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When The Console War Dies, A Big Piece Of Videogames Will Die With It

Everyone disparages the ongoing console wars but in all honesty, if this gigantic aspect of the industry goes the way of the dodo, the entire landscape will change. And maybe not for the better.

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Community2722d ago
OB1Biker2723d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

The console war is the competition between the companies.Why would that disappear even if some PR pretend they are angels and put that on the gamers back?
Futile little fanboys wars are something completely different altogether IMO
Its just childish play thinking they actually accomplish something.
Console wars from gaming sites agendas is something worth debating though.

@fonger I agree. Its all the more dumb that IMO they actually have not much or no influence at all.
But like I said above, gaming sites agendas is worth debating since they do have some influence.

Overload2723d ago (Edited 2723d ago )

The only time people don't like competition is when the victor is winning by a wide margin, then they all claim you need competition like it means everyone being even.

The competition between the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U happened, the PS4 sold more than both combined.

That's why people who cry about "console wars" are usually on the losing side of the "console war". It's a trick, again, to pretend like competition means even. You can see how disingenuous it is anytime they have a perceived victory, regardless of how small that victory is.

Right now the PS4 is winning in pretty much every category and I can show that step by step, console wars are meant to be just a discussion of what is doing better than what and why, which is great. The problem is people act like psychos and start taking it personally and take that anger out on other people. But in my opinion, that's their problem, not anyone elses. As long as people can be civil, I don't see the problem.

fonger082723d ago

"Fanboy" rants for the simple minded or shorted sighted that try and discourage other gamers from trying out competing platforms is bad for the overall business, period. Competition is competition, but kids that deem a console or software "unacceptable" to them simply because they don't/can't own or play it or that it's made by a company they have an irrational hatred for, is dumb.

conanlifts2722d ago

"Losing side". We are just playing games, there is no winning or losing side unless you are actually making money out of it or making games. Plus as gamers the best thing to do is simply own them all ( money permitting) .
Its perfectly acceptable to have a favourite console, absolutely nothing wrong with that. But spreading hate and demeaning others opinions because they chose " the other side" is random fanboy nonsense.
By the way this is not aimed at you, and not meant to demean your opinion. But rather the heavy duty fanboys. No idea what your overall opinion is as i don't think we have interacted too much and i agree with most of what you said.

Lon3wolf2722d ago

I bemoan the console wars but I own the 3 consoles and a PC, the only gamers that enjoy the wars appear to be fanboys of a particular company/bit of plastic that entertains.

Imalwaysright2722d ago

"The only time people don't like competition"

For us the consumer, what competition are you talking about? What do you gain by coming here always shitting on people that enjoy playing on their Xbox, PC or Wii U?

"Right now the PS4 is winning"

What exactly does a piece of plastic win? Do you even hear yourself speak?

Letthewookiewin2722d ago

If you're not first you're last Ricky Bobby!

Overload2722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

There is competition to everything in life. It doesn't matter if it's plastic or organic.

Console wars do not automatically equal fanboy rants. Console wars are suppose to be people comparing platforms and there is nothing wrong with comparing two things against each other.

"We are just playing games, there is no winning or losing side unless you are actually making money out of it or making games."

This is not true, the console with the most sold gets certain benefits that other consoles don't. Look at the PS4's and Xbox One's upcoming games, contracts or marketing deals which usually come with extras. They are all PS4 slanted with the Xbox One is one the losing side of support, the Wii U even more so.

The PS4 doubling the competition has definitely benefited me and you can't act like there wasn't a winner and a loser between PS4 and Wii U that also showed up for the gamers on the platform.

"For us the consumer, what competition are you talking about? What do you gain by coming here always shitting on people that enjoy playing on their Xbox, PC or Wii U? "

I own a Wii U and a PC, I don't use my PC for gaming because I don't like it. I find me displaying information about another console compared with the PS4 (which is my favorite) is seen as me putting down another system when I'm just showing the upcoming software line ups. The reality is it's all just misdirected anger, what they are actually mad at is the consoles (which is their favorite) software line up doesn't look like the PS4's.

That is the reason the PlayStation consoles are my favorite, they are always supported with software and that is what we are here for, right?

I also don't believe in just buying all consoles automatically to be a gamer. I buy consoles with enough games that appeal to me which is why I just bought a Wii U recently not at launch, if I did, I would have been disappointed. But now, it has a good roster of games that appeal to me because they have built them up over the years. The Xbox One has maybe 2 games I can't play on PS4 that appeal to me. I'm nowhere near ready to buy one yet and as of now.

rainslacker2722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

Console war between companies never bothered me, because it's just competition like every product has. It's usually good for the consumer.

