
Top 10 Games Releasing October 2016

October is looking to be a huge month with a number of Triple A titles making up the release schedule. This month we included a Beta (For obvious reasons).

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BlotGamingCEO2915d ago

Oh daaammmnnn good catch! That one actually should have been on there. Should get you to check all my future ones haha.

phoenixwing2914d ago

world of final fantasy? it may be a vita/ps4 hybrid but i'm definitely looking forward to it

bouzebbal2914d ago

Same here, that's my number one this month.

BlotGamingCEO2914d ago

Oh nice pick! Definitely worthy of a spot.

phoenixwing2914d ago

same for me, there are just so many games releasing from now and into the beginning of next year that I had to just buy my favorite jrpg games basically besides horizon zero dawn

BlotGamingCEO2914d ago

Oh damn. We cannot WAIT for Horizon Zero Dawn. We're literally gagging for it. Looks to be an amazing game.

phoenixwing2914d ago

It looks good and I'm kind of intrigued by the plot. I still harbor thoughts that Aloy is a cyborg xD and that's going to be the big reveal lol

Darkfist_Flames2914d ago (Edited 2914d ago )

Warhammer: End Times Vermintide, Shadow Warrior 2 and world of final fantasy for me :)

BlotGamingCEO2914d ago

This guy knows what's up haha. How good does Shadow Warrior 2 look!

shammgod2914d ago

Mafia 3 and rise of tomb raider

BlotGamingCEO2914d ago

Fair call on Mafia 3. Meeeehhhhmaybe on Rise ;)

shammgod2914d ago

Regardless, I will be broke the rest of the year

BlotGamingCEO2914d ago

Jesus you're not kidding. One month and all these releasing? Empty pocket syndrome coming up.

WellyUK2914d ago (Edited 2914d ago )

Think warhammer vermintide might be a bit of a sleeper hit can't go wrong with a L4D style warhammer game. Played it on pc but tempted to grab the ps4 version to play with some friends.

BlotGamingCEO2914d ago

Agreed! There's a few sleepers in October that we're curious about. And there's a ton next year coming that I think will blow us away.

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Titanfall 2 Is Still The Smartest FPS Of The Last Decade

The best shooter campaign since Half-Life 2 still hasn't been topped eight years later.

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Leeroyw139d ago

I agree with this. The time travel mechanics. The sense of scale. The relationship with your mech. The bosses all had personalities. It's a wonderful game.

139d ago
mastershredder138d ago

Yeah it was good, but it only did the time travel bit in one level. Dishonered 2 did the same thing. Now how about a game where it's implemented throughout the gameplay? Singularity says Hello (and deserves so much more recognition).


The block-building RPG "Dragon Quest Builders" is now available for PC via Steam

"SQUARE ENIX today released "DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS" on PC via STEAM®. The PC version includes upgraded crafting features and the “Terra Incognita” DLC at no additional cost." - Square Enix.

TheColbertinator220d ago

They should have brought 2 since it is a much more complete experience


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Fluke_Skywalker225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger225d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183225d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia225d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.