, forcing me to start all over.

Maybe the site only scores on a whole number basis? While I doubt the Wii U version is a whole point lower, a drop in score would reflect the discrepancies between the two. I've noticed the frame rate drops on the Switch version, but while they're noticable I haven't had the game stutter or slow. I imagine that's more of a problem on Wii U.

_-EDMIX-_2657d ago

@the10- if I was in your situation I would do the same.

Because Amazon only charges $47 for brand new games and my friend owns a Wii U with the Pro Controller I'm just going to borrow their system because they're getting the switch and we're really close friends.

By the way my friend currently holds several world records in the Zelda speedrun so I'm going to be watching him practice for the record.

I figure it's only a slight inconvenience on my part because as of right now Zelda would have been the only game I would have even wanted on the switch until maybe Shin Megami tensei 5 and Animal Crossing.

Lolz at the disagrees, I just find it extremely hard to believe that someone's really giving this game an 8 as it sounds like they're probably just trying to get that clickbait attention

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2657d ago
goldwyncq2659d ago ShowReplies(2)
Krangs_Uncle2659d ago

This game has convinced me to buy a Switch..

Quite amazing that this game has managed to escape with NO troll reviews. It really does show that PS exclusives especially are under a lot more scrutiny than Nintendo's exclusives - simply because there are more and they are leaders of the pack.

Not listening to any BS, 4's and 5's for Uncharted 4 and Horizon are simply bogus.

CP_Company2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

when you pay everyone,there is nothing what to troll.
buy this game,burn you fingers,and you will know it for yourself.
overrated game of this generation.even nintendo fans did not like it,and other who paid 400$/400Euro was very disappointed.but of course,maybe you have low criteria,like very low,so maybe this going to be for you.

Sirk7x2658d ago

It just released today, and people have been excited for this game since it won best of E3. Remember that? I've been playing it all day on the Switch. It's almost overwhelming its so good.

Nitrowolf22658d ago

What are you talking about the game just released today where are you getting those opinions from. Just visiting the Reddit page shows the vast majority of people love it

DarXyde2658d ago

CP_Company is very obviously trolling.

Just ignore them.

CP_Company2658d ago

DarXyde trolling? you have to be pretty blind don't see many problems with Zelda.but of course,when you get well paid,you turn black eye on everything.

DarXyde2658d ago


You can do better than that, I assume.

gammaray132658d ago

there is one thing that we know for sure is that thjis will be the last Nintendo console ever as with the vast amount of money they paid for glowing reviews on Zelda they cant afford to put any money into a real console,

2658d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2658d ago
bluefox7552658d ago

I think a lot of it has to do with people having rose colored glasses with regard to Nintendo. Zelda games are usually pretty great (not my cup of tea, but I see how people like them). Probably in the upper echelon of game quality. But I've noticed that many reviewers are willing to ignore or gloss over certain things with Nintendo games that they wouldn't give a pass on for a non-Nintendo game (especially Zelda). You can see this in the User Rating for the game, clearly people like it, but don't agree that it's a perfect 10.

Imalwaysright2658d ago

Or maybe reviewers just think that Breath of The Wild is the best game of this generation. 64 reviews in and the lowest score for it is a 9. As for user reviews just look at this


User reviews mean nothing and should never be used to prove a point especially for a "community" as childish as the gaming "community"

TheFirstClassic2658d ago

A lot of people are giving it a 0 on metacritic out of spite, the user score is basically worthless.

2658d ago
badz1492658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Just read most of the reviews and you can see the reason why it reviews so high. Zelda just have to be the best Zelda game, nothing else and bamm!! 10/10! Forget what other things other games are doing better, screw all those, no comparison needed! This is a great Zelda game - 10/10!

I'm not butthurt, far from it and of course Zelda is not my cup of tea but the bias is too obvious. When it comes to other games, reviewers are quick to compare it with other similar games to point out what they think should have been done better but not with Zelda. Think I'm over reaching? See if there is no mentions of Tomb Raider or Gears in Uncharted reviews, other RPGs in any RPG reviews, Souls in Bloodborne or Nioh reviews, Mario reference in Other platformers reviews, GTA comparisons in other similar game like Sleeping Dog or Yakuza, racing games are notorious for comparisons in their reviews as well...I can go on.

Point is, If all games would be reviewed for what they are instead of how they compare to other games like how reviewers do Zelda, many more games would be rated better. Zelda is a great game, sure, but with bias reviews everywhere, I don't think it deserves to be called best game ever like some of you fanatics here are calling it already!

gammaray132658d ago

your spot on with rose colored glasses thing, Zelda looks and feels like 15 year old game but i guess that doesnt really matter to a 12 year old

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2658d ago
solideagle2658d ago

yes i agree with you, Horizon should have been 90% but troll reviews made it to 88 which is a shame

stuna12658d ago

Truthfully IMO Horizon is a more technical game! Now back under my flame shield!

