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The Switch Reveal Proves Nintendon't Get it

The Nintendo Switch reveal Confrence is out! Gamers now know the date, the
price, and the lack of release titles for the Switch. Reactions towards
this confrence has been mixed at the best. Some gamers see this as Nintendo
still not getting the point. Many see The Switch as the Wii U all over
again. Is this the Wii U 2.0 or can the Switch come around and be something
great? But, with games like Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario
Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8, how can this conference be bad?...How?

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Poli_Games2714d ago
FallenAngel19842714d ago

What did proved Nintendo gets it prior to this event?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2714d ago

The average non Nintendo gamer expectation going into the event.
-- Expected western multiplats to be announced at a Japanese Event

Your loss not Nintendo.
Anyone who thought Nintendo was going to have a bunch of western games announced don't know Nintendo, past system library of games or understand Japanese Developers.

If you don't like Nintendo or Japanese games. Stop talking about the Switch or Nintendo. Because you're never gonna get what you want nor will you even buy it even if Nintendo did get em.

Stop lying to yourself. Wake up and face reality. Nintendo isn't gonna westernize themselves for your sake. They don't care about you nor do the Japanese developers do.

Now i understand JRPG are too complex for some of you to handle. Too much reading and strategy for your taste.
You rather have hand holding games that put you at the nearest check point, with guns, gore, blood and realistic visuals with no sense of creativity.

If you don't like Nintendo of Japanese Games or Indie games for the matter. Stay your PS4(Even though it has Japanese games too but because it's Sony it okay) and Xbo---PC or Steam.

Poli_Games2714d ago

Oh boy... let's start from the bottom and work our way up shall we! Let's start with "I don't like JRPG's because their too complex...ext, ext." JRPG's usually aren't my jam. Not because, I want my hand held. What a silly comment to make. I do enjoy a bit of persona, and Fire Emblem. I never really liked Xenoblade because the story wasn't for me. Most of the time it's the turn based combat that turns me off (No pun intended) to most JRPGs. But, I do find the character development quite rich and interesting.So...yeah... Anyway, You are correct Nintendo isn't going to Westernize ANY time. I understand somethings during the conference went over my head because, of the different cultures. But, fact remains Nintendo can't continue only being successful in Japan, it has to at least try to make an impact in the west. Was I expecting Western titles to make an appearance, sure. But, what I wanted was a launch line up that is more than Zelda. The launch line up is empty with the first half of the year being rather vacant for the console interns of ip. The Mario game that's a holiday release is rather jarring when he's in those "real world settings" and could get excited much because I didn't see much. I'm still picking up the system, maybe because I'm a glutton for punishment, or the fact that Splatoon is one of my favorite new ip in recent years. I just just wanted to see more then just 2 launch games during that announcement. And I can't stress enough if you honestly think it can sell as bad as the Wii U did and keep its lights on. I want to live in our reality. It needs to bend the knee a little to western markets with 3rd party games that speak to them. Sony PlayStation knew that, that's why PS2, and PS4 are thriving. You can find a sweet spot between Japanese roots and western influences. You just have to find it. Also just like to add though they're not RPGs I will be playing a TON of Gravity Rush 2(please buy that game) and Neir. :)

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2714d ago

There are more than two launch games.
There are a total of 5 for US, 4 EU and about 7 for Japan.

Plus for US you can get Zelda, Super Bomberman R, I am Setsuna and Disgaea 5 Complete for those don't have a Steam or PS4. Beside it not the entire year one lineup. Though I understand where people are coming form but got to remember.

Super Mario Bros. - NES
Super Mario World - SNES
Super Mario 64 - N64
Luigi's Mansion - GC
Zelda; Twilight Princess - Wii

These past Nintendo had like one major title and few other okay or extra titles.

-Foxtrot2714d ago (Edited 2714d ago )

"Anyone who thought Nintendo was going to have a bunch of western games announced don't know Nintendo, past system library of games or understand Japanese Developers"

It's not even that

People have moaned about wanting games like F-Zero, Mother, Star Fox and bloody METROID for years, even at the start of the Wii U's life cycle.

Wouldn't you think that Nintendo might have thought

"Hmmm they seem to want these games, why don't we get one or two of them ready alongside Zelda for launch"

It's ignorance and stupidity

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2714d ago

You got Star Fox last year.
F-Zero I understandable
Mother creator doesn't want to return
Metroid understandable

But you're telling me non Nintendo gamers are asking for those
you guys aren't fooling anyone.

