
Uncharted 4 Has Sold 8.7 Million Copies Worldwide

ThisGenGaming says "It looks like the final chapter of Nathan Drakes story has been a huge success as Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced tonight that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End has sold through 8.7 million copies worldwide."

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Aloy-Boyfriend2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Holy shit!!
8.7M without being a year old yet.

"Uncharted 4 is the highest rated game of 2016 and has already won over 100 Game of the Year awards."

Another huge milestone ^
Well deserved! It is a phenomenal game

Overload2707d ago (Edited 2706d ago )

Killing it.

For the people trying to act like this is all from the bundle of 6.2M over the holiday, you're wrong.

"Uncharted 4 First Week Sales Surpass 2.7 Million"

The Uncharted 4 Bundle was only available in NA

Overload2707d ago

Uncharted is the new Halo.

Automatic792707d ago Show
Overload2707d ago

"now fast forward to present day and you believe halo stopped selling at 5 million."

No, but it sold less than Lego Marvel Avengers and Driveclub this week in the UK.

Those games came out before it too.

freshslicepizza2707d ago

with sales like this you know there will be another uncharted game, even if naughty dog is not directly making it

Eonjay2707d ago

This explains why we are getting a new Unvharted. Its easily the top selling exclusive title this Generation.

NewMonday2707d ago


Uncharted 4 outsold Halo 5, Gears 4 and Forza Horizon 3 COMBINED!

BizarroUltraman2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Congrats to Naughty Dog!

@GTR35, can't help yourself, always gotta bring Xbox up even tho you didnt need to.
I also think that the sheer amount of PS4 gamers to Xbox gamers would warrant exclusives and third party games selling more on PS4. Thats an 30mil+ extra gamers to buy said game.

PS4 54 mil gamers to buy Uncharted
Xbox 22mil gamers to buy Halo
But I know you guys will find a way around that, and tell me that the install base doesnt factor in.

Yohshida2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )


Yea, can't make that up for real. Halo 5 stopped selling after 5 Million and 12 months of sales are not important. Meanwhile the console with 2:1 lead can't manage to get way more sales for its biggest selling IP than Xbox. The game got thrown into EVERY bundle this holiday and still hasn't outsold Halo anywhere near 2:1. You guys shouldn't brag about that.

But congrats to Naughty Dog for Uncharted 4.

bouzebbal2707d ago

This game deserves the praise it's getting !
9 million in les than a year is a pretty incredible accomplishment.

Deadpooled2706d ago

That gif is epic! Uncharted 4 has the best taunts ever.

G20WLY2706d ago

People are still buying this at a fair old rate! Two people that I know who grabbed a Pro for Christmas, also grabbed this game straight away.

The fact that they've supported the multiplayer so well is fantastic. They keep adding content, modes, guns, maps, skins, taunts, perks, so much stuff to keep it fresh and people playing. I NEVER struggle to get a match, whatever the time!

game4funz2706d ago

Whos acting like thats the case?

All i know is your acting like that may not have boosted its sales at all.

You said it yourself.
6.2Million over the holiday
Bundle probably gave it a huge boost and that is in no way a bad thing.

lastking952706d ago (Edited 2706d ago )

Rofl haven't we had this convo you two? Halo sales 5 million in 3 months and stopped selling? 😂

OT and not those silly clowns, congrats ND well deserved

Utalkin2me2706d ago Show
Christopher2706d ago

All from the bundles? No. Mostly from them? Absolutely.

ziggurcat2706d ago


"This explains why we are getting a new Unvharted..."

we are?

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
2707d ago Replies(4)
Fist4achin2707d ago

That was definitely an accomplishment for Naughty Dog. I wish there was a holiday deal for the game as far as price. I would think after 8.7 million people have bought it, a price drop would have happened.

TGGJustin2707d ago

The game was on sale at various retailers. You could get it for $24 at Best Buy a couple weeks ago.

Lime1232707d ago

Best selling exclusive this gen: U4 - 8.7 million
Best graphics this gen: U4
Highest rated game this year: U4 - metacritic 93
Highest rated exclusive this gen: U4 - 93, SMW - 93
Most GOTY awards (so far): U4 - 108

2707d ago
Kribwalker2707d ago

Well it was bundled with a large amount of the 6.7million PS4s sold during the holidays, so I'd expect it to sell a lot. Once I finish the Nathan Drake Collection I'll be another one to buy UC4

Overload2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

"Uncharted 4 First Week Sales Surpass 2.7 Million"

It sold 2.7M in one week, that was around 7 months ago......

