
Mass Effect: Andromeda’s “Ugly” Female Characters Are A Non-Issue

A few days ago, an article was posted on TGG regarding some of the female character models that we have seen so far in trailers for Mass Effect: Andromeda. The article, rightly, points out that the actress, Jayde Rossi, who lends her likeness to the female protagonist, Ryder, looks nothing like her in game. The author then goes on to show examples of other characters in the game and in past games to illustrate that BioWare may, possibly, be intentionally making their female characters “ugly”.

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Godmars2902712d ago

For them? More than likely.

sullynathan2712d ago Show
naruga2712d ago (Edited 2712d ago )

i call it now...Ugly characters(especially females) =unappealable =forgetable game ...just wait and see(if there is no customizaion option) ...Mass Effect will be remembered lukewarmly like Dragon Age Inc...for its animalities and SJW friendly agenda not matter the sporadic quality moments

morganfell2712d ago (Edited 2712d ago )

Don't worry, the game will have paper bags as DLC. Two bags if its a Krogan. Also I heard MEA lets you drink until you have beer goggles.

And naruga, you are correct. Its not about a game experience, its about an agenda. Look at that collection of characters. Seems like every design was subjected to some test group to check for triggers. If the women looked like Ashley from ME3 the aliens from planet Sarkeesian would have their objectification pitchforks out for a frontal assault.

sullynathan2712d ago

the funny thing about it is that people hated what Bioware did to Ashley in ME3, she was a soldier now in ME3 she looks like a failed model.

just-joe2712d ago

We don't take kindly to questions.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2712d ago
Lonnie182712d ago

You know I'm a big fan of Mass Effect but I might wait or all together pass on this one. Where there's smoke there's fire...


Big ME fan here too... but I was out the door do to the ending of ME3 and I've seen nothing that makes me excited about this new game. Literally, nothing, and ME was lovely my favorite IP of all time at one point.

Xenocide72711d ago

I think if I played the ending without the internet it probably wouldn't have been so terrible.

Thomaticus2711d ago

This is the game where the main plot is to have sex with those females.

Godmars2902711d ago (Edited 2711d ago )

And/or guys. If that's your thing.

Seriously though, wonder why the Frostbite engine isn't catching more flack for this. It obvious that EA went with it because they own it, don't want to pay for UE4, but either its not as versatile, or that the their devs need more time to become familiar with it.

Scatpants2711d ago

no that's the sub plot.

2711d ago
OCEANGROWNKUSH2711d ago (Edited 2711d ago )

Doesnt seem to be a story here at all lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2711d ago
ShockUltraslash2712d ago ShowReplies(5)
SaveFerris2712d ago

Mass Effect: Andromeda - It's more than just a game about 'bumping uglies'.

The_Sage2712d ago

Yes! Nailed it.

That pun was intended, right?... Cause... You know... Ryder is so ugly.

2711d ago
MyDietEqualsGames2712d ago (Edited 2712d ago )

Uglies bumping uglies. It's articles like this that make the muscles that create a hard grin within my face, work over time. I get a good laugh when people take this bullshit seriously. LMAO. *wipes away a tear* have a thumbs up or an arrow up, or whatever it's supposed to be.

OCEANGROWNKUSH2711d ago (Edited 2711d ago )

Its not even that they are "ugly" they just don't look right, the character modeling is simply poorly done and the harsh lighting and shadows that form on the face really aren't helping this any. It comes down to art direction, if everything else in the game is done in a photo realistic style and the character model it not done to those standards you get the whole Uncanny Valley thing going on.

The whole "they are scientists not supermodels" argument is null and void, not to mention this trend of casting ugly people as some kind of a statement is absurd. Bioware is simply incapable of creating realistic human faces and animations, as evidenced by only all of their games.

002712d ago ShowReplies(1)
Saithraphim2712d ago

I dont agree that they are ugly at all. Should all characters look like super models? i think they look like real, natural people, who are in a fight for survival

Greyfoxdbz2712d ago (Edited 2712d ago )

Super models ARE real people though

Xenocide72712d ago

Yeah and all combat specialists, pilots, scientists, tech experts etc. etc. are all super models? Much like what is always the case in these games. It's not realistic, and this diverse approach is a bit more refreshing.

Greyfoxdbz2712d ago

How is it refreshing? all the males are still hot as fuck so i'm told, so what you said goes out the window. The ugliness of the characters is selective. Also this is a sci fi fantasy game. It can afford to have idealised characters who are good to look at.

Swiftfox2712d ago

Heavily airbrushed, photoshopped, professionally photographed using high end equipment with perfect lighting sort of real people, but real people none the less!

game4funz2712d ago

People nowadays prefer realism... But wait... Woman soldier??? Why are all these women so freaking strong??? That not that normal actually but I guess in these cases that's an exception.

Realism or not... They can't have it both ways..

JasonKCK2712d ago

Xenocide7 plenty of attractive people in those professions.

swrapens2712d ago

What you see on the magazine cover is not a real person, so...you're wrong.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2712d ago
Klonoa-dreamtraveler2712d ago

They don't look real they look cartoony even out of place looking.

CobraKai2712d ago

Ironically Jade Rossi is an actress/ model. But really, Bioware never did model "hot" female characters. Miranda had an effed up resemblance of actress Yvonne Strahovski.
The only exception is Liara.