MyDietEqualsGames2713d ago

Nintendo does what it wants. Not what it's fans want or anyone else. They really haven't changed much.

Quicksand2713d ago

As awesome as f zero is, it doesn't sell well. I want it badly but it's never been really successful so they feel no reason to push it. But f zero, metroid, kid Icarus, punchout, excite bike, animal crossing, a real fire emblem, donkey kong, kirby, Pokémon, yoshi, pikmin, star fox, Mario golf, smash, I mean just how their logo and say in development. I don't need footage. Nintendo doesn't like showing things until they are nearly complete but just let us know they are out there. 1, 2 switch is something the Japanese will probably love, they love weird stuff, but that should have never made the conference. I think most the problem with the conference is us here in the west don't get the Japanese and alot is lost in translation. I'm hoping for the best but also wouldn't be shocked if this is nintendo last bow.

PlatinumGX2714d ago

The thing is, how does Nintendo expect to sell big if they keep focusing solely on Japan?

As you said, the PS4 has japanese games too, but Sony doesn't focus solely on Japan, not by a long shot. Even then, they have full support from all japanese devs, and they also got full support from western devs.

Now, I don't really care much about western games since most of my games are jrpg, but to say they aren't needed at all for Nintendo to suceed is completely false. The fact that Nintendo keeps ignoring western support is one of the reason their sales have sunk so low.

You can hate western games all you want, but it's a fact that Nintendo needs them, not the other way around.

conanlifts2714d ago

Plus randomly games like dragon quest 1-2 are releasing in japan day 1, yet there is no talk of a western release. All they need are subtitles and they could release it worldwide.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2713d ago

Focus where the support is.
Plus the Switch has the same 3DS third party developers.
We just got a Shin Megami Tensei game last year on 3DS and a Dragon Ball game.

If this event was in America then you would have a point but it wasn't. It was in Japan.
Why almost all the major Third Party Publishers are Japanese. And 90% of the games announced were Japanese. There were almost 40 games of the 80 currently in development.

But of course since there no Mass Effect. Red Dead, GTA or all that other western stuff it's irrelevant. Sony doesn't even take Japan seriously as the used too. The increase in sales over that past year for Japan has all be Japanese Third Party doing the work.

Sony has shifted majority of their effort in the west.

conanlifts2714d ago (Edited 2714d ago )

You know i have ordered the switch, but you need to take a step back a minute. This was a terrible conference. They had developers come on stage and say " we are making a switch game" then showed no footage. They showed games without release dates. Didn't mention any hardware capabilities past the joycons. Plus the worst thing was that this is so far their worst launch lineup of games ever. Possibly the worst in any consoles history. Of course zelda is amazing yes. But nintendo fans with a wii u are already saying there is nothing to prompt them to upgrade until mario, which based on wii u history could easily be delayed. They didn't even tease future announcements and the way they teased the " we don't know when zelda will release" was cringe worthy. If you don't like zelda or own a wii u there is little reason to buy switch as there are no alternative games. The wii and wii u had around 20+ launch games. Xbox one and ps4 well over a dozen on day 1. This gave gamers the choice of what they liked.

MyDietEqualsGames2713d ago

What the hell are you going on about? You claim to know what Japanese like and don't like. Have you even been to Japan? Also, if you have, was it just a tourism thing? Because man, you seem full of it.

JRPG's too complex? Lol. You should see what some Japanese are saying these days. That some games seem to be getting more difficult for them.

You come in here with misinformative hyperbole and try to order people around that you don't even know all while posting in a hissyfit tone.

yeahokwhatever2713d ago

"Expected western multiplats to be announced at a Japanese Event" <- Is that what you're telling yourself? You do realize who buys most games, right? Hint: Not Japan. "Your loss not Nintendo". False. Nintendo is the one selling these, not me. Assuming someone doesn't like japanese games because the Nintendo Switch sucks, is insane.Just think things through before you go off next time.

agent45322713d ago

PC western games are very complex and no hand holding. Perfect example rts games or simulation games. The one thing I hate about the switch is the whole idea of pay to play online. Its the internet service provider not console manufacturer that dictates the gamers' online experience. I am interested in JRPGS.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2713d ago (Edited 2713d ago )

I wasn't talking about PC and I certainly wasn't talking about everybody.

I am talking about those who went into this event expecting western games or multiplats being revealed in a Japanese event by Japanese people in the way their culture is.

Of course I expected people to disagree with me.