The console wars we wage here on forums is annoying though. However, the author isn't wrong to say it would change the landscape. A lot of gaming sites couldn't rely on flame bait to make money if they couldn't incite the masses to bolster their hit rates. Forums would probably be devoid of many comments or discussion...for better or worse. I think people wouldn't know what to talk about really, because I don't have faith that the majority can actually have meaningful discussions about pertinent topics without the fan boy drivel that currently accompanies those few positive discourses.

In the grand scheme of things, it's only what the companies do that matter. The crap that gets spewed in forums on a daily basis is more for people to inflate their egos. It could have some effect on the market I suppose, but I think actual purchasing habits are much more complex than people being influenced by random internet forum goers. There are of course some exceptions to this...typically related to platform exclusives, but that usually only affects a game negatively when the game actually has some major problems....again, with some exceptions.

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2722d ago Replies(2)
ApocalypseShadow2722d ago

Most gamers just like me want to talk about games and the continued rise in quality of games from better animation, physics,draw distances, lighting, A.I., textures, story, controls, uniqueness, fun factor, etc. There's nothing wrong with choosing a side sometimes for friendly rivalry. That's part of the culture of competition. But choosing sides out of necessity is paramount.

My beef has always been BAD POLICY and dumb ideas that not only effects gamers, but effects **ME** as a gamer. If you were on the opposite side of that, then that's when we do battle.

Nintendo's policy to control developers and lock them in to only making games on their system, that effected me as a gamer as I liked Sega, NEC and Nintendo. I wanted to see what those developers could do on those systems and Nintendo tried to stifle them. Putting me at odds with them and gamers who didn't like Sega or NEC.And Nintendo again tried to control the market with expensive cartridges when the industry was moving to cheaper but higher quality sound discs that held more memory.

As much as I love Sega, they had the dumbest executives that over extended the company again and again with too much hardware. Hurting my chances each time of getting more games for their systems because they always fizzled out after the Genesis.

Leaving me to move on from them to PlayStation where the games were. Because I was RED E. But with PS2, Sony seemed to be trying to kill 2D gaming and pushed 3D games. 2D games had to be compilations.I hated that they went out of their way to stifle 2D.

I got into Microsoft's system not because of Halo. But Tecmo, Sega etc bringing games over to the system. And the built in HDD. But then Microsoft showed their true colors. Charging for online. Then when they released 360, not only did they know it was rushed, they put things behind a pay wall. Pushed the proliferation of micro transactions, DLC etc because they couldn't fit on one disc like bluray. But didn't stop there, they then tried to take away game ownership and wanted constant 24 check ins and watching gamers for advertising purposes with a camera.

If you are for something or a company that effects me as a gamer, that takes more money out of my pocket than needs to as I come from a time where all your content, including secrets, were on the disc, then I'm against you. I don't hate games. Even on competing consoles. I disagree with what should be complete agreement among gamers that some of these things developers and companies do hurts gamers which hurt me. And when you see gamers supporting bad ideas, I have to challenge them. Because I've been around long enough to see the results.

freshslicepizza2722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

nothing in that whole summary even speaks about pc gaming which shows to me you care more about and support the whole console wars than some moral highground. then you have the audacity to suggest online play isn't behind a paywall on the ps4. so save your breath, we all know your double standards and we all know you will continue to emphasize your distaste for microsoft on the forums to get attention even though you don't have to support their products.

joab7772722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

I'm surprised that the CES streaming tech isn't more of a story here b/c it will be the death of consoles eventually! We stream everything these days. Other than sports, I can't remember the last time I watched cable or put a movie disc in a machine. For some, it may take longer, but it's coming quickly.

Enter GTX 1060 and 1080 streaming on PC or MAC as well as mobile. Yeah, streaming of ultra setting PC titles with little latency. Are ya kidding me? Would you not pay a monthly fee to have access to any game you wanted at anytime, no updates or dlc to buy, no installation OR loading screens! Now comes the reason consoles won't die this year! The price. It's very expensive at this moment, like $25 for 10 hrs for a GTX 1080 and 25/25 for 1060. But it will fall and it won't take too long. Another downside for some is that it's only 1080p/60fps ATM.

At the very least, this is a great way to experience PC games, or games that take under 50 hrs to play. Even better if it's one of the many games that last 8-12 hrs. Anyway, Sony has PSNow and this is why I have argued that it is head and shoulders above backwards Compatibility, as it is the future. Imagine if Sony gets smart and actually provides this on their Experia and actually marketed it or partnered w Verizon etc. They could make their TV and Phone divisions successful again! The Experia is an amazing device for gamers, one of the best mobile devices on the market, but few know about it! They have the software to sell their hardware but they choose not to. Why not leverage the popularity of the one device that is making money?

Anyway, I love my console but I am getting older and have less and less time. Imagine if you could play as much as you wanted for $49.95/month. Would you do it?