Wallstreet372658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )


Horizon is a more technical game? Im just trying to figure out what you mean. From a graphics, higher rez, better assets standpoint yes. No game on console is coming close to touching Horizon in graphics, open world department. Zelda however has it beat i believe in physics department and interactivity.

Both are fun to play and engrossing (well i know horizon is because i got it day one with Zelda ill find out now :)

zodiac9092658d ago

@Imalwaysright Ahhh the good old fashioned "according to metacritic" comment, the mark of a TRUE noob. ;)

Imalwaysright2658d ago (Edited 2658d ago )

Yes when we're talking about reviewers and their reviews, I think that "according to metacritic" is a valid point. I would like to know what makes you think that it isn't instead of seeing you act like one of the many childish gamers I spoke of in my comment.

Wallstreet372658d ago

You hit it on the nail. Nintendo games dont get troll reviews and you can take a guess why and its messed up those strategies are used against Sony. Luckily we still know Uncharted 2 is a game of the generation with over 100 reviews factored sitting at 96 and tlou at 95 both with dozens of 100 scores.

Just got my switch and just got to set it up but hardware seems good (not feeling the joycons) and im excited. Zelda has loaded and im sure it deserves its high praise but ill find out in a few :)

_-EDMIX-_2658d ago

Why does one have to be bogus? I'm looking to play breath of the wild and I own Uncharted 4 and Horizon zero Dawn buddy I'm pretty positive you could play and like more than one game LMFAO!

Not necessary

yoshatabi2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

How is @CP_Company trolling? He's stating the truth you guys just can't handle the truth. Look at N4G article comparing Horizon to Zelda. There are plenty people like @CP_Company on there who feel the exact same way as he does. Funny how just because someone voices their own opinion they're automatically considered a troll. I played Zelda and I have no idea why it got a 98 meta critic review. Seriously, the fighting mechanics are so simple it bores me to death. The AI isn't all that great either, you also have frame rate issues and pop ins. Zelda got a high score simply because of nostalgia.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2657d ago
hiawa232658d ago

Many are saying game looks better in handheld, and degrades when plugged into a big tv.

EddieNX 2658d ago

Nah, it looks amazing on the handheld but it it definitely looks better at 900p. My TV is upscaling it to 4k tho so... I can imagine it looking so much worse at 720p on my TV.....

DeadlyOreo2658d ago

You're so clueless. Come on man. "Upscaling to 4k"? Are you joking?

hiawa232658d ago

I was watching some reviews on YouTube and they were saying about the anti aliasing, and some slowdown, other performance issues that are blown up when in dock mode.

dRanzer2658d ago

Fps drops to 20fps in dock in many many cases
Check out digital foundry video

2658d ago
Liqu1d2658d ago

It looks better in docked mode but docked mode introduces performance issues. Digital Foundry have a video on it.

zodiac9092658d ago

Uh oh....I smell ALOT of triggered people incoming.....

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil173d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64173d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga173d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic172d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits173d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake172d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

It isn't...


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Black Friday deals 2023 - save 15% on Link's latest adventure

The best prices we've found this Black Friday for Zelda Tears of the Kingdom as well as the previous game, Breath of the Wild.

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Nintendo not thinking about older Zelda games, "difficult to say" if classic style will return

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has again commented on the possibility of revisiting the style of past entries in the series – but there are no plans as of now. Speaking with RTL Nieuws, Aonuma said that games like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom were possible because of what came before them.

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GoodGuy09347d ago

Which is very sad. I still wish we could get a zelda like twilight princess, the dark tone and theme in the traditional style. But times have changed and the masses prefer open world sandbox. Smh. Perhaps we can get a proper hd remake of ocarina of time some day.

CDbiggen312d ago

I played 100 hours of Tears of the Kingdom, enjoyed it, but ready for a game like that next.

kythlyn346d ago

If they can bounce between 2D and 3D Mario games, they can bounce between classic and modern Zelda games too. I thought this was a given when the Switch combined a handheld with a primary console.

Inverno346d ago

Then this is where I part ways. I won't disagree with anyone who says that the old formula was getting stale. And I do think BoTW in a few ways was a step in the right direction, but there's way too much good that was left with the old formula in the transition.

CrimsonWing69346d ago

I want it to. I’m sorry, but these new Zelda games I just can’t get into.

Duke19346d ago

Well that sucks. I still love the classic formula WAY more than the Hyrule Engineering Simulator

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