
PSVR Price Will Put PlayStation in Market Lead, Devs Claim

Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are the more powerful VR options for virtual reality, and both have already launched for consumers. PlayStation VR is the cheaper option that releases in a few weeks, but developers have said that it’s this low price point that will keep PlayStation VR ahead of its competitors.

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UltraNova2803d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

We knew this already... Sony will single handedly propel VR to new heights since PSVR will be the mainstream VR choice. Lets hope VR is here to stay so we can have even better tech(fully wireless, even higher FOV, FPS and resolutions) and full game/experiences support.

Edit: @ G20WLY

Yes I guess 120fps should be more than enough provided there are no dips and or frame pacing issues.

I have tried both the Vive and PSVR lately and I can attest to PSVR's superiority in the fit/comfort department. Actually its miles ahead...Sony knows their hardware and it shows.

As for PSVR's launch line up I can confidently say its perhaps the best of any console accessory or even consoles themselves I have ever seen! ( Disclaimer: I've seen them all).

2 weeks to go people, VR is coming to the living room!

ArchangelMike2803d ago

This is also why I think it is important to support VR in it's infancy. If there is no return on the initial investment for these companies, then there won't the incentive to innovate and take the technology further. I'm glad Sony decided to make the jump and commit to VR R&D early on, how else will we ever get to the wireless 4K VR headsets if we don't support VR at it's grass roots .

G20WLY2803d ago (Edited 2803d ago )

I agree with everything you said, but I don't think FPS is something they will need to improve really. They'll all be 90-120FPS anyway, which should fine I'd have thought? I'm not sure we'd benefit from much higher.

I just hope that years down the line, in future iterations with all the increased tech, they don't take their eye off of the form factor, the weight and the comfort. These are areas that the PSVR blows it's far more expensive competitors out of water.

One thing's for certain; the launch line up is VERY impressive and far more diverse than I thought a VR platform would receive. There are great showcases, like Batman and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, fully fledged multiplayer titles like RIGS: Mechanised Combat League and Battlezone, bite-sized party games like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and The Playroom VR and even awesome looking single player experiences like How We Soar and The Deep!

All that without even factoring huge hitters like Driveclub VR and up coming megatons like Resident Evil 7 and GT Sport!

Get's my day one support without a doubt. :o)

S2Killinit2802d ago

Yeah there are 50 games releasing before Christmas alone.

sammarshall1022802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

It's good to see such enthusiasm for VR but unfortunately the timing is wrong and it isn't catching on with the mainstream like it needs to

Gear VR along with Vive and Oculus are already deflated when it comes to buzz sure it's neat for a few weeks then people don't want to use them anymore

@BlackTar187 Days Gone and Spiderman look like awesome games from Sony. PSVR won't be a long term focus

BlackTar1872802d ago

What you doubting a Sony product? No way!!!!

nitus102802d ago

Well, there is always cinema mode which allows the VR wearer to view a movie, show or normal game on a huge virtual screen. By doing this you could breathe new life into your games.

One of the major problems with a shared TV (typical family or household environment) is the fact that not all members of the household will want to play a particular game or watch a particular show so you end up with conflicts which in the case of families are hopefully not that confrontational. To resolve possible conflicts you could get separate TV's but this may not be an optimal solution, however it may be possible that a PS4 or PS4 pro plus PSVR and camera may be a reasonable cheap solution to conflicts over the TV.

Of course, anyone who considers what I just said should do their homework. What may work for some may not work for you and vice versa.

Fatal-Aim2802d ago


An additional screen is one of my second biggest reasons for wanting the HMD. Not only is this solution more mobile and compact when going on vacations -- especially hotels and camping trips, but it will definitely eliminate the need for fighting over the main television set wherever it is being used. Did I mention that it does VR, too?

Taero2802d ago

I don't think that you can take products that are $600-$800 and require a $1000 + PC (only 8 million possible customers at the time of the Vives release worldwide) and extrapolate it to a $400 investment with a ready customer base of 40 million people worldwide.

DigitalRaptor2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

Sounds like you've realised how wrong you were about PSVR previously. It's time to lay low until Microsoft decides to do another 180 with Scorpio, and convince you and the rest of their fanbase that VR is the future, and within a split second of Phil Spencer doing the E3 dance, you become believers in VR, just like you became believers that increased resolution matters, just 4 years too late.

In a few days, Sony fans will already be making the plunge, thanks to the deep and passionate commitment from this company, to the future of how games can be played and how we can be immersed in the experience. Great games on their way, with FAR more than Oculus or Vive or Gear VR ever had on launch day, and with the flow to continue with rather significant (and polished) entries in rather massive series in Resident Evil and Gran Turismo. A mix of perfect arcade experiences and ambitious fully fledged games, all with the home console sensibilities.

