
The Last of Us Part 2 Won't Avoid 'Personal Politics' says Druckmann

The Last of Us Part 2 won't avoid "personal politics" according to creator Neil Druckmann, saying that the games are very much an expression of his views.

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Nyxus2800d ago

Just make it as you made part 1!

UCForce2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

I think he will. The reason I love the ending TLOU. Because it was personal for me. Joey isn't a hero, he is flaw character in a good way. He wasn't care about the world really. He care Ellie that much because she reminds him of his daughter. If I had a child, I would do anything for as father. And it's not just that, there are so many things I love about TLOU.

Edit : @annoyedgamer I understand your frustration and concern, but we have to wait and see.

Edit#2: Everything can be difficult for a lot of reasons.

WombBat2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

lemme guess, ellie is gonna have a girlfriend.

enough with the agenda, ish is played out.

Paytaa2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

@WomBat she already had a girlfriend and that story arc in Left Behind was incredible.

It's not an "agenda", it's Naughty Dog's creative vision.

@naruga if that's true then why has literally every modern ND game received mass critical acclaim? TLOU being like the 2nd most awarded game in history.

naruga2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

the politcal correct agenda being continuously played by lame Druckmann starts destroying ND games ....

Eonjay2800d ago

He is the creator. Let him create. Its really quite difficult to create a work of art that doesn't have traces of your personality or self in it. It should be his story and not someone else's.

Silly gameAr2800d ago


TLOU isn't Overwatch. Naughty Dog would be much more subtle and respectful about stuff like that, and wouldn't use it as a marketing tactic like Blizzard did.

NotanotherReboot2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

I can't believe this. how dare he force his political views and ruin ND's games.

YoungKingDoran2800d ago

I'm really hoping he doesn't do it in a stupid way, I mean by the time this comes out they would have missed the identity politics ship. We've only just recently gone back to having only TWO genders after all. Just hoping his recent successes are not clouding his true artistic vision.

Nathan_Hale532800d ago


How Naughty Dog made Ellie in Left Behind, it felt real, and natural, unlike many recent games attempts at putting in anything LGBT, which is usually forced and is, yes, filling an agenda. If you played it you would understand. They made it real. Not an "agenda".

2800d ago
johndoe112112799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

I love naughty dog and their games but I don't think people really grasp the depth of this statement. Neil Druckmann is a hardcore feminist so him saying that the game will be an expression of his views basically says that the game will have a political agenda. What I'm waiting to see is how many people will give naught dog a pass on this if the game really does that while bashing other devs over the years for doing the same thing.

yeahright22799d ago

@wombat and naruga What's your deal with trying to censor him? now we can only have works of art that fit what you deem acceptable?

Salooh2799d ago

For me it is truly unrealistic to be gay at moments like that, even if somehow these feelings were real and natural ( Not something i developed which i believe that's what gay is doing, they choose and develop these feelings and want to do whatever they want not doing what's right and wrong ) I would still suppress it just so that i can survive and to help the world, it is like you have a cure of illness yet you personally chose to not use it to help people. Same with giving birth to children in such situations. Thus i believe that putting gay stuff in such world shows agenda. If it was uncharted i would of swallowed it and said since he personally like gay stuff and he is not following my sets of rules and thinking i can see why would he choose to want it but here is just stupid no matter how good he do it.

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2799d ago
-Foxtrot2800d ago (Edited 2798d ago )

"saying that the games are very much an expression of his views"

Oh good grief...we already saw this shit in Uncharted 4 with Nadine and Elena taking a back seat of sorts (compare her character to the first game or second). Even forcing Nadine into the DLC story where it makes no sense Chloe would need her help over Charlie Cutters or Sully's

He's a massive fan of Anita Sarkeesian aswell

Bruce Straley balanced him out in the first game and now he's gone. A game should never involve personal views as it always comes off as a bias political message.

BlakHavoc2800d ago

You really need to get over UC4 lol. As far TLOU goes, Bruce isn't gone, he's just taking a vaca which he probably needed after TLOU and UC4. Once Amy left I don't think they had much of a break considering they had to immediately take over that product.

Fiddlerblue2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

One of the reasons a lot of gamers don't like Anita Sarkeesian is because she seems to want to censor creative vision to appease a personal belief of her's and we don't like censoring creativity. However, this goes both ways. If Neil Druckmann wants to create a game rife with a political message that reflects his views, that's his prerogative as a creator. It's his (and his teams') vision and they should be able to do that just the same as Koei Tecmo should be able to release Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 in the States if they want to.

ND always makes top-tier stuff so I have no doubt this won't disappoint.

