
Nintendo Switch Battery Test Reveals Some Surprising Results

Beats 3DS and New 3DS in terms of stamina

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bouzebbal2705d ago (Edited 2705d ago )

Who ever judges a console from how long time it lasts without touching it on home screen. This comparison makes absolutely no sense..

"Naturally there are some provisos here; games which really push the hardware are going to drain the battery faster, so don't expect to get the same kind of stamina when you're playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild."
now this is more like it.
i suggest you play the same game (NES or SNES) when the feature is enabled on switch and 3ds and make a comparative video. Or friday compare Zelda on gamepad vs zelda on Switch.

2705d ago
Yohshida2705d ago

Just like every device ever. Try playing games on your smartphone. It wont even last close to this.

XtreemGamer2705d ago

My S7 edge easily lasts for 6 hours in every intense 3D shooter and its rendering in 1440p. The battery in the switch is really bad compared to phones,this is the sad truth.

Yohshida2705d ago

Comparing a "intense" smartphone game with zelda is just wrong. Also I dont think it can last 6h.

DashMad2705d ago

your's last 6 hour ?? then why my phone only last 2 hour from playing pokemon go ??

rdgneoz32705d ago

@Dash. The shooter doesn't need gps like Go does...

2705d ago
Nivekki2705d ago


Lol you're full of shit, I've got an s7 and games, particularly more intense games, eat through my battery. There's no way yours lasts 6 hours, anyone who believes that is a fool.

TheLeapist2705d ago (Edited 2705d ago )

@XtreemGamer your S7 has a 3600 mah battery compared to the 4310 mah battery of the switch. Nice try though.

Captain_Tom2704d ago

LOL mine will. 3 year old Xperia Z3 still lasts 3-5 hours gaming.

Stop buying overpowered phones with tiny batteries.

TWB2704d ago

I guess the newer Android OS could also account to larger/different battery drainage. My Xperia Z2 used to be able to play that 6 hours, or stream 10 hours straight from youtube IIRC, but that was on 4.4.4. Now on the newest available version (and I got a new battery changed into this one), the streaming goes down to 6 hours or less, while gaming would probably be around 3-4 hours? On the older battery, I could maybe game 1 hour, and stream one and a half (it was in such a bad shape, that the heat caused super fast drainage).

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
2705d ago Replies(6)
MeteorPanda2705d ago

@XtreemGamer get that diaper changed mate cause you're full of it.

Natversion12705d ago

Lol agreed. My S7 Edge is at 85% and it's on power saving mode and all it's done is sit next to me at work.

feraldrgn2705d ago (Edited 2705d ago )

I was expecting them to play a game or something, not idle on the home screen.
What a terrible test, it's almost clickbait & anyone who just reads the headline will get the wrong idea.

Uken122705d ago

GameXplain did a test on Youtube. With everything on playing Zelda it last 2.5 hours. That is pretty good in my opinion.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2704d ago
2705d ago
chris2352705d ago

now if they only had a proper it infrastructure and enough ram and all the standards of the industry like a healthy third party support - one could indeed buy a n-product. but the way things are: thanks. pass. gladly.

OrangePowerz2705d ago

Doesn't really matter how long it lasts when it just sits around. What matter is how long the battery lasts when playing games.

starrman19852705d ago

I'm really glad that I know how long I can leave my switch on my desk, not playing anything!

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rlow11695d ago

Hey a portable great firewall for the Chinese gamer........those pesky communist....enjoy your switch comrads.

DafunkyRebel1695d ago

A rip off version will come out called Chin Tien Dou

Ninte1695d ago

I'm curious about the eshop because of China strict Internet policy.

TargusX1695d ago

When is Earth Defence Force 5 coming to Switch and Xbox?

AuraAbjure1695d ago

Great I hope they enjoy Super Mario Bros!


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SheenuTheLegend1992d ago

instead of save, i see spend during the sales.
but great deals overall. bought Spiderman.