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Orpheo2714d ago

One feature I'd love to see with the Switch are handles with different analog positions. As I'm a PlayStation gamer I'd love to be able to buy a left Switch handle where the analog stick is below the D-Pad.

Linzoid2713d ago

Totally with you on this, I've never got the asymmetrical stick thing, makes no sense.

If they release symmetrical sticks and I'll consider buying

lellkay2713d ago

Nintendo struggle to sell their home machines, or at least keep the software sales running, and have done ever since GameCube. Even when the Wii sold loads to the casual market, the third party developers didn't stick around, and Nintendo didn't give the machine expected features that the other machines we getting and this is still happening to this day. The modern gamer in 2017, expects a robust online infrastructure. Third party support from ALL big name developers and to get their AAA games at launch, and they also expects the machine to be spec-wise at least similar to the competition, for this to happen. Nintendo refuse to move with the times, and also refuse to be transparent in and day and age, where gamers want to know the details of the system they are trying to be sold, especially when there is strife competition on the market.

The problem with the Switch unveil to me, was the information. They had an hour with all eyes on them to tell us what gamers wanted to know, and what they really did was cater that show to the same Nintendo fans (See: OtakuDJK1NG-Rory) , that will buy that machine regardless of how weak the showing is, because they love Nintendo and they appreciate the brand and have strong trust in the IPs. (Zelda, Mario, Splatoon etc) and while I Wont knock then games, (I like Zelda) I will say, this has proved countless times to not be sufficient in the current home console gaming market. The other problem, was the transparency of the event. There was so much they didn't tell us. Yet so much padding they didn't need. There was no reason to spend excessive time on '1-2 Switch' (a game that should be a pack-in and not a full priced title) and they spent a lot of time on 'Arms' which looks nice graphically, but at heart is just a Wii game... The same sort of shovelware that did not sell after the allure of the Wii on the casual market wore off... Plus its being sold as a fully fledged priced title.

lellkay2713d ago

The info people needed to hear, such as how are Nintendo going to bring their online service up to the expected level, that their competition has been doing for two gens now, was told to us in 30 seconds and skimmed over with no details. This communication is what hurts their brand and kills interest. During the conference, they showed 2 games that were confirmed to be at launch, they didn't give European price, they told us 'we have third party support' but just like the WiiU conference, just showed us a jpeg of developer logos but barley any substance. What this says to me is, 'We have a bunch of developers who aren't fully committed to Switch", they are going to port over 5 year old games, but if they don't sell, you can bet they are pulling support, the same way they did with WiiU, And this is EXACTLY what I see Skyrim as on Switch. (and in the case of clarity, there was NO details on Skyrim, is it vanilla 2011? Is it the remastered version?) We live in an age, like it or not, of the modern western AAA high budget blockbuster. And the large base of 'core' gamers, want that experience. You care argue all you want that 'Nintendo makes better games' and that "JRPGS more clever though" you are more than welcome to your opinion, but genuinely quite frankly I don't think the general home console market agrees with that statement any more, because if it was true. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One wouldn't have outsold the WiiU so brutally. Nintendo does not have a single block buster western AAA IP to compete in the largest market in gaming right now. And there lack of ability to see see this, and adapt to it, really hurts them on top of everything else.

We find out (Afterwards again) Europe doesn't get online play at launch. How mad is that?? Can you imagine Xbone One or PlayStation 4 not launching with online play? In 2017? It should be a standard feature at this point. So much for 'being committed to online'

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AMD working with law enforcement after reports of massive data breach

Initial investigations will weigh the significance of any data theft.
— hack may have uncovered future product details

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rlow123h ago(Edited 23h ago)

China/Russia plain and simple. Chinese are producing their own chips and to catch up they do what they have always done……steal it. When you can’t innovate, stealing is your best friend.


Sony no longer cares about the PSVR 2, and neither should you

It's a sad, disappointing story that could have been so much better.

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M3talDiamond6h ago

Drop the price and a lot of people will care

blackblades5h ago

Can't drop price when you'll lose money. Also to note people keep talking about wanting them to do a vita 2. In reality it'll end up the same way as this and the vita. Then the same people would B* and say the same thing.

Cacabunga2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I will care when they allow backward compatibility.. i do not want 2 headsets for my PS4 library

StormSnooper4h ago

Not sure what this article is about because they just released a bunch of games for it…

Babadook71h ago

I’ll give you one word.


They’ve been at that since day one. They want it dead.

ChasterMies3h ago

Sony dropped the price for their summer sales event.

fr0sty1h ago

Nothing more annoying than articles that assume things, and articles that tell you what to think, and this one does both.

