
The Switch Reveal Proves Nintendon't Get it

The Nintendo Switch reveal Confrence is out! Gamers now know the date, the
price, and the lack of release titles for the Switch. Reactions towards
this confrence has been mixed at the best. Some gamers see this as Nintendo
still not getting the point. Many see The Switch as the Wii U all over
again. Is this the Wii U 2.0 or can the Switch come around and be something
great? But, with games like Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario
Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8, how can this conference be bad?...How?

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FallenAngel19842808d ago

What did proved Nintendo gets it prior to this event?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2807d ago

The average non Nintendo gamer expectation going into the event.
-- Expected western multiplats to be announced at a Japanese Event

Your loss not Nintendo.
Anyone who thought Nintendo was going to have a bunch of western games announced don't know Nintendo, past system library of games or understand Japanese Developers.

If you don't like Nintendo or Japanese games. Stop talking about the Switch or Nintendo. Because you're never gonna get what you want nor will you even buy it even if Nintendo did get em.

Stop lying to yourself. Wake up and face reality. Nintendo isn't gonna westernize themselves for your sake. They don't care about you nor do the Japanese developers do.

Now i understand JRPG are too complex for some of you to handle. Too much reading and strategy for your taste.
You rather have hand holding games that put you at the nearest check point, with guns, gore, blood and realistic visuals with no sense of creativity.

If you don't like Nintendo of Japanese Games or Indie games for the matter. Stay your PS4(Even though it has Japanese games too but because it's Sony it okay) and Xbo---PC or Steam.

Poli_Games2807d ago

Oh boy... let's start from the bottom and work our way up shall we! Let's start with "I don't like JRPG's because their too complex...ext, ext." JRPG's usually aren't my jam. Not because, I want my hand held. What a silly comment to make. I do enjoy a bit of persona, and Fire Emblem. I never really liked Xenoblade because the story wasn't for me. Most of the time it's the turn based combat that turns me off (No pun intended) to most JRPGs. But, I do find the character development quite rich and interesting.So...yeah... Anyway, You are correct Nintendo isn't going to Westernize ANY time. I understand somethings during the conference went over my head because, of the different cultures. But, fact remains Nintendo can't continue only being successful in Japan, it has to at least try to make an impact in the west. Was I expecting Western titles to make an appearance, sure. But, what I wanted was a launch line up that is more than Zelda. The launch line up is empty with the first half of the year being rather vacant for the console interns of ip. The Mario game that's a holiday release is rather jarring when he's in those "real world settings" and could get excited much because I didn't see much. I'm still picking up the system, maybe because I'm a glutton for punishment, or the fact that Splatoon is one of my favorite new ip in recent years. I just just wanted to see more then just 2 launch games during that announcement. And I can't stress enough if you honestly think it can sell as bad as the Wii U did and keep its lights on. I want to live in our reality. It needs to bend the knee a little to western markets with 3rd party games that speak to them. Sony PlayStation knew that, that's why PS2, and PS4 are thriving. You can find a sweet spot between Japanese roots and western influences. You just have to find it. Also just like to add though they're not RPGs I will be playing a TON of Gravity Rush 2(please buy that game) and Neir. :)

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2807d ago

There are more than two launch games.
There are a total of 5 for US, 4 EU and about 7 for Japan.

Plus for US you can get Zelda, Super Bomberman R, I am Setsuna and Disgaea 5 Complete for those don't have a Steam or PS4. Beside it not the entire year one lineup. Though I understand where people are coming form but got to remember.

Super Mario Bros. - NES
Super Mario World - SNES
Super Mario 64 - N64
Luigi's Mansion - GC
Zelda; Twilight Princess - Wii

These past Nintendo had like one major title and few other okay or extra titles.

-Foxtrot2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

"Anyone who thought Nintendo was going to have a bunch of western games announced don't know Nintendo, past system library of games or understand Japanese Developers"

It's not even that

People have moaned about wanting games like F-Zero, Mother, Star Fox and bloody METROID for years, even at the start of the Wii U's life cycle.