This is what Nintendo should have done. No hardware, just streaming to any device you own, every game, any time!

Razzer2722d ago

"Imagine if you could play as much as you wanted for $49.95/month. Would you do it? "

Nope. That would just rob all the joy of video games from me. Buying and choosing your next game is fun. It is part of the overall experience.

joab7772718d ago

I agree but it is the future. I love picking out DVDs and Blu-Rays but now people just stream movies!

I'm not saying that it will be tomorrow, b/c I too love my console. But once it happens and you can literally turn on a device and immediately play any game this is out without load times or updates, it will catch on! Slowly but surely.

ShottyatLaw2722d ago

As someone who experienced and rejected things like Onlive years before Sony bought and repackaged the tech, I wholeheartedly disagree.

joab7772718d ago

I fully understand the downside off always online and it will start out slow, but as far as entertainment goes, so many people already watch all movies and TV shows by streaming them. The same will eventually happen with games.

Ra3v3r2722d ago (Edited 2722d ago )

You offer me everything for £50 a month and I'll likely sign up for a month, have a quick look at the stuff that interests me but then never actually finish anything or get proper enjoyment out of it then I'd cancel.

Choice always seems like a great thing, but too much choice can become paralyzing and I can see how that would turn some people off from gaming. Can't say this isn't something that the general public wouldn't buy into as it offers simplicity but core gamers will always want boxed copies and to a lesser extent console gamers want at least a digital copy.

EA Access is a great test bed despite peoples feelings towards the company but for me it's already showing that just because I can get everything doesn't mean I want to devote my time to finishing it. However, the best thing about EA Access is being able to demo all their content before I buy it as we see far less demos and with review embargoes and last minute patches we're going in a lot more blind than we used to. So for that reason I can get behind every dev offering a similar service provided its priced accurately.

NVidia pricing is just wild and that doesn't even offer access to premium titles.

rainslacker2722d ago

"Imagine if you could play as much as you wanted for $49.95/month. Would you do it?"

Depends on more than just that marketing catch. Would the games be good. Would it be any game available?(obviously it won't, AAA market can't sustain that). Would it be reliable? What are the downfalls. And so on.

While the idea of $50 a month for a huge gaming library seems enticing, We have something like this now with PSNow. It's not exactly a hardcore gamers haven. It's limited by many things which don't make it the kind of service we want.

Market wise, how can we get tons of new AAA games at $50 a month? Who's going to pay to have all that content produced?

Ultimately, I can see something like that being a nice supplemental service to our current consumption habits, but far from a replacement. There are just too many obstacles which the market itself can't support based on how much it costs to make games. I can see something more like PSNow, where you can rent and stream games, with a subscription option, becoming more a norm of course, because that's what we already see in things like Amazon Prime, PSVue, Netflix to a lesser degree, and even the cable providers.

So, to say this is what Nintendo should have done is a bit short sighted. Doing something like that doesn't give them a long term profit stream, because they would still have to pay for all that content, not to mention the distribution and maintainance costs of running the service. Option is fine, but this idea isn't coming anytime soon for the hardcore.

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MrBrofist2722d ago

The console war doesn't exist. It's just some marketing ploy to get people gabbing about their products.

It's childish and has caused nothing but division within the gaming community.


Console Wars - What a Waste of Energy

Phantom Knight provides his thoughts on the futility of Console Wars.

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2pacalypsenow1600d ago (Edited 1600d ago )

Humans are competitive by nature, in life there’s winner and losers.

Console wars don’t hurt the industry.

Tross1600d ago (Edited 1600d ago )

I actually think the companies behind the systems encourage it too, as it drives brand loyalty, which in turn drives sales. It's definitely played up, but it turns what would normally be just another boring business rivalry into something people actually get drawn into.

darthv721600d ago

On the company level though, it's often seen as corporate ribbing and not to be taken seriously. the heads of these platforms have respect for each other. The fans, however... not so much. They take everything seriously when in reality we are all in the same hobby for the same reason. We like to play video games. Can't we all just play along?

2pacalypsenow1600d ago


If you follow sports, this is normal.

Just search an argument of Jordan VS Lebron

Vegamyster1600d ago


Sports has athletes representing nations, cities or communities ect, consoles are aimed for personal entertainment, a better comparison would be something like music.

UltraNova1600d ago (Edited 1600d ago )

Of course they encourage it. Big companies know exactly how people will react every time one of their execs get up on a stage, do an interview or tweet something. Everything is pre-calculated and deliberate. They know that engagement with their brand, good or bad is still engagement. Fan rivalry is an integral part of any entertainment business. This is fact, this is human nature.

1600d ago
JackBNimble1600d ago

Everyone has a team they root for , I don't see why having a preferred console should be any different.

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Jin_Sakai1600d ago (Edited 1600d ago )

“Console wars don’t hurt the industry.”

