
CES 2017 - ROCCAT kicks off 2017 with two innovative new technologies

ROCCAT kicks off the new year with a plethora of new technologies and products, all of which debut exclusively at CES in Las Vegas.


Is PlayStation Skipping Big Shows A Mistake?

Is PlayStation making a mistake by skipping Gamescom and other huge events? We weigh in

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Obscure_Observer17h ago


That´s why you getting none. Keep on giving Sony a pass while real Playstation fans are giving them a hard time demanding better.

Cacabunga17h ago

Given the competition they have why should they waste money on them?

ChasterMies17h ago

PlayStation is the number 1 selling console. Sony’s marketing strategy is working. Also consider that Microsoft is now a 3rd party publisher. They will go where the other 3rd party publishers go. I’m sure you’ll eventually see Halo in a PlayStation State of Play.

JackBNimble17h ago

Yeah, why should sony waist money on the fans who keep propping them up no matter what?
Can you imagine if MS was software only, why would sony ever do shows?

northpaws17h ago


Out of all humans I know, you are the least qualified one to tell people to stop giving a company they support a pass.

Cacabunga17h ago

xbox is advertising PS games.

repsahj16h ago

Lol, as if you guys didn't give MS an unlimited pass for a very, very long time already.

MrBeatdown16h ago

Demanding better infomercials?

shinoff218315h ago

Did you have that same energy for Xbox when the droughted you guys for a decade plus? I doubt it

You are right though. Sony has got to give us some sort of gameplan, something, cause Concord, marathon, fairgames, ain't gonna cut it.

S2Killinit13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

You must have amnesia. Do you only remember the MS show and then assume that Sony must immediately respond? Why? Because MS showed a bunch of multiplatform games? Now, Sony must show too? Makes no sense.

Unlike MS, Sony has been releasing exclusive games all along. MS hasnt even released anything yet.

outsider162413h ago

"Keep on giving Sony a pass.."

Guys should we tell him?


I'm sorry, you expect us to demand better what exactly? Ads? Because you realize that's what these little presentations really are, right? They are a marketing tool, they don't determine what games we get or not, they are only one way of showing 'em off... Marketing is not the product, is what you gotta do to sell the product and, on that front, do you really think Sony is the one in need of your hot take there? Do you see any other console doing better?

Also, considering gaming companies already spend as much in marketing as they do actual development as it is, not making a bigger thing of these events than they absolutely need to be sounds like good business to me. The industry is suffering job cuts left and right, development costs are through the roof and you expect these companies to spend even more on marketing which produces literally nothing tangible for us costumers in the end? Talk about being tone deaf.

mkis0073h ago(Edited 3h ago)

What is worse is showing games that have no release dates. How many games coming out this and next year were announced 3 years or more ago?

If I had 1 console it would be playstation , the track record is unbroken and unsurpassed.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
S2Killinit13h ago

No because they can have their own shows. In fact, all platform holders abandoned “big shows” until recently that MS has decided to go back. Sony don’t have to follow.

But, I am expecting, and want Sony to show its hand sooner rather than later with a major showing.

porkChop10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

"In fact, all platform holders abandoned “big shows” until recently that MS has decided to go back"

No, they didn't. Sony and Nintendo, yes. Microsoft has consistently held big shows every year. Microsoft started hosting smaller Developer_Direct's but they didn't stop having big shows. They would sometimes skip a trade show here or there if they didn't have anything to show at that point, but they didn't just stop all big shows entirely.

StormSnooper9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

By “big show” you mean 3rd party conferences like E3, Gamescon, etc.

And yes they all abandoned them for the most part. MS was doing their own as well. Also, whether MS was present at “big shows”, they didn’t really make a splash or a big showing for the longest. All platforms sort of abandoned these expensive venues and went in-house for their conferences. Now, MS has decided to change that it seems.

Notellin13m ago

N4G and the Sony fanboys out in full force today. There isn't a single decent argument down in these comments, just fanboy drivel.

purple1011d 3h ago

Hmm well for all the talk in these forums, Sony sure does seem like they know what they’re doing

VenomUK17h ago

‘Is PlayStation Skipping Big Shows A Mistake?’

