
PlayStation VR: It’s Not You, It’s Me

Justin ends his VR journey for now, and he explains exactly why.

sammarshall1022867d ago

VR isnt doing well judging by how much the hype has died down and how the media isn't really covering it

Toolster2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

I think it's doing just fine imo, It's just missing that must have game at the moment, however it's very early days for the VR so I have no doubt that those game/s will come.

I don't have an issue with the amount of cables as 99% of them are hidden behind my tv stand set up with only the cable leading to the VR headset its self being on show, that said I do have the pro so using the rear USB helps with this. As for motion sickness, again I don't seem to suffer, the first time I played drive club I went a little dizzy but ever since I've had no problems.

I'm having a blast playing with the VR and can't wait for resident evil if kitchen is anything to go by.

subtenko2867d ago

dreams is the must have game

S2Killinit2866d ago

FarPoint with the Aim controller, will be that game i think.

wsoutlaw872866d ago

The game list is the only reason i dont have one. Ill be getting mine soon but id like to see more games announce a vr mode. I don't think vr needs "hype" it just needs to be a solid product with great software.

2866d ago
IamTylerDurden12866d ago

Resident Evil 7, Dreams, and Farpoint are the potential killer apps for PSVR.

There is actually alot of quality software already for PSVR.

Rigs - a full AAA VR game that is a mixture of Titanfall and Rocket League.

Arkham VR - length be damned, this is the best/best looking game on VR. Rocksteady nailed it.

Rez Infinite - a 90 Metacritic score.

Eve Valkyrie - AAA VR dogfighting.

Driveclub VR - racing in VR is exhilarating. This is a full game with hundreds of hrs of gameplay. I love it.

Thumper - Thumper is an extraordinary sensory overload backed by great gameplay.

Tethered - a fantastic god game with gorgeous visuals, tailor-made for PSVR.

Bound - a decent game that transforms into a phenomenal experience in VR. Stunning visuals in VR.

Battlezone - full game featuring 4 player co op, a campaign, mp, and great controls.

Until Dawn Rush of Blood - i was skeptical until i played it. A must have game on PSVR. So damn fun.

Playroom/Robot Rescue & VR Worlds/London Heist - Playroom VR is legit, and Robot Rescue is phenomenal.

I have yet to play Eagle Flight but it looks great and is getting good reviews. Super Hyper Cube and Keep Talking Nobody Explodes both have received great critical receptions but i have yet to play either. Of course ppl are LOVING Job Simulator. I have Robinson The Journey but haven't played enough to form an accurate opinion.

If you buy a PSVR you will have a hell of a time if you purchase Rigs, Arkham, and Rush of Blood with it. All have physicals as well.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2866d ago
jznrpg2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Its doing well imo, it's fun and immersive, but just like wny launch, it needs more games and that standout game that doesnt come out for regular consoles at launch either. From a launch perspective its doing great and they need to support it. It's more difficult to do because it is newer technology , but over time they will come. I have a great idea for a game now I just need about ten or Twenty million dollars to make it

wsoutlaw872866d ago

Damn, how nice of a pc do you need to make this game? Lol

UCForce2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Seriously ? this only one person opinion and I understand his opinion. Most of people love PSVR. You should know this better. You rely on way too much negative media and you didn't do any favor for yourself. People have their choice to choose which one they like. You can't expect someone like shooter games or popular video game franchise or popular product. I choose Sony Products and their brand because it is my choice, but I have to respect other people choice products. Despite Microsoft brand and Nintendo brand are not my choice of product, I respect their choice and their direction even i have to respect the people who support them.

Irishguy952866d ago

I get you, sony is your choice..

But "I choose sony because its my choice" is not a nonsensical statement.

The reason for choosing is because I chose that.
I chose to get a burger from McD because I chose that!

I choose to speak gibberish because its my choice!

God I need a life.

Artemidorus2867d ago

As I said people in 2017 will soon forget because of new consoles and TVs it's being overshadowed sooner than I thought.

You all disagreed but the truth is slowly coming out.

UCForce2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

It's not about truth,pals. It's subjective. It's people choice to make. Look, I know a lot of people aware about VR, but most of people love PSVR and it's not a gimmicks. You should understand this better. You don't give even people a chance to success. So tell me this, do you think this world is perfect ? I'm very tired about people telling the truth, it's like you use the truth to hurt people and going deeper to make thing ups that could cause a misunderstanding.

