
Which Console Should You Buy This Christmas? Xbox One S? PS4 Pro? And Others

ThisGenGaming says "So, this time of year, with the holidays approaching I get asked a lot about which console to buy as a gift. It seems like a rather easy question to answer, but it’s not as strait forward as one might think. There are a number of things to consider when buying a console. First not all games are released on all systems, there are a small percentage of games that are exclusive to one console or the other, also not all game developers support every console. Both Microsoft who produces the Xbox, and Sony that produces PlayStation each have in house developers that only create games for their console."

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Community2792d ago
Gaming_Cousin2793d ago (Edited 2793d ago )

This is like the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000t h article that asks what console to buy. More articles than worlds in No Mans Sky

Muzikguy2792d ago

So which one? I can't make my own decisions!!! 😜

PeaSFor2792d ago

ps4 pro, without a doubt.

xbox one s is STILL a weaker console than its competitor original console, yep even 3 YEARS LATER......
and all they done is eliminate the ridiculous powerbrick and slapped a DOA physical movie format on the top.

ShowanW2792d ago


So now its about power again?

Or is it still about the games since Scorpio isnt out this year?

I take it once Scorpio releases it wont be about power any longer?

We just want to know where the goal post is going to be, before making a move...

Why cant it be about:
What kinds of controller do you prefer?
What kind of games do you prefer?
What are your friends playing?
Do you like being online?

Both have pro's and cons... if its that tough, just get what your friends got and game away..

Aenea2792d ago


LOL, you're right, goal posts like that move all the time on BOTH SIDES!

Thing is tho, power is important up to a certain amount, if you can choose between one console and one that is 3 times more powerful it will weigh more than having to decide between one console and another which is only 40-50% more powerful. On the other hand since the PS4 is able to play all the same games as the Pro can (and the multiplats also on the X1/X1S) it becomes less important...

2792d ago
madmonkey012792d ago

@showan, whether its about power or games, the winner is still the ps4,

PeaSFor2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )


you can always play your waiting card if you want and go with the scorpio IN THE FUTURE, but guess what, this article is about the xbone S and the ps4 pro, nobody mentioned the scorpio.., so i will simply point out that you and SolidStateSnake got triggered the F out.

so on that, if you are willing to play the waiting game, have faith in a non-existant console made up with buzzwords/pie in the sky and blatantly ignore the present.... then guess what, it can go in both ways and we can also assume that the scorpio is gonna be swept under the carpet by the ps5 if i follow your silly ideology(once PS5 releases it wont be about power any longer?right?guess you are a fan of double standard arent you?) , herp pa derp.

-ps4 is more performant than xbox one
xbox owners: "lower resolution isnt noticable to me, and i dont care if the ps4 is more powerful"

- OG ps4 is more performant than xbox one s
xbox owners: "but but but.., lower resolution isnt noticable to me, and i dont care if the ps4 is more powerful, OH SHIT, IT UPSCALE 900p games to 4k?!???, YAHOOOOO THIS IS AMAZING!!!"

- ps4 pro is more performant than theOG ps4, og xbox one and xbox one s
xbox owners: suddently goes in panic mode "oh, you will see scorpio is gonna be more powerful, ms told us!!!" and now they flip flop with performance and now it suddently matter..., but in the same time they totally forget about the ps5, waiting like a python in the background.


dedicatedtogamers2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

Depends on what games you want, obviously. Multimedia features may play a small role in your decision, too.

Something that should be taken into account is that PS4 offers the option for VR. You're spending more money, of course, but X1 has no VR function currently.

Doesn't hurt to mention that Wii U has bundles in the $200 range most places and is a must-have system if you have any interest whatsoever in local multiplayer games. Wii U's library is chock full of them. And it's cheaper. So, if you want a new system but you're on the fence as to whether to get the Pro, X1 S, or wait for the Scorpio, may as well add a Wii U to your collection and explore the library before Switch comes out.

Mr Pumblechook2791d ago

I think the people who come to N4G don't need any help in making up their mind!

Bhuahahaha2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

thats up to you.
if you ask some one whats your ideal console is and ends up never liking it,you'll be cussing/swearing in every forum in the whole net whenever he/she see arcticle about the said console thus another fanboy/girl is born

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2791d ago
seanpitt232792d ago

I think in terms of value for money the pro has it hands down. The pro is nearly 4 x as powerful.

BizarroUltraman2792d ago

Are we basing value on how powerful it is? Feature wise Xbox One has it beat, not hands down, but close.

Aenea2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )


That totally depends on what features you care about most since for the life of me I can't see any feature that the Xbox One S has that I would absolutely love to have, am sure you think the same about the Pro...

yomfweeee2791d ago

Uh bizarro how does X1S slim beat the Pro in power?

$50 more (comparable hard drive size) and 4 times as powerful. Don't be delusional.

Even regular PS4 is more powerful force than X1S.

