
Kingdom Hearts Collection is Only a Dream for Xbox One Fans

Xbox One gamers are being ignored by Kingdom hearts' developer.

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Overload2828d ago

When people don't buy games, games stop coming.

They did it to themselves.

S2Killinit2828d ago (Edited 2827d ago )

Part of it is because xbox doesnt sell well outside of a handfull of countries. That means only games that cater to the majority of those select countries sell on xbox, and so developer would have to be nuts to spend time and energy on xbox in return for deminished returns.

Thats why they dont have games like Ni No Kuni or Dragon Quest Builders.

MadeForGaming2828d ago

So why releasing KH3 at the first place ?

Muzikguy2828d ago

This is true, yet for a few years before PS4 MS camp was all talk about how they buy the most games. I never believed it and still don't, and this kind of proves that. Of course, they were probably tampering with the results somehow. Buy the most games* (because COD sold 2% better) or something like that

zekk2828d ago

@madeforgaming. Wasn't there an article a while back that said square pulled all the xb1 marketing mean there may no longer be a xb1 version? Maybe I'm remembering wrong....

darthv722828d ago

From what i know about kingdom hearts... it is PS and DS/3DS related. Not one game existed for xbox nor does any xbox fan really care so this is trying to make something out of nothing.

2828d ago
DarkZane2828d ago


Because they announced FF15 and KH3 before the Xbox One was release, they thought it would be successful.

Now the Xbox One is out and it's basically a flop. Square-Enix are only going through with FF15 and KH3 because they announced them, but every other games they're making are skipping the Xbox One.

Then you also have FF7 Remake, that is gonna be permanently console exclusive to Sony because they own the publishing rights for FF7 and anything related to it and you can't remake something without anyone involved in the original agreeing to, which means Sony has a say in the matter.

darthv722828d ago

@darkzane... "you can't remake something without anyone involved in the original agreeing to.." are you so sure about that?

There have been games published by nintendo that have been remade on other platforms. Does that mean that Nintendo just agreed to let it happen or is it more about the amount of time passing between the original release and the remake???? A statute of limitations if you will.

Im fine with FFVII being PS because that is what it is associated with. I have it on PS1 myself.

LastCenturyRob2828d ago

But the countries it does sell well in adds up to roughly thirty million. That's a lot of potential millions to turn their nose up at.

RedDevils2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

@Muzikguy don't want to insult you, but you sound like a complete sore looser.

GrubsterBeater2828d ago

@ Rookie

"And I'll be looking forward to play the definitive edition of Kingdom Heart 3 on the ultimate Home console next year."

So you're finally going to buy a PlayStation?

Wow, Rookie.. I didn't think you had it in ya, but you must have finally realized that PlayStation is the superior console for gaming. Good for you, Rookie. I'm proud of you. We all are.

Muzikguy2827d ago


I don't mean to insult you either, but I really don't care what I sound like to you. I've already seen time and time again what it's like to have a level head on your shoulders, speak the truth, and have common sense. I can't help it I see things many can't (depending on the situations) and can think for myself. I'm not the sore loser. It's those other people that are sore losers. You know the ones. They change their words around to sound realistic, make up numbers and stats that don't matter.... things like that. No offense 😜

kmeck5182827d ago (Edited 2827d ago )


I believe anyone that owns the rights to a game would have to "ok" it if someone else wants to develop that title. There is no statute of limitations, however I do believe they have to keep up the copyright on it or someone else can purchase it.

Captain_Mushroom2827d ago

Ummm... ok? Kingdom Hears Collection is Only a Dream for N64 Fans. There, I can write useless shit, as well :)

DarXyde2827d ago (Edited 2827d ago )

I'd say that depends on how much time and money goes into ports, wouldn't you say? The consoles are far more alike in terms of development and architecture than not.

If, in fact, porting between PS4 and Xbox One is a very simple, cost efficient process, I don't see why not put it on Xbox One.

But if it's a tedious process, I say they do whatever they feel they must. It does suck for people who only own Xbox though. They're pretty much left to Google everything to prepare for KHIII.

Maybe Square will make everything available on the Xbox One version's disc or as downloads? Unlikely, but if they did that for free, I'm pretty sure that'd upset the PlayStation fans who actually bought the HD versions separately.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
lelo2play2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Unless Microsoft produces Japanese games (like they did during x360 with a few JRPG's)... there will be less and less japanese JRPG's on the X1. The only Japanese game Microsoft is producing in the near future (that I can remember) is Scalebound.

Basically ... If X1 gamers want JRPG's on the X1, they have to pressure Microsoft...

nitus102828d ago

Scalebound is made by Platinum Games which is a Japanese company.

