
The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Review: It's No Skyrim \\ paulsemel

If you're thinking the new Zelda is like Skyrim, think again.

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2659d ago Replies(3)
Greg28012659d ago

The comparisons between video games these days really dont make any sense.

Nioh - dark souls
Zelda - horizon zero dawn, skyrim, the witcher.

Why do these games need to be compared.

Because Nioh is difficult and has a stamina bar its a Dark Souls type of game?

Because Zelda is a open world game its the same as Horizon zero dawn?

People really need to stop comparing these games with each other.

Vhampir2659d ago

Demon's/Dark Souls are actually Zelda games. Nioh and Lord of the fallen copy the formula of souls game, and by extension Zelda. They are compared because they are similar and off a frame of reference.

TheDivine2659d ago

Even Stevie Wonder can see the comparisons between Nioh and Dark Souls. Its a Souls clone with a Diablo like loot system and the weapons from Ninja Gaiden. Almost everything is ripped right from Souls. It's why people gave the game the time of day to begin with.

Now we are not allowed to compare Horizon to Zelda? The two biggest games of the season (maybe of the year or of the gen) which are both open world exclusives where the MC rides a horse and has a bow. Both are championed as system sellers and have been hyped to high heaven. Both release a week apart. Of course people want to compare them and should. One is going to be better but that doesn't mean the other isn't amazing. Maybe we should just give all games a ribbon for participating so fanboys won't get butthurt. No more reviews just a ribbon. Sounds like fun :(

jambola2659d ago

people don't need to stop doing anything
they can compare whatever they want

starrman19852659d ago

Isn't making comparisons a fairly human trait to help describe things? It's a method that's really useful when trying to explain something to someone else. Fair enough, some people make incredibly obscure comparisons but some have merit.

I mean, Nioh - Dark Souls, how can you NOT compare them? Seriously... Nioh is compared because it uses a very very (almost identical) exp formula, the maps have a similar structure, with back tracking, shortcut routes etc, the boss formula is also very similar, do a level, fight a very tough opponent. The differences are what makes Nioh brilliant, but to just push aside comparisons is very short sighted.

For Zelda, I can't fully comment as I haven't played it but some of the comparisons seem quite obvious (not only in appearance really) Horizon, open lush world, riding on horse(ish) back with a bow and arrow and then jumping off and switching to melee combat. Skyrim, well yeah, noone expects Skyrim from Zelda, but that will just be the open world comparison which Horizons suits better. Witcher? Didn't even know anyone was making that comparison! haha

CorndogBurglar2659d ago

Nioh is clearly a Dark Souls type game. It isn't because its "difficult and has a stamina bar".

Souls, Lords of the Fallen, Bloodborne, Nioh. These games all follow the same formula so it makes more than enough sense to compare them. If you can't see that those games are almost identical then I'm not sure what you are looking at.

What doesn't make sense is when games that are not similar are compared.

senorfartcushion2659d ago

And ironically: every game listed is just a Zelda rehash haha

rainslacker2658d ago

Comparisons are fine. Acting like only one can exist and be good is the problem.

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Fishy Fingers2659d ago

If you wanted Skyrim wouldn't you just buy, I dunno, Skyrim?

_-EDMIX-_2659d ago

😂😂😂 yes!

I love the Elder Scroll series just like I like Zelda series and both of those games are just radically different from each other I never play something like Elder Scrolls for the same reason that I play something like Zelda I would say the only similarities would be in regards to exploration but other than that I'm playing for different purposes.

2658d ago
franwex2659d ago (Edited 2659d ago )

I guess it's the closes thing to compare it to. What can we compare it to then, Need for Speed?
It's a fantasy open world adventure game, other games like that are elder scrolls, witcher etc. as stated in the article.

nitus102659d ago

Skyrim is an action RPG since it has RPG stats that you the player can assign while Zelda is Action/Adventure and you can get powerups (Zelda games don't have RPG stats that you can assign). Do a simple lookup if you don't believe me.

CorndogBurglar2659d ago

You don't have to have stats to be an RPG. But I get the point you are making and agree. Zelda and Skyrim shouldn't be compared in my opinion. They are too different from each other.

saurabhcharde2659d ago

Skyrim is an action adventure game with RPG elements.

Segata2658d ago

Normally true but we now have 2 games in the Zelda franchise that are an RPG. Links Adventure and BotW.

Stwert2659d ago

And thank goodness for that. For Skyrim I have, well, Skyrim. Seriously though, comparisons are bound to be drawn with large open world fantasy games. The author of the article is as entitled to their opinion as anyone else. If it's not for him, fair enough.
I don't think I'd go into any Zelda game expecting it to be like Skyrim of course, but then I've played all of the Zelda games so I know what to expect. Even if this one changes up the formula quite dramatically. Wish the bloody delivery driver would hurry up so I can play the damn thing though :D

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil173d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64173d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga172d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic172d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits172d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake172d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

It isn't...


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Black Friday deals 2023 - save 15% on Link's latest adventure

The best prices we've found this Black Friday for Zelda Tears of the Kingdom as well as the previous game, Breath of the Wild.

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Nintendo not thinking about older Zelda games, "difficult to say" if classic style will return

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has again commented on the possibility of revisiting the style of past entries in the series – but there are no plans as of now. Speaking with RTL Nieuws, Aonuma said that games like Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom were possible because of what came before them.

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GoodGuy09346d ago

Which is very sad. I still wish we could get a zelda like twilight princess, the dark tone and theme in the traditional style. But times have changed and the masses prefer open world sandbox. Smh. Perhaps we can get a proper hd remake of ocarina of time some day.

CDbiggen312d ago

I played 100 hours of Tears of the Kingdom, enjoyed it, but ready for a game like that next.

kythlyn346d ago

If they can bounce between 2D and 3D Mario games, they can bounce between classic and modern Zelda games too. I thought this was a given when the Switch combined a handheld with a primary console.

Inverno346d ago

Then this is where I part ways. I won't disagree with anyone who says that the old formula was getting stale. And I do think BoTW in a few ways was a step in the right direction, but there's way too much good that was left with the old formula in the transition.

CrimsonWing69346d ago

I want it to. I’m sorry, but these new Zelda games I just can’t get into.

Duke19346d ago

Well that sucks. I still love the classic formula WAY more than the Hyrule Engineering Simulator

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