
DESYNC Hands-On Impressions | The Zero Review

Ben from The Zero Review reflects on his experience with DESYNC from Adult Swim Games.

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Steam Winter Sale 2019: 5 Challenging Games Worth Checking Out Under INR 250/7.5$

Pratyush writes- "Are you into hard games? Do you prefer banging your head over and over if you are not able to get through a segment of a game till you bleed out and suffer from irreversible brain damage? Are you someone who thinks that challenge is a justification for existence? Well, for such people like myself, here is a list of a few games that might keep you occupied/entertained if you are looking for some satiating those sadistic needs. These will also cost you less than a meal at a local Dhaba (Restaurant), so there’s that too."

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Desync Review | Quarter to Three

Tom Chick - "If you’re interested in big-budget score-based shootering, Epic re-released Bulletstorm this year. Remember Bulletstorm, which was like The Club, but with marketing? The re-release even has a new set of challenges to flex the gameplay a little. Knock yourself out. But if you’d rather emphasize “score-based” over “big budget” and “marketing”, Desync is your better bet."

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Desync Review (PC) - GlitchFreeGaming

The time spent in Desync will be a mixture of sheer frustration, annoyance and that "get in" enjoyment when you score a kill.

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