
Nintendo Switch Storage Capacity Revealed

Following tonight's Nintendo Switch presentation, the storage capacity for the Nintendo Switch was revealed.

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moegooner882718d ago

32 Gbs really. My mobile phone comes with more storage.

Utalkin2me2717d ago (Edited 2717d ago )

Yeah, that automatically hampers the portable solution. Means you can have 1 AAA title or a few indie games. Makes no sense at all if you ask me. I know games come on carts. But what about people that like digital?

UnHoly_One2717d ago

Nintendo is lost in their own little world.

They are clueless.

FallenAngel19842718d ago

32GB is not going to go far with how huge game downloads & patches are these days.

This sounds like a joke, but Nintendo seems to be serious about this. They didn't even increase the max storage from their Wii U days, and this time an external HDD isn't going to save you.

Summons752718d ago

games are on carts...carts hold all the data...when was the last time you had to install the cart onto your 3ds? Never, that's what I though. Oh, you can also upgrade...shocking I know.

peewee110162718d ago

Cds can hold all the data as well.. DUDE stop acting stupid

NotoriousWhiz2718d ago

In an increasingly digital industry, who wants all of their games on carts? Not to mention there will be plenty of digital only games and DLC that will need to be installed on your hard drive.

souljah452718d ago

Who wants games on carts? People who have a brain and may want to trade games in once they're done with it.

NotoriousWhiz2718d ago (Edited 2718d ago )

@souljah, the key word in my post was "ALL"

Kokyu2718d ago (Edited 2718d ago )

The industry moved away from carts almost 20yrs ago because of the limitations carts present. Having a system with carts in 2017 isnt a plus.

Edit: souljaboy you act like you cant trade or sell a cd......

Dasteru2717d ago (Edited 2717d ago )


CDs do not hold patches or save files. Carts can. I know it is fun to ignore the facts while calling others stupid but when the truth is so obvious, it only serves to make you look like a fool.


Anyone who cares about collectibility or being able to resell/trade the game when they are done with it.


People moved away from carts 20 years ago because of the limitations of ROM media that was available back then. Modern flash media has advanced far beyond any disk. It is the same type of memory used in SD cards, USB flash drives and SSDs. A 12X 4-layer bluray disk is 100GB of storage and operates at 54MB/s. Modern flash memory chips have storage caps in the 256GB range (Per chip, SSDs use multiple chips) and can have a read speed upwards of 1500MB/s (Not a typo, ~28x faster than bluray). Even a 32GB card will actually be better than a 100GB bluray due to the ability to compress data on it and have it decompressed on the fly. No format of disk has the speed to do that. You will never need to install anything to HDD with carts. You can actually install patches and theoretically even DLC (If Nintendo decides to design them that way) to the cart which further increases collectibility, as 1-time activation DLC codes become obsolete. When you resell the cart, you sell all the DLC/patches with it.


The average Switch game will most likely be compressed down to <16GB, with the larger games capping at 32GB. A 2-4GB secondary memory reserve on the carts would be enough for compressed patches and DLC. Nintendo has always optimized file sizes alot better than Sony or MS and they also have the advantage of being able to heavily compress the data this time around, due to the read speed of the flash media.

Summons752717d ago


Is that why I have to manually install them on my pS4?

kayoss2717d ago (Edited 2717d ago )

Sorry but what about patches and updates? 32gb for just patches alone is not enough.

darthv722717d ago

Lets all take a deep breath and just relax. those who say that switch games are going to have large patches need to realize this is nintendo we are talking about. not sony or ms where by games are released unfinished and have such large downloads to patch the game.

For all we know, nintendo will require the games be finished products with the option to have extra content be available (like it used to be). I can say that I only have one game that had any extra content not found on the disc for the wiiu and that is mario kart 8.

the core of the game is completely intact as it should be for any games released. Knowing the 'limited' storage capacity will cause developers to release finished products to switch unlike other platforms.

Utalkin2me2717d ago

So im going to have to carry around carts now? Why would you do this when things are going heavily digital? This is about as stupid as their launch lineup.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2717d ago
Summons752718d ago

32 gbs is fine considering 1) you can upgrade and a new microSD card is pretty cheap and 2) ALL THE GAMES ARE ON CARTS, unlike PS4 and Xbone there is no manual installs! Gasp! Just put in and play!

eferreira2718d ago

Um it will be an issue for 3rd party games. Some patches or updates are like 4-8gbs

mcstorm2718d ago

Could the update not go into the game card? I'm not saying it will but maybe the way it's working is that an update is installed on the cart rather than on the switch it's self. For me it's all if buts and maybes just press ordered my switch with colour pads and Zelda. Can't wait for march 3rd now.

RosweeSon2718d ago

Well they need to learn how to compress a bit better then ;)

nitus102718d ago

Depends on the game. I have seen patches in the order of 17GB for some PS4 games.

darthv722717d ago

you assume that 3rd party switch games are going to be like ps4 and xb1 games. As in unfinished and requiring such large patches.

