
The Last Guardian Review | Polygon

The Last Guardian is torn between multiple generations, awkwardly straddling each era of its development simultaneously.

Genuine-User2849d ago

So it's as good as The Last of Us :p

dirkdady2849d ago

Polygon what petty bastards.. a bunch of pretentious no-skill morons using the gaming industry For personal gain instead of contributing to the betterment of it.

My god just thinking of that Doom gameplay footage says it all.

Krangs_Uncle2849d ago

The US media is cancer to gaming to be honest... IGN and Polygon are some of the worst perpetrators. One is actually funded by MS and the other shamefully bias.

2849d ago Replies(10)
343_Guilty_Spark2849d ago

I'll be picking up TLG this week but come on...you're upset they didn't give it a 10/10? And what evidence do you have of funding by MS?

UnHoly_One2849d ago



My god how do people still not understand this word?

You can't be BIAS. You can be BIASED.

For the love of god, we live in a world where everyone has a pocket sized device that can be used to find the answer to anything in a matter of seconds, this shouldn't be happening.

Big_Game_Hunters2849d ago

What's ignorant is to single out polygon as if somehow they are the only ones capable of media corruption. Far more sites get paid to give good reviews than they do to give bad reviews , I Guarantee that.

xDealtwithIt2849d ago

Polygon biased? They game Bloodborne a 9. Seems websites are only biased when they aren't praising Sony.

And US media is the cancer? Because reviews from Zanzibar are honest and truthful.

What a joke this fanbase is.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2849d ago
Lamboomington2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

Here come the "They just like XBOX and biased against PS hurr durr" comments. Expect them on every review for The Last Guardian below 8/10

Some people don't realize that it is possible for some reviewers to not like popular games. I mean, what if, as a reviewer, I just didn't like the game ? I know, it's a shocking thought, but what if I told you that a few people legitimately didn't like The Last Of Us ? Is that valid ? Nope, obviously an XBOT, biased against Sony, or just trying to clickbait amirite ?

It's okay, when another PS exclusive comes out and the same news outlet scores it 9/10 or 10/10, then it'll be a good site again (maybe not in the case of Polygon, but even so). I remember the same thing happening for The Order 1886 as well, which was even funnier because it was happening on most reviews. The lack of logic is astounding. So much "OH EVERYONE HATE PS GAMES, EVERYONE LOVE M$", but that all went away when bloodbourne came out and got scored 9/10 and 10/10 by the same outlets. The same for Uncharted 4. (Polygon gave them both 9/10 btw.)

kayoss2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

The problem with reviewers (im talking about in general) is that lots of them are bias towards one type of genre and or just straight up bias. When you have a reviewer review a game that is not their prefer genre, you will have some biased reviews.

UnHoly_One2849d ago

Biased, not bias.

OMG you people are killing me.

Chaos_Order2849d ago (Edited 2849d ago )

Exactly. The gaming community as a whole gets butthurt over scores for popular games.

I can remember when Twilight Princess for the Wii got 8.8 from Gamespot and Nintendo fans were outraged by this "hatred" towards Nintendo. It's just bizarre. And like you said, no game will be loved by everyone. A 10/10 to me could be a 5/10 to someone else, and there is nothing wrong with that.

UnHoly_One2849d ago

I can't comment on some of those other games but I will say that I was the ONE guy that thought The Last of Us was a garbage game. I thought 7.5 was too high for it, personally.

ClickbaitAF2849d ago

Welcome to 2016, where people get butthurt over someone else's opinion.

kraenk122849d ago

The problem with sites like Polygon, Gamingbolt or Thisgengaming are they like to give out click bait reviews. They are despicable examples of today's gaming media landscape.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2849d ago
Relientk772849d ago

It's Polygon, so I'll take the 7.5. Great score for them.

GoldPunch-TR2849d ago

It is god damn too low like my glucose level in blood now. I feel very bad because of these low scores guys :(

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

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Christopher287d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88287d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183286d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie285d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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The Last Guardian Is One of Gaming’s Most Beautiful Depictions of Friendship

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NeedleEye971d ago

Technical issues aside, this is easily one of my favorite games from last gen.

ClayRules2012970d ago (Edited 970d ago )

I couldn’t agree more. I’ll never forget the emotional experience I had with this game. After waiting all those years, and than to finally play it. It was a visual beauty, along with offering a story/friendship between the 2 characters that was unique and unforgettable. Far surpassed my expectations. A masterpiece!

Technical issues aside, never have I played anything quite like it!

Magog971d ago

I enjoyed the game but it started out too simple and easy. If the entire game was as intense and challenging as the last 20% it would have been a 10/10 experience.

EvertonFC970d ago

Great game, so underrated. One of my favourites and top 20 games of all time

Phoenix76970d ago

I managed to grab the collectors edition for £40 about a year after it released. Was an enjoyable game, but I had just finished Shadow of the colossus, and whilst I enjoyed it, it was not as good when compared.

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Making Sense of Trico: The Last Guardian's Misunderstood Hero

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Trilithon1244d ago

unique classic with a high quality sound track