Lime1232707d ago

Halo 5 - 5 million shipped
Gears of War 4 - don't want to see how low the number is

Plus U4 is only 8 months old, still cost 40$, still needs GOTY version come, still need Tge Lost Legacy come. So i expect in the end over 10 million sold. U4 probably/will sell more than Gears of War 4 and Halo 5 COMBINED HAHAHA

Kribwalker2707d ago

@lime @overload

Halo 5 sold 5 million within the first 3 months


Then they started bundling it with systems consistently (much like uncharted 4) so I'm sure it's at least 7+ million after it's been out another year

Overload2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )


I'm bringing press releases and your giving a forum post (from 343) that's not even official and your imagination.

Kribwalker2707d ago


The numbers are direct from Frank Connor


There really isn't a question if it comes from the director himself

2707d ago
Sparta072707d ago

@Kribsalter, why are you so angry? Does it hurt that much?
You wish halo sold that much.

Kribwalker2706d ago

I don't give a crap how much halo sells, I know whenever I go on, I find a match almost instantly, I'm not even the one that brought all this up. I said I'd expect a lot of sales of uncharted 4 when it was the top selling bundle 2 months in a row, of course that will sell a lot of copies when you sell 6.7million over the span (obviously not just that bundle as the pro was counted in there as well as other bundles) and these clowns come in comparing it to halo, which has sold quite well.

UCForce2706d ago

You do care Halo 5 sales. Don't try to pretend you are not. Let's be honest here, Uncharted 4 have its own league now.

_-EDMIX-_2706d ago

Lol I love the bitterness. Say salty.

Halo used to be a Megaton property, it used to break huge records...

They over-saturated and overused that intellectual property so much that people don't feel the necessary need to pick up a Halo. If you treat an intellectual property like an Expendable that is how consumers will begin to see it expendable and easily replaceable ie " oh I forgot to pick up Halo 5 this year no worries I'll just pick up Halo 6 the next year" that's the attitude lots of consumers have.

Regardless of how you're trying to explain how Uncharted got those numbers there's no reason why Halo could have not received the same numbers if simply packed in the consul's if that's what you're trying to get at.

Yet... consumers have multiple options in terms of bundles that continuously shows the Uncharted 4 bundle..

So I'm not entirely sure where any of you guys are getting at that it was bundled in as if that doesn't count as a real sale at the ending of the day any Uncharted fans who waited to buy a PlayStation 4 because of Uncharted clearly selected that bundle for a reason.

This isn't the first time when short it has been bundled with the PlayStation in fact this isn't the first time any exclusive has been bundled with a platform.

Sorry but 8.7 million sales is still 8.7 million sales.

Sony never forced anyone to purchase that game , people made the very open decision of picking up a PlayStation 4 with a copy of Uncharted 4. ( clearly more than they did Halo 5 bundle or otherwise )

Something is definitely worries um if Uncharted is almost going to outsell Halo 5 and Gears of War combined lol

I'm sorry buddy but people choose the bundles they purchase just as much as they choose purchasing a game.

Major_Glitch2706d ago

Halo 5?! LMAO! That game...no...that whole IP is IRRELEVANT! Just like the Xbox One.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
jc122707d ago

its a good game, not phenomenal.

guyman2706d ago

Accolades say otherwise

Like it or not, the game is phenomenal

jc122706d ago

Meh. You tell me what makes the game "phenomenal'? Sure, the graphics were amazing, but the gunplay was average at best, and downright frustrating at times. Moreover, there was absolutely zero character building or progression throughout the game, making the experience seem a but dull or stale.

I think UC4 generated a lot of its sales based off of the first three. It had a reputation, and people were excited to play the 4th installment on the PS4. Either way, how someone feels about a game is subjective. Again, it was good, just not otherworldly.

Aloy-Boyfriend2706d ago (Edited 2706d ago )

But it is. Say what you want, but what ND has accomplished here is something extraordinary. The graphics, the Gameplay, the story... Everything flows nicely. It is not a game without its faults or perfect, but that doesn't matter. The MP could have been better, but it is a good value

And of course the success of the trilogy preceded U4. It is a great franchise and one nobody would miss. And to me this is the best Uncharted game in the series. It is very polished and the Gameplay is much better

trooper_2707d ago

Congrats to Naughty Dogs and Sony. I still have to get this game to complete my Nathan Drake collection.

