
Digital Foundry: Resident Evil 7 PC/PS4/Pro/Xbox One Analysis

Dave dives into four different versions of Resident Evil 7. It's consoles vs PC, with all the visual comparison points and frame-rate metrics you could possibly desire.

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Neonridr2737d ago

hmm.. I thought it was said the Pro version was 4K from other places. Clearly not the case. I will stick to playing it in VR then. I was worried I was missing out on some huge increase in graphics.

kevnb2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

you can play it in vr using a pro... and yes Im pretty sure it is 4k on the pro, just no 4k video on digital foundry yet.

Neonridr2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

are you sure? They mentioned the resolution on the Pro in the video. 2240x1260 is the resolution the Pro runs the game at.

Playing in VR on the Pro will only give me some marginal downsampling. Still limited by the resolution of the headset itself. That being said, it will still probably be the best way to play it.

kevnb2737d ago

That's probably accurate, and its still a very good resolution.

Gazondaily2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

It's not 4k Native on the Pro.

The X1 version suffers way too much. I'll get the PS4 version

Unspoken2737d ago

Sony is killing the VR industry with the 1 year exclusivity. What a waste.

Gamers don't like exclusivity deals, am I right?

CrazedFiend2737d ago


Did you watch the video? Not 4K.

Don't care though. I'm FIENDING for this game in VR! Just as scary in 1260p or 1080p or whatever!

PeaSFor2736d ago (Edited 2736d ago )


you're such a risible Sony hater, just look at your comment history dude, lmao what a muppet.

Unspoken2736d ago

Your insults are so on point I'd almost mistaken you for an insecure fanboy who can't refute points. But that's none of my business.

Speaking of stalking comment histories, do you work for Sony or are you just a hypocritical prat.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2736d ago
butchertroll2737d ago


- 1080p / 60 FPS on PS4/XB1
- 2240x1260p / 60 FPS on PS4 Pro
- Plenty of Chromatic Aberration, DoF etc.
- XB1 has more shimmering and worse post-AA method.
- Besides odd texture streaming issue, visually mostly identical.
- Pro has increased lighting highlights on trees etc.
- PC has same texture/lighting/shadow quality the as PS4/Pro version.
- Consoles have limited motion blur, PC has camera motion blur. PC also has per-object motion blur.


- PS4/Pro are rock solid 60 FPS.
- XB1 dips performance notably, especially in combat. Lowest is 45FPS.

Neonridr2737d ago

yeah no doubt the Pro is the way to play it (unless you have a high end gaming PC). I was just sad to learn that it wouldn't be that much nicer on my 4K TV. Initially I was torn because I have the Pro, a 4K TV and a PSVR. I was worried that playing it in PSVR would be a big downgrade compared to what the Pro mode would look like. But it seems like the Pro mode isn't a huge jump over the base game, so I won't be sacrificing much. :)

Kribwalker2737d ago

@ neonridr

Definitely pro version unless you have a gaming pc, then I'd buy Xbox version since you can play anywhere and jump between pc and Xbox at no extra cost

Unspoken2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )


-PC has the highest resolution making the game look very sharp-extremely sharp compared to the Pro
-PC has high resolution textures and can use a higher amount of "Shadow Cache"
-PS4/Pro have textures swapping in and out causing a jarring experience breaking immersion.
-PS4/Pro uses lower end AA muddying the entire image
-PC can use SMAA instead to sharpen the image and keep jaggies to a minimum. (or FXAA +TAA)
-PC can turn off Chromatic Aberration and Motion blur, amongst other settings to tailor the experience.
-PC has HBAO+ allowing for better shadows creating more depth and better immersion
-PC has higher quality Volumetric lighting, Reflections, Shadow quality compared to Pro.
-PC has "Rendering Method" option to allow an interlaced image for lower end cards giving higher fps
-PC\PS4\Pro have HDR
-PSVR lowers resolution further to maintain 60fps and to minimize dizziness but in turn causes everything to look blurrier with the screen door effect.

Gotta love the DF slant

TheDreamCorridor2736d ago

@Unspoken I can't believe you wasted that much time to troll the PlayStation 4.

You certainly wrote quite a bit. Hope you feel good about yourself.