Wouldn't you think that Nintendo might have thought

"Hmmm they seem to want these games, why don't we get one or two of them ready alongside Zelda for launch"

It's ignorance and stupidity

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2807d ago

You got Star Fox last year.
F-Zero I understandable
Mother creator doesn't want to return
Metroid understandable

But you're telling me non Nintendo gamers are asking for those
you guys aren't fooling anyone.

MyDietEqualsGames2807d ago

Nintendo does what it wants. Not what it's fans want or anyone else. They really haven't changed much.

Quicksand2807d ago

As awesome as f zero is, it doesn't sell well. I want it badly but it's never been really successful so they feel no reason to push it. But f zero, metroid, kid Icarus, punchout, excite bike, animal crossing, a real fire emblem, donkey kong, kirby, Pokémon, yoshi, pikmin, star fox, Mario golf, smash, I mean just how their logo and say in development. I don't need footage. Nintendo doesn't like showing things until they are nearly complete but just let us know they are out there. 1, 2 switch is something the Japanese will probably love, they love weird stuff, but that should have never made the conference. I think most the problem with the conference is us here in the west don't get the Japanese and alot is lost in translation. I'm hoping for the best but also wouldn't be shocked if this is nintendo last bow.

PlatinumGX2807d ago

The thing is, how does Nintendo expect to sell big if they keep focusing solely on Japan?

As you said, the PS4 has japanese games too, but Sony doesn't focus solely on Japan, not by a long shot. Even then, they have full support from all japanese devs, and they also got full support from western devs.

Now, I don't really care much about western games since most of my games are jrpg, but to say they aren't needed at all for Nintendo to suceed is completely false. The fact that Nintendo keeps ignoring western support is one of the reason their sales have sunk so low.

You can hate western games all you want, but it's a fact that Nintendo needs them, not the other way around.

conanlifts2807d ago

Plus randomly games like dragon quest 1-2 are releasing in japan day 1, yet there is no talk of a western release. All they need are subtitles and they could release it worldwide.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2806d ago

Focus where the support is.
Plus the Switch has the same 3DS third party developers.
We just got a Shin Megami Tensei game last year on 3DS and a Dragon Ball game.

If this event was in America then you would have a point but it wasn't. It was in Japan.
Why almost all the major Third Party Publishers are Japanese. And 90% of the games announced were Japanese. There were almost 40 games of the 80 currently in development.

But of course since there no Mass Effect. Red Dead, GTA or all that other western stuff it's irrelevant. Sony doesn't even take Japan seriously as the used too. The increase in sales over that past year for Japan has all be Japanese Third Party doing the work.

Sony has shifted majority of their effort in the west.

conanlifts2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

You know i have ordered the switch, but you need to take a step back a minute. This was a terrible conference. They had developers come on stage and say " we are making a switch game" then showed no footage. They showed games without release dates. Didn't mention any hardware capabilities past the joycons. Plus the worst thing was that this is so far their worst launch lineup of games ever. Possibly the worst in any consoles history. Of course zelda is amazing yes. But nintendo fans with a wii u are already saying there is nothing to prompt them to upgrade until mario, which based on wii u history could easily be delayed. They didn't even tease future announcements and the way they teased the " we don't know when zelda will release" was cringe worthy. If you don't like zelda or own a wii u there is little reason to buy switch as there are no alternative games. The wii and wii u had around 20+ launch games. Xbox one and ps4 well over a dozen on day 1. This gave gamers the choice of what they liked.

MyDietEqualsGames2807d ago

What the hell are you going on about? You claim to know what Japanese like and don't like. Have you even been to Japan? Also, if you have, was it just a tourism thing? Because man, you seem full of it.

JRPG's too complex? Lol. You should see what some Japanese are saying these days. That some games seem to be getting more difficult for them.