S2Killinit2792d ago

Its not even a question. Of course the Pro is the biggest bang for buck. If the regular PS4 was the better choice, how can the Pro not be?

mark_parch2792d ago

the regular ps4 wasn't the better option in my opinion. if you want to play halo, gears, forza, scalebound, halo wars 2 and sea of thieves get an xbox one s if you want to play uncharted, last guardian, gran turismo, nioh, nier and gravity rush 2 get a ps4 pro. obviously there are a few more games on both but these are some of the more notable ones. what your friends have, features like 4k blu ray drive and controller are also a factor. i personally went for the xbox one s as i can't live without forza horizon and im really looking forward to scalebound. i got a good deal as well £200 with fifa 17

S2Killinit2792d ago (Edited 2792d ago )

It is, according to millions of people, any quantifiable measurement, and critics reviews, and option to play VR games. Speaking from a objective reasonable person perspective, PS4 is the better choice. From your individual perspective, your opinion is valid.

Ps: the handpicked games you selected to make your point are not necessarily representative.

thexmanone2791d ago

Not really, i want to be able to play UHD Disks, I don`t want to have to buy a separate player for that. So its the Xbox one S for me

vega2752792d ago

I got a xbox s so I'm good until next year

Kingthrash3602791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )

If you have a xbox s then already and don't want a pro then this question wasn't aimed at you.
Enjoy your xbox and let the people who don't have either console decide.
If you wanted to comment you should tell people why you like a xbox s and are not interested in a pro that way you'd actually have a reason to c9mment.

I could care less what choice you made....I'm just saying be helpful not hateful. You are obviously bitter for some reason.
You saying you are good until next year just says you want a Scorpio and that's cool too...just wayyyy off topic.
I wonder why people feel like the scorpio is relevant right now. It's time isn't here yet. Right now it's ps4p and xbox s time in the spot light the scorpio is irrelevant.

vega2752791d ago

First off i don't have to explain why i like any console nor are they asking anyone to explain there choice.

Second they ask which console would you get for Christmas. Sorry my choice offends you and other that decided to disagree and i dont see me stopping anyone from choosing what they like

PeaSFor2791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )


"First off i don't have to explain why i like any console"

weird, thats clearly not what your comment history is saying..., lol.

personnaly, i can say that i prefer Sony over MS, but unlike you i dont make a fixation on hating/bashing a brand like an insecure child.

vega2752791d ago (Edited 2791d ago )


So my comment history is your excuse. Then let look at everyone post on this site including your. I hate when people act like their comment history is so squeaky clean.

I dont have to explain what console i want thats not what ths article is asking. So you and kighthrash and the other 40 disagree shouldnt feel offened.

"I said i got a xbox 1 s I'm good until next year"

Where's me bashing any console? Where in the statement is me bashing? Where?

Do me a favor. Stop getting pissy cause sony aint everyone's favorite console or believe every word they utter or hold them on this imaginary high pedistool like you and many other on here do. Check their comment history while your at it. Since your so into mines.

Edit: wow look at this. Its so funny that everyone that would get a xbox gets alot of disagrees. Now i see why

2792d ago Replies(6)
BizarroUltraman2792d ago

I have a Xbox One original. So Im getting the PS4 Pro, cant wait.

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WayForward Reveals Two Unannounced Horror Games In Development

During an X Spaces live chat titled WayForward Chat: Horror Games Galore, the indie developer teased the announcement of not one but two upcoming horror titles based on an existing IP.

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Scissorman21h ago

Microsoft's Xbox gaming handheld will fail unless someone else makes it

Despite Microsoft's experience in hardware manufacturing, I don't trust it not to fumble its first gaming handheld device which may eventually lead to a successor not getting released.

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LG_Fox_Brazil19h ago

Unless it has some fature that really makes it standout I don't think someone who wants a handheld will pick it when the Switch 2 is just around the corner and the Steam Deck offers a huge library with much better prices worldwide

OtterX10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Especially since the existing PC handhelds (Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc) can already run Gamepass. I don't have a Steam Deck yet, but I did see Forza Horizon 5 already running pretty well on it natively, so I'd imagine most XBox exclusives on Steam would run pretty well too. The most Microsoft could do is try to brute force a more expensive, higher power handheld. I doubt it would do well if that were the case.

ABizzel17h ago

This has been my point. It’s too little too late, and there are too many options out now that can already do the same thing with similar or better tech, in a similar price-range. A best case scenario for them is slightly above Steam-Deck performance at $100 less, but that’s not a huge selling point for anyone who has already jumped into the handheld PC market, and people still on the fence. Or go the other route of as cheap as possible but making it a streaming only device around $199.

It would do well and reach over 1m sold just because of the Xbox branding, but their consoles are already selling less and less (by the looks of it), so I don’t see a handheld being this great savior for them.

They simply need to rebrand one of the Surface tablets into the device with dedicated controls and more gaming focused, and call it a day instead of heavily investing in a handheld

VariantAEC3h ago

I'm guessing Xbox Wireless will be a streaming system like PS Portal. And yes I fully expect their portable Xbox to be given a really stupid name like "Wireless." Maybe even a dumber name like the Xbox Series W.

Jingsing12h ago

Doesn't make much sense to have a handheld that is locked down to the Xbox ecosystem when the PC handheld can run everything. I'm sure the same people that bought the Xbox fridge will give Microsoft their free money though.

XBManiac9h ago

Microsoft handheld Qualcomm based... you will see it next year... and you will see it sink.

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AMD working with law enforcement after reports of massive data breach

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rlow11d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

China/Russia plain and simple. Chinese are producing their own chips and to catch up they do what they have always done……steal it. When you can’t innovate, stealing is your best friend.