
Duke Nukem 3D Anniversary Review "Nostalgic Fun or Just Outdated?" | MGL

Neal is less than impressed with another Duke game that is pretty much the original title and it's well past it by today's standards.

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Activemessiah2895d ago

People still play the first Super Mario on NES and no one ever uses the word "outdated"... can you honestly look at a game and say that?

CrimsonWing692895d ago

Yea "outdated" is the wrong word to use for classics. Think of it in terms of film, nobody says an Alfred Hitchcock movie is "outdated" you critique it for the period it was made in and for the innovations/elements that it took to another level. Older games are classics and yes some older games were crap when they released and they are crap now. I don't think it's fair to score a game from waaaaaaaay waaaaaaaay back to today's standards. It'd be like comparing Metroid 1and saying it's terrible and crap because Shadow Complex is a much better game.


Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (Switch) Review | Game Freaks 365

"Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour earns my respect with fluid combat and intricate level design. It’s a fantastic port and a timely reminder of the industry’s past. It showcases the foundations which have propped up the industry for decades, how far we’ve traveled since the post-80s action hero games, and which of the design principles remain useful today," Andrew writes for GF365.

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'Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour' Review | Goomba Stomp

Hail to the king, baby! Duke Nukem’s back and ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and he’s all outta gum.

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Review: Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour (Switch) - Gaming Boulevard

Gaming Boulevard said: This game should be played once in a lifetime as a mandatory thing before playing current FPS games.

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