You come in here with misinformative hyperbole and try to order people around that you don't even know all while posting in a hissyfit tone.

yeahokwhatever2806d ago

"Expected western multiplats to be announced at a Japanese Event" <- Is that what you're telling yourself? You do realize who buys most games, right? Hint: Not Japan. "Your loss not Nintendo". False. Nintendo is the one selling these, not me. Assuming someone doesn't like japanese games because the Nintendo Switch sucks, is insane.Just think things through before you go off next time.

agent45322806d ago

PC western games are very complex and no hand holding. Perfect example rts games or simulation games. The one thing I hate about the switch is the whole idea of pay to play online. Its the internet service provider not console manufacturer that dictates the gamers' online experience. I am interested in JRPGS.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2806d ago (Edited 2806d ago )

I wasn't talking about PC and I certainly wasn't talking about everybody.

I am talking about those who went into this event expecting western games or multiplats being revealed in a Japanese event by Japanese people in the way their culture is.

Of course I expected people to disagree with me.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2806d ago
Orpheo2807d ago

One feature I'd love to see with the Switch are handles with different analog positions. As I'm a PlayStation gamer I'd love to be able to buy a left Switch handle where the analog stick is below the D-Pad.

Linzoid2806d ago

Totally with you on this, I've never got the asymmetrical stick thing, makes no sense.

If they release symmetrical sticks and I'll consider buying

lellkay2807d ago

Nintendo struggle to sell their home machines, or at least keep the software sales running, and have done ever since GameCube. Even when the Wii sold loads to the casual market, the third party developers didn't stick around, and Nintendo didn't give the machine expected features that the other machines we getting and this is still happening to this day. The modern gamer in 2017, expects a robust online infrastructure. Third party support from ALL big name developers and to get their AAA games at launch, and they also expects the machine to be spec-wise at least similar to the competition, for this to happen. Nintendo refuse to move with the times, and also refuse to be transparent in and day and age, where gamers want to know the details of the system they are trying to be sold, especially when there is strife competition on the market.

The problem with the Switch unveil to me, was the information. They had an hour with all eyes on them to tell us what gamers wanted to know, and what they really did was cater that show to the same Nintendo fans (See: OtakuDJK1NG-Rory) , that will buy that machine regardless of how weak the showing is, because they love Nintendo and they appreciate the brand and have strong trust in the IPs. (Zelda, Mario, Splatoon etc) and while I Wont knock then games, (I like Zelda) I will say, this has proved countless times to not be sufficient in the current home console gaming market. The other problem, was the transparency of the event. There was so much they didn't tell us. Yet so much padding they didn't need. There was no reason to spend excessive time on '1-2 Switch' (a game that should be a pack-in and not a full priced title) and they spent a lot of time on 'Arms' which looks nice graphically, but at heart is just a Wii game... The same sort of shovelware that did not sell after the allure of the Wii on the casual market wore off... Plus its being sold as a fully fledged priced title.

lellkay2807d ago

The info people needed to hear, such as how are Nintendo going to bring their online service up to the expected level, that their competition has been doing for two gens now, was told to us in 30 seconds and skimmed over with no details. This communication is what hurts their brand and kills interest. During the conference, they showed 2 games that were confirmed to be at launch, they didn't give European price, they told us 'we have third party support' but just like the WiiU conference, just showed us a jpeg of developer logos but barley any substance. What this says to me is, 'We have a bunch of developers who aren't fully committed to Switch", they are going to port over 5 year old games, but if they don't sell, you can bet they are pulling support, the same way they did with WiiU, And this is EXACTLY what I see Skyrim as on Switch. (and in the case of clarity, there was NO details on Skyrim, is it vanilla 2011? Is it the remastered version?) We live in an age, like it or not, of the modern western AAA high budget blockbuster. And the large base of 'core' gamers, want that experience. You care argue all you want that 'Nintendo makes better games' and that "JRPGS more clever though" you are more than welcome to your opinion, but genuinely quite frankly I don't think the general home console market agrees with that statement any more, because if it was true. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One wouldn't have outsold the WiiU so brutally. Nintendo does not have a single block buster western AAA IP to compete in the largest market in gaming right now. And there lack of ability to see see this, and adapt to it, really hurts them on top of everything else.