Christopher2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

***A game should never involve personal views as it always comes off as a bias political message.***


Edit: Please don't agree with me because you think I'm supporting Druckmann's politics. I'm not. I'm supporting the right of any creator to create what they want and not what others believe they should be imposed on them. If you don't like what someone creates, do not buy it. But, they have every right to create what they want based on whatever they want to put into it, whether it's personal or otherwise.

Nathan_Hale532800d ago

Ew, A fan of Anita... I don't think people should go out of their way to implement personal views. Because that can absolutely destroy immersion. But if they can implement something subtlety, you know, like real life, then I am all for it. Forcing views into a game is just bad design to me.

_-EDMIX-_2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

How do you know it was forced?

The biggest problem I have with people who use this stupid excuse if they're trying to make it seem as if the inclusion of such a thing was by force with zero evidence.

How do you know?

A piece of art should never involve someone's personal views? LMFAO!! Oh ok bud.

I'm a concept artist and that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life

sit yourself down somewhere bud, if you don't create art don't worry about how other artists create that's something that's completely irrelevant to you and you don't seem to understand it to be trying to make a statement about it.

Like my film teacher told me, "when you make your film, do what you want with it, don't worry about what other people are doing with their art"

@ Christopher- 100% respect

coolbeans2799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

-"A game should never involve personal views as it always comes off as a bias political message."

1.) You a bit late in speaking out against that, as political messages have been--subtly or otherwise--been incorporated into a plethora of video games. Heck, one of gaming's most iconic series, Grand Theft Auto, use of satire is constantly being thrown at the player.

2.) This almost seems nigh impossible when considering stories. Storytellers are often conveying messages that are personal to them; and since politics is a big part of our everyday lives--that extends beyond the "SJW" stuff too--it's a factor that can be seen constantly seeped into stories, whether in obvious or subtle ways. As Stan Lee put it: "A story without a message... is like a man without a soul."

-"He's a massive fan of Anita Sarkeesian aswell"


2799d ago
rainslacker2799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

It's impossible to completely seperate the artist from his work. In fact, that is a recipe for poor art.

Don't assume that because he's a fan of Sarkeesian, that it means he will bow down to her whims, or that he will go to extremes to inject his gender politics in a way that is shallow or annoying. It's not like he's going around disparaging gamers, and he does understand his audience.

ND is pretty good at this stuff, and while I can understand the concern, it may be too early to start sounding the alarm bells.

If the game releases, and goes off the deep end with his personal views, then it will be panned pretty hard, and likely reignite the gender nonsense we haven't seen too much of lately as our discontent will just be used as an example of how intolerant we are, and all that jazz. It'll probably also be a huge blow to ND reputation if they don't do it properly, and I doubt Sony would allow it despite their penchant for letting devs do their own thing.

Most of all, keep in mind, not avoiding personal politics, doesn't mean that he's going to insert his politics in a way that is bad. Just means that the story may reflect some of his personal politics. And realistically, this happens with a lot of art, from movies, music, TV, games, books, etc.

Despite me not sharing some of his views, I feel ND is one of the few devs that can address topical things without being obtrusive or preachy about it. So in the case of TLOU2, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, and not allow a random statement from the creators become doom and gloom.

UltraNova2799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

Well said Cristopher and Rain.

I can't help but wonder though, is Neil out of ideas when it comes to part 2 and he found the solution in sociopolitical context? I love ND and respect them as much as I trust them but I really hope their mind is firmly set on quality/purposeful story and characters and not on boarding the current social status bandwagon.


That said, we really need to give them the benefit of doubt, if there's one dev out there who deserves it, its ND.

silvacrest2799d ago

"Even forcing Nadine into the DLC story where it makes no sense Chloe would need her help over Charlie Cutters or Sully's"

omg, how in the world would you know this? you are doing what your accusing drukman of doing, inserting your own opinion to fit some narrative

SnotyTheRocket2798d ago

Bruce balanced him out? What? How would you know that? You people are acting like he didn't write the first game, in which he probably had the same writing philosophy. "Oh no, Chloe is working with Nadine. Oh no"

-Foxtrot2798d ago



Ok so if you had a problem in your life and needed help what would you do?

Get a close, personal friend who's been with you for years


Get some random stranger who you'll pay for help.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2798d ago
wsoutlaw872799d ago

When will you people stop crying about game characters. Its his game and he should do what he wants. Its his art and its embarrassing that the topic still makes some of you so uncomfortable. Im sorry, but it is time to grow up, and move on.

jmac532799d ago

I love how when any creative person depicts something that happens in real life is considered to having an "agenda" just because people are homophobic.

ShadowKnight2799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

Just take your time Naughty Dog.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2798d ago
CBOAT2800d ago

Just say it, Druckmann... Donald Trump will be the main villain in this game.

superdarrin822800d ago

It'll be an orange zombie with very tiny hands.

