
New Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy screenshots for PS4 look fantastic

From PlayStation Universe: "Feast your eyes on these Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy screenshots. The remastered Crash games are coming to PS4 with stunning 4K visuals!"

BigBosss2777d ago

WOW that looks Nsane! Pun intended xD

Can't wait!!

darthv722776d ago

I never played any of the original Crash games on PS1. I want to but most people are wanting high retail for their copies. I think I will just get this instead. Better visuals and a nice compilation for one low price. It can't be beat.

UltraNova2776d ago

Really nice work remastering these games. Nostalgia is hitting red.

I would really love to have the option to play them in 'retro' graphics mode as well, that would be awesome.

mikeslemonade2776d ago

Most of you guys here to young to have player these.

UltraNova2776d ago

Are you sure mike? I have been gaming since the Atari 2600 days.

starchild2776d ago

Yeah me too. Although it was with the NES and Master System that I really became irrevocably in love with videogames.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
XanderZane2777d ago

Yes, it looks very nice. I'll have to preorder this before it's released. I still have the first 3 games for the PS1. I wonder if they will do the Crash racing game as well in the future.

NohansenBoy2776d ago

The mood just isn't there though. It's HD, has a higher poly count, and better textures, but the colors are so off.

G20WLY2776d ago

That's nonsense, boy!

ThanatosDMC2776d ago

So many exclusives... im broke

Deadpooled2776d ago

A game looks like becoming worthy of a NTropy! Looks awesome.

2776d ago
VoodooProject2776d ago

This site should be banned. I though resolution doesn't matter anymore. But now this game is 4k is Wow. Or is this game 4k Chinese checkerboard rendering?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
Deep-throat2777d ago

30fps? Not good.

I know the originals run at 30fps, but this is a remaster.

andrewsquall2777d ago

25fps for us in EU back in the day. Its fine, doesn't sound like its going to affect your purchase either way.

freshslicepizza2777d ago

it would be better in 60fps for sure, these were great games in the past not so sure how they hold up to today.

2777d ago
ChronoJoe2777d ago

I wonder if they will run any better on the PRO? It would be nice if they could run in 60 or at least a higher framerate on the PRO.

andrewsquall2777d ago

These games hold up well today. You only have to play them to know this. The remake looks to be a massive cosmetic upgrade while retaining that same sweet gameplay.

bluefox7552776d ago

Guess you haven't played Uncharted 4. Good to see the Sony concern crew are ever vigilant.

AmUnRa2776d ago

Give it up moldy you are stealth trolling like always.
Troll better next time.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
Sm30002776d ago

Wow not one upvote, Ill add one and agree

G20WLY2776d ago

Yup, you guys gotta stick together, huh?! Lmao

Profchaos2776d ago

Changing the frames would throw the pacing out to much it's using the same mesh for level design apparently so also all the little hacks we used back in the day will still work i.e look at speed runs

Deadpooled2776d ago

So the alien head hog wild and the pterodactyl dino level trick work? Awesome!

Deadpooled2776d ago (Edited 2776d ago )

A comment befitting of it's username.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
-Foxtrot2777d ago

Next year I really hope they do another trilogy with Crash Bash, Crash Team Racing and either Wrath of Cortex or Twinsanity (my personal favourite and last good Crash game...it was hilarious)

Crash Bash and Team Racing would both have online support and they'd share a multiplayer menu where players can switch between them on the fly. Do I want a mini game match or do I want to race? They'd also let you choose your character and customise them for the match, similar to Uncharted 3/4.

After that they can start on the Spyro Remastered Trilogy

I hope it shows them that the franchises belong with Sony, I mean lets be honest they are doing a good job by the looks of it (surprising since it's Activision) but it's really because all they are doing is (thankfully) remaking what is already there without changing any of the core designs. If they try to make their own game after this I don't think it would be as good so I'm hoping once they've strained the money as much as they can out of these remasters they'll sell the rights to Sony. Kind of like "we may aswell go out with a bang and on top"

Yohshida2777d ago

Crash bash is the best mp game from ps1. Its sooooooo good

2777d ago
Yohshida2777d ago

Hell yeah. Still the best game if you have friends over

ChronoJoe2777d ago (Edited 2777d ago )

I don't think they're going to do that. Each of those games is so far removed from one another. If they're going to do these I think they'll be individual releases.

I think CTR plus Crash Bash could be a thing but I doubt it. Since Crash Bash was fun, but not well received, so they'd probably be worried that the release would harm the critical reception of CTR. It'd be neat if they reproduced Crash Bash with some of the classic characters. Crash Bash is where things started getting a little weird, lacking many of the original characters that Naughtydog created.

Also, you shouldn't be surprised that vicarious visions are doing a good job. They're a very talented studio, the Skylanders games that they made are really great, especially Swap Force. Even independent of being in the Skylanders series, it's a great game and platformer.

andrewsquall2777d ago

Also, did Naughty Dog even make Crash Bash, says it all really then doesn't it?