IamTylerDurden12706d ago

8.7m sold and 108 goty awards. Damn, Drake went out the right way.

2706d ago
FamilyGuy2706d ago

Is this really a surprise?
I mean come on, have you seen Uncharted 4?

UltraNova2706d ago

More importantly, have you played U4?

King_Lothric2706d ago

And all that by being exclusive to 1 platform.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
UCForce2707d ago

Well, holy shit ! Now that's awesome.

eagle212707d ago

It makes me proud! I remember back in November 2007 purchasing and playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and was blown away. I instantly became a fan of Uncharted as well as Naughty Dog. When NPD figures came in, "xbots" were trolling the 130,000 sales it had sold in the USA launching November 20th (giving it a week worth of NPD sales). I was so frustrated at that moment that they would diss such a phenomenal new IP but I knew deep down that word of mouth would win. And it did!!! Now look at Drake. Looking good there buddy! Uncharted 4 already 8.7 million and a series that has won more awards than I can count with each game a huge success. Good times!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why o why2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Npd was their beating stick even though it only represented NA....now its being used against them...what goes around...

eagle212707d ago

...comes right back around....haha

Bit them right on the ass. I hope those guys have played the games by now. Judging by the numbers...hmmm...I think so! haha

2706d ago
Moonman2706d ago (Edited 2706d ago )


Were you one of the Xbots?? Lol

2706d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
2707d ago
Bigpappy2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Thats a good number of sales. But it also means that there are over 40 million PS4 owner who did not care to buy it. Point being: if you follow the numbers, they say that most people don't buy a console for its exclusives, but for its capabilities. Some people do, but everyone who bought uncharted did not buy PS4 just to play uncharted. Some just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, just like any game that gets a lot of attention. So less than 20 percent of all PS4 owners bought their number one exclusive. Same with Halo. Exclusives are a selling point fir a console, but not the major selling point. It is in fact the specs and the 3rd part support. This is because games like very different types of games, and it is very rare for a console manufacturer to have a game that the majority bought the console for. Nintendo is a rare breed. Wii sports was probably the only recent game that a majority bought the console to play. Mario used to be able to do that.

UCForce2707d ago

"Sigh" You just love nitpicking at Sony, don't you ? Don't try pretend you are not, because you are doing it. People can say the same thing about MS. And you don't want MS to be hurt. I'm serious, not trolling here.

Sunny_D2706d ago

When you have to extrapolate such a whack theory about a game to make yourself feel better as to why it sold, then you know it's causing you some sort of feeling...

game4funz2706d ago


He brings up a good point. No need to downplay it.
Shame on all those playstation owners that didnt buy the game is pretty much what Im getting from his comment.

Nyxus2706d ago

There are more exclusives than Uncharted.

Why o why2706d ago

The weakest shallowest downplay I've seen in ages. Talk about deflecting to the new apologists mantra about exclusives not mattering anymore. This is what MS's policies does to people. Its pretty sad and funny to witness at the same time.

Clunkyd2706d ago

People being insecure at its best.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
Bigpappy2707d ago

I have said the same about MS many times. If you care to go have a look at my comments about Scorpio not needing MS to open a bunch of studios to sell it, you will see I am actually very consistent with my views. Halo sells about 20 percent too. I actually even mention that in the above post.

Razzer2706d ago

Ok.....and? Seriously....what is your point?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2706d ago
FallenAngel19842707d ago

Uncharted is now doing better numbers than Halo. It's official.

Great work on releasing the highest selling game in the franchise Naughty Dog

TGGJustin2707d ago

I remember when people use to say that Uncharted would never sell numbers like Halo did. How things change.

UCForce2707d ago

Yup, the tides has turned.

gangsta_red2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

People said that?

I remember *holds pipe* when people wouldn't compare the two because they were two completely different games.

I guess Halo stays on people's minds.

Overload2707d ago

"I guess Halo stays on people's minds."

Obviously not like Uncharted.

