Coded Arms: Assault Screenshots

Some more Coded Arms: Assault (PS3) Screenshots. Coded Arms Assault lets players unleash high levels of destruction on environments, using explosions to send deadly debris flying towards their opponents and strategically using high-powered weaponry to shoot out enemy cover. Multiplayer modes let players go head-to-head and also play through the game's story mode cooperatively online.

andy capps6616d ago

Looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to learning more about the story and seeing more screenshots and some videos.

omansteveo6616d ago

This game looks cool but i keep thinking about how the psp game sucked so bad...who knows though..maybe they can actually make this version fun

Fuzz McDeath6616d ago looks almost as good as Halo 2 and about half as good as Perfect Dark Zero....Hope they plan on adding a lot of polish to this game. Specially with shooters like Gears of War, Halo 3, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Brothers in Arms 3, COD 3, Killzone 2 (or is it 3? Whenever it comes out) - the shooter market is full of great games - gonna be hard to stand out.

achira6616d ago

you should buy glasses ignorant xrat.

sonyISgod6616d ago

this game is only 15% complete, get your fact str8, and you are right about it looking better most of your complete 360 titles. ahaha now that is just sad... ahhah

PS360PCROCKS6616d ago

Your the ignorant one, he named a bunch of PS3 games as well...Rainbow 6: Vegas, Brothers in Arms 3, COD 3, Killzone why r u knocking him for his opinion...

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5 PlayStation Exclusives That Were Cancelled and Forgotten

Jonathan wrote: As a gamer, the most heart-breaking moment for me is when a company announces a cancellation of a game. Building that hype the first time we saw from the trailers down to the gameplay and their release dates, then suddenly was cancelled due to some major or even minor issues are a shitty moment that I really …

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gangsta_red2543d ago

Developers cancel games!? This can't be right?

Lol, every one of these lists always seem to have Thrill Kill on it, I think we can find more recent games than just that old one.

XisThatKid2542d ago

Besides Thrill kill was fun but Wu Tang Shao Lin style (the game it eventually became) was a way better game.
Was 2Days to Vegas going to be an exclusive?

FallenAngel19842543d ago

I'm surprised Deep Down doesn't just get announced to be cancelled at this point

jobboy2542d ago

My greatest complaint... i'd loved to play that game :(

nveenio2541d ago

Yeah, I had been excited about Deep Down, but it's biggest thrill for me was the tech, which is too far aged at this point. Not sure how they would make it appeal to me again when games like Bloodborne exist.

LP-Eleven2542d ago

Some said the same of The Last Guardian. I'd give it more time before writing it off.

2542d ago
LP-Eleven2542d ago (Edited 2542d ago )

@ Woolly_: I suggest you go infest other articles, pal. Majority of your posts are an absolute waste of time.

freshslicepizza2542d ago

The Last Guardian was written off for me and every other PS3 owner. Not sure what the status is of Dreams but it also seems to be MIA.

However Sony has the luxury to carry on with tons of other games.

FinalFantasyFanatic2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

Considering the amount of time, I did consider it a dead game at the time, I think most people had little expectation of it actually getting released. Having said that I haven't played it yet since I only got some new games this week. As for the other games of this list, haven't even heard of any of them except Silent Hills/PT (I really wished they had released that).

LP-Eleven2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

@moldy: For you, I'm sure. But please don't lump yourself in with reasonable PS3 owners. You have no idea what "every owner" thought and you would find something negative to say even if Sony paid your bills. So stop.

@ FinalFantasy: I didn't. And that's my point, don't make assumptions based on silence. The Last Guardian is just an example.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2541d ago
rainslacker2542d ago

I don't think it's been officially cancelled has it?

Probably has been, or at least put on hold.

LP-Eleven2542d ago

Nah, it hasn't been cancelled. Last I heard, there was some development hurdles to get over for Capcom, but it was still chuggin' along.

MagicBeanz2542d ago

lol, completely forgot about that game, which is a shame cause it looked good.

jeremyj29132542d ago

I really wish they would say something about that damn game. I'm sick of getting my hopes up during every gaming event just to end up disappointed. It would be better if they would just let us kno it has been scrapped or something. I really want to kno what happened to the Panta Rhei engine that the game was being developed with.

subtenko2541d ago

like the last gaurdi-......