Deadpooled2776d ago


No they didn't, Universal owned the Crash IP, Eurocom and Mark Cerny's company Cerny Games made Crash Bash. I liked the game a lot, loved the pogo stick levels and the game had some great ideas (some weren't executed well like the 3D cute polar bear knock-em-off-the-edge game but definitely would be better with a reboot). A reboot with new Crash relevant games would be awesome.

machtkampf2777d ago

Yes please Insomniac .. do Spyro Remastered Trilogy!

andrewsquall2777d ago

Not up to them since, like Crash, Activision own the Spyro license. If it does happen, Vicarious Visions look like the best team if this Crash remake goes well.

MasterCornholio2777d ago

They look much better than the original. I hope they allow you to save more often in the first one.

mocaak2777d ago

They do, save system is identical in all three games. As well as bonus levels, you can retry them as many times as you want now.

MasterCornholio2777d ago

The first game had a really annoying save system.

Does anyone have any idea on the price?

execution172777d ago

@MasterCornholio its $54.99 Canadian

MasterCornholio2777d ago


I'm not familiar with Canadian dollars but is that the price of a typical AAA title there?

Aenea2777d ago (Edited 2777d ago )


Since many Canadians complain about the high prices and that they have to pay higher dollar amounts than in the US and in the US AAA titles usually are going to $60 (MSRP) I would assume this is lower...

Just checked some prices....

Horizon Zero Dawn on Amazon US is $60, Crash is $40....

So am expecting it will be €40....

ziggurcat2776d ago


Unless it's an indie, most games in Canada cost $79.99. they used to be the same price as they were in the US since our dollar was on par, but now they're gouging us with the exchange rate. Even if our dollar gets better, they don't adjust the price, yet they are quick to raise it on us if the gap widens.

Phunkydiabetic12776d ago


There is no "gouging" going on for fucks sake. It is nearly a dollar for dollar exchange. $79.99 is about $61 American dollars.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
peewee110162777d ago

They do they also have save points in stages so if you get off u can start on that level like as iff ur in the middle of it and what not

BigGamersSmallTalk2777d ago

Looking forward to picking this up on Xbox One.

MasterCornholio2777d ago (Edited 2777d ago )

Do you have a link confirming the Xbox One version? I can't find an official confirmation anywhere.


I'm still waiting for that proof. And I mean an official confirmation from the publisher.

MasterCornholio2777d ago


I don't mind if it comes out to the Xbox One but I don't agree with people saying that it will when there's no official confirmation.

BigGamersSmallTalk2777d ago

It was data mined and found out to have multiple pre-order console options. Also, nowhere is it confirmed exclusive, not at PSX, not on Sony's "Exclusives in 2017" video. It's also a multiplatform developer with Activision. While I have no official word on this, there's no official word that it's exclusive to PS4.

TheCommentator2776d ago (Edited 2776d ago )

It's an interesting theory Big Gamers, but it's a bit premature to call an XB1 version confirmed. It's certainly plausable, considering your anecdotal evidence, but we'll have to wait for more information to confirm if an XB1 version even exists.

ziggurcat2776d ago

"It was data mined and found out to have multiple pre-order console options."

no it wasn't. someone saw a line of code that said "platform-select", and misconstrued it to mean that it was coming to other platforms other than PS.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
MasterCornholio2777d ago

Do you have a link to that data mining?

"It's also a multiplatform developer with Activision. While I have no official word on this, there's no official word that it's exclusive to PS4."

So you admit that the only platform that you know of that will have the game is PS4?

Then why tell people that it's been confirmed?

You should have just said that you hope it comes to Xbox One since that version hasn't been confirmed.

BigGamersSmallTalk2777d ago

Activision nor Sony have said it's exclusive to PS4. The media won't push the issue because they never do when it comes to Sony and things like this.
Sony does the "Debut" on PS4 or just flat out doesn't say tactic quite often. I'd guess it's not even timed. No sense in it being an exclusive.

jstark2777d ago

would they have a multiple platform option for an exclusive game? seems like this another timed deal like the skylander figures

MasterCornholio2776d ago


So it could just be PlayStation platforms then. Like PS3 and PS4.

I mean that doesn't mean it isn't exclusive to PlayStation. But then again it doesn't confirm that it won't release on non PlayStation platforms.

Still doesn't say much.

Stogz2776d ago

"Sony does the "Debut" on PS4 or just flat out doesn't say tactic quite often. I'd guess it's not even timed."