From watching gameplay of Scalebound, I would classify this a "Bro-Action RPG" so I very much doubt that this game would be attractive to Japanese RPG lovers and that is assuming the game is translated into Japanese. I won't deny that the gameplay looks interesting and graphics of this game are really nice but that cringeworthy voice acting is really annoying.

SegaGamer2828d ago

We have been pressuring them, it's just that all we get is the odd comment here and there from Phil Spencer saying that he would like to have Japanese games on the Xbox One. Saying and doing are two totally different things though.

This is part of the reason why the Xbox is behind the Playstation and why it's always been that way. The Xbox attracts players that are mostly fans of the same games, the Playstation attracts fans of every type of game.

rainslacker2828d ago

Recore has more of a Japanese feel than Scalebound does.

Platinum is one of those weird devs who don't have a consistent style. Sometimes their games are very Japanese, Sometimes they're very western, and sometimes they're in between

Their games are usually pretty good though, but there are plenty of Japanese games around that I'd say were more geared toward the western audience than the more typical Japanese game....RPG or otherwise.

TheHorseTamer2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )


There were never any KH games on any previous Xbox consoles ever so where are you getting the FACTS to back up your claim that it isn't getting those old KH games because it don't sell well on Xbox? Kingdom Heart 3 is still scheduled to be on Xbox One, is it not? The last gen mainline Final Fantasy games were on Xbox 360 and a new one is coming in a month, is it not? So why is Square Enix putting all their current AAA jRPGs on Xbox One if what you are saying is true?

Regardless of how it sell on Xbox, the truth is KH3 and FF15 are coming to Xbox and I'll enjoy it. Thank you Square Enix and hope you guys will bring the two FF from last gen and make it BC as well as I have both.

Doabarrelroll2828d ago

Dude shut up and just accept the truth. Games like KH DONT SELL WELL OK XBOX. Ill be real no one can say with a straight face that xbox is a gears, forza, halo box cause its not. MS is showing new games, which is good. BUT the xbox community is still the same halo forza gears community it was last gen, apart from halo 5 and most likely gears 4 NO exclusive on xbox has done well in sales even if has good reviews. Where as PS MAIN exclusives have all done well in sales, hell even games like knack which are the butt of everyones jokes sold well.

Why is SQ bringing KH3 to xbox? I dont know and frankly it doesnt deserve it, a game doesnt belong on a console where a good portion of the fanbase looks at it and anyone that plays it as weird weeaboo garbage or niche trash(ironic seeing is nearly every xbox game flops in sales, that makes those games niche too).

Facts is the last FF game on xbox sold bad, the new one will sell bad and you bet your ass KH3 is going to sell bad, shame all that money wasted on development could've been used on making the game even better than it will be in the future(hopefully).

Overload2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

KH3 and FF15 were in development already for Xbox when they made this decision, obviously.

The only JRPG that has been announced for Xbox since then from them is the one that came with the FF15 demo, which is probably why they decided to. FF7R isn't even coming to Xbox.

TruM06072828d ago

Well I know one thing I only play in Xbox and I'm buying KH3 if not day one then soon after and would have bought this remix in a heart beat. I am actually seriously thinking about buying a PS4 just for this game then sell it afterwards or put it towards Scorpio. But I don't know if I want to play with that funky awkward controller.

Chevalier2827d ago


Yeah even with way more 360's in the U.S. they sold significantly less then their PS3 counterparts, so yeah they actually do sell terribly. This was in 2009 so there were over 30 million million Xbox 360's in the wild and they ONLY sold 494,000 at launch. So just consider there are only about 20 million Xbones currently. I would be surprised if they came anywhere near a million units.

DarXyde2827d ago (Edited 2827d ago )


You make some stark generalizations. I'm mostly a PlayStation guy (I even play my Wii U more than my Xbox One) but come on. Xbox One "doesn't deserve it"? Really? Because of the way a few internet children dismiss those games? So you know, it's entirely possible that their position comes from jealously. Or maybe they just don't care for it. Regardless, why punish all for the behavior of a few? I don't consider that fair. Does that mean PlayStation does not deserve games like Call of Duty or Battlefield? There were, after all, a good number of PlayStation gamers last generation criticizing those titles as "[generic Xbox dude bro garbage]".

And where is your information coming from that Xbox games have been flopping in sales? I'm inclined to say it was just the new IPs. I believe Rise of the Tomb Raider was a commercial success during its exclusivity period as was Dead Rising 3 among others.