DeadlyOreo2736d ago


You don't make sense. You said definitely Pro version. And then you say unless you have a gaming PC, and then the Xbox version as you can just switch between them?

Lmao. Honestly, do you work for Microsoft?

Kribwalker2736d ago

@deadly Oreo
If you don't have a gaming pc but have consoles then the pro is the best version
If you have a gaming pc, then I'd buy the digital Xbox version because you can use it on your tv and your pc if it isn't hooked up to a tv. Because the PC version is the best version.
Easy enough to understand?

Unspoken2736d ago

It was much less time than you are giving me credit for. When DF spouts alternative facts to pander to the PlayStation crowd it was necessary to clear the air of their BS.

DaMist2736d ago


"you can play anywhere and jump between pc and Xbox at no extra cost"

Resident Evil doesn't take part of the Xbox play anywhere initiative, so in order to have it both on Xbox and pc you'd have to purchase it twice.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2735d ago
1nsomniac2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

You're right, they did very publicaly state RE7 was native 4K on the "Pro"

Unspoken2737d ago

More Sony lies. They have an inferior "4K" system. Wait for Scorpio if you want to be able to play at a higher resolution.

G20WLY2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

^Yeah, good idea, @Unspoken, we should trust MS - their squeaky clean track record speaks for itself! /ULTIMATE SARCASM

UCForce2736d ago

@Unspoken You aren't nice person.

Unspoken2736d ago

You do realize MS was roasted over claiming 4K gaming on Scorpio; particularly when no game has been shown, just a white paper, but when a PlayStation game claims to be native 4K and it isn't, no one bats an eye.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2736d ago
butchertroll2737d ago

Looks like res on Xbone is even lower ( from post #109 and lower ) :


Maybe DF will make another comparison video. I'm sure dark10x is aware of it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2735d ago
tyasia02737d ago

So the PS4 Pro offers the best console version with the highest resolutions and post-processing. PS4 and PS4 Pro both maintain 60 FPS. Xbox lacks post-processing and can't maintain 60 FPS and is mostly in the 40's during action sections.

Letthewookiewin2737d ago

Ya but Xbox can play the masterpiece Halo 5....

saint_seya2737d ago

Dont get mad, he tried to say master chief Halo 5....

UCForce2736d ago

Well, Halo 5 did made some sacrifices for 60fps by removing split screen for co op.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2736d ago
Fishy Fingers2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

Not much in it apparently but obviously PS4 if you have the option over XB1.

Lacklustre PS4P performance. 2240x1260 is a pretty laughable upgrade.

PC if you've got it.

Darkwatchman2737d ago

Not really. That resolution is an 800,000 pixel count increase over native 1080p and considering just how heavy the post processing effects are and much they soften and blur the image, any higher resolutions than 1080p help significantly.

That being said, the game in general was held back by targeting a 1080p 60fps on both consoles because it had to remain fully playable in VR. As a result, the optimization was clearly spent on the base ps4 version and all versions from ps4, Xbox one, to PC to ps4 pro have identical assets and texture quality with the main difference really only being image quality.

The textures in the game are god awful and those low res textures won't exactly look very good running at incredibly high resolutions. The game could have done so much more on ps4 pro and PC, but it really only comes down to the clarity of the image with the same awful textures and mediocre character models

Fishy Fingers2737d ago

Don't disagree with what you're saying as of course we all have different expectations.

But if I upgraded my PC (or bought a Pro) and saw that sort of performance increase (PS4 vs Pro/1080 vs 1260) I wouldn't be remotely satisfied.

Can't report on my own impressions but I've got the PC demo downloaded to try this evening.

Concertoine2737d ago

I thought this game looked great, personally,

Ashunderfire862737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

This game was clearly less demanding even on the PC, I can max the crap out of this with 1 titan x pascal with ease. Heck my old 980ti can run the hell of this without a stutter! The graphics are not mind blowing either. I don't see why the console version PS4 Pro can run at least 1440p or higher on this, and still get 60fps. Why not use dynamic scaling?

Genuine-User2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

Increased lighting highlights, higher volumetric lighting and locked 60fps above 1440p is lackluster now?

There's something not right with DF's resolution analysis because we already have three different outlets that have confirmed the PS4 Pro version to be above 1600p.