Huh, sort of like MS and the Rise of the Tomb Raider nonsense? Or are we pretending that didn't happen?

ziggurcat2776d ago


sorry, but no... "platform-select" != that there's an option for multiple platforms. it's just html code. someone who doesn't get websites looked a little too deep into that line of code.

rainslacker2776d ago

Lol, a form websites markup code is proof now? How about people go on every other game on that same site, and I bet it has the same code. That's just how form websites are made nowadays. In the old days, we called them templates.

It very well could come to another platform, but that code is hardly a confirmation.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2776d ago
StormLegend2777d ago

This will never come to Xbox or PC, these are the PS1 crash games.

BigGamersSmallTalk2777d ago

Sony doesn't own the games, nor have they ever. Activision owns the IP. Even Crash came to Skylanders on Xbox One. When was the last time Activision made an exclusive? No need to check, it's never.

andrewsquall2777d ago (Edited 2777d ago )

Either way BigGamersSmallTalk NEEDS this game, even if its 900p 27fps.

........................but if it turns out to never come to Xbone, of course its just a cheap remaster piece of crap nobody cares about.

Newmanator2776d ago

Clash of the Titans was on Xbox?? And mind over mutant??

rainslacker2776d ago


You may be unaware, that the original games were published by SCEA back on the PS1 days.

So, when was the last time that Sony released a multi-plat game for a competiting console?

Basically, even though Activision owns the IP, Sony may very well have exclusive publishing rights, and hold the rights to the content from the games being released here, so even if Activision wanted to release it on multiple consoles, they may not be able to.

Not sure if that's the case, but it's a consideration. I know you won't, because you won't consider anything that doesn't somehow make Sony look like the devil, but any reasonable person could see it's a possibility.

I'll also point out that Sony is likely funding this project, because Activision hasn't been that big on Crash for quite some time now, but no doubt they'd take the money to make a game, and Sony has been teasing Crash since before the gen started. Seems like a lot of teasing, not to mention subsequent marketing, to not have something exclusive.

In any case, if it comes to Xbox, I hope you enjoy it. I always liked the crash games, and wouldn't mind if other people came to know the series, and obviously, you are too young to have been around during the PS1 days.

DigitalRaptor2772d ago (Edited 2772d ago )

@ Rainslacker

Great comment, but you should never, EVER try and educate a loyalist Xbox fanboy.

They aren't interested in facts - just lies and opportunistic misinformation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2772d ago
SoulWarrior2777d ago

You'll be waiting a life time then, there was no datamine, I cannot find any trace of this on the internet.

Keep dreaming.

MasterCornholio2777d ago (Edited 2777d ago )

You still didn't give me any links regarding the data mining. In not doing so I'll assume that your fabricating the information.

Is the person who you claim did the data mining a Mr.X insider?

Aenea2777d ago (Edited 2777d ago )


Keep dreaming buddy!

As for confirmation from the publisher:

I only see PS4 there....

2776d ago
andrewsquall2777d ago

So even if it does come to PC or Xbone later, you are looking forward to the, more than likely, visually compromised/worse version more? Fair enough.

Razzer2776d ago

I think, at this point, Xbox One owners will take whatever they can get.

andrewsquall2776d ago

True, just like with most "mainly PlayStation" franchises, Xbox people tend to go nuts over something when its not even that good. Take RE5, any Xbox fan said it was stunning and incredible but really, they were just happy to be getting a RE game for the first time as a multiplatform release. It wasn't good......... at all.
The same can be said for Metal Gear Solid V, one of the worst games in the franchise by far, the most unMetal Gear Solid game ever.

BIGBOSS082776d ago

I hope it comes to xbox one too. Gives you guys something to play other than 360 games.

twiggytree122776d ago

Desperate for Sony games on the X1 are ya? You guys definitely could use some quality games for a change LOL.

Phill-Spencer2776d ago (Edited 2776d ago )

What an unnecessary comment. Why should xbox gamers be desperate for sony games? Ms provides them with games that aren't on ps4. Oh you wrote "quality games". Ehm okay then, nevermind!

uptownsoul2776d ago

Let me reply by using your own "Playground Games new IP will be exclusive to Microsoft" argument:

"Well, Activision has a good relationship with Sony so it makes sense that the new Crash game is exclusive to Sony"

tyasia02776d ago (Edited 2776d ago )

That's funny. I was going to make a funny post about getting this game on my XBone but you said it first, and you were serious lol.


AmUnRa2776d ago

Forget it this is not comming to the Xbone, xboxfanboy forget it.

DigitalRaptor2772d ago




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CrashMania93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Nsane numbers. Can we not get a current patch for the trilogy and CTR 60fps and/or 4K? And might as well release a PC port for NF while you're at it, make it happen!

purple10193d ago

Nice profile pic

I’m waiting for a dead or alive article to pop up myself

DivineHand12593d ago

It was the other day I was thinking of picking up crash team racing because I like kart racers like Mario kart and Team Sonic Racing, but I was shocked to find out that Crash team racing is still 30 fps.


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