If Kingdom Hearts III was PlayStation exclusive, we wouldn't be having this conversation. That move actually makes sense if the entire series history is on PlayStation and it's a pretty story intensive title. But it isn't. It's on Xbox One. Don't you think the right thing for Square to do would be catching them up?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
Lennoxb632828d ago

Doesn't make sense to put KH3 on the X1 then. If the others won't sell, than neither will their latest installment.

I think KH would do great on X1. It's real time action. If it was turn based they'd have an argument but its not.

2828d ago
BizarroUltraman2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Is that why KH3 is coming to Xbox One?


Im not saying youre wrong, but Im not quite agreeing with this notion of "its been in development for a long time" .

It could have still been exclusive to Playstation and been in development for a long time. To be honest I think there was some behind the scene deal. It was perfect to have released the collection on Xbox for gamers who never played the series, for a quick recap.

Then you will wonder why it will sell less on Xbox One. It had no chance!

Overload2828d ago

Kingdom Hearts 3 has been in development for a really long time, just like FF15.

2828d ago
Imalwaysright2828d ago

I wasn't aware that Kingdom Hearts games were released on xbox consoles... oh wait that's because they weren't.

XanderZane2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Japanese developers did this to them, especially after last gen when the XBox 360 had a ton of JPRG games on it. Many of them actually sold better on the XBox 360, then on the PS3 in Japan. Tales of Vesperia had more sales on XBox 360. That game was very successful. It's sad these developers stop making games for the XBox. Not really going to hurt me much, since I play all my FF and KH games on PS anyways. Tales of Vesperia, Nier, Rosonance of Fate & Lost Odyssey I played on XBox 360 however. These developers should bring more of these games to XBox 360 and PC.

rainslacker2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Japanese developers themselves kind of moved away from what we consider JRPG en masse, and started to release those games more on mobile. JRPG kind of took a hit last gen, as a lot of Japanese developers started making games to try and appeal to the western market. Didn't help the gaming press generally panned JRPG's to the point of making them seem obsolete.

Even PS3 and Wii had weak JRPG offerings as a whole compared to prior gens. Good ones were out there of course, but nothing like any other gen since the NES. Even with a resurgence of JRPG now, it's not anything like it used to be in terms of number of quality releases.

XanderZane2827d ago

Well that is true. Many of the best JRPG did move to mobile for awhile. There are lots of them on 3DS right now and many on IoS/Android. There are still Western gamers who want these type of games though. With many of them going to the PS4 with the same type of hardware as PC/XB1, it should be a no brainer to port some of these to other platforms for additional sales.

2827d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
TheColbertinator2828d ago

If they want them,just get a PS4. Not too hard to do.

I wish it was on X1 or Steam but nope. At least I already played DDS on my 3DS thankfully. I'm just waiting for KHIII

ninsigma2828d ago

If you have a ps2 or can get a lend of a ps3 and the final mixes I recommend playing the originals. Well worth it!

TheColbertinator2828d ago

I played them already on PSP,PS3 and the DS. I'm good on the KH games

DragonDDark2828d ago

It will definitely not be on steam cause the game wont be available digitally. It's just a physical release.

_-EDMIX-_2828d ago

Well with what square has been doing lately it wouldn't surprise me if they released it on PC and I actually think that should be something they should be looking to do.

DragonDDark2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

@Edmix , they cant release it digitally because of Disney. Licensing and stuff

PhoenixUp2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

"Unfortunately, so far we’ve only got a handful of spin-off title scattered across various portable consoles, which in my opinion, didn’t help the franchise thrive. I would even dare to say that the focus on spinoffs for the past decade only damaged the series, making it hard for newcomers to enjoy it with ease."

You couldn't be any further from the truth. These spinoff titles are what keep this franchise alive and relevant in the past decade. The series could've pretty much ended after KH2 with the plot pretty much wrapped up and little room to just jump into a direct sequel. Not to mention the devs of KH1 & KH2 went onto work on FFvXIII(now FFXV) and said they wouldn't start work on KH3 until after they finished work on FFvXIII. Seeing how FFXV is only now just releasing in a month, that means that we would've had to wait until a whole decade without any KH games just to get the sequel and an even longer time to receive KH3. The series going dormant for a decade would've really hurt it, but the Osaka team that worked on Re: CoM, BBS, DDD, KH1.5, & KH2.5 are working on KH3 so we can get this sequel sooner than was originally expected.

"First of all, each collection costs nearly as a newly released game. Judging from the fact that most of the titles are at least 10 years old, plus them being portable entries (limited gameplay, short campaigns) it’s hard to justify three purchases just to be in line for the third game"

KH1.5 & KH2.5 both costed $40 when they came out, and now both cost $20 each. That's not anywhere near the cost a new game typically costs. Plus Re:CoM & BBS can take as much time to fully complete as KH1 & KH2. It was easy to justify the purchase of playing all these games on an HD console.