We find out (Afterwards again) Europe doesn't get online play at launch. How mad is that?? Can you imagine Xbone One or PlayStation 4 not launching with online play? In 2017? It should be a standard feature at this point. So much for 'being committed to online'

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Filing Lawsuit for Infringement of Patent Rights against Pocketpair, Inc.

Nintendo and Pokemon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair Inc., the creators of Palworld, in Tokyo, Japan.

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Number1TailzFan2d ago

Ye, Custom Robo Arena was a lot better than Pokemon anyways, now that's a game.

Eonjay2d ago

Interestingly this comes like a day after they announced they would be at the Tokyo Games Show.

Vits2d ago

We should all really hope so. Otherwise, this could lead to many issues, as they hold patents on numerous game mechanics. And when I say numerous, I truly mean it. Take this one, for example:

"Abstract: In an example of a game program, a ground boarding target object or an air boarding target object is selected by a selection operation, and a player character is caused to board the selected boarding target object. If the player character aboard the air boarding target object moves toward the ground, the player character is automatically changed to the state where the player character is aboard the ground boarding target object, and brought into the state where the player character can move on the ground."

In plain English, do you guys remember that super amazing mechanic where you surf on the water with a Pokémon, and then when you hit land, it changes to you walking? Yeah, they patented that.

1d 23h ago
porkChop3d ago

A patent lawsuit? What Pokémon-related patent could Palworld even be infringing that other similar games haven't? This makes no sense. Feels like Nintendo just trying to throw its weight around to bully competitors, just like they do with emulators even though they're legal.

Kaii3d ago

They can't Innovate their own IP, but when others are breaking the ceiling, they run to the courts, gtfo Nintendo/Gamefreak.

Companies' gatekeeping mechanics behind the patent system to stifle innovation, consumers will always pick the better product, it's not the consumer's fault that Gamefreak has sat on their lazy assess for years.

Kornholic2d ago

"Consumers will always pick the better product"

Since when?

swedishMeatwad2d ago

You can't argue with _subjective_ taste. Some people are going to like games you find crappy. I'm happy not everyone has the same taste.

Kornholic1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )


PS5 Pro is obviously objectively the better product when compared to the base PS5, but the majority of consumers interested in a PS5 will not be picking Pro over base PS5.

There are countless examples like this out there.

The_Blue2d ago

Rather you like it or not COD has many accessible options and customization that allows for better experience than most other FPS.

Knightofelemia3d ago

The Palworld has been out since January of 2024 and now Nintendo finally decides to do something. I fail to see how Palworld is like Pokemon besides evolving monsters. There are other games out there as well where you can capture and level up monsters. Tales of Symphonia 2 does that capture monsters and have them fight with you and they evolve when levelling up. The two games might share some similarities but what game doesn't borrow from another game. I could understand if Palworld was just a straight on copy clone of Pokemon but it's not. Nintendo is starting to become a pain in the ass. Going full gung ho with rom sites that I can see, purposely taking down pictures from a strategy guide for Mario 64 the strategy guide never came to North America and Nintendo had the pictures taken down. Where does it every stop with Nintendo?

babadivad2d ago

Monsters don't evolve in Palworld

Software_Lover2d ago

It's because Palworld became a worldwide viral success. Nintendo can't fathom someone else being that popular when it comes to a small monster catching game.

VersusDMC2d ago

Nintendo is only acting now because they just finished a lawsuit which they won.


Atlus should get on this and sue Nintendo as SMT came out before Pokemon. If Nintendo is going to play this game.

isarai2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This feels like a scare tactic more than anything else. There's nothing here dozens of other games haven't already done, they're just mad this game showed people how much the pokemon series has been slackin and are desperately trying to make an example out of them.