Maybe Resident Evil 7 is using dynamic resolution that plays of the GPU/CPU load.

Edit: @ below comment

It's above 1600p, it can in some parts drop down to 1260p. I'm not ready to believe that three different tech outlets got it wrong and DF got it right. There must a be a dyanimc resolution at play.

Sure you can have an opinion, but the Pro is by no means a lackluster upgrade given its small £100 price difference between base and Pro model.

Games jumping from 900p, 1080p on base to 1440p, 1600p, 1800p and even 4K on the Pro isn't exactly a lackluster upgrade in image quality.

Edit #2: Notice that I didn't call DF wrong. The game probably does drop to 1260p but I'm not willing to believe three other outlets are all wrong and that DF hasn't missed a thing.

One of the tech analysis mentions 1656p.
Why would anyone generate such a random resolution - especially since I've not seen it used for any other game?

What did I deflect? I'm on topic.

Regardless if one is a new customer or simply looking to upgrade to a PS4 Pro, there's a considerable advantage for both. You get the best console version with downsampling for 1080p displays at a rock solid 60fps. There's also a significant difference in image quality between base and Pro on Resi7 VR.

I am an upgraded Pro owner. But to assume that I'm compelled to justify its worth is rediculous. The console justifies it self.

And let's not get carried away with what compels us.

Fishy Fingers2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

It's not 1440p, it's a halfway house between 1080 and 1440.

And yes, I consider that a lacklustre upgrade. Perhaps you don't. That's ok, we are allowed different opinions. But again if I'd upgraded from the base to a Pro I'd be disappointed with that.

Edit: Above 1600p? So DF the go to for tech analysis is now wrong? Sure some pro games run higher than this, but let's stick to the topic at hand shall we rather than deflect and that is REVII

And again, I said if I were upgrading from the Base to the Pro, not if I were deciding whether to by a base or Pro. In that instance i agree it is worth the extra £100. But to reiterate, UPGRADE from base to Pro.

I presume you are a Pro owner? So I can only assume you feel compelled to justify it's worth. But changing the context of the discussion doesn't change the results found here.

We can simply agree to disagree.

Rude-ro2737d ago

Since digital foundry has a history of these hiccups in their analysis, especially with PlayStation products... I would say you are probably right.
It will be corrected once this article dies down like per usual.

Neonridr2737d ago

lol, now we are questioning DF's analysis? These guys are the go-to guys for performance studies.

Unspoken2737d ago

Uh, no they are not. They do it for the kids...I mean the hits.

DeadlyOreo2736d ago

Fishy Fingers

"But again if I'd upgraded from the base to a Pro I'd be disappointed with that."

Course you would, you're clearly in the "other camp" and shit on everything that is Sony. (And yep, I am aware of your comment history) You should really try these things before spewing your mouth.

Anyway this game looks fantastic on my pro. Things like this make me glad I invested in one. Playing it first on my 4k HDR and then in VR as I cant stomach it first in VR.

Getting bored waiting for that Scorpio yet?

Fishy Fingers2736d ago (Edited 2736d ago )

Naww Oreo, if you know my comment history you'd be aware I'm a PC/PS gamer.

If it helps you I'll happily take a picture of my set up. Just because I can be objective over the couple hundred pound lump of silicone and plastic under my TV doesn't mean I'm in 'the other camp'.

If Nvidia released a new GPU that I thought was a disappointment I'd say the same. What's the difference? They're toys for entertainment. Big whoop.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2736d ago
Genuine-User2736d ago (Edited 2736d ago )

Confirmed - Digital Foundry didn't pixel count Resident Evil 7 on the Pro:
John Linneman from Digtal Foundry understands the resolution confusion and seems to agree that it's higher than what was suggested by Capcom's PR.

Actual pixel count of Pro screenshots range between 1440p - 1650p:

KakashiHotake2737d ago

So basically no differences between PS4 and PS4 Pro as usual.

G20WLY2737d ago

Umm...you may want to check again lol

Someone even listed all the improvements (over and above the increased resolution) that Pro offers. It's up there in the thread. Go read that, if listening is too taxing..

Rodney252737d ago

What the hell is up with the spoilers! They can't just show some basic gameplay.

