
Use your Playstation Eye through Remote Play!

PS3-Sense.nl posted a tutorial explaining how to get a live feed from your Playstation Eye on your PSP via Remote Play.

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Voozi5856d ago

Maybe I should write a tutorial on how to connect your bluetooth headset to your PS3 and submit that as news lol

But yea this is like a year old...

Rob0g0rilla5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )

Stat remote play, go to your friends list, start a new chat, and your camera box will pop up.

It's a lot faster too and you can do it any where in the world as long as you have an access point.

Voozi5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )

Yea I know, this site fails lol, not sure how this got approved too...it's a forum post, and on top of that has misguided information as you pointed out, oh and let's not forget the ! in the tittle which shouldn't be there unless it's from an article that's using it.

riderofpl4gues (1) - 15m ago
tocrazed4you (1) - 47m ago
White-Sharingan (1) - 56m ago
Max Power (1) - 1h ago
aiphanes (1) - 1h ago
St0 (1) - 2h ago
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CheesePie5856d ago

Tonnes of people dont know this. Its pretty obvious and free!

HighDefinition5856d ago

My Wife and I use this function constantly.... if you know what I`m saying.

Bathyj5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )

And your PSN ID would be......?

pilotpistolpete5856d ago

I suppose it could made an ok security camera. Keep an eye on the couch and stuff, I guess......make sure no one steals those chips.

Premonition5856d ago

or see if any super natural things happen while your away :(

HighDefinition5856d ago

Use it to keep a eye on my HDTV, PS3, and all the other "ballin" sh!t I got in my house.


HighDefinition5856d ago (Edited 5856d ago )


I like that one.

I might start leaving EyeCreate on at night.

BTW: I can wait for EyeCreate v2

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TheNamelessOne6d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv725d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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