Edit : @Death Maybe, but tell me this ? Without Support VR G 1, there won't be G2.

Death2867d ago

VR is still a gimmick. It has nothing to do with the quality of the device, it has everything to do with what can be done in VR. When you couple that with the high cost, it's a niche device at best. Anyone that invested between $500 and $1000 is going to tell you they love it so they don't feel duped buying it. It's human nature. I returned mine after a couple days and don't miss it. It was very cool at first and the immersion is second to none. The constraints become very obvious fairly quickly though.

UCForce2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

So yeah, VR is maybe slow, but it will get there.

Errorist762866d ago (Edited 2866d ago )

I just came home from a VR convention and I assure you, it's anything but a gimmick. It's next level shit!
movies, experiences, rollercoasters, arcades...it's going to be huge, and social and lots of new exciting ways to amaze ourselves are coming or are already out.

Sony is smart by bringing it into homes now.

wsoutlaw872866d ago

Who do you think you are exactly? Do you think you say stuff and everyone writes it down? Also this guy stating his opinion isn't "the truth slowly coming out."

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2866d ago
XStation4pio_Pro2867d ago

most of our new jobs coming in from clients are VR jobs. Theres a ton of stuff coming. also you have to think about it more broadly than just games. VR can also do 360 live streams, movies, tv shows, experiences in addition to games etc

Rude-ro2867d ago

That seems to be because the "media" has to release negative articles for the pro too.
They only can report on so much on a day.

BossBattle2867d ago

Yeah I don't hear much about it now. And I don't know a person who has one.

Aenea2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

LOL, and of course the first comment is from an Xbox fan saying it's not doing well!

On topic: it's doing great! still being sold well it seems, Move controllers can't be found at most places (glad I had them). Would love more games tho, well, maybe I should play the ones I have, so much to play, so little time! :)

And that this person can't handle VR, well, that's a shame, for him. I mean, there are also people about who can't even do a regular 3D game without getting motion sickness. It happens...

ps5fanboy2867d ago

I imagine it will climb again soon , Sony event coming soon.... ace combat?? More gt sport? By the way everywhere sold out of v.r or charging inflated price.

subtenko2867d ago

well with that comparison the wii u must be dead....

reaperofsouls2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Not available in amazon UK till after xmas in uk due to demand, totally sold out at game. go troll some where else

sammarshall1022866d ago

Sony is trying to make the demand higher by having a low stock and saying they sold out

Silly gameAr2866d ago


I believe that's a Nintendo tactic.

reaperofsouls2866d ago

At sammie

Well if you say so It must be true ,since xbox trolls never spread FUD /s

Errorist762866d ago

I just went to a VR convention. Everybody is pretty excited and Sony is doing the right moves. I know it's hard to swallow.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2866d ago
bunt-custardly2867d ago

The body thinks you're moving when you're not so it counters it as if poisoned making you feel ill (VR sickness). You really do have to train the body to overcome this and maybe one month on and off playing isn't enough for some people. The question raised is, do you have the patience to endure. I guess this depends on how badly you want the VR experience in your life.

Hroach6162867d ago

I think it's just a few people. I've had 15+ people over playing with my PSVR unit for at least 10-20 minutes each and only two people have felt a bit sick. My brother and I can both play for hours without feeling sick at all. I think Sony did a great job making sure that wasn't an issue for the majority of people.

IamTylerDurden12866d ago

I do 3 hour Twitch streams of Driveclub VR without feeling even a hint of discomfort.

Errorist762866d ago

It's just a small percentage with certain eye defects. Most people are perfectly fine with VR.

SonyWarrior2866d ago

i got sick alot when i first got it but i kept coming back to it id say after about 8 hours play time you get used to it and never will get sick from it again no matter the game

maybelovehate2867d ago

I also get Motion Sickness quite easily. I just tend to stay away from games that cause it. On the Oculus Store every game has a comfort rating, if Sony isn't doing that they should.

ShadowKnight2867d ago

I like that they have the comfort rating.

XXanderXX2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Good to know

ShowanW2867d ago

im still NOT sold on VR...

But I think Resident Evil will be that game, that moves units...

2867d ago
Bigpappy2867d ago

I'll be a long wait for me or may be never. I am not keen on having a headset screwing with my eyes.

Errorist762866d ago

why do you think the headset would screw your eyes?! the lenses are there to prevent that.

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Garethvk184d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta184d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts184d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos184d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts184d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa184d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.