"These two obstacles are nothing compared to the pressing issue most fans are complaining about – the lack of Xbox One releases"

The only explanation is that Sony got an exclusive deal for all these compilations or Square Enix doesn't think these compilations will sell well enough on Xbox consoles to justify the effort of porting them to the platform.

Razzer2828d ago

There is no reason for Sony to make a deal for these games. Same for World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders, Nioh, etc. These games just don't sell on Xbox.

Lennoxb632828d ago

World of FF and Dragon Quest Builders wouldn't sell well on Xbox I have to admit. But Nioh is right up the alley of Xbox gamers.

2828d ago
r3f1cul2828d ago

how in your mind do you think either nioh or dragon quest builders wouldnt sell well on xbox??? makes no sense to me... nioh is very very very similar in nature to the souls games that always sell well across all platforms and builders is a close enough interest to minecraft .. which ohhhhh yea microsoft owns .... throwing those 2 games out there just kinda blew my mind honestly

butchertroll2827d ago (Edited 2827d ago )

Black Ops 3 didn't sold more on Xbone. You should check NPD from last year. You know, bundles. NPD doesn't include games bundles with PS4. And PS4 won last years holiday.

Btw. according to your logic US = world and that logic is dumb as shit.

If you tracked PAL charts, Black Ops 3 sold more on PS4 by a huge amount over Xbone. So, your statement that Black Ops 3 sold more on Xbone is not RIGHT in any possible way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2827d ago
peewee110162828d ago

The spin-offs sold VERY VERY WEEL BBS-RECODED AND 356... Not that it did not help they wanted to brg in more markets NINTEDO sells very very well. and so does sony.. XBOX on the other hand are focusing on games that appeal to the US/UK they dont care about japan or china matter of fact they gave up.

Razzer2828d ago

Xbox users are typically NOT fans of JRPGs. Not enough "pew pew".

You'll still see major releases on X1, but smaller stuff and remasters? Nope. Fanbase isn't what I would call diverse. So neither are the games.

Lennoxb632828d ago

PS fanbase isn't diverse either. Your highest selling games are "pew pew" games. Your lowest selling games are diverse.

Razzer2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Lowest selling games are just bad games. The games in middle are more diverse on PS. Last year Black Ops 3 on Xbox outsold PS4 version despite PS4 having almost double the number of consoles sold.

Condemnedman2828d ago

what a load of crap you say this like it's true and it a fact look at the best sellers on ps4 and they are pew pew games. stop kidding yourself

Razzer2828d ago

@Condemnedman Sure....focus on the best sellers, but the overall library on PS4 is more diverse. Xbox is dominated with shooter loving gamers. That's why Call of Duty sells more on Xbox despite having a much smaller base. But yeah.....COD and shooters are popular on both....just more so on Xbox. It has been like this for years.

rainslacker2828d ago

PS fan base must be buying the diverse games if they're getting released there. Lots of genres sell less than "pew pew" games, yet they are still popular, and can sustain a large enough potential market to warrant investing money into making games for the system.

fromchildren2828d ago

Even the dead PSVITA has a more diverse library than Xbox one

butchertroll2827d ago (Edited 2827d ago )

PS fanbase is not diverse? Dude, why PS4 has more diverse library, hm?

Btw. PAL territory is very devoted to japanese games. Probably you don't track PAL charts so you don't know nothing. On France, Germany, UK, Spain ( and so on ) charts you can find japanese games for PS4 ( Digimon, Senran Kagura, Tales and so on when those games are released. Some japanese games will not be sold in big numbers on PS4, but on Xbone game will sold much, much less. In abysmal numbers. FF Type-0 sold like shit on Xbone ( around 100k ). On PS4 game sold around million.

Let me tell you something about FFXV :

This is post from one man and he works at Best-buy and has insight in over 50 stores within a 400 mile radius.


"Ffxv has a roughly 8 / 2 split in every store for preorders favoring the man, if not more. And ps4 customers tend to go for the deluxe options a lot more than xb1 versions. One store has more ps4 deluxe preorders than total xb1 preorders."

You see this? Rest of the world will be a bloodbath. Japanese games lovers in Xbone community are in vast minority

DarXyde2827d ago

I'm one of the niche gamers. I say that proudly. I don't own a single "pew pew" game.

I do, however, own most of the Disgaea series.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
2828d ago
Lennoxb632828d ago

Those games in the middle are also low selling games. They sell slightly better than those bad games.