Aloy-Boyfriend2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

I'm not the type that put words on people's mouth, but I remember they would say Uncharted will never be big a halo and all kind of shit. Fanboys of both groups have said a lot of things, but this gen hasn't been a great one for the xbox fanboys in particular always expecting something for xbox one to outsell or catch up to PS4. Now Scorpio is their last resort...

Other than that I agree Peole shouldn't be comparing these two games. Besides, GT is bigger than Halo and is Sony's biggest IP yet. Let us not forget that

Kribwalker2707d ago

Well if halo 5 sold 5 million within the first 3 months, to half the install base, I'd say that's really solid, as the attach rate for it would be quite a bit higher then the attach rate for uncharted 4

Kurdishcurse2706d ago

i also remember when ps4 owners on n4g werent so insecure that they have to keep comparing figures to dilude themselves into thinking they bought the right console. they are both non creative and bland shooters sugercoated with oscar bait performances. especially uncharted.

IamTylerDurden12706d ago


Halo and Gears aren't anywhere near as relevant as they used to be bc they decreased in quality since they lost their original developers.

game4funz2706d ago

I remember when people didn't care.
What I think is funny is people are comparing the 3month 5million of Halo 5 with the almost a year 8.7million of Uncharted. Also the 8.7million seems to be including digital which would include the 6.2million consoles sold through the holiday which included a bundle with the game I believe. I also think the bundles come with digital codes now.

Uncharted sold over 2.7 million first week...then you add the 6.2 million console rush. And offset a few million since launch and you got yourself 8.7 million. Don't think those numbers are a coincidence.

All in all this is great news for Naughty Dog since they make great games. I hope TLOU 2 is amazing like Uncharted 2 was the heavy hitter for Uncharted series.

It is very funny to see that actually. I cant begin to count how much bashing Halo receives from a certain fan base all the while they keep putting up there with their favorite franchises.
Halo is still huge outside of playstation fan forums.

Halo and Gears have not gone down in quality since the shift if anything theyve gone up.
Both Halo and Gears multiplayer is top notch, better then all previous games. And the campaign for gears is my second favourite after the first. Gears quality dropped after gears 1 and it went back up for me with gears4.

Halo 4 was the best, for me, in the series. Halo 5 dropped the ball with no couch co op and strange story decisions but the gameplay is the best so far that ive played.

But Im glad you liked the quality of the previous halo and gears : )

Major_Glitch2706d ago

Hey xbots, go out and support your system of choice. Somebody has to. Have you seen their numbers?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
Thatguy-3102707d ago (Edited 2706d ago )

Uncharted has always been an amazing game. Now that the ps4 is the market leader many had a chance to dive into the series with this new installment. If I were Sony I would revive a lot of IP's from last gen because I'm more than positive they'll flourish this gen. Take Resistance for example.

PhoenixUp2707d ago

The franchise'? Uncharted 4 is on its way to becoming Naughty Dog's best selling game of all time

Tussin1872707d ago

Yes and even with those numbers Sony will let ND do their thing and create a new IP(hopefully). Let the series go on a good note and not oversaturate us with the same game.

Thanks ND for a fantastic ride and I look forward to anything you do. My body is ready for Last of Us 2.

TGGJustin2707d ago

You got a source for that statement? No I didn't think so.

2707d ago
Notwithrocksteady2707d ago

Don't need a source, it sold 5 mil at 3 months at $60. Do you really think it didn't sell anymore since its been less than $30 for close to 9 months ? And was free for a time.

UCForce2707d ago

Well, how about this, Uncharted 4 sold way faster than Halo 5 in first week. More importantly, Uncharted series is its own league now.

badz1492707d ago



Next you will say the Xbone is already at 40mil or something, right? It sold quite well for an xbox at 500 and now should be doing way way better at 279, right? I know talking out of your ass is easy but please stop because it stinks! Provide proof

Notwithrocksteady2707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

@badz you don't have any current halo 5 numbers or any numbers from Microsoft so what proof do you have that uncharted 4 outsold halo 5 ? Do you always going into things with half the facts ? And yeah I wish Microsoft would release there numbers but they haven't, But you don't get to make up your own numbers.

trooper_2706d ago


Oh, wait...there is no source.

2706d ago
MasterCornholio2706d ago (Edited 2706d ago )


I can give you a link to Uncharted 4 sales.


"Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced tonight that Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End has sold through 8.7 million copies worldwide since it launched back in May 2016. Sold through means that customers have bought so this is a huge success for both Sony and Naughty Dog."