As hardcore gamers we miss the big shows, but it hasn’t stopped the PS5 sales success. Hosting shows is not a guarantee of success just ask Microsoft.

Lightning7716h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Unless you just sit on here or Twitter playing sales or worried about sales instead of playin games then have fun.

I never expected Sony to show up as they stop going 5 years now but there's a few ways of looking at it.

1 it is frustrating to see Sony not get ppl hyped and excited for its console with a road map. Makes sense.

2 when MS wouldn't show up to Gamescom or TGS sucked at E3 is because they simply didn't have studios to show at any event through out the year. It's not a studio problem for Sony clearly, Hiroki has been transparent and said he's internally delayed their big games to ensure quality. It's as simple as that. Naturally that means we have to wait.

I'm gonna say the same thing I said with Xbox back then, 3rd party rules, nobody will be bored this holiday to next year because most will be playin 3rd party anyway, unless all you do is sweat about exclusives and that's all you play, yeah you're gonna get bored.

Point is, my second summary outweighs my first thought. They're cooking you simply have to wait come SGF next year, I think we'll be blown away.

isarai1d 1h ago

I mean if they have nothing to show then they have nothing to show. I wish they did have something to show but if they don't why would they attend a Big show? 🤷‍♂️

dumahim18h ago

They have stuff they can show, they just chose not to.

NotoriousWhiz11h ago

No point in showing stuff that's 12+ months out. Wait until it's closer to release.

rakentaja2h ago

They didn't even have anything to show for State of Play and Gamescom is a BIG event.

isarai46m ago

Not saying it isn't frustrating in fact I've been a forerunner on this site complaining that they're taking forever and questioning why that is. But the fact still stands if they don't then they don't. I mean I highly doubt they're just sitting on completely finished games and trailers to show and just choosing not to show it. If they haven't shown it, It's obviously because it's not in a finished enough state to show.

Relientk7722h ago

Same articles different year lol

CrashMania22h ago

I miss Sony presence at big shows, but they've been doing this for years and been doing fine without them.

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WayForward Reveals Two Unannounced Horror Games In Development

During an X Spaces live chat titled WayForward Chat: Horror Games Galore, the indie developer teased the announcement of not one but two upcoming horror titles based on an existing IP.

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Microsoft's Xbox gaming handheld will fail unless someone else makes it

Despite Microsoft's experience in hardware manufacturing, I don't trust it not to fumble its first gaming handheld device which may eventually lead to a successor not getting released.

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LG_Fox_Brazil1d 8h ago

Unless it has some fature that really makes it standout I don't think someone who wants a handheld will pick it when the Switch 2 is just around the corner and the Steam Deck offers a huge library with much better prices worldwide

OtterX23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Especially since the existing PC handhelds (Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc) can already run Gamepass. I don't have a Steam Deck yet, but I did see Forza Horizon 5 already running pretty well on it natively, so I'd imagine most XBox exclusives on Steam would run pretty well too. The most Microsoft could do is try to brute force a more expensive, higher power handheld. I doubt it would do well if that were the case.

ABizzel120h ago

This has been my point. It’s too little too late, and there are too many options out now that can already do the same thing with similar or better tech, in a similar price-range. A best case scenario for them is slightly above Steam-Deck performance at $100 less, but that’s not a huge selling point for anyone who has already jumped into the handheld PC market, and people still on the fence. Or go the other route of as cheap as possible but making it a streaming only device around $199.

It would do well and reach over 1m sold just because of the Xbox branding, but their consoles are already selling less and less (by the looks of it), so I don’t see a handheld being this great savior for them.

They simply need to rebrand one of the Surface tablets into the device with dedicated controls and more gaming focused, and call it a day instead of heavily investing in a handheld

VariantAEC16h ago

I'm guessing Xbox Wireless will be a streaming system like PS Portal. And yes I fully expect their portable Xbox to be given a really stupid name like "Wireless." Maybe even a dumber name like the Xbox Series W.

Jingsing1d 1h ago

Doesn't make much sense to have a handheld that is locked down to the Xbox ecosystem when the PC handheld can run everything. I'm sure the same people that bought the Xbox fridge will give Microsoft their free money though.

XBManiac22h ago

Microsoft handheld Qualcomm based... you will see it next year... and you will see it sink.

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