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Resident Evil Fans Discuss Whether They Prefer First Or Third Person

Players have long debated the merits of third-person as opposed to first-person perspective in games and the topic has recently resurfaced on Reddit, this time concerning the long running Resident Evil series. The discussion so far has generated somewhat heated opinions from users on both sides of the argument.

Resident Evil has a long history of using both perspectives, with some entries in the series like Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 offering players a third-person view, while others like Resident Evil 7 provided players with a first-person perspective. Some fans believe third-person allows for better visibility and control over the character, while others believe that first-person immerses you more deeply into the game's atmosphere.

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-Foxtrot459d ago

Third always

It's what it's always been and how it's meant to be played whether it's fixed camera angles or over the shoulder.

Rockstar458d ago

There was a time when I would have agreed but if you've got a vr setup the 1st person RE's are on another level.

That being said, they can both exist because they're both fantastic.

Babadook7444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Exactly. If there was no VR version available or possible I’d say 3rd person. But because of the extreme heightened immersion, VR trounces the flat screen version, so 1st person please.

Sonic1881458d ago (Edited 458d ago )

They should have the option to have both going forward imo. But I do prefer third person view

Levii_92458d ago

I love both and the new mainline RE games should stay in first person for at lest one more game that’s why i hated that Capcom for some reason added third person in RE8 .. like why ? What was the point ? It just lost what made the new games unique and different. Re7 is a gem and already such a classic, it’s RE1 of this generation or well the prevous generation i guess i should say and RE8 is bonkers and so fun. Such great games.

Goozex458d ago

First person. It just ramps up the intensity for me

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What horror franchises could learn from Resident Evil

Resident Evil has remained the most popular horror franchise in video games for a long time. These are the reasons why.

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-Foxtrot596d ago (Edited 596d ago )

The remakes are good examples

Resident Evil 2: "Here's how you do a remake"

Resident Evil 3: "Here's how NOT to do a remake"

NecrumOddBoy596d ago (Edited 596d ago )

I think RE3 was actually pretty good but just short and flawed a bit. If Capcom would’ve just put the RE3 campaign and it’s dodge mechanic into RE2 (maybe called it RE Raccoon City Chronicles) and placed the the game in a canonical order LEON A, CLAIRE B, JILL C; then dropped the multiplayer nonsense, it would have been the most perfect package. I enjoyed RE3’s ties in to 2 and they streamlined it well. It just was a flawed deliver.

-Foxtrot596d ago

Oh don't get me wrong, it was a good game but compared to RE2 it was a step back

It was lazier, felt rushed, shorter in comparison and totally the wrong way for Capcom themselves to do a remake

Luckily they got the memo because I'm sure I read RE4 was supposed to be done by the team that did RE3 before they rebooted development.

RE3 needs a directors cut, it needs to be longer, they need to include the choices, add the other locations in by expanding/reworking the current story and also rework how Nemesis works. I want to explore more the city, even if areas have nothing to do with the main objectives and only exist to explore for collectibles or to find new gear.

staticall596d ago

Punching huge bolders while being in a volcano sounds cool on paper, but looks very dumb.
More QTEs = worse experience (RE6 mostly)
Sometimes big doesn't mean "better" (RE6 bosses mostly)
Not every game's suppose to have a multiplayer component (RE3 remake, Umbrella Corps). But sometimes it just works (Outbreak)
Small stamina bar for melee attacks is dumb (RE6)
Locking better skills behind drip-fed skill point drops is awful (RE6)
Do not give your flagship IPs to outside studios. But if you did, heavily control the game quality and direction (Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City)

FallenAngel1984595d ago

For me Resident Evil’s biggest impact on the gaming medium will always be that over the shoulder control scheme pioneered by RE4


Death in the Family: A Look Back at Resident Evil 7

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "With Resident Evil Village out imminently, it seems like an ideal time to revisit its immediate predecessor, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, a game that steered the franchise back to its roots. After replaying the game this past week, I can say with confidence it remains one of my favorites in the long-running series, due to its scary and disturbing atmosphere, challenging boss battles, twisting narrative, breathless action, and old-school survival-horror gameplay. It's certainly not perfect — there isn't much enemy variety and the final boss is a letdown — but overall it's a great game worthy of the name Resident Evil."

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