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Thatguy-3102543d ago

They need to bring eight days back

Ashlen2542d ago

They list 5 games only one of them was from a Sony studio and 3 of them were from prior generations. And one of the PS4 games was so obscure i hadn't even heard of it. And the other one was PT which was a Konami thing.

xX-oldboy-Xx2542d ago

But the headline can read "5 PLAYSTATION GAMES THAT WERE CANCELLED" - it's only to give uninformed trolls more ammunition.

A certain company has console releasing soon, expect to see misinformation.

PlayStation_52542d ago

No one will ever be able to forget P.T., no matter how hard they try...

I'm probably one of only a few thousand people that has this horror masterpiece on both the original PS4 and PS4 Pro, including multiple backups on external hard drives just to ensure that this "game" lasts forever. FucKonami! : )

Knushwood Butt2541d ago

How can I move it from my ps4 to my Pro ?

yellowgerbil2541d ago

Not to ruin your day... but you might wanna try playing you copy of pt...

PlayStation_52541d ago

@Knushwood Butt

@yellowgerbil (that's been up Knushwood's Butt)

That's bullshit! Not only does P.T. still work perfectly, but you can even re-download it with a proxy server...

Angeljuice2541d ago

My copy erased itself entirely. I thought I was losing my mind until others stated the same.

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Ethereal2542d ago

I don't think Silent Hills was forgotten. Many games have been inspired by it's vision and not to mention many still have the P.T. demo. It lives on in other games.

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PS3 vaporware of past Tokyo Game Shows

With Tokyo Game Show merely days away, everyone is anticipating the announcement of new games. Rumors have been flying from all corners of the internet, with whisperings that fan favorite franchises like Legend of Dragoon, Suikoden, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia, Kingdom Hearts and more may make an appearance at TGS 2009. And while PS3Center is definitely looking forward to whatever new reveals take place at the show later this week, PS3Center would also love to hear more on titles that have been announced at previous Tokyo Game Shows but have been deathly silent ever since.

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shadowfox5421d ago

Rainy Woods definitely looks a little dated now, but I would be downright shocked if we didn't hear at least a little bit about it at TGS. MMV has been talking about switching their efforts over to the PS360 ever since their Wii games have been flopping left and right, so it would make sense for Rainy Woods to make it's grand reappearance here.

Dragun6195421d ago (Edited 5421d ago )

Theres actually quite alot more vaporware titles out there.

Fifth Phantom Saga
Rainy Woods
Steambot Chronicles 2
Coded Arms Assault
Redwood Falls

I hope developers put most of these games back in development than putting them on hold especially now that the PS3 is @ $299. Would like to Redwood Falls (Zombie Game) back into development.

Edit: @colossi16
Really?, Well thats good to hear, from the looks of it, it could be a good action game.

FrankFoxJaegar5421d ago

Theres a reason the majority of those games are vaporware... they don't look impressive at all...

Raoh5421d ago

wasn't there a licensing issue with rainy woods and twin peaks?

colossi165421d ago

The wardevil site says there would be a reveal in october.

Snoogins5421d ago

I'm not going to hold my breath for Wardevil. All of the controversy surrounding its existence leads me to believe it was nothing more than vaporware. I know people are looking forward to it, but it'd be best to just forget about it until something concrete and public surfaces.

Raoh5421d ago

Ohhhh... colossi16 .. sooo naive..

don't you know Wardevil was a game our parents used to tell us about at night to make us go to sleep with smiles on our faces..

after time we grew up and realized that it was but a myth, a childrens story.. like santa clause, the easter bunny or a nigerian check that would actually clear..

wardevil does not exist.. allow this old man's childhood memories to drift away in peace and never mention it again..

stonecold35421d ago

i was looking forward to that game as well nothing been mentioned since e3 2005 now 4 years later nothing still has been mentioned about it

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Cancelled Preview: Coded Arms: Assault

SCRAWL: "Konami's Coded Arms: Assault was intended to be the sequel to the PSP shooter, Coded Arms. However, the game was cancelled with no real reason given. Konami simply stated that "There are no current plans to bring Coded Arms: Assault to the PS3 at this time"."

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