In reality we know nothing of 3rd party development on the switch and if the games will be complete releases or rushed to market. Only time will tell.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2717d ago
2718d ago
NotoriousWhiz2718d ago (Edited 2718d ago )

2) I can guarantee you that all the games won't be on carts.

rdgneoz32717d ago

Exactly. If they want 3rd party support, they'll be getting a lot of digital download games. Tons of Indie games never get physical releases. Most F2P games out there are all digital only (not all F2P suck, some are great like Smite, Warframe, Paladins, etc). Also, companies release demos for games which never really end up getting a physical release. And if they get online MMOs, those tend to have constant patches that take up way more than their initial amount (for example, ESO is around 80 GB on PS4 right now and started probably around 30-40 GB).

Summons752717d ago

The ones that aren't will be tiny in size. Boohoo.

nitus102718d ago

There is a very good reason why games on the PS4 and XB1 are installed on the hard disk drive. If you wish to look at the performance of a HDD @ 5400rpm you can get read speeds (ie loading times) of approximately 80 to 100MB/sec with 7200rpm drives about 20% faster and hybrid drive much faster again.

Install a solid state disk (SSD) and you get read speed in the order of 500MB/sec with write speeds of 480MB/sec depending on brand. Of course, you are limited by the system bus which for the PS4 is 300MB/sec (SATA2) and for the PS4pro 600MB/sec (SATA3). The downside of an SSD is that it is much more expensive than an equivalent capacity HDD.

Now let's take a look at cartridges and their equivalent SD cards. https://www.ephotozine.com/... If you look at the web page a top class SD card can reach speeds of 250MB/sec although you are going to pay for this class of card. Most high-performance cards are in the order of 80 to 100Mb/sec with cheaper cards being less than 50MB/sec.

Note: I don't know the performance of the bus that the Switch has so I can't compare although I would assume that the read or loading speeds of games will be limited by the cartridge or the SD card, not the bus.

Don't just take my word on this the web is freely available to prove me wrong if you can.

Utalkin2me2717d ago (Edited 2717d ago )

32 gigs is not fine, considering i buy most digital and want the convenience of having my games on the machine being able to switch as i please and not have to carry carts and sd sticks around with me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2717d ago
Neonridr2718d ago

meh, no surprise there. It's part 3DS after all. Digital games could be an issue though, but I am guessing game sizes will be significantly smaller than on PS4/XB1.

LOL_WUT2718d ago

Even in their reveal they mention it's a home console. ;)

nitus102717d ago

Game sizes depend on many factors such as voice files, video files, game data files and even the game itself. For the PS4 you can get games as small as a few hundred MB to over 50GB. It is very difficult to quantify this unless you can look at games sizes of a game for different platforms and even then you have to ask if anything as been added or left out.

For instance (all games listed will display at 1080p):
1) The Witcher 3, fully patched with all DLC is about 51.75GB.
2) Bloodborne, fully patched with all DLC is about 36.5GB
3) Bastion is 1.15GB
4) Resident Evil 1 is 15.27GB - yet the original on the PS1 fitted into a 600MB CD.

Just looking at the sizes alone any of those games (assuming the same sizes if made for the Switch) would easily fit onto a reasonably priced and performance SD card. However Bluray install media is still cheaper than cartridge but if you have a portable device then cartridge storage is the best but more expensive solution.

RosweeSon2717d ago

Have a look at Wii U some of the top top games are barely a few GB. 64GB Would have been great but VC games take up minimal space in talking MB's not GB's think marionkart 8 was only about 6gb things like Pokemon etc are a bit bigger but yeah Nintendo don't have wasted space on their games... then you get games with 40/50gb it's just cut scenes and music normally filling up the disc uncompressed and just lazy Devs normally. Ubisoft etc.

kayoss2717d ago

We're talking about 3rd support not Nintendo 1st party games.

Featuring_Dante2718d ago (Edited 2718d ago )

my PS2 HDD came with a bigger storage, and that thing wasn't needed to play games.
This whole nintendo thing is just a DISASTER! Reminds me of the xbox 1 reveal, one hit news after the other.
@fishy fingers
sure, instead of providing a decent argument, you resort to name calling!
I think N4G users would know the difference between trolling and criticism.

sdcard4gb2718d ago

PS2 HDD ? Oh, you phenomenal joker, you.

Fishy Fingers2718d ago (Edited 2718d ago )

It had one (40gb) that fitted in the expansion bay. Was more or less a waste of money though as support was very limited.

Dante doing his best to hide his excitement for Switch in every tread.... we see through it ;)

Edit: name calling? I used your actual name and replied to sdcards question? Technically, I agreed with you. Strange lad.

nitus102717d ago

You must be too young to remember but you could install a HDD into the original PS2 and there were quite a few games written to make use of this device. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... (also includes a list of compatible games).

TheTony3162717d ago

Not a joke at all.The PS2 had an optional 40gb HDD.

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