Gear VR is cool entry-level VR that will never impress consumers quickly or effectively enough to gain a sustainable audience. Oculus and Vive are already too expensive and require ridiculously expensive PC hardware to function, and it seems that there are no big system sellers for either of them.

PSVR is a different case to the other VR solutions for a multitude of reasons that have already been discussed. It has the Sony software support and curation behind it in ways that the other guys don't. Sony does business differently to the rest of these VR companies because they have internal studios and better third-party connections and deals. Then if you factor in price, and Sony's ability to market to the mainstream, and you have runaway success.

The situation you are about to see unfold is in no way comparable to PCVR or mobile VR.

rainslacker2802d ago

Samsung is the only company that's marketing it to the mainstream with Gear VR. OR and Vive are not marketed to the main stream, so it's no wonder that a rather gimmicky mobile version isn't lighting up people's interest, since people in that space aren't buying gaming products for gaming purposes.

Sony will be marketing to the mainstream though.

It's not about timing, it's about getting people interested in the product. Any time can be good for VR, but without customer awareness, it won't catch on.

The reason the buzz around OR and Vive have died down is because it was never priced as a mass consumer product, but rather a niche product for a niche crowd, that required niche hardware power.

When Sony starts throwing up PSVR commercials on prime time TV, and really pushing the product, things will change....assuming they have a good marketing campaign. It's going to be a hot product for the holidays, because there is no real other new tech out there to get excited about. Literally, there is no actual new tech this holiday to get people excited that like such things.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2802d ago
nitus102802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

Most VR games require the person using it to either be seated or standing but with wireless you can move around and it should not take much imagination to guess what would happen if this were the case. 😉

King_Lothric2802d ago

I hope that PSVR evolve and with time it works like the NerveGear in Sword Art Online.

rainslacker2802d ago

I think the marketing will play a more important role than the price when it comes to VR adoption...although being the cheapest option outside the mobile space, certainly will make it attractive.

Sony is already set to market VR to the mainstream, whereas OR and Vive are keeping it mostly to the hardcore.

Samsung has GearVR which they are marketing as well, so it'll likely even sell better than OR or Vive.

When it comes to actual customer awareness, Sony is about to set themselves firmly in the driver seat as the company driving VR adoption. This is something that they will benefit from going forward, and will certainly help their market lead, and thus bring them more support.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2802d ago
UCForce2803d ago

i think it will push the market.

2803d ago Replies(1)
MasterCornholio2803d ago (Edited 2803d ago )

Well PSVR does have a market of over 43 million potential customers. And the price of 400$ will help it.

sammarshall1022802d ago

That's too high for a peripheral. If it was a standalone it might've done a little better but Vive and Oculus have showed that VR won't take off

Someday VR will be great and unbelievable but not with its limits today

UCForce2802d ago

Nope. It will pay off. Positive feedback do show PSVR has advantages over these two.

nitus102802d ago

If the PSVR is a peripheral then so is a TV set.

Please show me a cheap TV (HD or UHD) that has a screen of up to 5m (16.4ft) in the diagonal. The PSVR can do that as a virtual screen although admittedly it is 1080p but if you adjust the headpiece you can make it appear that you are sitting back at about 6m (20ft) and at that distance it is kind of hard for the average person to distinguish 1080p from 4k

JackBNimble2802d ago


Let the dam thing release before you doom it.

thenerdiestcool2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

Vive and Oculus don't compare. The customer base is way too small and their prices are way too high. They haven't proven anything. You'll find out in the coming months just how real this VR thing is. Just wait.

Oh, and just so everyone knows...PSVR is basically a TV. I've had it in my home and spent many hours with it. Anything you can do on your PS4 can be viewed through the headset itself. It doesn't even have to be plugged into a TV at all. I watched NFL Red Zone on it for 2 hours. It was dope.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2802d ago
DillyDilly2803d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

PSVR is for those with a PS4 already. Nobodys gonna spend over $1000 for a PS4, PSVR & anything else neeeded especially with the Holidays coming & I highly doubt enough of the masses will be out there wanting a PSVR for Christmas

Kokyu2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

I agree with you. PC VR isnt doing so well as it is and they have porn already, for those that dont understand why porn is important when VHS and BetaMax where slugging it out in the days of VCR's Porn went VHS and that pretty much propelled VHS into the winners circle.

FunAndGun2802d ago

There was also not internet porn at your fingertips at any moment when the VHS/Beta battle took place.

DefenderOfDoom22802d ago

The combination of the PS3, the movie industry and the adult movie industry, also helped BLU RAY beat out HD DVD.

EasilyTheBest2802d ago

The porn industry had absolutely nothing to do with why VHS won over Betamax. It's something what keeps coming up but was never true in the first place...

Raven7222802d ago

Sure. I can imagine that most people who purchase PSVR this year will be those who already have a PS4. That's several tens of millions of potential buyers based on that alone. I'm not sure why you seem to think that the holidays will be a time when people don't spend a lot of money. That's typically what they do.