DaveO_TZR2712d ago

I make that point in the article and I agree. They look like explorers and that's how they're supposed to look. They aren't supposed to look like they're trying out for the Miss Andromeda Pageant

The_Sage2712d ago

The characters we've seen this far are okay except Ryder. She's hideous.

MyDietEqualsGames2712d ago

They're not as bad as some people make them out to be. While Ryder has what is referred to as a "butter face" I would still consider smashing like bros.

Shu_Suzuki2712d ago

Well I for one want to have good looking females and males in rpg games. I'm not that great looking and really don't want to have characters like me in the in the game. So many of the Bioware games have women that look like men... hmm why is that I wonder?...

WelkinCole2712d ago (Edited 2712d ago )

I hate SJW simply because they nag about everything but anti SJW people are becoming like them and nag about everything as well.

What is left then is just us adults that just want to play our games without having to listen to both of these group nag and nag and bloody nag about the most useless things in games.

morganfell2712d ago

Rigggghhhhhttttt. Fighting for survival but still have time for those alternative fashionable hairstyles and perfectly clean spandex.

annoyedgamer2712d ago

Sure, except the normal women you might run into don't all look like gender on pansexual bisexual questioning feminist lesbians.

KingPin2711d ago (Edited 2711d ago )

when female characters are made to be good looking - SJW cries that its unrealistic expectation of women and video games are objectifying women.
when female characters are made ugly - SJW cries that women shouldn't be portrayed as ugly in video games.

WTF then?

Adrian_v012711d ago

you got it a bit wrong, it's the anti-sjw crowd crying about not having a sexy hot female character.

morganfell2711d ago

No you have it a bit wrong, it's about Bioware pandering to the sjw crowd. And I do not mean only in manners of the appearance of the female characters. It is far more sinister than that. And it is something for which Bioware has a history that has grown more rampant with each game.

nekomajinheika2709d ago

You must know a lot of ugly people...

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2709d ago
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Five Game Products Rushed Too Quickly

A little more time in the oven would've done these products some good a lot sooner.

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shinoff2183570d ago

Sega Saturn made it but not the 360. Don't remember Saturn having a horrid rrod rate. Absolutely horrid

RetroCaptainSteve569d ago

The launch games were all right, but look at how Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA compared to their re-releases.


Mass Effect Companions, Ranked from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "BioWare's Mass Effect franchise took gamers on a fascinating universal sci-fi journey that will never be forgotten. While fighting against the ever-looming threat of the Reapers was central to Mass Effect's storyline, what made the series so iconic was its vast and diverse cast of characters.

Not only do these companions accompany Commander Shepard as you make your way through hell and back, but, throughout your journey, you also get to learn who these characters were and are and what they think about what it is that you are doing. Some will even fall in love with you, and others will even become your enemy based on your decision."

sourOG1170d ago

When I looked at the list I thought they were saying Garrus was the worst lol. And tali being so far down the list was fighting words for me. But the numbered list is just the order they are shown so you are forgiven.

CYALTR1169d ago

I think they listed them from worst to best. Also keep in mind that this includes Andromeda characters that aren't part of the remastered trilogy. Interesting refresh on the characters though.

sourOG1169d ago

They did but I didn’t realize it until I started reading. That’s just the order they are shown.

Knightofelemia1170d ago (Edited 1170d ago )

I couldn't stand Miranda I could never like her as a character and I always skipped Jacob and James. I always liked Grunt, Jack, Legion, Tali, Garrus, Samara, Liara, Wrex, Edi, Zaeed, Kasumi I always use these characters. Using Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man just fits the character like using Keith David as Admiral Anderson was another good choice always feels like Goliath from Gargoyles is yelling at you which I like.

Rebel_Scum1169d ago

Kinda weird having a question mark at the end of that sentence?

Soy1168d ago

Garrus is best space bro.

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Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021

Zahi AR. from Link Cable Gaming writes “Welcome back Link Cable Gaming fans, with me in andromeda. Specifically, Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021. With the recent announcement of Anthem shutting down its future plans, I wanted to look at another recent BioWare game. My switch to a PlayStation 5 destroyed my save file right while I was at the end. So, I decided to do a fresh start on the new console to see just how well (or not) it’s been since launch. How has the new generation of hardware treated the game that fell from grace? Should you play Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021? Let’s find out.”

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iplay1up21236d ago

Such a good game! It got a 4K X1X upgrade and it looks fantastic! Also like the story! Was playing it again before Series X dropped. Going to download it for the Series X, as soon as I have more room on my HD. Playing too many other games right now.

Instant resume is AMAZING! I can Switch between 5 games in seconds. Like 10 to 15 at the most! No closing a game and opening another one! Thank you Microsoft!

giovonni1235d ago

It’s was decent to me. I didn’t feel the magic I felt when I played two or even three. I don’t know. It was repetitive, and the worlds felt bland.

jeromeface1235d ago

There's a reason it reviewed so poorly in the first place... these reasons among others.

anast1235d ago

I had a lot of fun with this game, but I haven't played 2 or 3 yet.

giovonni1234d ago

2 was wonderful, three was just as good as two the ending though 🤦🏾‍♂️

Wintersun6161234d ago

I finally gave it a go last autumn and was amazed by how bad a game can be. And believe me my expectations were low. After 10ish hours I just had to give up.

giovonni1234d ago

I powered through it, myself. It was just repetitive, and the Land Rover Exploration wasn’t interesting at all. The story also we mahhhhhhh.