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ocelot075h ago

I care as soon I can have one headset that works on both pc and ps5.

fr0sty1h ago

They have an adapter coming in August that enables just that.

ocelot073m ago

My comment should of been written like this.

I care, As soon I can have one headset that works on both pc and ps5.

Fishy Fingers5h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Admirable for persisting but after PSVR is it any surprise?

Half baked PC release feels more like an effort to shift dead stock then anything else.

bunt-custardly4h ago

Not enough people buying the hardware. The strategy from the get-go should have been these hybrid releases and as mentioned in the article, some form of wizardry like Praydog's UEVR mod for older Playstation titles converted into VR with very little effort once the software is sorted.

Basically a lack of vision from the corporate side.

Babadook758m ago

Praydog may be wizardry but the experience isn’t there.

As a long time supporter of VR the experience of VR2 is pretty awesome.


Ummm, they’re releasing at least 4 high profile games for the headset in 2024 alone:
1) Metro VR
2) Behemoth
3) Aliens
4) War Thunder

That’s more games than SOME platforms release in an entire gen…. So how can you say Sony doesn’t care about their latest headset?

Fishy Fingers4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

"They're" not releasing any of those, all 3rd party. Has Sony developed or published a single PSVR2 game since 2023?

ocelot074h ago

In that case then Sony no longer cares about the ps5 and neither should we right? Only released helldivers 2 so far this year. What's next astrobot in September?

The thing is. The PSVR2 can absolutely survive on just 3rd party releases. Ps5 has proved is this year. Just as Xbox did for the last 10 years.

Fishy Fingers3h ago

Odd, your supporting argument for proving Sony cares about PSVR2 is that they hasn't released much for PS5 either? Interesting take.

But there is a difference, we know PS5 games are coming, being worked both by Sony and their collaboration with other studios and there is a constant and consistent release of 3rd party. PSVR2, not so much.

Babadook756m ago

3rd party seems to be the strategy though. And it may well have been for the best. Sony had recruited a fair bit of support. And that proves the article here wrong.


If it is superior experience to the Quest port, and comparable to the experience with a Steam headset… then I am happy.

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Sony Rewards Program Is Coming To An End on Dec. 31, 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced that it is ending the Sony Rewards program on December 31, 2024, and as a result that date will be the last time possible to redeem points and access your account.

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helicoptergirl12h ago

This is a shame. I've been using it since the start. It had a few problems and issues but overall I did end up saving a little bit over 60 dollars using this program. There was probably not enough people using it.

Cacabunga9h ago

Is it playstation stars?? I really never understood it. I am still level 1

PS_HCT8h ago

This is not playstation stars. Sony Rewards is a US rewards program linked to a visa credit card.

darthv729h ago

I just checked... I have 144 points at the moment. Not even enough to get a $5 PS card. I can get a $1 digital gift card to Target or home Depot though.

blackblades6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

I thought they were been done with this, I redeem some good stuff with this in the past. Wonder how much i got its been awhile

OtterX12h ago

I've gotten so many free games throughout the years w this program, this sucks. I've been with it since the beginning.

I just run a majority of my needed purchases through it and pay it off immediately instead of using cash or debit. The most recent was on Tuesday I got a $10 dlc free. It was great as long you're not borrowing out large amounts of money that you don't have.

ChasterMies10h ago

Realistically, those weren’t free games. You could have used another cards rewards points or bought Sony products on sale and then used the savings to buy PlayStation games.

OtterX10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Well there was a large boost on any purchase made on PSN, so there was an incentive to use over other cards' rewards. It used to be better, then they lowered it. I forget the exact multiplier though.

I pretty much got this $10 DLC free this week just by resubbing my PS+ Premium. (On sale during Days of Play) Not a lot of other cards would give that much back

dumahim8h ago

Right. I can do the same thing with my credit card rewards, but I have much more flexibility in what I can redeem those points for, including buying PS games.

shadowT11h ago

I never owned the credit card. Was this program available in Europe and Asia?

Profchaos10h ago

Seriously it was awesome Ive gotten a few free psn vouchers out of it.


i remember getting Assassin creed black flag for free with Redeeming my Points for 10 dollars when it was on sale this is very sad news.

OtterX10h ago

I actually believe that was one of my first cashouts on the program! haha

I remember I had just gotten the PS4 and I used it on Black Flag or Battlefield 4 to go with it.
I'm pretty sure I remember it being Black Flag though! (Great choice, as it became my favorite AC of all time)

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