I agree. It’s just the most loyal fans having a go at it. Nothing wrong with that.

These are your biggest supporters which is a good thing. Some may go a bit overboard in defending their brand but you just have to look over those.

Kiwi661600d ago (Edited 1600d ago )

Those "loyal fans" are usually the one's who will disagree with a known fact that is also easy to look up and you think that there is nothing wrong with that lmao

Gazondaily1600d ago

To a certain extent its fine when it's kind of loose banter. I enjoy the debates and arguments but it doesnt take much for it to descend way beyond that. Console wars can hurt the industry when people take things too far.

Generally though, I do enjoy the banter and it's a good way to pass the time at work etc. But these things often go WAY past that

neutralgamer19921600d ago


These are the fans who are buying consoles day one at full price so yes to these companies the core gamers matter especially early on

2pacalypsenow1600d ago


It’s 2020, facts don’t matter anymore, it’s all about someone feelings.

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1600d ago
rainslacker1600d ago

I think they help spread misinformation. But the "wars" themselves are used as a marketing device nowadays. Side effect of the social media age.

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TheEnigma3131600d ago

it will never die. It's not much of a war when Sony has won 3/4 of it's gens in historic fashion.

Obscure_Observer1600d ago


It is war when there´s competition, when comes to console.

You can downplay competitors and say there´s no competition at all.

Until, of course, you hear the word "exclusive" from the other side. Then if you somehow felt unconfortable in any way, that´s when you´ll realize that competition exist, whether you like it or not.

1600d ago Replies(1)
rainslacker1600d ago

I think this gen there is more warring going on than last. Seems like the vitriol is at an all time high.

Whether that has any effect on anything I won't say, because I think there would be a lot more than internet banter to have a major effect on the overall console industry.

MadLad1600d ago

Pretty much.
Some people love tribalism though.

AK911600d ago

Just give me good games

TheHateTheyGive1600d ago

Nintendo atari sega were all once in the dedicated home console race, them 3 are the og's and none of them make home consoles anymore, Sony and microsoft killed them all and nintendo's case they ran off to their handheld market because they could not keep up with the big 2 in the dedicated home console business. Ill continue to support the big 2 as long as i can.

MadLad1600d ago

Eh. Pretty sure Wii blew away everyone else that generation. Just because Nintendo pulled a Nintendo and made hardware vastly different to what else is out there, that doesn't mean they were pushed out of the console business lol. Nintendo has been around for decades. I don't think looking at the last 7 years or so speaks for the company as a whole.

darthv721600d ago

Atari... their thing was against Coleco and Mattel. when they tried to come back against Sega and Nintendo they were pretty much ignored. Just like NEC, who was the real competitor of Sega and Nintendo at the time. All platforms are competitors because each company is vying for the consumers $$. Magnavox, Atari, Coleco, Mattel, Panasonic (3do), NEC, SNK and Sega were all once competition to each other. Only Nintendo has survived and keeps on trucking with new competition from MS and Sony. And that is just the ones that were in NA and JP. In EU you had others like Amstrad, Konica and others I cant recall.

rainslacker1600d ago

NEC could have been a real force in the industry if they had any sense of how to market their console outside japan. Had tons of support, and a great system. Having Hudson backing was a big thing back in the day, as it was the only big 3rd party partnership for hardware with a console maker in console history.

Sega was eventually it's own worst enemy, and made a lot of bad business decisions. Sony just offered up a new and better paradigm for the industry. Nintendo was too stubborn with their hardware, which caused them to fall behind.

MS really didnt have much effect on any of the consoles pre-ps1. Nintendo was already having issues getting people to buy, and sega was already out when MS came in. If sega hadn't left, chances are, MS wouldnt have gone ahead with the xbox.

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Razer's Tomahawk could make it easier than ever to build your own gaming PC

Gaming desktops are usually either big and heavy full-size beasts, or else miniaturized boxes that lack the power to impress. And whether you buy a complete system or an empty chassis to fill with components, they're often on the fugly side.

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The 10 Most Memorable Video Game Boss Encounters From The Last Two Decades

Deville Louw put together a list of 10 memorable and sometimes very difficult video game boss encounters. Do you remember these?

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Community1627d ago
Escamotage1627d ago

Most of the games listed span more than two decades. Why even add that in the title?

Fist4achin1627d ago

There's a lot more bosses that were memorable than just this list. Tough to narrow it down to just 10.

Terry_B1627d ago

Are you okay? The most of them are from games that were released over 20 years ago.

Thundercat771627d ago (Edited 1627d ago )

That first boss fight in God of War was totally Legendary. I felt like it was a last boss fight.

Truly one of the best boss fights I ever played in a game.

Psycho Mantis fight also was Legendary.

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