Also this is the closest thing that I could find for Halo 5 sales figures.


Total Sales to date : 4.48 million

I know it's VG charts but they are usually not far off the official figures even if VGs doesn't track digital sales.


I didn't read your PM.


Deadpooled2706d ago


'If halo is past 10m, why don't MS give a press release birdbrained bot?'

Because Microsoft love to release pointless figures like the number of copies SHIPPED to retailers, the number of bullets shot or number of miles driven or number of zombies killed in their games. Simply shows a lack of confidence in their product.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
Kurdishcurse2706d ago

why would u bring halo here? why is everyone saying that? jeezuz....no matter.
they are both low grade mediocore shooters anyway.

Deadpooled2706d ago (Edited 2706d ago )

I get suspensions for basic comments from the mods, yet looking at this guy's comment history he's allowed to run his immature filthy mouth off on other innocent N4G users?

alb18992706d ago

Well, Halo 5 sold more than 5 millions in an install base of 12millions and Uncharted have sold 8millions with an install base of more than 40millions......Is it a fair comparison?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
DeadSilence2707d ago


Imagine Last of Us 2 numbers, 10m first month probably lol

eagle212707d ago

Last Of Us Part II will rock the gaming industry. More good times ahead!

2707d ago Replies(7)
SmielmaN2706d ago

LoU2 and Days Gone could be huge.

James Vanderbeek2706d ago

I like uncharted but love love TLOU. The multiplayer in tlou is some of the best I have played since cod4

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2706d ago
Irishguy952707d ago

I'm so happy I didn't get a Ps4 yet. The day I do I will have a small armada of amazing games just sitting there....undressing from their boxes and simultaneously entering its disk tray

Aloy-Boyfriend2707d ago

That was me in 2010 when I got a PS3. It was tough to catch up and play new releases simultaneously. If I were you, I get a PS4 this year. There are plenty of games coming

Irishguy952707d ago (Edited 2707d ago )

Within 2 months I will have one(And a Pro at that). Due to the fact that I have to catch up. I can do Uncharted in a weekend(As i've done all previous Uncharteds, it was like...a weekend to look forward to every second year). Then Infamous Second Son...Bloodborne may be in issue with the length but since Souls are some of my favorites how can I miss it? Last of Us remastered needs a hit since I thought the original could use some extra performance, whats left...oh the last guardian...looking forward to that since its reveal.

I need to get them done before....the others release.

Curse doing a masters while working! Its such a time thief(cookie for reference)

I also did that with the Ps3, however I got it just after Demons Souls releases in the East and imported.

Why o why2707d ago

Study hard bro.. good luck.

IamTylerDurden12706d ago


I'd add Driveclub, Ratchet & Clank, Salt n Sanctuary (if u like Souls), Resogun, Transistor, 1st Light, Alienation, Gravity Rush Remastered, Gravity Rush 2, SFV, Killzone SF, Rise of the Tomb Raider on Pro, Helldivers, Enter the Gungeon, Driveclub Bikes, Drake Collection.

Bronxs152706d ago

U can skip second son. Worse game in the series. Boring and sorely down by it after playing infamous 2. Second son was the first game I bought with my PS4. I was sooo let down.

If u also have an Xbox , I'll add sunset over drive was AMAZING tho.

No fanboy bias business I own all concsoles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2706d ago
Kurdishcurse2706d ago ShowReplies(4)
Movefasta19932706d ago

Don't mind the dislikes , some people spend their lives on n4g and take this shit way too seriously ,your comment was fine

game4funz2706d ago

I think some people are jealous that this guys' got discipline and they dont.

game4funz2706d ago

Also try Ratchet and Clank its really good.
If you have a PC you can play some of those listed by @IamTyler and might even be able to get them cheaper fyi.

You also have upcoming Persona 5 if youre into them and Horizon.

If you've been able to hold off this long maybe I would try holding off till after the Scorpio Release...who knows
maybe Sony has a response to that console. Such as an immense price drop on the pro.

blawren42706d ago (Edited 2706d ago )

This shows what patience can do. Not being an early adopter is great if you can do it. Would be a valid comment for either of the three consoles. No gaming droughts...ever

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2706d ago
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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

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RaidenBlack96d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai96d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

95d ago
lellkay95d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z95d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

198d ago