
FIFA 09 Demo Coming Tomorrow

XeNonX are just giving us a heads up that the FIFA 09 demo from EA is coming to the PSN tomorrow.

From the article:
"FIFA fan or not get the demo and try it, all those PES fans who haven't played the last few games are in for a bit of a shock."

Read the full piece over at XeNonX

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rmatott5766d ago

i cant wait to get my hands on this, is this for the US too? or just uk this week?

chasuk085766d ago

Cant wait, but does anyone know when nba live 09 demo comes out ??

5766d ago
cleanhealthy125766d ago

that argue about systems since they have nothing better to do

farhsa20085766d ago

good news but "football" doesnt come out until PES is out

mariusmal5766d ago

yup. fifa is a "soccer" game. PES is a real football game :D

the_gaming_guy5766d ago

What's that, Pro Evolution SOCCER?...SOCCER? fail.

PopEmUp5766d ago

time they make me buy it cause 08 still haven't move me, until then football is PES

Infinite-Ammo5766d ago

Looking forward to playing this.

The NBA Live 09 demo should come out in a couple of weeks I should think.

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Is Anybody Out There?

GamingLives mourns the decline of socialising in online games and explores why.

" If an individual wants to include a social side to their gaming, they must now do so in dedicated communities, gaming clans and guilds, or by restricting themselves to their own friendship groups. No longer can it be found in our everyday experiences of the games we play online."

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TotalSynthesisX4162d ago

The reason why no one chats in-game anymore is because of three types of people:
1) The assholes that take the game too seriously and insult anyone that's better or worse than them,
2) The trolls that do nothing but teamkill or play loud, obnoxious music through the mic, and
3) The prepubescent snot-nosed children that are a mix of everything above.

If gamers actually had respect for one another and did their best to keep a clean competitive online environment, then maybe more people would be willing to plug their mics in. The odds of that ever happening, though? Slim. Very slim. It's a fact that being an anonymous entity online gives people a scapegoat to be immature; it gives them a mask to hide behind, and it's common for gamers to abuse that anonymity. Half of the stuff gamers say to each other while playing a game, they would never say face-to-face. Try going up to a random person at a gas station or shopping mall and call them a "d***-sucking f***** n*****" or talk about their mother. Odds are they'd deck you in an instant. But online? There's nothing they can do. It's essentially a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

It's a sad reality, but that's just the way it is -- and as much as we want it to change, it probably never will.


Football games: Worth every penny or a total con?

TGC writes: There are those that like to argue whether you are a Fifa gamer or a Pro Evolution Soccer gamer. I’m going to take it one step further and say your either a football gamer or a non football gamer. The fact of the matter is a new game comes out every year with possibly the slightest difference from the previous game and they release it onto the shelves in quantities thinking that they’ve made something new and improved. I really think they should hold a prize for anyone who can spot the difference between FIFA 09 and FIFA10 because I’m really struggling.

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showtimefolks4338d ago

I use to buy every sports game I was interested in madden,MLB,nba and wwe along few others and I remember buying playing for few days than thinking why I paid full price for this. Than one year about 4 years ago I said no more and I have never bought another sports game at launch sometimes I do buy me when they $20 on craiglist of sale but that's barely

IMO sports games don't do enough to justify a fully price and that's just my opinion

If 2k can sell nfl 2k5 for $19.99 and make a profit than why are games today with less content are selling for full 60? No wonder why EA ran to nfl and bought the exclusive rights


Sports games shuld be every 2 years and in between dlc and more updates and stuff like tournaments

berndogskate4338d ago

If people are willing to buy them then whats the problem? i think its cod or mw123 you should be talking about, the new pes and fifa look good this year.


The Scourge Of Odd Numbered Gamerscore

There's no doubting that Gamerscore has been a phenomenal success for this generation of consoles. Microsoft's scoring system has proven to be an addictive mechanism that has incentivised gamers to keep playing even when a game is completed. So much was its success, that Sony even got into the act with the belated introduction of Trophies.

But if there's one thing we hate more than anything else, it's those odd-numbered achievements that mess up your score. Here's our pick of five of the offenders

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