SpinalRemains1382800d ago

Wrong!! Wrong!! His hands will be massive. The biggest ever.

medman2800d ago

Wrong! Such a nasty person. Sad!

kneon2800d ago

I don't think so, that would make it much too scary :)

FalconSabre2800d ago

This is good to hear in today's political climate.

Sweetbrandigirl2800d ago (Edited 2800d ago )

YES Definitely I want Druckman to continue to inserting his views into the game because thats what gave the game such a dynamic and real feel.

Greyfoxdbz2800d ago

as long as he doesn't bring in his feminist politics i really don't give a crap.

loverlink2800d ago

What are the feminist politics?

EverydayJoe2800d ago

I think he means human right. Hahhaha

81BX2799d ago

Apparently youre not supposed to grab their no no's

wsoutlaw872799d ago

@81BX haha if the damn president can do it than so can I. Seriously though what is feminist politics. Why are some afraid of women

2800d ago Replies(16)
coolbeans2799d ago

I'd say he's already done in every game he's been the lead writer/creative director of, to varying degrees of success.

*SPOILER for The Last of Us*

I mean the final level of TLOU is about Joel saving Ellie, like a damsal in distress trope. But rather than playing it straight, it subverts that trope by the grey context presented. Instead of looking heroic, it makes him come off as selfish.

Thatguy-3102799d ago

"I mean the final level of TLOU is about Joel saving Ellie, like a damsal in distress trope"
That would be true but you're ignoring the whole context of the story that led to that so I have to disagree.

coolbeans2799d ago

I'm ignoring the whole context of the story despite bringing up specifically the complexity of it in my first comment? I've played the game. I know the plot. It's pretty easy to spot the similarities of saving what could be considered a kidnapping victim/female--one of game's most typical tropes--but subverting it to mean something altogether different. Joel's actions are put in a light that isn't noble and pure with trumpets in the background, but of something else.

rainslacker2799d ago (Edited 2799d ago )

I'd rather it not bring in the politics. Political stories tend to be preachy and only look at things from one viewpoint...usually that of the creator. At least I feel that there aren't really that many devs that can actually deal with such things properly, and those kinds of things tend to come off shallow.

However, personal politics doesn't necessarily mean that it will be political. Just means that certain political things he believes will be reflected in the story or the characters. There isn't anything really wrong with that. In the case of TLOU, it's not a political story, so I doubt it'll dwell on such things, and will simply just be things that are character aspects, but don't define the character. Left Behind is a pretty good example of this, and if they keep it in that tone relevant to the story and characters, then it shouldn't be a problem.

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There's A Pack Of Infected In This The Last Of Us Part 2 Artwork

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1697d ago
dp2774071697d ago

I never thought about having hordes of clickers but after Days Gone, I think Naughty Dog could nail something more incredible. Glad its close.

Jimboms1697d ago

I can't wait to see how they've changed up the infected, I'm going to die so much from standing there in awe

VerminSC1697d ago

I actually remember Niel saying something along the lines of “with the PS4 hardware we can now support a horde” I wish I could remember where he said it but that would be insane.

REDGUM1697d ago (Edited 1697d ago )

I have to say that no matter what the game is about, how it plays, what missions will entail, Naughty Dog have well and truly proved to us gamers that they can make it happen and do it well.
The whole picture thing could be just that, a picture. Having said that, the writer may well be on to something too, we just don't know and that's exactly what i'm looking for in a game too.

Developers push boundries, they are supposed to, no point in releasing a identical story and puting a 2 on the end of it.

My opinion, it'll be similar to the 1st game but changed up well too. I can't see a horde mode here as the ammo count, bow and arrow, knifing that we saw in the gameplay so far looks low, i.e. with sparing ammo etc the game seems more of a one on one, each encounter different than the last kinda play which I'm keen on and what I loved most about the 1st game.

I've only just started the Days Gone game and am yet to encounter a horde mode so am definitely not saying it wouldn't be great to play in the new last of us game it's more of an opinion from what I've seen in the TLOU 2 trailers so far.

SyntheticForm1697d ago

This releases a day before my birthday and I couldn't ask for a better gift.


GameEnthus Podcast ep346: Lil Ridley or LE3s was More

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firelogic2302d ago

They're going to wow the audience with gameplay for Death Stranding, Last of Us 2, and Ghost of Tsushima with release dates for all 3. Then they're going to hype up gamers with more Spider-man footage. Then they're going to drop a bomb with Demon's Souls Remake by Bluepoint. Then another bomb with From making Bloodborne 2.

Rimeskeem2302d ago

I assume maybe like an open beta for Dreams with a release date as well. 2019 will be Sonys to lose.

Einhander19712302d ago

Hopefully some surprises, with PSVR content as well.