BlackTar1872828d ago

i know right? Thanksfully Sony isn't a company that shuns niche markets right? Those games still are made and profitable because they don't throw out that audience for only BAZZILION seller games.

Razzer2828d ago

What is your data based on?

Lennoxb632828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

"What is your data based on?"

Um... Facts. PS has tons of games that barely exceed or come close to the 100k unit mark in its lifetime.

Razzer2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

"facts". got it

BlackTar1872828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Yea man screw those people. That's why I support Sony cause they don't say screw those people

Trez12342828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

One piece 3, dragon quest heroes, infamous ss, rachet and clank, until dawn , all sold over 1 million ( some of them over 2 mil) and I'm sure there are some more that might suprise you.

You think those games would've sold similar on xbox? It'seems not just Japanese games but it seems that the majority of xbox gamers are more into shooters and its not a bad thing. Sunset override was really hyped if you remember when it came out but I don't know if it has managed to sell 1 mil because it didn't in its first month.

butchertroll2827d ago

Facts from an Xboner, guys!

Chevalier2827d ago

Would love to see these 'facts' with links and numbers. Otherwise your opinion is not 'fact'.


30+ million 360's and huge advantage in the U.S. sold about 1/2 what PS3 sold at launch. PS3 broke a million by week 2.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
DeadManMMX2827d ago (Edited 2827d ago )

That's pretty oversimplified. I've said it before and i'll say it again. JRPG as a genre has not been evolved enough over the last decade and a half. That's why its become more and more niche. Time was I could spend hours grinding all of my characters to 100 in say Final Fantasy 8 (and I did). Now I can maybe do an hour or two a day before i start getting drowsy. Then I sit down with Fallout or Mass Effect or The Witcher and I can literally play for hours no problem. It's because traditional JRPG's rely more on content then they do fundamental game play. Action RPG's being a bit of an exception. Kingdom Hearts would probably do well on any platform you put it on. Especially with the Disney tie ins. The tales series probably wouldn't. Persona is the most compelling JRPG in the game today. Those of us who spent hours playing Chrono Trigger/Chross, Final Fantasy, Xenogears/Xenosaga, Breath of Fire and other classics are dying out and so is the genre.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2827d ago
jerethdagryphon2828d ago

Xbox your first name in online shooters

Show all comments (141)

Kingdom Hearts 3 finally gets Steam Deck Verified after missing out at launch

The first two titles in the trilogy were already Steam Deck Verified, but now Kingdom Hearts III has gotten its coveted green checkmark.


Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"When it comes to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, fans have had a variety of ways to play it throughout its incredibly long length. They could have followed it from 2002’s original release and subsequent questionably canon releases on handheld devices only to return to the core game again with Kingdom Hearts II to find out that yes, they were canon. Then in that wait until the third game the mixture of titles along the way and other numerous platforms would make following Kingdom Hearts‘ story a challenge even for the most eager fan. Square Enix made up for this prior to Kingdom Hearts III’s release by bringing together an HD pack collecting the game’s together in an easier to digest package for fans and releasing them on consoles only for PC fans to be left in the dark. That is of course until all of the games arrived on PC, but not in a way that many had hoped. See, PC users can be a fickle bunch and when the Kingdom Hearts collection arrived on PC exclusively through Epic Games, it may as well not exist. Now, three years after the fact, these same PC players can now enjoy the exact same games on Steam with a bit of extra support including Steam Deck compatibility with Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece. The question is, do all of these games still hold up on their Steam PC ports?"

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Inverno27d ago

Far from a 9, Square have left these games a janky mess since their epic release. Even now they have not said anything about fixing some of the problems that many steam reviews mention. You gotta download the re:fined mod to fix what square refuses to do.


Square Enix’s “Kingdom Hearts” series is now available for PC via Steam

"SQUARE ENIX®’s beloved KINGDOM HEARTS series has launched on Steam®, bringing the iconic RPG series to a whole new world of players. All three collections released today—KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, KINGDOM HEARTS 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and KINGDOM HEARTS III + Re Mind DLC—can be played both on PC and on-the-go on Steam Deck devices, and available at a special discounted price for a limited time*." - Square Enix.

Nerdmaster41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

My main complaint about the series is that it mixes Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters, but they are actually not important at all to the plot. I read summaries and watched videos about the series, even played the music game which tries to summarize the plot of each game, and the Disney and FF stuff are barely mentioned at all.
All the series really is, is an amalgamation of convoluted plots that tries too hard to be mysterious and edgy, with some cameos to attract fans of Disney and FF, who wouldn't care at all about the franchise otherwise.

Heck, even in the trailer above, the Disney/FF characters are... just there.