
Amazon opens preorders for Battlezone, DriveClub VR, EVE: Valkyrie and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Amazon has opened preorders and revealed the box arts for four PlayStation VR launch games: Battlezone, DriveClub VR, EVE: Valkyrie and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

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captainexplosion2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

Battlezone VR looks awesome but I thought it was like a $20 game. Not $60. Doesn't even have competitive MP.

Wallstreet372828d ago

Thought it would be like 40, 60 seems steep considering DC is only 40 and is more of a AAA release.

GryestOfBluSkies2828d ago

i wasnt expecting $60 either, but it does seem to have a good feature set. full single player and co-op campaigns. i have amazon credit i was saving specifically for VR games so i put my preorder in for battlezone.

Wallstreet372828d ago

The date is so close. Can't wait to try DC VR, Rigs, Robinson and few other games.

Lilrizky2828d ago

Battlezone does have a pretty extensive and deep campaign though with 4 player co-op and a range of different tanks and customisation options


Battlezone Retro Arcade vs Atari 2600 vs Atari 5200

Another day and another Retro Arcade vs Retro Console video.

How did Battlezone convert to home console? Vector graphics were next to impossible to create on the the consoles from the 80's. So we take a look on how they did it and if it was successful.

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Ozzy2407715d ago

PSVR version has the original vector game in it. Plays great in VR


The Best VR Racing Games and Simulators

BY RICK MARSH: Video games are meant to be immersive. They encourage us to act like footballers, spies, assassins, and a wealth of other characters. VR takes this escapism even further, offering a level of realism that offers near-total immersion. As well as providing the opportunity for some of the most entertaining games around, VR also has a host of real-world applications.

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ApocalypseShadow1902d ago

One of the best reasons for VR:simulators.

But you would think something as easy as Need for Speed: No Limits VR could be ported to PSVR, Quest, PC VR,etc. to make it even better without the drift. Nope. It's EA. Those lazy bums. No wonder I boycott them.

Jakens1901d ago

It would be great if we get GTR 3 and the newest Assetto to home consoles and with VR support.


Guide: The 50 Best PSVR Games You Can Play Right Now

Pure PlayStation: If you woke up to a brand new PSVR headset on Christmas morning then you’ll no doubt be wanting some advice on what to play. Well, unless you already did your due diligence.

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ApocalypseShadow2003d ago

Games are subjective I guess. But this list is weak. Some of the titles named aren't that good. I could have came up with a better list. And some of the best and latest releases aren't even on this list.

Article could have been better.