
Final Fantasy XV Crown Update Patch Notes

According to the PS4’s Update History, the patch notes for Final Fantasy XV update 1.02 say it included various bug fixes, deeper game mechanics, new cut scenes, and cut scene adjustments.

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MetalNCarnet2766d ago (Edited 2765d ago )

Wow, 16GB worth of patches for day 1. I feel sorry for the people who don't have interne... no wait, I'm not sorry. If you don't have internet and own a PS4, what are you doing? It's like people who own an Xbox One or PS4 and still use a old CRT TV.

"Why doesn't the PS4 have regular TV cables?" UGH! Go the the thrift store and buy a 24 inch flat screen for $80 for christ sake.


Anyway, back on subject. I was hoping for the next update to have the 1080p 60fps mode. Darn.

**EDIT** I like how people interpreted what I said above to mean fuck the people with slow internet. NO, I said fuck the people with NO INTERNET. These are internet based consoles. You know that going in. Complaining about patches and stuff like that is stupid when you should have gotten internet service before you buy a system. If your a child and can't afford it or obtain it, then I guess you're SOL.

Eidolon2766d ago (Edited 2766d ago )

You can get a good 32 inch 1080p led SMART tv for $150 these days. There's just some places that get shitty internet service.

bouzebbal2766d ago

Good patch, cannot wait for the weekend.
I have U4 to finish this week before i attack the beast! I really hope it will be worth the wait.
I haven't enjoyed a FF since FFXII so i am double excited and nervous.

2765d ago
blackblades2766d ago

Lol we have unlimited data, my friend still used a crt tv until it died last year or earlier this year I can admit I was on a crt tv until some time early ps3 years. Theres one advantage on playing on a crt is that there's no lag. Was the best at cod back then people thought I was cheating but really I had better lag/response then them.

xPhearR3dx2766d ago (Edited 2766d ago )

It's actually an 8GB download. I just finished downloading it myself. Leave it to ThisGenGaming for clickbait inaccurate headlines.

Edit: Aaaannd they changed it -_-

jwillj2k42766d ago

What about people who are under 18 and can't make the decision to move somewhere that has internet?

Muzikguy2766d ago

I feel bad for those people. We buy the system and the games. Why should we have to pay a sub monthly just to download a patch? Then another monthly sub to play online. Then another monthly sub for something else.....

Too many subscriptions these days. I realize things cost money, but damn.

Stapleface2766d ago

Faster internet isn't an option for everyone. I live in the US but don't live in a city or town. Since I choose not to live compacted with other humans like sardines in a can, I'm stuck with ancient internet. The view, no neighbors, no noise odrinance, etc make it worth it. Priorities indeed. ;)

DaMist2766d ago

My situation exactly lol

DaMist2766d ago (Edited 2766d ago )

"Wow, 16GB worth of patches for day 1. I feel sorry for the people who don't have interne... no wait, I'm not sorry. If you don't have internet and own a PS4, what are you doing? It's like people who own an Xbox One or PS4 and still use a old CRT TV. "
This is a pretty narrowed view of things, what about people like me that are heavily invested in technology (own a 4k HDR tv, ps4 pro, Xbox one S, and a gaming pc) yet, unfortunately where I live I have no means to upgrade to better Internet (tied down to 2.0 mbps)?

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2766d ago

Not 16gb of patches, if you just got the game it will be 8gb. This is essentially the same patch as before just added some fixes.

jaymacx2765d ago

Lol why are you worrying about what other people own? If your blessed to have all these gadgets its a nice luxury. But definitely not a priority. I remember i had a black and white tv playing my NES... it was an awesome day when i finally got a color tv.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
JCW20052766d ago

16GB?! FFS..... with my net i would be playin on Dec 1st

Eidolon2766d ago

Sure some people would consider you the luckier of the unfortunate that can't play on day 1.

pompombrum2766d ago

Where are you getting the 16gb figure from? I just got my copy and downloading patch 1.02 and it's 9gb in download size.

Platformgamer2766d ago

So we go from "no patch at D1 for people without or with a low internet connection and everybody can enjoy the base game" to 2 D1 patches??? (7+16=HOLY SHIT!!!). Tabby the liar ;) the truth was that they're improving the game to run better on ps4 pro, period. They added nothing to ff XV, the "crown update" and so on are thing that were ready on september 30 too, trust me

Gardenia2766d ago

I thought the game was delayed so they wouldn't need a huge day 1 patch

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2766d ago

Pretty much, Instead of a 20gb patch it's 9gb, that's a lot better IMO

F0XHOUND2766d ago (Edited 2766d ago )

I do love a good web design, one with all those awesome ads everywhere! Nagivation links > Ads > Article headline > Ads > one small sentence of English > Ads > 4 bullet points and another small sentence > Ads > Links to another post > Ads. Ok nice, lets check out the side navigation too, oh.... To be fair though, it was all on one page unlike twinfinite!

DarXter2766d ago

My thoughts exactly. The whole "contents"?:

Various bug fixes
Deeper game mechanics
New cutscenes
Cutscene adjustments

amazing stuff.

2766d ago
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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake70d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies69d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix69d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled69d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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Final Fantasy 15 director reveals why he left Square Enix, and announces he's working on 2 new JRPGs

Final Fantasy 15's director has revealed why he left Square Enix back in 2018.

Hajime Tabata famously resigned from Square Enix two years after Final Fantasy 15 shipped in 2016. In a special livestream at the time, Tabata announced his decision to resign from the company, cancelling three of four new story-focused DLC episodes for Final Fantasy 15 in the process.

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Knightofelemia201d ago

FF15 is like FF13 its subjective people either like it or hate it.

raWfodog201d ago

I liked it. I haven’t played the royale edition yet but I’ll get around to it one day.

gold_drake201d ago

no no, 15 wasnt trash.

15 had a tremendous difficult development.

FinalFantasyFanatic200d ago

I really believe 13 was better put together and more complete than 15 ever was.

EternalTitan201d ago

Found the pathetic troll.
How is your jobless life going?
Dot worry, you will never get a job or a girlfriend haha!

Hofstaderman201d ago

Man inherited a train wreck and was expected to release this game in under two years after it spent a better part of a decade in development hell. At one point there was even plans to make FFXIII Versus a musical. He did what he could.

TheColbertinator201d ago

I didn't care much for XV and I always wanted the original vision of Versus XIII but I think the dev team did what they could to salvage the project

Inverno201d ago

And yet people still blame him for the game turning out the way it did, rather than SE for the horrible mismanagement of 13 and Namura for being overly ambitious.

Dwarrior201d ago

Whatever the behind-the-scenes went on over the many years, at the end of the day it was a radical change in direction that I could not go along with. Also why I never bought 16.

gold_drake201d ago

this is also why Sakaguchi (spelling) left.