How's about instead of spending all that money on court fees and lawyers you invest it into making pokémon better?

Profchaos2d ago

I think if it was a scare tactic it would have happened when the game came out I have a feeling they've been building a case for a while

isarai2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It did happen even before the game came out, they tried several tomes before and nothing came of it

Profchaos2d ago

I was pretty sure the only statement they made was they would investigate

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The 'Steam Deck 2' seems a lot more promising with Ryzen Z2 chips announced

The 'Steam Deck 2.0' needs to make use of the AMD Ryzen Z2 chips if it wants a fighting chance against the competition.

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TheNamelessOne3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think when the next wave of these handhelds release I'll see what's available and finally grab one. The handheld aspect is nice, but I really just need something small to take with me when traveling. Been using my Series S, which has been good, but it would be nice having my PC library on the go.

Yui_Suzumiya2d ago

Steam Deck OLED is the best gaming device I've owned in 35 years. Give it a chance and you might be quite happy.

Tapani2d ago

I appreciate it is a great device, but simply not enough to run the games I play. I’m also going to wait for a Z2E or Z3E OLED version of Steam Deck before jumping in.

I want to run games at medium/optimized settings at 60fps for 3hrs+, and we are not there yet.

redrum062d ago

Tbh, I mostly play on my Steam Deck OLED since I got it, leaving my Series X in the dust. There's something really enjoyable about handheld gaming, and the speakers and screen are amazing on this device, despite it being 800p.

2d ago
RiseNShine3d ago

I have the Rogue Ally and miss the Steam Deck, i love the extra power of the Ally but i am sooo tired of a million issues with windows and games, i miss the simplicity of SD, you launch a game and it works as long as it's supported, period, Valve really turned PC gaming in a console experience, so SD 2 is day one for me.

redrum062d ago

Had the Steam Deck OLED, sold it for a Legion Go, then sold the Legion Go to get a Steam Deck OLED again. SteamOS is so much better than Windows.

2d ago
UltimateOwnage3d ago

Deck doesn't need a "fighting chance". Specs have never won in the grant scheme of things. Value has, and the Deck has significant value and usability advantages over its so called "superior" competitors. Ask Nintendo how being in 1st place in sales in the next gen race with last gen handheld hardware works.

redrum062d ago

Nintendo has good exclusive first party titles to compete with the rest, so that's not quite a fair comparison

__SteakDeck__2d ago

@redrum06 But Valve has their own killer app, and that’s Steam.

Vits2d ago

Ask Nintendo how much that helped them with the Gamecube and the Wii U. Exclusives alone aren't really anything, they are just one factor in what makes a devie provide value.

2d ago
Kosic2d ago

The steam deck has been my go to device since I got it.
I've tried an Ally and LeGo, both are decent handhelds, but I prefer the design of the deck with steam OS and window boot.

If they release a Deck 2 with a big enough upgrade. I'd definitely get one of those.

2d ago
kryteris2d ago

it would be rad if they used the same board layout and cooling allowing previous owners to upgrade.


No ‘The Sims 5’ Coming as EA Sets Multiplayer Expansion to Current Game

Electronic Arts‘ popular free-to-play life-simulation video game franchise “The Sims” is breaking from tradition, with the gaming company confirming Tuesday that there are no plans for a “The Sims 5” game as the successor to the current edition, “The Sims 4.”

Instead, “The Sims 4,” now a 10-year-old title and the longest-running installment in the franchise’s 25-year history, will continue to receive updates and paid expansions, most notably a multiplayer mode and partnering with some “Sims” players who develop their own custom content for the game to sell it through the EA store as “Creator Kits.”

Deathdeliverer2d ago

After seeing inzoi I’d delay with some experimental “expansions” like multiplayer too.

cammers19952d ago

Inzoi will be better anyways. Sims 4 is garbage.