Also, the total price tag is not over $1,000. You can get a PS4 Slim, the PS4 Camera, PSVR, and a full priced game for a little over $800. Even if you wanted the PS4 Pro instead, you're still coming in at over $900. So depending on what you're willing to spend, it's still going to be $100 to $200 cheaper than you're claiming.

There does not need to be "masses" of people lining up for PSVR. VR is going to be a slow burn to success or failure. It's a difficult product to advertise so personal experience and word of mouth are going to be what determines the fate of modern VR. The point being made here is that PSVR is in a better position than Rift or Vive were when they launched. The prediction is that PSVR will outsell the other big VR products by a considerable margin. That will help put Sony in the driver seat.

Now, whether or not that ends up being the driver seat of a car that ultimately wrecks is anyone's guess right now.

Omran2802d ago

Ps4 slim for 299 and vr for 399 from where u get the 1000 dollars ?!

299+399 = 698

XanderZane2802d ago

Why would anyone buy the PS4 Slim. He's probably talking about the PS4 Pro, which is the system you want with the PSVR. After you get some games and the controller and add tax, it will be about $1000.


Have fun buying all that stuff. Probably better off getting this bundle.


I'll pass until next year.

captainexplosion2802d ago

Why do people keep saying that PSVR is $400. It's $500.

Lilrizky2802d ago

Isn't that how much an occulus or vive costs on its own? Lol

ninsigma2802d ago

Eeeeh it's especially because of Christmas that more people will buy it. It's the time of year people are more willing to part with cash! Also, with the slim being psvr compatible and costing 300 dollars, it's 760 dollars to get both (including camera).

Red_Renegade2802d ago

but the others would cost even more than that.

S2Killinit2802d ago

I DID. I already had a PS4, but i bought PSVR and the PS4Pro (at the same time) So there are some people who do that.

Besides its the holidays, you can have others buy it for you. Lol tis the season after all.

sammarshall1022802d ago

This. VR might even do well in its initial launch window but it'll fade away by 2018 that's a little over a year until people see AAA games won't be created for it only demo-like experiences

DigitalRaptor2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

You keep saying so, in a weird little wisp of hopefulness.

The thing is Sam, you're rarely right about anything you make claim of, and our "conversations" prove it 9 times out of 10. It's funny, but I can almost sense the moment when you and your buddies flip-flop so hard within seconds once Phil Spencer does the E3 dance for Scorpio and VR integration.

rainslacker2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

I think I see the problem you might be having here. You relate all sales of PS products to how the Xbox console sales. New hardware sees a flash, then fades over time.

It makes sense now. Makes me appreciate your comments more, although you can't seem to look outside your own frame of reference.

Makes me wonder though, why aren't you going around saying that the Scorpio will see great sales initially, then fade away into obscurity? Would make you more consistent. In other places, you seem to be all about how great the Scorpio will sell, and will somehow be a huge success for the long term.

Can't you just admit that you have no idea how it'll sell, or at least consider that you may be wrong with your assumptions? I mean, I'd wager even most people here saying it'll do fine could concede that it could indeed flop hard. I mean, I was wrong about the PSTV, and I could be wrong about PSVR....but at least I don't dismiss it based on my feels. Most just prefer to remain optimistic, while you go on at length about how bad it's going to be.

Lilrizky2802d ago

Well I'm buying a psvr and ps4 pro which is even more expensive. So your comment is already invalid SOMEONE is going to buy both out there

rainslacker2802d ago

I'm sure some might take that plunge if they find it compelling enough. People spend a lot of money on things at times, and $1000 isn't that much to some people.

I think PSVR will be a highly desired product for the holidays due to Sony's marketing to come, and it being the most compelling consumer level tech to really get excited about.

Kind of depends on the general media reception of the device though, as they can doom it to fail if they want to make it seem like the worst thing ever.

I mean, to liken it to another example, a lot of people assume that people are going to buy an X1S, and a 4K TV, just because it is capable, so I don't see why a VR headset couldn't compel people to spend money.

In any case, there are over 40 million potential customers out there for VR right now, with no reason to upgrade or buy a PS4 to experience VR. All they need is the headset, and the games. That should be enough to get people going.

However, I do agree with your general sentiment that most people wouldn't procure both PSVR and a PS4 at the same time. In that vein, I think the success and ultimate sales of PSVR will be a long game, trying to compel people to get the device at some point after getting a PS4.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2802d ago
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Jingsing77d ago

It could be free and it wouldn't matter at this point. There isn't really a PCVR Market and I say that as a PCVR user. It is modders and enthusiasts with a few retail products on Steam.


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GamerLov3221d ago

At least for now I prefer the real life parties lol

FinalFantasyFanatic220d ago

I'm pretty sure everyone is going to the VR chat Halloween Party already.